PAMO NALCOMIS – Flashcards
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Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) is an automated information system that provides aviation maintenance and material management with timely, accurate and complete information on which to base daily decisions. It is a single, integrated, real-time automated system that supports workers, supervisors and managers. NALCOMIS features an automated source data entry device for simplifying and improving data collection, while also furnishing a means to satisfy the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) requirements.
What are the 3 configurations of NALCOMIS?
The NALCOMIS application has three configurations: OMA-Organizational Maintenance Activity IMA-Intermediate Maintenance Activity OIMA-Organizational at the Intermediate Maintenance Activity
What is SERMIS?
SERMIS = Support Equipment Resources Management Information system. A collection of technical and cataloging data identifying SE end items required for O-Level, I-Level, and D-Level aircraft maintenance. SERMIS provides the Support Equipment Controlling Authority (SECA) with online visibility of source, allowance, inventory and rework data to aid in inventory control. SERMIS is the repository of master data for printing IMRL's and provides in-use asset visibility to higher authority.
What is LAMS?
LAMS = Local Asset Management System. An automated maintenance information system which provides standardized local management of IMRL assets through the use of bar code technology (when available). It provides for an accurate wall-to-wall inventory, which can be accomplished by unit personal, resolution in significant reductions of manpower expenditure san dope rational disruptions. Once implemented, LAMS uses the SE Transaction Report as the source document, therefore, it is compatible with SERMIS. It is designed to interface with existing and scheduled SE management programs.
What is SEATS?
ALSS consists of the components, techniques, and training required to ensure aircrews maintain an optimal flight environment. ALSS also provides flight personnel with maximum functional capability through all environments and enhances safe and reliable escape, survival, and recovery in combat and emergency situations. SEATS = computer based system which in addition to a single database with which to manage assets, provides a standardized method to report and generate hard copy history records on Aviation Life Support System (ALSS) components and installed explosive devices.
What is MEASURE?
MEASURE = A metrology system for the recall and reporting of test equipment by means of MIS techniques, maintains records of calibration and automatically recalls items when due for calibration.
What is SUDAPS?
SUDAPS = Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing System. All transfers and cash sales of material from a SAC 207 activity to a non supported activity (except offloads) will be processed using the SUDAPS-RT Material Requirements External (MRE) Function except USID A activities which will use UNREP.
What is ASKIT?
ASKIT = Aviation Storekeeper Information Tracking. The ASKIT system is designed to assist in the areas of material requisitioning, requisition tracking, follow-up and financial data processing and management y reducing the amount of time required to accomplish day-to-day tasks. The system supports multi-OFC, multi-fund code, multi detachment and multi-TEC. ASKIT essentially automates the accounting functions as prescribed by P-3013 and other funding related instructions (REGNAV).
What is SALTS?
SALTS = Streamlined Automated Logistics Transmission System. Client-Server application designed to be a "One Stop" Logistics Network, able to pick-up and deliver all your data requirements with only one login and password. WinSALTS is used to "prepare" files for transmission, from various sources within your command (i.e., requisitions from the SNAP system, payroll data from disbursing, or e-mail from the crew). Each file is assigned a unique name, encrypted, and then compressed to about one-third its original size. The data is transmitted to the SALTS project at the Naval Support Activity Philadelphia, where WinSALTS Central routes it to its final destination, based on the file suffix (which is assigned by the WinSALTS Client), or by the addresses provided (for e-mail and messages). Data transmitted via INMARSAT satellite is received at one of the INMARSAT earth stations in Connecticut or California, then sent WinSALTS Central at NSA Philadelphia. WinSALTS can be used with regular telephone lines or over the INTERNET. The WinSALTS Client works in an offline method, meaning file preparation is done inside the Client, and only when the WinSALTS Operator elects to connect to SALTS central, is the actual connection made. During this short (burst) transmission (usually only a few seconds through the INTERNET), all prepared files are uploaded to WinSALTS Central, and all files awaiting pickup in your "mailbox" are downloaded into your PC for further processing. Program updates are automatically transmitted and update your Client, eliminating manual program maintenance. WinSALTS is available 24 hours a day and has a 100% audit trail. Data file delivery to final destinations is usually accomplished in a matter of a few minutes, except where data owners request data only a few times each day.
What is AEMS?
AEMS = AIRCRAFT ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AEMS). An automated engine management system that provides on-line status and condition of any engine, propulsion system, or module. The system is used extensively by ACCs and other managers to effect the most efficient distribution of engine assets. The AEMS tracks location and status (installed, uninstalled, RFI and non-RFI) of engines, propulsion systems, and modules world wide, and provides reasons for any changes. The system also tracks both RFI and non-RFI spare engines, propulsion systems, and modules which are in transit, awaiting repair or rework, or actually in repair or rework. The system is used extensively by controlling custodian and other managers to effect the most efficient distribution of engine assets. Refer to NAVAIRINST 13700.15 and ACC instructions for detailed procedures.
What is SAME?
The I level SAME system database contains the assets that are in the custody of the respective I level. The database is used to identify usage driven maintenance and to update the asset data as I level maintenance is completed on F/A-18 F414-GE-400/F404-GE-400/402 engines, components and modules. Each I level database resides on an I level server.
What is SERP?
Support Equipment Reclamation Program (SERP) is a program designed to harvest consumable parts from Support Equipment end items that are obsolescent. End items are identified as candidates for this program by the Support Equipment Custodial Authority (SECA), NAVAIR, or the Fleet Support Team (FST) to NAVICP code 03321. Once the decision has been made to add the end item to the SERP end item "SAVELIST", SERMIS is updated to reflect that status. This information can be found in the NIINCAP screen in the SERMIS REWORK subsystem. As SERP candidate assets become excess to requirements as identified in SERMIS NIINSUMA screen, or as they pass the point where a repair is possible, assets will be directed to the SERP warehouse at Solomons Md. These assets will be reduced to consumable parts,and provided free of charge to authorized users to aid in repair of remaining end items and their repairable assemblies.
What is AMSRR?
AMSRR: Aviation Management Supply and Readiness Reporting. The AMSRR Web is a reporting tool that is populated with aircraft material condition information daily via Optimized Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) data imports and manual data entry. Once updated, the data can be viewed at any echelon of command via web-based reports or by viewing the daily A ircraft M aterial Condition Report (AMCR) posted to the website.
What is ASM?
Navy directives that mandate the use of the Advanced Skills Management (ASM) application are the The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 and Advanced Skills Management General Business Rules, Roles and Responsibilities, Implementation Guidance, and General Program Development Practices COMNECC Instruction 1553.1. The purpose of this system is to maintain records concerning training, education, and qualifications of Naval and Marine Corps military, government and contractor personnel for use by Manpower, Personnel and Training (MPT) managers. Acts as an individual Electronic Training Jacket and Training Management system, used to assess individual training requirements and readiness, manage Naval and Marine Corps formal, general military and technical training, qualifications, certifications and licenses, and create short and long term training action plans for individuals. Contains master task lists and test and evaluation modules. ASM automates training administration to provide an individual record of "all things training and education" for active duty, reserve and civilian personnel. At the unit level, allows for the evaluation/assessment of assigned personnel training requirements and readiness, automates unit training readiness assessments, and a determination of unit readiness percentage. The type of personal information collected in ASM includes: Name, Rank, Social Security Number (SSN), Drivers License information, Gender, Race, Mailing/Home Address, Date of Rank, Medical/Physical Exam results,Training Completions and Scores.
What is NALDA?
NAVAL AVIATION LOGISTICS DATA ANALYSIS (NALDA) - An automated data base and information retrieval system for aviation logistics management and technical decision support. Analysis capability is provided through interactive query and batch processing from remote terminals. NALDA assists users in making improved decisions affecting fleet aircraft readiness. Users can define, identify, and isolate logistics problem areas from a centralized data bank of integrated aviation logistics information.
What is WEB EI
NAVAIR EI web site (Engineering Investigation) enabled capability to O-level and I-level maintenance activities to create, transmit, and track EI and HMR requests. Requests will be routed to assigned FSTs and automatically routed to other concerned activities. This NAVAIR EI web site enabled capability also permits maintenance activities to receive reports and other information, conduct technical dialog with the FST engineer, and verify status of an EI. This web site is accessible at by all organizations with a role in the EI process. *Can use JDRS (Joint Discrepancy Reporting System) for all reports, such as HMRs, EIs, etc. HMR is to report discrepancy. EI is to discovery WHY.
What is HMR?
HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REPORTING: HMR is a standard method to report material deficiecies that if not corrected could cause death or injury to personnel loss of aircraft or damage to equipment or facilities. An HMR priority precedence message should be submitted within 24 hours of discovery when one or more of the following occur: malfunction or failure of component part occurs; configuration deficiency; urgent action or assistance is required and corrective action must be completed at an early date because of operational commitments; design is detected that would allow incorrect installation of parts resulting in possible system malfunction or failure; potential or experienced in-flight or on the ground loss of aircraft parts occurs in which a maintenance or material factor is involved. THINGS FALLING OFF AIRCRAFT (TFOA) is terminology that is used in reference to an incident such as when foreign object damage (FOD) to an engine causes the engine to shed its parts.
What is TFOA?
THINGS FALLING OFF AIRCRAFT (TFOA) is terminology that is used in reference to an incident such as when foreign object damage (FOD) to an engine causes the engine to shed its parts. Potential or experienced in-flight or on the ground loss of aircraft parts occurs in which a maintenance or material factor is involved. *REQUIRES HMR!!
What is NAMDRP?
NAMDRP = Naval Aviation Maintenance Discrepancy Reporting Program. Establishes policy, responsibilities and requirements for reporting substandard workmanship, improper quality assurance procedures, and deficiencies in material or in technical publications. NAMDRP reports include Hazardous Material Report (HMR), Quality Discrepancy Report (QDR), Aircraft Discrepancy Report (ADR), Engineering Investigation (EI), and Technical Publication Deficiency Report (TPDR). * Replaced by JDRS
What is QDR?
Quality Discrepancy Report: reports deficiency in new or newly reworked material that may indicate nonconformance with a contract, a deviation from a specification requirement, or substandard workmanship. Targeted toward reporting possible deficiencies in QA during the manufacturing or rework process. A discrepancy that is found after initial use of equipment does not qualify for QDR reporting. CAT I: used for quality deficiencies that may cause death, injury or sever occupational illness. Also used for a deficiency that would cause loss of or major damage to a weapon system would critically restrict the combat readiness capabilities of the using organization, or would result in a production line stoppage. unless combined with HMR, should be submitted by routine precedence message within 1 working day after its discovery. CAT 2: used for quality deficiencies that have been assessed to have significant and widespread material or human resource impact but do not affect safety of personnel or impair combat efficiency.
What is an ADR?
ADR = Aircraft Discrepancy Report. Identifies and documents a defect in newly manufactured, modified, or reworked aircraft to ensure quality maintenance or rework procedures. An acceptance flight is performed and a functional check flight (FCF) is flown as soon as possible after the aircraft is delivered and prior to maintenance. Only those discrepancies noted by the ferry pilot and those found during the acceptance inspection and check flight that can be attributed to the manufacture, modification, or rework process are on an initial ADR. Used to document critical, major , and minor defect within 5 working days after completion of an acceptance flight. *a supplemental ADR must be submitted within 30 days (if required) of completion of the acceptance check flight if required. Submit a negative response if no discrepancies are fond.
What is a TPDR?
TPDR = Technical Publication Deficiency Report. used for reporting a safety hazard or routine deficiency in a technical publication CAT I: Should be submitted whenever a technical publication deficiency is detached which, if not corrected, could result in death or injury to personnel or damage to an aircraft, equipment or facilities. Usually within 24 hours of identification. CAT 2: For routine reports. Which include technical errors, incorrect measurement values, improper use of support equipment, wrong sequin of adjustments, wrong measurements, part number errors, or omissions.
What's the difference between a revision and a change when updating technical manuals?
REVISION: a complete reissue of an existing document with all change information incorporated. Normally, when a change or changes affect over 60% of a publication's pages, a revision is issued. A revision is also issued when the manual usability is impaired because of change complexity. Prepared on a nonscheduled, as required basis. CHANGE: the official release of correction pages to a part of portion of an existing document. A change provides replacement pages for that area of the manual affected b a change action. Upon receipt, you should remove the superseded pages and insert the new material. Issued in two basic types (1) ROUTINE and (2) RAPID ACTION CHANGES (RACs). Routine Changes are released periodically. RACs is an expedited shane action that is programmed for short turn around and release time because of its relationship to safety equipment damage, or danger to personnel.
What are RACs?
RAPID ACTION CHANGES: prepared to disseminate urgent essential data that directly involves hazards to personnel, an impairment to safety of flight,m aircraft grounding, mission capability, equipment or property damage, or maintenance capability, equipment or property damage, or maintenance capability, including that for high value and repairable items. IRACs = Interim RACs. should be maintained with the affected technical manual until the formal change is received and should be placed directly behind title page of the manual. *Formal RACs are prepared as replacements for IRACs. ** A pen and ink changes are NOT the appropriate method of identifying change sot NAVAIR technical manuals and directives. Documentation policy prohibits the use of pen and ink changes for this purpose.
What are the NALCOMIS host & ALT host?
The host server is the main server for which NALCOMIS operates. It is maintained by the activity's system administrator. The ALT HOST (alternate host) is used primarily as a backup server.
What's a NALCOMIS work station?
A NALCOMIS work station is a computer connecting to the NALCOMIS server for different users to access. Traditionally, set up on a network but can also be set up as a stand alone on a LAN network.
What is a NALCOMIS local printer?
A printer set up locally to either the server itself or the workstation to primarily use.
What is a NALCOMIS network printer?
A printer that can be accessed by any workstation in the network to print as it has been given its own IP address on the network the activity is operating on.
Name the O-Level NALCOMIS Subsystems.
1. Maintenance: allows users to track and record maintenance being performed on aircraft or assets. 2. Flight: Tracks and records all flight data for aircraft attached to the activity. Data is recorded by a NAVFLIR and then uploaded into the system to be tracked. 3. Logs & Records: allows logs and records clerks to screen and review MAFs that require logbook entries. 4. Data Analysis: Que is used to allow for MAF validation and also to collect and generate reports used of the activity's 3M summary. 5. Reports: Used to generate all reports such as flight, personnel, maintenance near due, etc. 6. AD HOC Query: AD HOCs can be locally built by the activity's DBA/SA used to filter for data traditionally not generated by the reports due que.
Name the I-Level NALCOMIS Subsystems.
1. Maintenance Activity: used by I-Level users to track and record maintenance being performed on/or assets and received gear. 2. Configuration Status Accounting: The recording and reporting of information needed to manage configuration effectively, including: a. A record of the approved configuration documentation and identification numbers. b. The status of proposed changes, deviations, and waivers to the configuration. c. The implementation status of approved changes. d. The configuration of all units of the configuration item in the operational inventory. 3. Personnel Management: used by the activity's DBA/SA to track personnel assigned and monitor/issue SMQs. 4. Asset Management: used to track assets and issue MAFs for said assets (PMs, conditionals, etc) 5. Material Requirement Processing: used to order and track material required to perform maintenance. 6. System Support: Allows for manipulation/management of the system itself. 7. Data Offload/Onload: used to submit data uplink (now DECKPLATE) for viewing at a higher echelon. 8. Technical Publications/Reports: used to track to date publications used for performing maintenance on gear.
Name the NALCOMIS management reports and their use.
1. Workload Summary: used to project overall workload of the activity to production control/maintenance control to help delegate workload. 2. Aircraft Status Report: used to show all MAFs with an issued EOC code to better inform the maintenance controller or the aircraft's current status. 3. Squadron EXREP Status: used to show status of EXREP items. 4. Flight Hour Summary: Used to show a summary of flights for any given date series.
List some of the NALCOMIS Daily Production tools used by Maintenance Control/Production Control.
1. DIFM (Due in for Maintenance): used to show all due in for maintenance items and status. 2. NMCS/PMCS (Non-Mission Capable (supply)/Partial Mission Capable (supply): primarily used for squadrons AMSRR. Will show all outstanding requisitions with an EOC Code attached to the requisition. 3. AWP: Awaiting Parts. Shows all MAFs with a job status of AWP. 4. Test Bench Status: Used for an I-Level's AMSRR. Shows status of test benches and the repair capability of the FRC at any given time. 5. I-Level EXREP Status: Shows up to date status of EXREP items. 6. Pool Critical: shows overall pool stock of items RFI and non RFI. 7. Overage: shows any excess 8. Cannibalization: shows items and parts cannibalized (usually performed monthly and tracked to show trend and also track configuration). 9. E00: gives the status of all aircraft equipment. Kept up to date by maintenance control.
List some of the NALCOMIS work center reports.
1. DIFM (due in for maintenance) 2. Work Center Work Load Report: used to project to work center supervisors current workload assigned to their work center by maintenance control/production control. 3. AWP (awaiting parts): shows all MAFs with a job status of AWP assigned to their work center 4. N Codes: ?
Explain the purpose of a MAF as applied to NALCOMIS documentation.
The purpose of a MAF is to track the work being done, who completed the work, the status, material ordered, and reasons as to why they are doing maintenance, to include reference manuals used and what work was down to correct the discrepancy.
Explain the following blocks on a MAF to be utilized as data fields in NALCOMIS
1. WUC (work unit code): used to identify the component's home on a hierarch of configuration. 2. JCN (job control number): a number assigned to each individual MAF using the organizational code, julian date, and serial number of the job assigned. 3. MAF MCN (maintenance control number): the "birth date" of the MAF being issued. No MAF will have the same MCN (serial number for the MAF). 4. Discrepancy Block: used to document the exact discrepancy of the work being done. 5. Corrective action block: used to document the corrective action that was performed on the discrepancy (usually contains the information on the manuals/publications referenced during work). 6. W/D Code (When Discovered): used to annotate when the discrepancy was identified. 7. Type Equipment Code: 4 character code used to show what type of equipment work was being performed on. 8. T/M Code (Type of MAF): code used to show what type of MAF was issued. 9. QA Required: a block hat can be checked if QA is required to perform work on a job. 10. FCF Required: block on the MAF that would be checked if an FCF Flight was required for the type of maintenance that was performed. 11. EOC Codes (Equipment Operational Capability ): used to show and document Subsystem Capability Impact Reporting (SCIR) time on equipment. This will show NMC (non-mission capable) and PMC (partial mission capable) status on the aircraft. 12. TD Blocks: known as the F Record on the MAF, for TD compliance has all blocks requiring info for the technical directive (TD Code, Basic Number, Kit, etc). 13. Supply Maintenance Block: up/partial/down 14. Parts/Material required: also known as the H-Z block, documents requisitions ordered on the particular job required for completing the job. 15. AWM (Awaiting Maintenance): codes used to show job status.
What is SCIR Time?
SCIR (Subsystem Capability Impact Reporting) provides factual information, generated at the lowest level of maintenance, as to aircraft or equipment inventory and actual subsystem performance. It provides specific aircraft or equipment mission capability and uniquely defines the categories of full mission capable, partial capable, and not mission capable for a specific type and model aircraft or equipment.
What are EOC codes?
EquipmentOperational Capability (EOC) codes are documented when a specific system or subsystem is degraded and impacts the mission capability of that equipment or aircraft. The EOC code is a three-position code. The first positionis derived from the Mission Essential SubsystemMatrices (MESM), published as an enclosure to OPNAVINST 5442.4. The last two positions are computer generated as determined by the documented Work Unit Code (WUC). Only the first position is entered onthe MAF or in NALCOMIS. For more information on EOC codes and levels of aircraft or equipment missioncapability, refer to OPNAVINST 5442.4.
What is the MESM?
Mission Essential SubsystemMatrices (MESM). OPNAVINST 5442.4 series lists, for each model, the equipment system/subsystems that must be installed and in working order before an aircraft can qualify as mission ready.
What functional requirements of the NAMP are satisfied by the OMA NALCOMIS?
NALCOMIS satisfies requirements by accurately tracking all maintenance, flight, and asset data. It also is a tool for management to help accurately project and delegate workloads.
What is an SMQ?
SMQ = Special Maintenance Qualification is a permission given to an individual who has complete or satisfied requirements for hat qualifications, giving permission to sign off MAFs pertaining to their qualification in NALCOMIS.
Concerning ROUTINE, SAFETY OF FLIGHT, and INSPECTION MAFs, what actions must QA take?
1. ROUTINE: A CDI/QAR will sign the CDI block of the MAF certifying the work done. 2. SAFETY OF FLIGHT: QA will overlook and sign next to CDI on the MAF. 3. INSPECTION: QA or a CDI/QAR will sign off inspection MAF in CDI Block unless QA required block is checked, which would require both signatures.
Describe the responsibilities of those involved with MAFs from creation to sign off.
1. Initiator: initiates MAF 2. Work Center Supervisor: screens work load & delegates accordingly 3. MC/PC: approves MAFs, checks status of MAFs, screens entire workload/production report 4. MDBA/A or SA/A checks MAF validity & pulls reports for 3M Summary, builds and utilizes AD HOCs 5. QA: Signs off MAFs checked QA required and tracks trends. 6. Operations: request monthly flight summary to upload into SHARP 7. Supply: ordered and checks status of parts being ordered 8. Logs and Records: screens MAFs for logbook or hard card entries. 9. Division Officer/Chief: uses reports and data to project and plan maintenance.