Market development Essay Example
Market development Essay Example

Market development Essay Example

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The following outlines the potential barriers to entry and exit for different scenarios:

a. An independent internal medicine practice being established by a physician
Entry Barriers: Assuming costs associated with opening the business, such as services, personnel, permits, supplies, and technological equipment. Acquiring all necessary permits and undergoing inspections. Costs related to acquiring new technology, computers, printers, etc. Competition from competitors in the same area.
Exit Barriers: Costs incurred in laying off staff and fulfilling contractual obligations like rent payments.

b. A company offering a health club facility within the same building where employees work
Entry Barriers: Costs involved in acquiring all necessary equipment. Educating employees to ensure they do not leave their jobs unattended due to distractions. Obtaining permits and going through regulatory processes. Ensuring health liability coverage if workers sustain any injuries w


hile using the health club facilities.
Exit Barriers: Dissatisfaction of employees and costs related to rent or property decisions on whether to sell or store equipment.

c.A tertiary hospital establishing a coronary bypass program
Entry Barriers: Competition from other hospitals.Adhering to all regulations, credentials, and permits required for particular physicians/surgeons.Incurring capital expenses for advertising, promotions incentives etc.

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are established due to various environmental factors like those created by Toyota; economic factors also play a significant role in these cases. Companies like Toyota implement such clinics to save money amidst rising healthcare costs and work closely with healthcare providers to find solutions. After-hours clinics and urgent care facilities thrive in metropolitan areas due to competitive and social factors contributing to their success.The thriving clinics in the healthcare industry are a result of competition and societal demand for convenient and accessible healthcare services outside of regular office hours. The success of after-hours clinics and urgent care facilities is driven by factors such as the decline of hospitals in metropolitan areas, high populations, and the need for services. Additionally, visiting these clinics can sometimes be more convenient than going to a hospital.

If you were hired to design a NCO plan for baby boomers in San Antonio, Texas, a city with a large Hispanic population, how would you create a unique service offering that addresses the main trends discussed in this chapter?

In this scenario, a primary care medical group has a roster of patients who previously relied on them as their main source of care.

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