Mastering Microbiology – Chapter 14 – Flashcards

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Epidemiology is defined as the study of >where disease occurs >when disease occurs >where and when a disease occurs, and how it is transmitted >how a disease is transmitted
A: where and when a disease occurs, and how it is transmitted
What is the role of epidemiology? >To learn what disease can be caused by respiratory pathogens >To learn which medicines are effective at killing pathogens >To learn how to treat and prevent various diseases >To learn which organisms cause disease
A: To learn how to treat and prevent various diseases
A patient acquired an infection by touching a contaminated door handle. Which mode of transmission best describes this scenario? >vehicle transmission >direct contact transmission >droplet transmission >indirect contact transmission
A: indirect contact transmission
A dog develops a diarrheal disease after drinking water from a creek during a hike with his owner. Which of the following best describes this method of disease transmission? >vehicle transmission >contact transmission >vector transmission >There is not enough information to determine the mode of transmission
A: vehicle transmission
According to the animation, surgical infections account for what percentage of nosocomial infections? >15% >40% >8% >11% >20%
A: 20%
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What type of nosocomial infection is likely to arise from intravenous catheterization? >Surgical >Urinary tract >Bacteremia >Lower respiratory >Cutaneous
A: Bacteremia
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How might a patient who is not being treated with an antibiotic still be exposed to an antibiotic? >Health care workers being treated with antibiotics may pass the antibiotic on to the planet >Visitors currently being treated with antibiotics can pass them on to the patient >Antibiotics can be used in aerosols, thereby entering the environment
A: Antibiotics can be used in aerosols, thereby entering the environment
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Why are invasive procedures likely to increase the risk of nosocomial infections? >These procedures allow microbes from the skin to enter the bloodstream of the patient. >Invasive procedures must use antibiotics. >These procedures are carried out by health care workers, who carry resistant microbes. >Invasive procedures require long term hospital stays, thereby increasing the number of visitors seen by the patient.
A: These procedures allow microbes from the skin to enter the bloodstream of the patient.
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How can health care workers reduce the occurrence of nosocomial infections? >Reduce the number of times they visit a patient >Practice more stringent aseptic techniques >Administer al medications orally instead of through injections >Limit the number of visitors who can see the patient
A: Practice more stringent aseptic techniques
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Expected prevalence of a disease is >the expected occurrence of a disease based on past observations >the total number of cases of a disease over a period of time >the anticipated geographical spread of a disease based on past observances >the number of new cases of a disease over a period of time
A: the expected occurrence of a disease based on past observations
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In the sixth segment of the animation, why is the disease epidemic in North America? >Only a few cases are occurring in this region. >The disease has spread to North America from Europe >The disease occurs at a higher rate than what would normally be expected in this region >The disease occurs at a lower rate than what would normally be expected in this region
A: The disease occurs at a higher rate than what would normally be expected in this region
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In the last segment of the animation, how many regions of the world experience the pandemic during April of year four? >Four >Two >Six >Five
A: Five
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In the last segment of the animation, when does the first epidemic occur? >January of year three >April of year four >September of year three >January of year four >March of year two
A:January of year three
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If a disease occurs at a fairly stable rate, it is said to be >pandemic >endemic >epidemic >sporadic
A: endemic
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Which of the following would be considered a fomite? >A fly >An infected toy >A tick >Contaminated water
A: An infected toy
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Which of the following would be considered a vector? >Water droplets that come from a sneeze from an infected individual >A fly carrying disease from fecal matter to food >Water containing bacteria from fecal matter >Saliva that is transmitted between individuals during kissing
A: A fly carrying disease from fecal matter to food
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When aerosols containing pathogens spread disease from a distance of less than one meter, it is considered >waterborne transmission >vector transmission >airborne transmission >contact transmission
A: contact transmission
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Which of the following is considered a major category of transmission of disease? >contact transmission >vector transmission >vehicle transmission >contact, vehicle, and vector transmission
A: Contact, vehicle, and vector transmission
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Which is an example of vehicle disease transmission? >The bite of a mosquito containing malaria >The transmission of MRSA from skin to skin contact >Touching a telephone with cold viruses on its surface >The presence of Listeria on undercooked chicken served for dinner
A: The presence of Listeria on undercooked chicken served for dinner
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The health of the patient >is secondary to the health of co-workers in healthcare settings >is secondary to the health of the healthcare worker >should be the primary concern of the healthcare worker
A: should be the primary concern of the healthcare worker
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How can surgeons help to limit nosocomial infections? >They should prescribe immunosuppressive drugs to their patients >They should prescribe as many antibiotics as possible >They should only operate on healthy individuals >They should perform surgeries and invasive procedures only when absolutely necessary
A: They should perform surgeries and invasive procedures only when absolutely necessary
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If a patient notices a healthcare worker not following suggested precautions >they should immediately wash their hands >they should leave the healthcare facility immediately >they should immediately bring it to the attention of the healthcare worker
A: they should immediately bring it to the attention of the healthcare worker
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Which of the following characteristics of a catheter should be considered, to help minimize the spread of nosocomial infections? >Inexpensive >Reusable >Washable >Long >Single-use
A: Single-use
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Which of the following statements is true regarding hand washing? >Hand washing should be done before and after patient interaction >Hand washing should be done frequently by patients >Frequent and proper hand washing should be routinely done by patients and by healthcare workers, both prior to and after interaction >Hand washing should be done frequently by healthcare workers
A: Frequent and proper hand washing should be routinely done by patients and by healthcare workers, both prior to and after interaction
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