Fascinating Documentary “The People Paradox” Essay Example
I felt like this film The People Paradox was very interesting and informative. I never knew that the population in India was becoming higher than that of China. I have always thought that China was the most overpopulated country. This film explains the increase and decrease of the birth rate in several different countries.
The first country that the movie spoke of is India. The film states that Indias population is rapidly growing and will soon pass China as the world???s most overly populated country, with over a billion and a half people.China has always been known as the country that is extremely crowded because of the overpopulation. Chinas population as of January 2013 is at 1,354,040,000, which still makes it the most overpopulated country in the world, but India
...is not that far behind with a population of 1,210,193,422 (Population in China 2013, 2013).
The Chinese government has tried to help with trying to sustain the population by implementing a one child rule. The one child rule basically is when a family is not allowed to have more than one child. This leads to the next issue, womens health and rights.In a perfect world there would be a family that consists of at least two children, a boy and a girl, but in India that is not the case. Women are being forced to have boys by their families. If they are pregnant and if they are carrying a girl, many women is forced to have an abortion or even miscarry all because it is not a boy.
In Asian culture, it is common for the families to have a boy because the boy is the caretake
of the family when he is older. He will take care of his family as for the girl she is to be married off to another family and is no longer the responsibility of her birth family.Read an essay about a women are even beaten if they are not producing male children. According to the film, in India, women average about five children in their lifetime and in order for the population to become stabilized the life of women has to improve. Meaning allowing women to have the right to choose to continue to have children just to get a boy or not.
Although most of the children that these women have barely live to reproductive age because of disease and lack of vaccinations, these women continue to have children so that they can appease their elders.Many women also are etting killed in India by being burned alive because they are not having boys. According the film millions of females are being aborted, leaving India with 35 million fewer women than men. Another issue that was mentioned in the film is chronic water shortage in a vast number of towns and villages. The water shortage is making it very difficult to expand food production at a time when the population is projected to grow by another half billion by 2050.
According to the text, about 1,000 tons of water is required to produce 1 ton of grain (44).One country that is facing a decline in fertility and population that the film talked about was Japan. Japans population is shrinking and expected to shrink by half, with one out of every three people retired. This is happening because the
increase in unmarried youth that are living with their parents while they are pursuing careers and other interests besides getting married. Many women in Japan are trying to become successful in careers and do not have time for a family.So many companies feel as if women that have children are a burden and is not a good candidate for work because they will not be focused on work, but instead family.
Another country that is having problems with fertility and population is sub-Saharan Africa, despite the high death rates from AIDS. This region is one of the fastest growing regions in the world, with women averaging around six children each. So many women and girls that have reached reproductive age are being raped or selling sex for money or food to take care of their families.These women and young girls are risking themselves to the AIDS virus. Six to nine percent of all Kenyans are infected with HIV-AIDS, causing life expectancy to plummet from 65 to 49 years.
With the growing epidemic of HIV-AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, there are so many people dying from the incurable disease leaving millions of children to become orphans. The epidemic is growing rapidly in women. So fast that women who are married are getting infected much quicker than women that are single.With more family planning and women who want to have the right to choose to have children or not the population in these different countries can become better than it is now. The population in countries that is overly populated can benefit more if they allow the women to become more independent, using birth control, and not be so strict
on the sex of the child they have.
Although many countries that has seen a decline in population, due to the amount of women deciding to work, the population in the world would be stable if the other countries that are having problems with overpopulating could follow their lead.
Works Cited
- http://www.worldpopulationreview.com/population-of-china/
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