Myspace Opportunities Essay Example
Myspace Opportunities Essay Example

Myspace Opportunities Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1263 words)
  • Published: August 8, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson had previous experience in the expanding internet market, which enabled them to recognize the opportunity for MySpace. During their three years of collaborating on various projects, they developed a solid understanding of the internet advertising market, experiencing both successes and failures. Initially working at Xdrive, an internet data-storage company that was affected by the dot-com bubble burst, DeWolfe and Anderson learned valuable lessons about effective strategies for growing an online business. They utilized the knowledge gained from their previous venture and founded a prosperous internet direct-marketing firm called Response Base.

Anderson and DeWolfe successfully managed this company and eventually sold it to eUniverse in 2002 for a substantial amount of money. Following the sale, DeWolfe and Anderson gained valuable knowledge and confidence.

Both individuals had gained experience and were ready to start a new


business venture using their personal knowledge and capital. This experience provided them with a thorough understanding of the supply and demand aspects of the growing Internet market, as well as effective business tactics. All they needed was a good idea with potential, which they discovered when they noticed the demand for a unique type of social networking website.

During the latter part of 2002, the term "social networking" started gaining popularity across the country after DeWolfe and Anderson sold their internet business focused on direct marketing. At this time, there were already a few websites that served specific purposes for networking.

Friendster, a website originally designed as a dating site, existed alongside the already established Facebook platform, which initially targeted college students for networking. The founders, DeWolfe and Anderson, conducted research and concluded that these sites had limited growth potential.


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and Anderson envisioned creating a larger and improved version of existing networking websites. Their concept involved combining various maps from other sites into one platform, eliminating the need for users to join multiple networks. At that time, social networking was highly popular in the United States, making the idea of a multi-purpose website with boundless potential for expansion. DeWolfe and Anderson imagined a comprehensive online space where members could openly express their ideas and feelings.

With various online platforms, you can send invitations, explore music, share photos, and play games all in one online profile.

The rise in the number of users of computing machines and the internet was a result of the decreased cost of buying personal computers or laptops. Individuals discovered that the internet was the quickest and most dependable means to connect with others. Nevertheless, there was no available website that facilitated sharing emotions, interests, and images among people. DeWolfe and Anderson identified the potential opportunity before them.

Immediately after the purchase of the MySpace domain name, the company wasted no time in taking action to improve the website. The site's initial user base primarily consisted of sets and business owners in Los Angeles who were looking to promote their own products. These early adopters were able to promote themselves in a friendly manner by requesting other users on the internet to become their friends on MySpace.

Promoting can be done in a less irritating way compared to bombarding people's inboxes with advertisements or talking to people directly in public places. Additionally, this method of advertising allowed groups and individuals to regularly update their pages with the latest information without any additional expenses. Due to the

success of MySpace as a great promotional tool, early users didn't hesitate to invite everyone they knew to join the site, as having more friends on the platform could only yield positive outcomes.

The concept of consolidating various networking services into one product was built upon by DeWolfe and Anderson. They ensured that there were minimal restrictions on what MySpace members could share on their personal pages. This approach granted users the freedom to post anything they desired, distinguishing it from Friendster, a competing website that only permitted content related to online dating. The ability to freely post was the primary factor contributing to MySpace's significant growth, as it invited the general public to join its community.

DeWolfe and Anderson acknowledged that on Friendster, people could only connect if they were looking for a relationship. Therefore, they developed a platform where anyone could connect and share anything they deemed important. Additionally, they understood that having easy and quick access to their site would lead to significant growth opportunities. For bands, this meant allowing users to sample and share their songs, which helped them promote their music worldwide in a fast and effective manner. Moreover, users could also interact with their favorite bands through their MySpace pages, which became a crucial part of bands' marketing strategies.

The creators of MySpace identified a chance to offer users the ability to customize their personal pages, establishing an individualized identity for each user. By enabling members to upload personal photos, establish a network of friends, and personalize the look of their pages, DeWolfe and Anderson effectively marketed their product to diverse individuals.

MySpace thrived as the go-to platform for various purposes such as

following favorite bands, connecting with friends and family, or expressing personal opinions. The co-founders of MySpace, Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson, had a perfect synergy with Tom's creativity and sociability complementing Chris' focus on financial management. This diverse blend of skills and qualities played a pivotal role in MySpace's success.

MySpace saw an increased likelihood of success due to Tom's strong interpersonal skills and Chris's ability to maintain the company's goals and financial mindset. DeWolfe and Anderson recognized the potential for growth when eUniverse appointed Richard Rosenblatt as the new CEO in 2004.

eUniverse, the company responsible for owning and financially supporting MySpace, recognized the significance of hiring a new and competent CEO to drive the website's growth. With the appointment of Mr. Rosenblatt, the company underwent a name change to Intermix Media. Given the company's prior struggles including an SEC investigation and being delisted from NASDAQ, Rosenblatt was tasked with implementing changes.

MySpace was facing lawsuits from its stockholders in various class-action and derivative cases as it required more support due to its rapid growth. Rosenblatt's arrival offered an opportunity to secure more capital for the company. Although many venture capitalists did not grasp the concept of MySpace and considered its strategy too ambitious, Redpoint Ventures had a different perspective.

Recognizing the potential of combining entertainment and technology on MySpace, Redpoint Ventures invested $4 million in the company. Their investment continued to grow, eventually reaching a 53% stake in MySpace, Inc. by February 2005. However, effective management from Mr. [missing name] was lacking.

Rosenblatt and the company's co-founders were instrumental in enabling MySpace to seize its growth opportunities by providing much-needed support. DeWolfe and Anderson acknowledged the importance of

securing significant funding to fulfill their vision of making MySpace a massive platform. Fortunately, their distinctive and highly potential product made it easier for them to attract investment from an appropriate venture capitalist.

During the creation of the popular MySpace website, a significant number of ingredients were combined together. However, there were key ingredients that stood out and had the greatest impact on DeWolfe and Anderson's recognition of the opportunities for MySpace. Due to their experience in the online market, DeWolfe and Anderson were able to capitalize on these opportunities. Furthermore, they developed MySpace at a time when it was in demand and incorporated unique features for the website's members.

DeWolfe and Anderson had a successful management team, except for their inability to outcompete Facebook, which eventually became the largest and most popular social networking website.

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