Merritt College Interpersonal Communication Skills Midterm – By: Nancy Petersen – Flashcards

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Q. Transactional communication may be compared to dancing due to the involvement needed by each partner. True False
A. True
Q. Communicating successfully with people from different cultural backgrounds only requires using the same exact elements of competence we use with people in our own country. True False
A. False
Q. According to Chapter One, all of the following are attributes needed to communicate successfully with people from different cultures except: a. motivation b. tolerance for ambiguity c. friendliness d. open-mindedness e. knowledge and skill
A. friendliness
Q. Psychologist Abraham Maslow suggests that the most basic human needs: a. are invented by other psychologists. b. must be satisfied before we concern ourselves with other ones. c. are proof that animals ascended from lower animal forms. d. prove the existence of a superior being. e. are generated by others in interpersonal interaction.
A. b. must be satisfied before we concern ourselves with other ones.
Q. "Decoding" is the process whereby: a. we put our thoughts into words. b. we make sense out of the messages sent by others. Correct c. we engage others in conversation. d. we choose the appropriate way to send messages. e. we create new ways of teaching reading and communication to children.
A. b. we make sense out of the messages sent by others.
Q. Which of the following factors might contribute to different environments? a. experience b. age c. income level d. ethnic group e. All of the above
A. e. All of the above
Q. The three types of noise that can block communication are: a. loud, moderate, and soft. b. mass communicational, personal, and transactional. c. external, physiological, and psychological. d. sociological, psychological, and communicational. e. linear, interactional, and transactional.
A. c. external, physiological, and psychological.
Q. Research has shown that competent communicators achieve effectiveness by: a. using the same types of behavior in a wide variety of situations. b. developing large vocabularies. c. apologizing when they offend others. d. giving lots of feedback. e. adjusting their behaviors to the person and situation.
A. e. adjusting their behaviors to the person and situation.
Q. Identity management occurs only in face-to-face interactions. True False
A. False
Q. Research described in your text about mediated communication suggests that: a. it may be an advantage for creating a desired impression. b. it permits a responder to ignore a message rather than be unpleasant. c. it lacks the "richness" of many nonverbal channels. d. all of the above are supported by research. e. none of the above are supported by research.
A. d. all of the above are supported by research.
Q. Self-fulfilling prophecies are: a. negative predictions of our behavior, imposed by others. b. negative predictions of our behavior, imposed by ourselves. c. positive or negative predictions of our behavior, imposed by others and/or ourselves. d. almost always negative predictions, imposed by ourselves and/or others. e. none of the above.
A. c. positive or negative predictions of our behavior, imposed by others and/or ourselves.
Q. The term "self-concept" refers to: a. the sum of one's physiological, social, and psychological attributes as perceived by an impartial observer. b. the way an individual believes others perceive her/him. c. the total of an individual's beliefs about his/her physical characteristics, intelligence, aptitudes, and social skills. d. the sum of one's psychological, social, and physical attributes as perceived by a significant other.
A. c. the total of an individual's beliefs about his/her physical characteristics, intelligence, aptitudes, and social skills.
Q. According to your text, "ego-boosters and busters" are: a. examples of how people ruin their self-concepts by taking drugs. b. people or words that influence the self-concept positively or negatively. Correct c. the two essential elements of self-concept development. d. ways to predict how children will become good or bad readers. e. intentionally vague labels we give to mask true self-concepts.
A. b. people or words that influence the self-concept positively or negatively.
Q. People who are high self-monitors: a. are much more aware of their impression management behavior than others. b. express what they feel without paying much attention to the impression their behavior creates. c. are usually bad actors. d. are not usually good "people readers." e. are easier to "read" than low self-monitors.
A. a. are much more aware of their impression management behavior than others.
Q. In individualistic cultures, a view of the self would involve all of the following except: a. self-sufficiency. b. high value on tradition. c. high value on equality. d. high value on change. e. personal credit or blame.
A. b. high value on tradition.
Q. True empathy requires that you agree with the other person's opinions. True False
A. False
Q. The skill of perception checking allows you to see if you are correct in your interpretation of another's behavior. True False
A. True
Q. The Pillow Method is designed to: a. persuade someone to accept your viewpoint. b. settle a dispute. c. a request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior correctly. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.
A. e. none of the above.
Q. A perception check includes: a. a description of the behavior you have noticed. b. two possible interpretations of the behavior. c. a request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior correctly. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.
A. d. all of the above.
Q. How could you improve this perception-checking statement? "When you gave me an F on my essay, I figured you hated me. Right?" a. Describe behavior. b. Give another interpretation. c. Request clarification. d. Say less. e. It is great as a perception-checking statement just the way it is.
A. b. Give another interpretation.
Q. We notice some stimuli over others in our environment because they are: a. mild. b. singular. c. contrasting or changing. d. related to modular communication.
A. c. contrasting or changing.
Q. Empathy is related to perception in that: a. the more perceptive you are, the less empathetic you need be. b. the more perceptive you are, the easier it is to forget to be empathetic. c. empathy is facilitated by trying to perceive things from the other person's point of view. d. empathy and perception are both a result of self-fulfilling prophecies.
A. c. empathy is facilitated by trying to perceive things from the other person's point of view.
Q. Fortunately, for people who want to hide their emotions, all the physical changes that accompany emotions are internal. True False
A. False
Q. An event that generates facilitative self-talk for one person might stimulate debilitative thinking for someone else. True False
A. True
Q. Emotions that we experience are a result of: a. our own temperaments. b. beliefs we hold. c. self-talk. d. all of the above.
A. d. all of the above.
Q. According to your text, one reason people don't express feelings is: a. they lack awareness of their emotions. b. it's a waste of time. c. interpretations are easier to understand. d. they are rarely asked to do so. e. many people rarely have feelings.
A. a. they lack awareness of their emotions.
Q. Research described in this chapter found that when subjects were coached to move their facial muscles in ways that appeared afraid, angry, disgusted, amused, sad, etc., the subjects responded: a. as if they themselves were having these feelings. b. by showing the opposite feeling. c. by showing more intense feelings than the volunteers. d. with no emotion at all. e. with pity for the volunteers.
A. a. as if they themselves were having these feelings.
Q. People who subscribe to the fallacy of perfection believe: a. everyone is perfect except them. b. there's no point in striving for perfection since it is unattainable. c. a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle any situation with complete confidence and skill. Correct d. perfection requires much practice. e. only professors are perfect.
A. c. a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle any situation with complete confidence and skill.
Q. All of the following are parts of the procedure for dealing with debilitative feelings except: a. Record your self-talk. b. Monitor your emotional reactions. c. Dispute your irrational beliefs. d. Identify the activating event. e. Analyze your motives. Correct
A. e. Analyze your motives.
Q. The U.S. is a high-context language culture. True False
A. False
Q. Emotive words are words that sound as if they're describing something, but are really announcing the speaker's attitude toward it. True False
A. True
Q. "We" language: a. may accomplish the goals of "I" language and sound less egotistical. b. should be avoided when expressing personal feelings and thoughts. c. can signal closeness and cohesiveness with others. d. can offend another person in some circumstances. e. All of these choices are correct.
A. e. All of these choices are correct.
Q. In a low-context language culture, you will notice: a. indirect expression of opinions. b. use of silence admired. c. less reliance on explicit verbal messages. d. self-expression valued. e. ambiguity admired.
A. d. self-expression valued.
Q. When we study semantic rules, we learn that: a. meanings rest more in words than in the people who use them. b. words typically can be interpreted in only one way. c. All of these choices are correct are true about semantic rules. d. understanding occurs as a result of users agreeing on the same meanings for words. e. words mean a lot in and of themselves.
A. d. understanding occurs as a result of users agreeing on the same meanings for words.
Q. A speaker's willingness to take responsibility for his/her thoughts or feelings can be indicated by the use of: Select one: a. singular terms. b. "I" language. c. "you" language. d. consequence terms. e. euphemisms.
A. b. "I" language.
Q. A behavioral description should include: a. who is involved. b. in what circumstances the behavior occurs. c. the specific behaviors. d. All of these choices are correct. e. None of these choices are correct.
A. d. All of these choices are correct.
Q. According to the text, you can not avoid communicating. True False
A. True
Q. Awareness of the differences in nonverbal behavior between cultures has little affect on cultural tolerance and respect. True False
A. False
Q. Studies of nonverbal communication across cultures reveal that: a. smiles and laughter are a universal signal of positive emotions. b. sour expressions convey displeasure in some cultures and pleasure in others. c. the expression of feelings is discouraged in most cultures. d. all facial expressions are inborn.
A. a. smiles and laughter are a universal signal of positive emotions.
Q. Kinesics is the study of: a. personal distances. b. verbal and nonverbal behavior. c. body position and motion. Correct d. environmental stress. e. clothing and color.
A. c. body position and motion.
Q. Proxemics is the study of: a. the way people and animals use space. b. the way people use words to transmit messages. c. the way people use facial expressions. d. the way people use silence. e. the way people use vocal cues.
A. a. the way people and animals use space.
Q. The many ways the voice communicates—including tone, speed, pitch, number and length of pauses, volume, etc.—are called: a. paralanguage. b. vocalics. c. noncommunicators. d. nonvocals. e. proxemics.
A. a. paralanguage.
Q. The nonverbal researchers cited in your text claim that, when we consider the actual meaning involved in communication situations, verbal messages: a. carry less meaning than nonverbal ones. b. carry more meaning than nonverbal ones. c. aren't really listened to. d. are too full of nonverbal signals. e. define the communication situation.
A. a. carry less meaning than nonverbal ones.
Q. Interdependence must exist between two parties in order for a conflict to exist. True False
A. True
Q. In a survey of conflict views of college men and women, women were described as being: a. more concerned with maintaining the relationship during a conflict. b. more concerned with power in the conflict. c. more interested in the content of the conflict. d. more ego-involved in the conflict than men. e. All of these answers are correct.
A. a. more concerned with maintaining the relationship during a conflict.
Q. Individuals in low-context cultures typically resolve conflict by: a. avoidance. b. indirect communication. c. nonassertion. d. All of these answers are correct. e. None of these answers are correct.
A. e. None of these answers are correct
Q. Win-win problem solving is seldom used because: a. there is a lack of awareness of it. b. emotional reflexes prevent constructive solutions. c. it requires both persons' cooperation. d. win-win problem solving is actually the most used problem-solving style of all. e. a, b, and c are correct.
A. e. a, b, and c are correct.
Q. In order for a conflict to exist, two interdependent parties must perceive: a. incompatible goals. b. scarce resources. c. interference from the other party in achieving their goals. d. a, b, and c are correct. e. both a and c are correct.
A. d. a, b, and c are correct.
Q. Conflict rituals are: a. inherently wrong. b. the best way to solve the variety of conflicts that are part of any relationship. c. almost always positive. d. unacknowledged but repeating patterns of dealing with conflict. e. All of these answers are correct.
A. d. unacknowledged but repeating patterns of dealing with conflict.
Q. Studies of different cultures and conflict reveal that: a. assertiveness is valued worldwide. b. North Americans avoid confrontation more than other cultures studied. c. individualistic cultures are less assertive than collective ones. d. the assertiveness appropriate in North America would be rude and insensitive in collectivist cultures. e. All of these answers are correct are true.
A. d. the assertiveness appropriate in North America would be rude and insensitive in collectivist cultures.
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