MGMT 363 ch 12 – Flashcards

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team process
a term that reflects the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals -team characteristics like member diversity, task interdependence, team size and so forth affect this and communication and in turn impact on team effectiveness
process gain
getting more from a team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members is called ___ __ -synonymous with synergy -most critical in situations in which the complexity of work is high or when tasks require members to combine their knowledge, skills, and efforts to solve problems -important because it results in useful resources and capabilities that didnt exist before the team created them
process loss
getting less from the team than you would expect based on the capabilities of the team members -superstars on the Olympic basketball team but dont have synergy or work well and end up losing -why does this happen? 1.coordination loss-members have to work not only to accomplish their own tasks but also coordinate activities with their teammates usually driven by production blocking) 2. motivational loss and social loafing
coordination loss
extra effort is focused on integrating work necessary for team experience but it consumes time and energy that couldve otherwise been devoted to task activity -usually driven by production blocking
production blocking
this occurs when members have to wait on one another before they can do their part of the team task ex. a basketball player has to wait too long for a teammate to get in position before passing a ball
motivational loss
the loss in team productivity that occurs when team members dont work as hard as they could may occur because its often quite difficult to gauge exactly how much each team member contributes to a team -members can work together over a long period of time and as a consequence is difficult to keep accurate accounting of who does what -members contribute to their team in many different ways and contributors of some members may be less obvious then others -members of teams dont always work together at the same time as a unit uncertainty regarding "who contributed what" results in team members feeling less accountable for team outcomes
social loafing
__ ___ is the feelings of reduced accountability, in turn, cause members to exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks -can significantly hinder teams effectiveness ex. players might just come to depend on the star player to win games for the team
task work processes
activities of team members that relate directly to the accomplishment of team tasks -occurs anytime that team members interact with the tools or technologies that are used to complete their work 3 processes that are crucially important: creative behavior, decision making, and boundary spanning
creative behavior
(a type of task work process) when teams engage in ___ ___ their activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions-best known activity for this is brainstorming
this involves face 2 face meeting of team members in which each offers as many ideas as possible about some focal problem or issue most center around these rules: 1. express all ideas that come to mind 2. go for quantity not quality 3. dont criticize or evaluate the ideas of others 4. build on the ideas of others
individual idea
why doesnt brainstorming work as well as ___ __ generation? 1. there may be a tendency for people to social loaf in brainstorming (not work as hard thinking up ideas as if they had to generate their own list to turn in) 2. although the rules forbid criticizing members may be hesitant to express ideas that seem silly or not well thought out 3. results in production blocking b/c members have to wait their turn to express their ideas which consumes time that could generate new ideas
nominal group technique
1.similar to a traditional brainstorming session this process starts off by bringing the team together and outlining the purpose of the meeting 2. next step on an individual level however as members have a set period of time to write down their own ideas on a piece of paper 3. then go back to a team setting as members share their ideas with the team in a round robbin fashion 4. after ideas are recorded members discuss intended to clarify the ideas and build on the ideas of others 5. the back to indivduals to ran order ideas on a card that they submit to the facilitator 6. facilitators tabulates score to determine the winning idea
decision making
in a team context, members share info regarding a problem or task and they work together to reach a consensus, or general agreement among members in regards to a final solution ex. jurys listen to info provided by attorneys and witnesses and after theyre given instructions by a judge, they meet privately to discuss the info with the goal being to reach a consensus regarding the verdict stongest predictor of the final verdict is the distribution of the positions the individual members have in mind going into deliberating (in fact the position held by the majority of the members prior to deliberation turns out to be the final verdict 90% of the time 3 factors to make affective decisions: decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchial sensitivity
decision informity
(a factor to make affective decisions) this reflects whether members possess adequate info about their own task responsibilitiesex. project teams on celebrity apprentice usually fail b/c a team member in marketing doesnt gather info necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs for the client
staff validity
(a factor to make affective decisions) this refers to the degree to which members make good recommendations to the leader-team members can possess all the info needed to make a good recommendation but then fail to do so because of lack of ability, insight, or good judgement
hierarchical sensitivity
(a factor to make affective decisions) this reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weights the recommendations of the members-who does the leader listen to/ignore -teams that make good decisions tend to have leaders that do a good job giving recommendations the weight they deserve
boundary spanning
the 3rd type of taskwork processes -involves 3 types of activities with individuals and groups other than those who are considered part of the team1.ambassador activities 2. task coordinator activities 3. scout activities
ambassador activities
(type of boundary spanning activity) refers to communications that are intended to protect the team, persuade others to support the team, or obtain important resources for the team -members who engage in this are typically higher up in the organization ex. as a member of a marketing team you may meet with senior mgmt to request an increase in the budget for an expanded tv ad campaign
task coordinator activities
(type of boundary spanning activity) involve communications that are intended to coordinate task related issues with people or groups in other functional areas ex. a member of a marketing team may meet with someone from manufacturing to work out how a coupon might be integrated into the product packaging materials
scout activities
(type of boundary spanning activity) refer to things team members do to obtain info about technology, competitors, or the broader marketplace ex. the marketing team member who meets with an engineer to seek info about new materials engaging in this
teamwork processes
this refers to interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the teams work but dont directly involve task accomplishment itself -the behaviors that create the setting or context in which taskwork can be carried out 3 types: transition, action, and interpersonal
transition processes
(type of teamwork process) teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work1.mission analysis 2.strategy formulation 3.goal specificationimportant before the team begins to conduct the core aspect of its work as well as between periods of work activity ex. sports teams that are losing using halftime to make adjustments and consider the strength of their opponents and develop a new strategy intended to neutralize them
action processes
(type of teamwork process) important as the taskwork is being accomplished4 types: 1. involves monitoring progress towards goals 2. systems monitoring 3. helping behavior 4. coordination
mission analysis
(part of the transition process) - involves an analysis of the teams tasks, the challenges that face the team, and the resources available for completing the teams work
strategy formulation
(part of the transition process) -the development of courses of action and contingency plans, and then adapting those plans in light of changes that occur in the teams environment
Goal specification
(part of the transition process) -the development and prioritization of goals related to the teams mission and strategy
monitoring progress towards goals
(type of action process) if teams pay attention to goal related info, maybe by charting performance relative to teams goals they are typically in a good position to realize when they are off track and need to make changes
systems monitoring
(type of action process) involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work-a team that doesnt engage in this may fail b/c it runs out of inventory, time, or other necessary resources
helping behavior
(type of action process) involves members going out of their way to help or back up other team members-team members can provide indirect help to their teammates in the form of feedback or coaching as well as direct help in the form of assistance with members task and responsibilities -may be most beneficial when workload is distributed unequally among team members
(type of action process) refers to synchronizing team members activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly-poor ___ results in team members constantly having to wait on others for info or other resources necessary to do their part of the teams work
interpersonal processes
(the 3rd category of teamwork processes) the processes in this category are important, before, during, or between periods of taskwork and each relates to the manner in which team members manage their relationships 3 types: 1. motivating and confidence building 2. affect management 3. conflict management
motivating and confidence building
(type of interpersonal processes) refers to the things team members do or say that affect the degree to which members are motivated to work hard on the teams task-expressions that create a sense of urgency and optimism are examples of communications that would fit this category
affect management
(type of interpersonal processes) involves activities that foster a sense of emotional balance and unity-if you ever worked on a team in which members got short tempered when facing pressure or blamed one another when there were problems you have first hand example with the poor side of this
conflict management
(type of interpersonal processes) this involves the activities that the team uses to manage conflicts that arise in the course of its work -tends to have a negative impact on a team, but the nature of this effect depends on the focus of the conflict and the manner it is managed2 types: 1. relationship 2. task
relationship conflict
(type of conflict) refers to disagreements among team members in terms of interpersonal relationships or incompatibilities with respect to personal values or preferences-centers on issues that arent directly related to the teams task -dissatisfying to most people as well as result in reduced team performance
task conflict
(type of conflict) refers to disagreements among members about the teams task -this conflict can be beneficial if it stimulates conversations that result in the development and expression of new ideasresearch findings indicate that this type of conflict tends to result in reduced team effectiveness unless several conditions are present: 1. members need to trust one another and be confident that they can express their opinions openly without fear of reprisals 2. team members need to engage in effective conflict mgmt practices 3. better if members are emotionally stable or open to experience
effective conflict management
1. when trying to manage its important for team members to stay focused on the mission statement 2. any benefits of task conflict disappear if the level of the conflict gets too heated if the parties appear to be acting in self interest rather than in the best interest of the team, or if theres high relationship conflict 3. to effectively manage members must discuss their positions openly and be willing to exchange info in a way that fosters collaborative problem solving
the process by which information and meaning gets transferred from sender to receiver -much of the work thats done in a team is accomplished interdependently and involves this among members, therefore the effectiveness of this plays an important role in determining there is process gain or loss
communication process
information --> sender --> encoding (noise)-->message--> (noise) decoding-->reciever--> understanding
communicator issues
____ ____ communicators must encode and interpret messages and that can be a major source of problemstypes: -communication competence -emotional intelligence / emotions
communication competence
(type of communicator issues) refers to the skills involved in encoding, transmitting, and receiving messages-example a receiver who isnt skilled in listening carefully to a senders message may misinterpret a message or miss it altogether
emotional intelligence (emotions)
(type of communicator issues) these can impact how people express themselves and can also cloud their interpretation of info they receive from others-team members ability to regulate these and understand these of others can result in clearer communications that are less prone to misunderstanding
a 2nd factor that influences the communication process is the presence of ___ that interferes with the message being transmitted ex. hard to communicate with someone at a loud party or restaurant
information richness
a 3rd factor that influences the communication process - this is the amount and the depth of info that gets transmitted in a message-messages transmitted face 2 face offer the highest amount of this because senders not only convey words but also body language, facial expressions and tone of voice; also gives the ability to receive feedback -moderate amount of this is a personal written note -low amount of this is computer generated reportsthe greater amount of complexity in a task the more likely the benefits of this will outweigh costs
network structure
the pattern of communication that occurs regularly among each member of the team can be described in terms of centralization, or the degree to which the communication in a network flows through some members rather than others examples: all channel, circle, Y, and wheel the more communication flow through fewer members of the team, the higher the degree of centralization
all channel
(type of network structure) highly decentralized, every member can communicate with every other memberex. students
(type of network structure) highly centralized because all communications flow through a single member-teams that use this often consist of a "official" leader who makes final decisions based on recommendations from members who have expertise in different fields
team states
(the 4th category of team processes) refers to the specific types of feelings and thoughts that coalesce in the minds of team members as a consequence of their experience working togetherex. a consequence of supportive leadership and member interactions team members may develop feelings of psychological safety, or the sense that its ok to do things that are interpersonally risky or that expressing opinions and making suggestions that challenge the status quo wont be met with embarrassment and rejection at the hands of teammates4 states: 1. cohesion 2. potency 3. mental models 4. transactive memory
(type of team state) having trusting relationships, members of a team can develop strong emotional bonds to other members of their team and to the team itself this is known as ____-it tends to foster high levels of motivation and commitment to the team and as a consequence it tends to promote higher levels of team performance
a highly cohesive team is ___ necessarily a good team because members try to maintain harmony by striving toward consensus on issues without ever offering, seeking, or seriously considering alternative viewpoints
the drive to conformity at the expense of other team priorities is called ___ and is thought to be associated with feelings of overconfidence about the teams capabilities
(type of team state) refers to the degree to which members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks'-if a team is high in this members are confident that their team can perform well and as a consequence focus more of their energy on team tasks and teamwork in hopes of achieving team goals-if a team is low in this members arent as confident about their team so they begin to question the teams goals and one another
strong positive
potency has a __ __ effect on team performance
mental models
(type of team state) refers to the level of common understanding among team members with regard to important aspects of the team and its task-when a teams members share in their understanding of one anothers capabilities their more likely to know where to go for the help they might need to complete their work
transactive memory
(type of team state) refers to how specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in an effective system of memory for the team-takes into account that not everyone on a team has to possess the same knowledge, instead requires members to understand their own personal knowledge relevant to the team and how their knowledge should be combined with that of others to accomplish team goals
moderate positive
teamwork processes have a ___ __ effect on team performance -stronger effect on performance of teams involved in more complex knowledge work rather than less complex work
strong positive
teamwork processes have a ___ ___ effect on team commitment -stronger effect on performance of teams involved in more complex knowledge work rather than less complex work
transportable team competences
trainees can transport what they learn about teamwork from one team complex and apply it in another
team members develop shared mental models of whats involved in each of the roles in the team and how the roles fit together to form a system 3 levels of depth: 1. personal clarification 2. positional modeling 3. positional rotation
personal clarification
(shallowest level of depth for cross training) -members simply receive info regarding the roles of the other team members ex. the highly specialized members of surgical teams-surgeons anesthesiologists, operating room nurses might meet so they can learn about others roles and how each contributes to the teams goal of achieving overall patient well being
positional modeling
(middle level of depth for cross training) -involves team members observing how other members perform their roles ex. surgical teams, the surgeon might spend a day shadowing operating room nurses as they perform their duties. this allows the surgeon to better understand what their job entails as well as gives them insight into how the activities involved in their respective jobs could be integrated more effectively
positional rotation
(deepest level of cross training) -gives members actual experience carrying out responsibilities of their teammates -not always prohibitive
conflict resolution
(a teamwork competency) -can distinguish b/w desirable and undesirable conflict -encourages desirable conflict and discourages undesirable conflict -uses win-win strategies to manage conflict
collaborative problem solving
(a teamwork competency) -can identify situations requiring parcipitative problem solving -uses the appropriate degree of participation -recognizes and manages obstacles to collaborative problem solving
(a teamwork competency) -understands communications networks -communicates openly and supportively -listens without making premature evaluations -uses active listening techniques -can interpret nonverbal messages of others -engages in ritual greetings and small talk
goal setting and performance management
(a teamwork competency) -helps establish specific and difficult goals for the team -monitors, evaluates, and provides performance feedback
planning and task coordination
(a teamwork competency) -coordinates and synchronizes activities among team members -est. expectations to ensure proper balance of workload within the team
team process training
this occurs in the context of a team experience that facilitates the team being able to function and perform more effectively as an intact unit types: -action learning -task demands highlight importance of effective team work
action learning
a team is given a real problem thats relevant to the organization and then held accountable for analyzing the problem, developing an action plan, and finally carrying out the action plan
how does action learning develop ___ team processes? 1. the team receives coaching to help facilitate more effective processes during different phases of the project 2. there are meetings which team members are encouraged to reflect on the team processes theyve used as they worked on the project , discuss what they learned and could do differently next time
team building
the 4th general type of team process training is ___ ___ -normally conducted by a consultant and intended to facilitate the development of team processes related to goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and role clarification -found in one meta analysis that this did not have a significant impact on team performance when performance was defined in terms of productivity -but more likely to have positive effects for smaller teams when it emphasizes role responsibilities ex. ropes course, laser tag, paintball, scavenger hunts, white water rafting
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