Medications – Flashcards

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Patient: Drug: (G) Aspirin; (T) Ecotrin Dose/Frequency/Route: 81 mg = 1 TBEC by mouth, once daily Indication: blood thinner/anti-platelet effect Teaching: take w/ full glass of water; remain seated in upright position for 15-30 mins after administration; look for signs of unusual bleeding; take only prescribed dose (no proof that increasing the dose will provide additional benefits - if used as prophylaxis)
Instructor: Drug: Aspirin Safe Dose Range: 80- 325 mg PO QD (Anti-platelet effects) Classification: salicylate (inhibits cyclooxygenase in platelets which is required for the formation of Thromboxane A2 which facilitates vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation; aspirin prevents TXA2 action) Reason: To prevent transient Ischemic Attacks, and MI Nursing Implications: - s/e: GI bleed, epigastric distress, n/v, abdominal pain - p/m: prolonged bleeding time, GI blood loss, increased PT
Patient: Drug: (G) Carvidilol; (B) Coreg Dose/Frequency/Route: 3.125 mg = 1 TAB by mouth, twice daily Indication: CHF (heart medication) Teaching: (pts w/ diabetes) Monitor glucose, medication may mask S&S of hypoglycemia; It is important to take the medication as directed at around the same time each day - don't skip or double dose.
Instructor: Drug: Carvedilol Safe Dose Range: 3.125 mg twice daily (for HF) Classification: Beta - Blocker (blocks stimulation of beta receptors causing decrease in HR and BP; improved CO prevents progression of HF and decreases risk of death) Reason: For CHF Nursing Implications: - s/e: fatigue, bradycardia, - p/m: monitor BP and HR, assess for symptoms of fluid overload
Patient: Drug: Ceftaroline Fosamil Dose/Frequency/Route: NaCl 0.9%, 50 mL, 300 mg=50 mL SOLR; 50 mL IV PB, every 12 hours Indication: Antibiotic Teaching: Emphasize importance of completing therapy, even if feeling better; instruct patient to report diarrhea with blood, pus, or mucus to healthcare professional
Instructor: Drug: Ceftaroline Fosamil Safe Dose Range: (IV) 600 mg every 12 hours for 5-14 days (for infection) Classification: Cephalosporin derivative (binds to bacterial cell wall, leading to cell death) Reason: to treat bacterial infection Nursing Implications: - s/e: phlebitis at injection site, diarrhea - p/m: monitor bowel Fx; monitor IV site for pain, swelling, redness
Patient: Drug: (G) Ducosate Sodium; (B) Colace Dose/Frequency/Route: 100 mg = 1 cap, by mouth twice daily Indication: stool softener Teaching: instruct pts with cardiac disease to avoid straining during bowel movements; best if used as short term therapy - instruct patient to try other methods of bowel regulation (i.e. increasing fluid and bulk intake)
Instructor: Drug: (G) Ducosate Sodium; (B) Colace Safe Dose Range: 50 - 400 mg in 1-4 divided doses Classification: Stool softeners (lower surface tension of GI fluid so more fat and fluid enters stool and intestine) Reason: To prevent constipation (in pt who should avoid straining) Nursing Implications: - s/e: diarrhea, cramping - p/m: assess for abdominal distention and bowel Fx (also note color, consistency, and amt of stool produced)
Patient: Drug: (G) Heparin; (B) Porcine Dose/Frequency/Route: 5000 U = 1 ml SOLN, subcutaneous, every 8 hours Indication: Blood- thinner/ anti-coagulant / to prevent blood clots from forming Teaching: teach patient to report unusual signs of bleeding; use a soft tooth brush; avoid shaving
Instructor: Drug: Heparin Safe Dose Range: 5000 units Q 8-12 hours Classification: antithrombotics (interrupts clotting cascade, preventing clots from forming) Reason: Prophylaxis for thrombus development Nursing Implications: - s/e: pain at injection site, bleeding - p/m: assess for signs of bleeding and hemorrhage; observe site for vascular lesions (hematomas, echymossis, inflammation).
Patient: Drug: (G) Insulin Glargine ; (B) Lantus Solostar Dose/Frequency/Route: 10 U - 0.1 mL INPN, subcutaneous; before breakfast, lunch, and evening meal Indication: Diabetes Teaching: Teach patients to carry a source of sugar (if hypoglycemia occurs); teach patient about signs and symptoms of hypo/hyperglycemia
Instructor: Drug: Insulin Glargine (long- acting) Safe Dose Range: 10 U QD (can then be adjusted to pts needs - 2-100 U/day) Onset, Peak, Duration: ~1-2 hrs, none, 24 hrs Classification: pancreatic (stimulates glucose uptake in muscle and fat; inhibits hepatic glucose production) Reason: DM Nursing Implications: - s/e: hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis (possible) - p/m: monitor glucose levels; monitor for hypo/hyperglycemia
Patient: Drug: (G) Insulin Lispro Pen ; (B) Humalog Kwikpen Dose/Frequency/Route: 3 U - 0.05 mL INPN Subcutaneous Indication: Diabetes Teaching: Teach patient signs and symptoms of hypo/hyperglycemia; teach patient to notify health care professional if nausea, vomiting, or fever develops
Instructor: Drug: Insulin Lispro (rapid- acting) Safe Dose Range: 0.5-1.2 units/kg/day Onset, Peak, Duration: 15 min, 1-2 hrs, 3-5 hrs Classification: pancreatic (stimulates glucose uptake in muscle and fat; inhibits hepatic glucose production) Reason: DM Nursing Implications: - s/e: hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis (possible), swelling, pruritis - p/m: monitor glucose levels; monitor for hypo/hyperglycemia
Patient: Drug: (G) Pentoxifylline; (B) Trental Dose/Frequency/Route: 4oo mg = 1 TBER, by mouth, three times daily Indication: reduces blood viscosity/anti-platelet Teaching: instruct patient to take as directed; may cause dizziness and blurred vision;
Instructor: Drug: Pentoxifylline Safe Dose Range: 400 mg 3 times daily (if GI or CNS side effects occur, decrease the dose to 400 mg twice daily) Classification: anti-platelet (methyxanthine derivative; reduces blood viscosity by increasing flexibility of RBC and reduces aggregation of platelets, causing increased blood flow) Reason: Prophylaxis of MI; patient has Hx of CHF, drug may help to facilitate blood flow Nursing Implications: - s/e: dizziness, drowsiness, abdominal discomfort - p/m: monitor BP, monitor for pain claudication (pain r/t too little blood flow)
Drug: Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Patient: Dose: 650 mg = 2 x325 mg TAB PO, q6H, PRN Indication: pain med Teaching: - instruct patient to not take more than recommended amt - instruct patient to report if pain is not relieved; reason - pain; classification - non-opioid analgesic
Drug: Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Drug: Instructor: Safe dose range: 350 - 650 mg q6h Classification: nonopiod analgesic Reason: pain Nursing Implications: - Side effects: hepatotoxicity, n/v - Patient monitoring: full pain assessment, monitor liver function
Drug: Ventolin (albuterol sulfate 0.5%) Patient Dose: 2.5 mg = o.5mL NEBU INH twice daily Indication: "help you breath" Teaching: Advise patient to rinse mouth w/ water after every dose to minimize dry mouth Inform pts that the medication may cause a bad taste in mouth
Drug: Ventolin (albuterol sulfate 0.5%) Instructor: Safe dose range: 2.5-5 mg q 20 min for 3 doses then 2.5-10 mg q 1-4 hr PRN Classification: adrenergic/ bronchodilator - stimulates beta receptors leading to smooth muscle relaxation Reason - patient experienced anaphylaxis (severe allergic rxn in response to IV contrast dye) - medication will help pts bronchioles dilate so patient can have effective ventilation, diffusion, and respiration Nursing implications: - Side effects - nervousness, restlessness, nausea, cheats pain, palpitations - patient monitoring - assess lung sounds, pulse and BP before admin; observe for paradoxal bronchospasms
Drug: Bacitracin (Bacitracin Zinc) [500 u/GM oint. tube] Patient: Dose: 1 app. oint TOPL 2 times a day Indication: antibiotic ointment Teaching: Inform pts that ointment may cause pruritiis (itching) and contact dermatitis (a rash) Tell pts to monitor site for signs of infection (i.e. redness, swelling, purulent discharge, odor)
Drug: Bacitracin (Bacitracin Zinc) [500 u/GM oint. tube] Instructor: Safe dose range: (Topical; Adults and Children) Apply 1-5 times daily Classification: antiinfective (inhibits bacterial growth) Reason: Patient has wounds; to prevent infection of wounds Nursing Implications: - Side effects: contact dermatitis, pruritis - Patient monitoring: monitor the lesions prior to administration; monitor for signs of infection of the area
Drug: Colace (ducosate) Patient: Dose: 100 mg = 1 cap oral BID Indication: stool softener Teaching: Encourage patient to use other forms of bowel regulation, (i.e. increasing bulk in the diet, increasing fluid intake (6-8 full glasses/day) Advise patients that laxatives should be used only for short-term therapy; other wise electrolyte imbalance and dependence may develop.
Drug: Colace (Ducosate) Instructor: Safe dose range: Adults and Children ;12 yr: 50-400 mg in 1-4 divided doses. Classification: stool softener Reason: to prevent constipation Nursing Implications: - Side effects: cramping, diarrhea - Patient monitoring: monitor patient for abdominal distention, presence of bowel sounds, and usual pattern of bowel function.
Drug: Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) Patient: Dose: 0.5 mg = 0.5 mL SOLN IV now for 1 dose; also PRN every 3 hours Indication: pain killer Teaching: - Advise patient to notify health care professional if pain control is not adequate. - Medication may cause drowsiness or dizziness. (let patient know; tell them to call for you if they need/want to ambulate)
Drug: Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) Instructor: Safe dose range: 1.5 mg q 3-4 hr as needed initially; may be ?. Classification: opioid agonist Reason: for pain Nursing Implications: - Side effects: confusion, sedation, *constipation* - Patient monitoring: monitor pain (therapeutic effect of medication). Monitor bowel function.
Drug: Robaxin (Methocarbomol) Patient: Dose: 1000 mg - 2x500 mg TAB; 4 times daily Indication: relaxants Teaching: - Advise patient to avoid concurrent use of alcohol and other CNS depressant (i.e. THC) - Tell patient that me may cause dizziness, drowsiness, and blurred vision. (best to avoid driving, etc)
Drug: Robaxin (Methocarbomol) Instructor: Safe dose range: 750 mg every 4 hours or 1000 or 1500 mg up to 4 times daily Classification: centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants (especially for patients with acute muscoluskeletal pain) Reason: to relax the patient; to reduce pain that may occur with mvmt Nursing Implications: - Side effecte:dizziness, drowsiness - Patient monitoring: Monitor patient for pain and or muscle stiffness (indicate that medication is ineffective)
Drug: Percocet (Oxycodone- Acetaminophen 5/325) Patient: Dose: 1-2 TAB PO Q4H Indication: pain med Teaching - Promote cough, turn, and deep breath (to prevent atelectasis) - Avoid concurrent use of CNS depressants
Drug: Percocet (Oxycodone- Acetaminophen 5/325) Instructor: Safe dose range: 5-10 mg q3-4h, PRN Classification: opioid analgesic Reason: pain Nursing Implications: - Side effects:confusion, sedation, constipation - Patient monitoring: assess pain, monitor bowel function
Drug: Zofran (ondansetron HCL) Patient: Dose: 4mg-2ml SOLN IV Q6H PRN Indication: nausea Teaching: - Advise patient to notify health care professional immediately if symptoms of irregular heart beat or involuntary movement of eyes, face, or limbs occur. - Take as directed.
Drug: Zofran (ondansetron HCL) Instructor: Safe dose range: 4 mg before induction of anesthesia or postoperatively Classification: five ht3 antagonists Reason: prevent postop n/v Nursing Implications: - Side effects: headache, dizziness - Patient monitoring: monitor for extrapyramidal effects (involuntary movements, facial grimacing, rigidity, shuffling walk, trembling of hands), monitor any n/v too!
Drug: Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) Patient: Dose: 25 mg- 0.5 ml SOLN IV q6h Indication: allergy med Teaching: - May cause drowsiness (don't drive/participate in activity that requires alertness) - May cause dry mouth (hydration and oral care is important)
Drug: Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) Instructor: Safe dose range: 25-50 mg q 4 hr as needed(don't exceed 400 mg/day). Classification: antihistamine Reason: Relief of allergic symptoms caused by histamine release (patient experienced anaphylaxis) Nursing Implications: - Side effects: drowsiness, dizziness - Patient monitoring: Monitor for signs of anaphylaxis (i.e. urticaria and for airway patency)
Drug: Peridex (Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12%) Patient: Dose: 10 ml mouthwash PRN Indication: antibacterial mouthwash Teaching: - used to reduce bacteria in the mouth - try not to use for an extended ant of time (may cause strain to teeth and buccal mucosa) - teach pts importance of oral care
Drug: Peridex (Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12%) Instructor: Safe dose range: Classification: topical disenfectant; germicidal mouth wash Reason: to prevent infection; to reduce bacteria in the mouth Nursing Implications: - Side effects: - Patient monitoring: monitor patient for signs of infection; monitor condition of teeth and oral cavity
Drug: Patient: Dose: Indication: Teaching: -
Drug: Instructor: Safe dose range: Classification: Reason: Nursing Implications: - Side effects: - Patient monitoring:
Drug: Dulcolax (Bisacodyl) Patient: Dose: 10mg - 1 supp RECTAL q12h PRN Indication: constipation/laxative Teaching: - Encourage patients to use other forms of bowel regulation (increasing bulk in the diet, increasing fluid intake, or increasing mobility - Laxatives should be used only for short-term therapy
Drug: Dulcolax (Bisacodyl) Instructor: Safe dose range: 10 mg/day single dose. Classification: laxative Reason: to relieve constipation Nursing Implications: - Side effects: abdominal cramps, nausea - Patient monitoring: monitor for abdominal distention, presence of bowel sounds, and usual pattern of bowel function
Drug: Morphine Patient: Dose: 5mg -1 ml SOLN IV q6H PRN Indication: pain Teaching: - Best to avoid concurrent use of alcohol or other CNS depressants with this medication. - Encourage patients who are immobilized or on prolonged bedrest to turn, cough, and breathe deeply every 2 hr (to prevent atelectasis)
Drug: Morphine Instructor: Safe dose range: 0.05-0.2 mg/kg q 3-4 hr (max 15 mg/dose) Classification: opioid analgesic Reason: pain Nursing Implications: - Side effects: drowsiness, constipation - Patient monitoring: monitor therapeutic effects and bowel fx
Drug: Percocet (Oxycodone- Acetaminophen 5/325) Patient: Dose: 1-2 TAB PO Q4H Indication: pain med Teaching - Promote cough, turn, and deep breath (to prevent atelectasis) - Avoid concurrent use of CNS depressants
Drug: Percocet (Oxycodone- Acetaminophen 5/325) Instructor: Safe dose range: 5-10 mg q3-4h, PRN Classification: opioid analgesic Reason: pain Nursing Implications: - Side effects:confusion, sedation, constipation - Patient monitoring: assess pain, monitor bowel function
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