Maslows Theory And Relevance Commerce Essay Example
Maslows Theory And Relevance Commerce Essay Example

Maslows Theory And Relevance Commerce Essay Example

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Workforce planning is a complex process that businesses face today. Predicting future human resource needs is challenging due to the ever-changing demands in the business environment, social factors, and technological advancements. These factors may require employees to possess new skills and abilities, making it difficult to determine the exact number of staff required. However, workforce planning is crucial as employment costs make up approximately 70% of company finances and employee effectiveness greatly impacts a company's success. Companies operating in the current business climate must understand and anticipate how demographic, technological, and policy trends will impact future service demands. Accurately predicting future staffing needs is essential for improving overall company performance.

In summary, effective workforce planning is crucial for improving and enhancing the workforce. Despite recognizing its importance for sustainable


business success, many companies do not consistently implement strategic workforce planning. According to a survey conducted by HR consulting company Hewitt Associates and the Institute for Executive and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, 81% of companies consider strategic workforce planning to be highly important, but only 35% are satisfied with the outcomes of their workforce planning.

The demand for new endowment is so high that many companies have to modify their corporate schemes. As a result, companies are placing a high importance on strategic work force planning and recognizing its significance for future success. Currently, over 70% of businesses use strategic work force planning as a management tool to address skill and talent shortages at all levels. However, they often do so in an unstructured manner, which separates the process from other HR activities. This leads to only partial satisfaction, with approximately two-thirds

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being content with short-term work force adjustments and annual operational work force planning. However, satisfaction drops to only 35% when it comes to work force planning for key positions and for the company as a whole. "Companies are experiencing significant delays in implementing their strategic work force planning. Only when this planning is consistently implemented can businesses benefit from this management tool," said Ursula Knorr, head of Human Resource Management at the University of St.

Gallen. Workforce planning can be difficult due to the unpredictable market and its trends. Today, factors like a constantly changing business environment and economic recession pose challenges in planning the workforce. In addition, customer attitudes towards the company's products, company policies, image, and nature of business also significantly affect workforce planning.

Recruitment Process: A and Demands

BBC Recruitment Process

The BBC provides a dedicated recruitment website for potential candidates to explore available positions and search for the latest job openings that match their skills and preferences. It is important to thoroughly review job details, including the skills and experience section, as well as any specific requirements mentioned in the job advertisement. Failure to meet these criteria may result in not being considered for an interview. Interested individuals who believe they meet the minimum role requirements can submit their applications online through the BBC's website and also sign up to receive email notifications about future job opportunities.

To apply for a particular job, candidates must fill out an online application form available on the website. The website also provides instructions on correctly completing the application form. Once the form is submitted, it will be assessed based on the essential criteria of the job. If a candidate's

skills and experience closely align with the job requirements, they may be invited for an interview and potentially an assessment. BBC utilizes personalized assessment methods to impartially evaluate each job's core prerequisites.

When inviting candidates to attend an appraisal, the company will explain what it is measuring. If a candidate's skills and experience do not match the job requirements, BBC will inform them and they will not be invited for an interview or appraisal. However, the company would encourage them to review the current jobs section on the website for more suitable opportunities.

If a candidate is shortlisted for a management role at BBC, they will need to complete an online leadership questionnaire which can be done from a work or home computer and takes approximately 45 minutes.

If successful at the interview/appraisal, the company will contact the candidate with a job offer at BBC. In this case, the candidate may want to learn more about working benefits with BBC. On the other hand, if unsuccessful at the interview/appraisal, candidates can request feedback from BBC who are always happy to provide it and discuss other opportunities that may better suit their skills and experience.

BBC has a training academy called "BBC Academy of Training" which is dedicated to developing staff in the media field. It provides necessary skills and development opportunities for individuals and organizations in the broadcast industry.The BBC Academy collaborates with Skill-set, the Sector Skills Council, to provide subsidized training to freelance professionals in the UK. They offer a diverse range of courses and development solutions worldwide, not only for BBC employees. Moreover, they offer advisory services for needs analysis and evaluation. These services are separate

from the BBC's license fee funded activities but complement them. The Academy also offers guidance on suitable training options and support packages for associated costs.

The BBC Academy offers a history direction service to provide daily support for campaigners and their followers. This service includes designing and implementing development assessments, collaborating with campaigners to create effective training plans, advising on the best training delivery options, offering a wide range of scheduled courses and customized training packages. The academy also provides a rigorous evaluation process to demonstrate value received by organizations and integrates all these elements to maximize training budgets.

Additionally, the BBC has established an independent academy dedicated to developing its staff and individuals interested in similar fields. This academy offers various courses, online programs, and workshops in areas such as news, radio, television, media broadcasting, etc. By immersing employees in a similar environment to their workplaces, the BBC Academy creates an ideal learning environment for easy and productive learning.

Below is a list of classes offered by the BBC Academy for its campaigners:

  • Camera Skills
  • Core Learning Craft Editing
  • Core Learning Desktop Editing
  • Design
  • Directing
  • Play
  • Editing, Post-production ;
    • Vision Mixing
    • Column
    • Artworks
    • Synergistic Television
    • Introductory Courses
    • Lighting Skills
    • Maestro categories
    • Production Skills
    • Sound Skills

    • Technical Overviews

    • <>
      are all accepted components within the human dealingrs school of direction when it comes to motivating staff.

      Despite the current dynamic business climate, many companies and directors continue to follow this model. However, there is still uncertainty surrounding whether this model completely changes management practices for improvement. Referred to as motivational theory, human relations management theory views employees differently

than the more dictatorial management theory of the past. Based on Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Y, HR management theory (Theory Y) states that employees in this category want to perform their jobs with dignity, full engagement, taking personal responsibility, and are self-motivated in their work. They aim to maintain and even enhance their position within the company. This Theory Y contradicts Theory X, which suggests that employees in this category are lazy and unenthusiastic, seeking only job security and requiring external regulation.

According to human relations theory, management should classify employees into two categories and address their needs accordingly in order to improve employee and overall company performance. This theory suggests that management strategies such as treating work as natural as play or rest can increase motivation and improve performance, according to motivational theory. If working conditions and breaks are not satisfactory, employees may lose focus and motivation. Additionally, management should communicate the broader objectives of the company's workforce to succeed. These objectives should be measurable, attainable, and realistic.

The management's responsibilities extend beyond effective communication of goals to employees. It also involves ensuring that employees understand how their contributions will enhance company productivity and how they will be rewarded for it. Empowering employees to make independent decisions, providing training and development opportunities, and increasing their freedom and responsibility as they become more capable are all ways to motivate and satisfy them in their job tasks. Additionally, offering appropriate recognition and rewards for achieving company goals and utilizing other theories of human relations can further maintain employee motivation. Motivational factors that influence both the organization and employee performance include fulfilling personal desires such as recognition, job

security, growth and development, and social interactions.If employees are not allowed to pursue their desires, it can lead to a decrease in motivation levels, which can negatively impact overall organizational performance. There are several reasons why workers may lose interest in their jobs, including a lack of opportunities for personal advancement and growth, unclear goals for groups and teams, lack of recognition or appreciation for their contributions, belief in their inadequacy, monotonous tasks, lack of support from colleagues, and limited chances to demonstrate initiative and creativity.

These factors affect both individual and group motivation within the organization. It is important for management to understand what motivates employees at both levels. Leadership presence plays a crucial role in motivating individuals, teams, and groups within the organization. Management should expect a great deal from organizational members and provide the necessary direction, communicationmunicationncommunicationnicationncomunicatommunincationommunicationnnuicationncommuniionniommuicatiand inspiration to keep them motivated.

Overall,municationit isimportantmanagfor managemto create an environment that fosters personalnd professional groworwthccognizes employee contributions,and provides opopportunities fopportunityr innovation.The direction 's outlooks will be populated either up or down.

In the early phases of group development, it is important to clearly explain what is expected from organization members/workers. The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Communication should be frequent with all groups, individuals, and teams.
  • Emphasize the significance of good work habits and time management.
  • Lead by example and practice what is preached, serving as a role model.
  • If problems arise, managers should first look at themselves and refrain from blaming others or getting angry with their staff directly.

  • Directors should publicly and privately show appreciation for employees' achievements, even if they are small.
  • Ensure that organization members/workers are aware of opportunities available to them within the organization, including leadership positions.
  • Create a positive work environment where workers/members can have a good time while still getting work done, and don't forget to join them.
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between the classical and scientific schools of management.

    The classical or traditional approach to management mainly focuses on the structure and activities of formal organizations.

    The text emphasizes the importance of achieving an effective organization by addressing various factors such as establishing a hierarchy of authority, dividing work responsibilities, and determining the appropriate span of control. Classical management, which includes scientific, bureaucratic, and administrative approaches, focuses on efficiency. Henry Fayol's Classical Organizational theory aimed to identify management principles that can be applied to all organizations. He defined management as consisting of five functions: planning (analyzing the future and developing action plans), organizing (building the project's structure), controlling (ensuring activity among personnel), coordinating (consolidating and harmonizing activities and efforts), and controlling (ensuring compliance with policies and practices)."

    According to his survey, the author found that the effectiveness of organizational and administrative rules depends on the level of positional power held. He also argued against rigidity. The scientific approach to management involves several key principles: first, replacing opinions and rule-of-thumb with a scientific discipline for each operation; second, scientifically selecting and training workers to perform their jobs optimally; third, promoting genuine cooperation between workers and management based

    on mutual opportunism; fourth, advocating for management to take full responsibility for planning the work, while workers' primary duty is to accomplish management's plans.

    Scientific management, pioneered by Fredrick Taylor (1856-1915), is a method that aims to enhance workplace efficiency and improve the performance of individual workers. By utilizing analytical procedures, this approach provides individuals with a better understanding of management. Taylor referred to his theory as "the one best way for a job to be done." Notably, scientific management led to remarkable improvements in productivity, making it both necessary and significant.

    The workplace was greatly improved through the redesign of highly demanding jobs, which included specific additions to the final product. While the focus of scientific management schools is primarily on the internal structure of the organization, there is a major emphasis on aligning processes, selecting employees with the right skills for specific positions at the appropriate time, using analytical techniques to further improve job quality, workforce planning, guiding employees through the development of their career plans and goals, and addressing both employee needs and company processes. Both classical and scientific management schools contribute to high productivity within a company.

    Explain the theory of Maslow and its relevance today.

    Maslow's theory is based on the idea that every individual is motivated by unmet needs, and that lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs can be addressed. Certain universal needs (physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem) must be fulfilled before a person can act on altruistic motives. These human needs are referred to as "deficiency needs."

    ''While humans are driven to fulfill these needs, they continue to strive for growth and ultimately self-actualization. The satisfaction of these desires is

    crucial for our well-being and preventing their fulfillment can lead to illness or harmful behavior.

    • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Chart

    Therefore, in order to cultivate sufficient workplace motivation, it is important for managers to understand which desires are relevant for employee motivation. Abraham Maslow's model emphasizes that basic, lower-level needs such as physiological and safety needs must be met before higher-level needs such as self-fulfillment can be pursued.

    As shown in this hierarchical diagram, commonly known as 'Maslow's Needs Pyramid' or 'Maslow's Needs Triangle', when a need is fulfilled, it no longer serves as a motivation and is replaced by the next higher need. These needs encompass the fundamental requirements for survival, including the need for water, air, food, and sleep. Maslow argued that these needs are the most fundamental and innate in the hierarchy, as all other needs become secondary until these physiological needs are satisfied, which remains relevant today. This also encompasses the needs for safety and security.

    Security demands are important for survival, although not as critical as physiological demands. They can still be demanding to some extent. Examples of security demands include the need for stable employment, health insurance, safe neighborhoods, and protection from the environment. These needs are mandatory for any individual in today's world. In addition to these, there is a need for belongingness, love, and affection. While Maslow considered these needs to be less fundamental than physiological and security needs, they are significant in a business context.

    Relationships, such as friendly relationships with co-workers and direction, fulfil the demand for companionship and acceptance. Engagement in

    societal, community, or spiritual groups also satisfies this need. Once the first three needs are met, the importance of esteem needs increases. These needs include things that reflect self-confidence, personal value, social recognition, and accomplishments. When these needs are fulfilled, workers perform their jobs with self-motivation and take personal responsibility. This represents the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Self-actualizing individuals are self-aware, focused on personal growth, less concerned with others' opinions, and interested in fulfilling their potential.

    Explain Change implementation through bossy and democratic methods?

    In Autocratic management style, management directs staff to perform specific job tasks without seeking opinions or conducting consultations. This authoritarian style is used when management prefers to have full control over the office situation.

    The implementation of a bossy manner in organizations requires employees to strictly follow directions and guidelines provided by management. However, it is important to consider that change is necessary in every aspect of a business. While the imposition of decisions solely by management limits employees' freedom to work according to their preferences and excludes them from decision-making processes, it can lead to dissatisfaction among employees. This resistance to change is a common human nature trait. Furthermore, if changes are implemented without involving employees in the decision-making process, specifically regarding their work environments, the consequences may be unfavorable for the company. While management decisions made using a bossy approach may be time-efficient by not considering alternative perspectives, it can lead to timely completion of tasks.

    However, implementing this style of leadership can create a work environment in which employees are less satisfied and demotivated. It can also lead to issues such as "delays in management decisions". In the long

    run, a bossy management style may result in increased employee turnover and resistance to new working conditions imposed by management. On the other hand, the management approach known as Democratic Management style believes that management should empower employees in their job tasks. This style encourages employees to take ownership of their tasks and take initiatives to generate new ideas.

    The success of a democratic management style relies on accountability and the timely delegation of tasks. In general, involving employees in the implementation of changes yields positive results. However, it is crucial that employees assigned specific job objectives are given proper authority and sufficient skills to carry out those tasks; otherwise, negative consequences may arise for the company. When a company adopts a democratic management approach, it informs all employees who may be affected by the changes and engages them in the decision-making process. This communication includes highlighting the benefits that all employees will receive after the changes are implemented. Consequently, the entire workforce becomes involved in the implementation process, leading to positive results for the company and maintaining a high level of job satisfaction among employees. This motivation encourages employees to perform at their best under the new job conditions.

    Relationship between direction manner and motivational plans

    Participative direction involves communication and involving the workforce in decision-making. Employees are encouraged to take ownership of their own jobs, sections, and make decisions regarding their job duties and work environments. This management style is effective in overcoming issues such as demotivation, dissatisfaction, and low productivity among employees. However, not all organizations have the capability and capacity to adopt this management style. Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management method

    where employees contribute to defining specific, measurable, and achievable objectives. Employee involvement makes them feel important, and the goals they have set for themselves motivate them to perform better in their jobs.

    The employees' authorization is a direction technique that assigns various roles to managers, such as manager, counselor, protagonist, or facilitator for the employees. With this technique, employees at every level have the autonomy to make decisions about their job responsibilities and tasks. The employee decides how the work will be structured and how the set goals will be achieved. Management only checks and monitors the output of the employee. The authorization technique involves delegating the decision-making authority to both management and workforce, for actions that are crucial to both parties.

    The main focus of implementing an authorization scheme is to provide efficient solutions for the problems at a lower level, offer opportunities for employee development and advancement, and reduce business costs by involving employees and managers in multiple tasks. Employee empowerment leads to the expansion of self-directed work teams within departments. This management approach gives the power to make decisions regarding prioritizing job tasks and problem-solving methods. Self-directed work teams are effective when there are 10 to 15 employees in each team and require minimal supervision. Several renowned companies like General Motors, Pepsi, and HP have successfully utilized self-directed work teams to support their operations. Another technique for managing staff effectively is Management by Walking Around (MBWA), which aims to motivate employees.

    A classical method used by top directors is to be attentive listeners. They use this technique to gather feedback from employees at all levels and stay updated on the working conditions. This information helps

    them maintain a supportive culture within the organization and prevent employees from encountering any issues in their job roles. Directors not only listen to employee problems, but also take a proactive approach in finding solutions to those problems in order to keep the staff motivated. MBWA benefits management by providing immediate information about processes and strategies that may be overlooked in formal communication channels. In summary, these management styles explain how the workforce can be motivated to bring efficiency into organizational processes and satisfy the entire workforce.

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