Nurse Practice Act Examination – Flashcards
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Which of the following is included in the definition of registered nursing (RN): Activities are performed under the direction and supervision of a physician Establishing a nursing diagnosis Managing the physical and psychosocial health status of clients Using research skills
Establishing a nursing diagnosis
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Which of the following activities would be outside the scope of practice for an RN: Writing orders for laboratory tests Administering blood products Evaluating the effects of medication Initiating a drug regimen based on protocols
Writing orders for laboratory tests
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An example an additional act that may be performed by an RN that requires additional education and training as prescribed by the Board and that is recognized as proper to be performed by an RN (excluding advanced practice nurses) would be (hint: see advisory opinions): Insertion of an intraarterial catheter Amniotomy Certification of Death Epidural Anesthesia
Insertion of an intraarterial catheter
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It would be a violation of the nurse practice act for an RN to: Delegate assessment to an LPN Supervise the care of other RNs Delegate a sterile dressing change to an LPN Provide lab results to a client
Delegate assessment to an LPN
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It is within the scope of practice for a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) in Arizona to: Prescribe overthecounter drugs Establish a medical diagnosis Prescribe durable medical equipment Perform radiography
Prescribe durable medical equipment
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Under the definition of delegation, a nurse may delegate: Decision making and nursing judgment to other licensed nurses To any person whose job description includes the delegated activity All assessments except the initial assessment A selected task to a competent person
A selected task to a competent person
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It would be a violation of the nurse practice act for an RN to delegate: Vital signs to a CNA Planning care to an LPN Changing a central line dressing to an LPN Application of commercial diaper cream to a CNA
Planning care to an LPN
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If applying for initial registered nurse practitioner (RNP) certification after July 1, 2004 the applicant must possess: A doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree Proof of completion of an advanced practice educational course National certification as a nurse practitioner Proof of a supervisory relationship with a physician
National certification as a nurse practitioner
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It would be a violation of the nurse practice act for a registered nurse practitioner (RNP) to: Prescribe narcotics to a chronic pain client Prescribe in a different specialty than the RNP's certification Delegate the administration of parenteral drugs to a medical assistant Dispense controlled substances
Prescribe in a different specialty than the RNP's certification
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The definition of unprofessional conduct: Is limited to acts committed in this state Is limited to acts performed on duty as a licensee or certificate holder Includes any conduct that may be harmful to the public Includes all misdemeanor offenses
Includes any conduct that may be harmful to the public
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It would be unprofessional conduct for a nurse to: Fail to report another nurse with evidence of impairment while on duty Fail to arrive for a scheduled shift at a health care facility Practice nursing with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder Fail to honor an agreement to work for a hospital after accepting a scholarship
Fail to report another nurse with evidence of impairment while on duty
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The nurse who is convicted of a felony is subject to: A decree of censure Payment of a civil penalty Probation to ensure rehabilitation Revocation of the license
Revocation of the license
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An RN license applicant was convicted of a Class 2 felony in 2007 and applies for licensure in 2009. The applicant will be: Given a civil penalty Placed on probation Denied a license Granted a conditional license
Denied a license
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The Arizona State Board of Nursing has authority over: Nursing students and certified nursing assistant students Nursing education programs leading to initial licensure or certification All college undergraduate and graduate nursing programs Continuing education nursing programs
Nursing education programs leading to initial licensure or certification
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The Nurse Practice act authorizes the board to adopt rules for nurse practitioners to practice: In collaboration with one or more licensed physicians As fully autonomous licensed professionals Within a scope of practice similar to a physician Within a framework of delegated medical acts
In collaboration with one or more licensed physicians
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A nurse who changes his/her address shall notify the Board of the new address within: 10 days 15 days 30 days 45 days
30 days
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A person can practice nursing in Arizona without an Arizona or multistate compact license when the person is a: Nurse with a license in good standing in any other US state or territory Nurse licensed in another state and employed by the federal government Nurse licensed in another state and still in orientation at a health care facility New graduate of a Boardapproved nursing program before taking the licensure exam (NCLEX)
Nurse licensed in another state and employed by the federal government
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A physician tells you that she would like to challenge the RN licensure exam (NCLEX) so she can work as an RN on the weekends. You would tell the physician that in order to do this she would need to: File a direct petition with the Board Take NCLEX review and refresher courses Inactivate her physician license Complete an approved nursing program
Complete an approved nursing program
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To qualify for licensure in Arizona, graduates of international nursing programs must show evidence of: Passing NCLEX, graduating from a comparable nursing program, and English language proficiency Licensure in another country, a valid visa screen document, and a social security number Passing NCLEX or an equivalent exam in their country and English language proficiency Passing NCLEX, licensure in another country, and proof of legal residence in the US
Passing NCLEX, graduating from a comparable nursing program, and English language proficiency
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The Board ensures that nurses who renew their licenses are competent and qualified by requiring: A criminal background check and continuing education Inactive nurses to retake and pass the NCLEX exam Nurses to meet a practice requirement or take a refresher course Nurses who do not work at the bedside to take a refresher course
Nurses to meet a practice requirement or take a refresher course
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In Arizona a nursing license must be renewed every: 1 year 2 years 4 years 5 years
4 years
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In 2009, the date for renewing a license was changed from July 1 of the year of expiration to: January 1of the year of expiration October 1 of the year of expiration The last day of the birthday month of the licensee April 1 of the year of expiration
April 1 of the year of expiration
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A Nursing Assistant certificate must be renewed every: 1 year 2 years 4 years 5 years
2 years
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One way the Board ensures that nursing assistants who renew their certificates are competent and qualified is to require: A criminal background check on each CNA CNAs not employed to retake and pass the manual skills exam CNAs practice 160 hours in the past 2 years CNAs practice 960 hours in the past 5 years
CNAs practice 160 hours in the past 2 years
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Requirements to become a CNA in Arizona include: A valid social security number Working 4 months at a longterm care facility Completing an approved program or the first semester in a nursing program Passing a manual skills and written examination
Passing a manual skills and written examination
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If the Board believes that there is insufficient evidence to support a disciplinary action but sufficient evidence to notify a licensee or certificate holder of its concern, the Board may issue: A letter of admonition An administrative penalty A decree of censure A letter of concern
A letter of concern
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If an applicant has an outstanding felony conviction during the 5 years before the application is received the Board shall: Deny the application based on the felony conviction Conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the felony Consider aggravating and mitigating circumstances Allow the applicant to withdraw the application
Deny the application based on the felony conviction
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The Arizona State Board of Nursing is composed of: Nine members: 5 RNs, 2 LPNs and 2 public members Nine members: 4 RNs, 1 RN educator; 2 LPNs, 1 LPN educator and 1 public member Eleven members: 5 RNs, 2 LPNs, 1 NP or CNS, 1 CRNA and 2 public members Eleven members: 5 RNs, 2LPNs, 2 public members; 1 CNA or CNA instructor and 1 NP or CNS
Eleven members: 5 RNs, 2LPNs, 2 public members; 1 CNA or CNA instructor and 1 NP or CNS
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Graduates of approved nursing programs, who are not yet licensed, may use the title (hint: see advisory opinions): Graduate Nurse Nurse Trainee Nurse Extern Nursing student
Nurse Extern
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The abbreviation CNA may be used by: Persons currently certified by the Board as nursing assistants Persons authorized to perform nursing assistant activities CNA students during their clinical experience Nursing assistants employed in health care settings
Persons currently certified by the Board as nursing assistants
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To administer anesthetics, a nurse must: Be a certified registered nurse anesthetist Complete education specific to the agent administered Be supervised by an anesthesiologist Complete an accredited nurse anesthesia program
Complete an accredited nurse anesthesia program
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A nurse who administers anesthesia must do so: When there is an anesthesiologist available to handle emergencies At the direction and in the presence of a physician or surgeon In collaboration with a licensed physician or surgeon Only after being certified by the Board
At the direction and in the presence of a physician or surgeon
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If the Board finds that a nurse has committed an act of unprofessional conduct related to patient care, it may Issue a letter of concern Issue an administrative penalty Issue a decree of censure Withdraw the application
Issue a decree of censure
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An example of a nondisciplinary action the Board may take is: A decree of censure A civil penalty A conditional license A letter of concern
A letter of concern
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The Board may issue an administrative penalty to a nurse who: Practices nursing with an expired nursing license Commits a onetime act of unprofessional conduct Fails to disclose complete information on an application Submits payment to the Board with insufficient funds in the account
Practices nursing with an expired nursing license
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The Board will open a complaint on a licensee only if the person making the complaint: Was an eyewitness to the events reported Discloses their identity and relationship to the licensee Is unrelated to the nurse and the complaint is not made in retaliation Provides information that the nurse violated the nurse practice act
Provides information that the nurse violated the nurse practice act
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It is a class 6 felony to: Advertise being a nurse when selling a healthrelated product Use the RN or LPN title when conducting personal business Practice registered or practical nursing without a license Defaults on a student loan while holding an RN or LPN license
Practice registered or practical nursing without a license
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The nurse licensure compact allows: Any nurse licensed and residing in another state to practice in Arizona A nurse licensed and residing in a compact state to practice in Arizona A nursing student from another state to complete clinical training in Arizona A nurse practitioner licensed and residing in a compact state to practice in Arizona
A nurse licensed and residing in a compact state to practice in Arizona
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If a nurse from a compact state changes their primary state of residence to Arizona they should: Inform the Board if they will be practicing on the compact license issued by the original state Obtain an additional compact license in Arizona within 60 days Inactivate their home state license and obtain an AZ compact license within 30 days Continue to practice on the compact license from the other state until expiration
Inactivate their home state license and obtain an AZ compact license within 30 days
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A nurse practicing nursing on a compact license from another state must abide by the nurse practice act In the state where the patient is located In the nurse's home state In the state that is most applicable to the patient situation In either the home state or the state where nursing is practiced
In the state where the patient is located
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The Board may dismiss a complaint if it finds that the nurse: Did not commit a violation of the nurse practice act Did not intend to harm the patient Was unaware that the Board prohibited the activity Was not aware that a complaint had been filed
Did not commit a violation of the nurse practice act
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It is an act of unprofessional conduct for a nurse to: Fail to provide for the comfort of a patient's family Refuse to follow a physicians order Be absent for a scheduled shift without prior notice Fail to document the care the patient received
Fail to document the care the patient received
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An activity that would meet the practice requirement of the Arizona State Board of Nursing would be: Raising children and attending to their needs Coordinating care and appointments for elderly parents Consulting on staffing plans with a health care facility Attending continuing education activities
Consulting on staffing plans with a health care facility
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A nurse tells a patient that they are very attractive and the nurse would be interested in dating the patient. The nurse is: Violating the confidentiality of the patient Attempting to engage in a dual relationship Failing to safeguard a patient's welfare Intentionally causing emotional injury
Attempting to engage in a dual relationship
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If another nurse arrives for duty with alcohol on her breath, the nurse's first action should be to: Observe the nurse for other signs of impairment while she is working Call the Arizona State Board of Nursing for advice Notify the nurse's supervisor when she comes on duty Take measures to remove the nurse from patient care activities
Take measures to remove the nurse from patient care activities
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Unprofessional conduct would include: Falsely claiming CPR certification on an employment application Failure to pay court ordered child support Posting nude pictures of oneself on an adultonly website Refusing a client assignment in a health care facility
Falsely claiming CPR certification on an employment application
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