Panama Canal essay test notes

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Give details for bulding the canal was important.
it helped goods travel between places faster.
What are the positive facts that support bulding the canal? Give 3 ex.
gives jobs to locals, helps military, and helped get Panama their independence.
Who benefits from this route and what is it used for?
any country that needs to ship goods and raw materials to the west coast of north and South America, and it's used for shipping goods
what did workers have to go thru to complete the canal?
they had to go through mosquitos giving diseases and natural disasters caused by lots of rain.
Who started the construction and who finished it?
the French started the canal. They already built another canal which gave them confidence to build this one, they built it for money. They went bankrupt and left. The US took control because they built the railroad there so they thought they could do the canal because they already worked there. They first flooded the area, and dammed it off so it was flooded, then continued to build the canal from there.
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