Leadership Styles Are Different In Different Organization Business Essay Example
Leadership Styles Are Different In Different Organization Business Essay Example

Leadership Styles Are Different In Different Organization Business Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3127 words)
  • Published: September 17, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Leadership is a societal process in which an individual is empowered by a group or community to influence others' behavior without using force. This person motivates others to work together towards shared goals. Additionally, leadership is also a quality of organizational management where subordinates are directed towards common objectives with confidence. Leadership styles may differ across organizations, industries, and sectors due to variations in work practices, production capacity, and working environments. Each organization has unique demands and needs that shape its environment. To lead a specific unit, the management selects or appoints a leader through a defined process. The chosen leader is then given delegated powers by the management to be utilized for the benefit of both the group and the organization's common goals.

Choice of leaders in bureaucratic organisa


tions is typically done in this manner.


A leader is an individual who exercises influence over subordinates and others, without resorting to threats or the use of power, for the sole purpose of benefiting or serving the community or groups that have chosen or elected them as their leader. It is not meaningless to say that a leader is someone who motivates others and people willingly choose to follow them, not out of compulsion. A leader represents the desires and needs of their community or group, and all their actions are solely for the well-being and advantages of these groups.

There are two main types of leaders: formal and informal. Formal leaders have official ranks or positions with authority in bureaucratic organizations, achieved through a specific selection or election process to accomplish organizational goals. On the other hand, informal leaders are chosen by a group or

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community based on their natural communication skills and confidence, rather than being appointed or elected. While they lack the same level of authority as formal leaders, they still fulfill leadership roles within their respective groups or communities, representing their beliefs, needs, demands, and necessities.

Informal leaders are individuals who possess natural leadership qualities and play a vital role within their respective groups or communities.

Leadership Requirements for Achieving Current and Future Organizational Goals

Leaders are regarded as valuable assets and heroes within their organizations or communities. Their main objective is to successfully complete assigned tasks with the help of their teams. It is the leader's responsibility to effectively communicate the tasks to team members and provide motivation when needed. Leaders should also be open to listening to team members' suggestions in order to gain a better understanding of different perspectives. Additionally, they must coordinate the collective efforts of the team to accomplish assigned tasks. The following skills and abilities are crucial for leaders aiming to achieve organizational goals and improve team efficiency.

Communication of Task Knowledge to the Group Leader: In an organization, the group leader is an authorized formal leader responsible for directing and overseeing subordinates to achieve organizational goals. As part of a bureaucratic organization, the leader receives specific tasks with deadlines that require collaboration and coordination with their team. Effective leadership relies on the leader possessing comprehensive task knowledge and effectively delivering and communicating this knowledge throughout all project stages. The leader should provide detailed information about the task to eliminate ambiguity and enable confident teamwork until completion.

Understanding Organization's Needs: Leadership plays a crucial role in empowering organizations by fostering employee confidence and instilling high ethical

standards for success. This can only be achieved when leaders are well-informed about the organization's needs. Undertakings challenge an organization's capability to work under any circumstances, regardless of significance or difficulty, evaluating their ability to make correct decisions that benefit them.

The key to successfully completing difficult tasks in an organization lies in the coordination between leadership and adult male power. Understanding the needs of the group is crucial in this process. The labor/group serves as the primary driving force behind an organization, with its members striving for success as their own success is intertwined with that of the organization. Leadership demonstrates one important quality - full support for the labor/groups, making every effort to address their issues and fulfill their demands. This is because meeting the needs of the group is an essential requirement for task completion. While good leadership directly works towards organizational welfare, it also indirectly advocates for group benefits.

Management of an organization involves not only leading and commanding the groups within the organization but also using leadership to improve the weaknesses of the organization and transform them into strengths.

Training for Group Arrangement

An organization is a platform where all departments related to the organization's work, such as purchasing, manufacturing, sales, finance, and marketing, collaborate. As time goes on, new innovations occur, which require adopting new techniques to enhance working conditions and skills for groups in different fields. It is the responsibility of the organization's management to maintain integrity with group leadership in order to understand their needs and requirements for better working situations. By doing so, management can assess group weaknesses and enhance their skills through training programs focused on addressing these weaknesses.

These training programs not only improve labor skills but also evaluate labor capacity and highlight the relationship between groups and leadership.

Assessment of Weaknesses and Strengths: Effective leadership is crucial for understanding an organization's areas of focus, strengths, and weaknesses. The process involves selecting a formal leader who evaluates the organization's strengths and weaknesses by fostering good relationships with group members. Group members share their issues and additional skills with the leader. By providing training, the organization can enhance its strengths while transforming weaknesses into strengths. A successful organization recognizes its weaknesses and threats, effectively eliminating them with the support of its groups and strong leadership.

Motivation of Groups in Organizations: Leaders in organizations are given delegated power to guide actions within subsidiaries. Subsidiaries willingly follow leaders' guidance because they have trust that these actions benefit themselves and are conducted on their behalf.

The effective management of an organization is essential for inspiring and motivating its groups to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. To ensure proper motivation, organizations should maintain positive relationships with their leaders. This will ultimately lead to the best possible outcomes and achievements.

Building Confidence:

The success of an organization depends on the confidence of its workforce. Each industry, organization, department, and project has unique characteristics and requirements. However, a fundamental requirement for all is worker confidence in their leaders. Leaders act as intermediaries between organizations and groups, representing the interests of those groups they oversee. Effective leadership motivates these groups and instills confidence through a reciprocal relationship based on respect for each other's needs and concerns. Building this long-lasting confidence is crucial for effective leadership.

Leadership is crucial for the development of organizations, subdivisions, industries, and

projects. Merely relying on financial and human resources is insufficient for effective work. Effective work requires coordination between businesses and groups within those businesses, which can only be achieved through leadership. While leaders may have different attitudes depending on the nature of the entities they lead, their strategies must prioritize the needs of employees. A bureaucratic leader is capable of addressing these concerns.

Throughout history, leadership has always been a part of business activities. As business operations have evolved, so have the theories surrounding leadership. Modern theories encompass a comprehensive understanding of leadership, considering all essential aspects. One such theory is the Situational Theory by Hersey Blanchard.

Modern Theories of Leadership

The Situational Theory of Hersey Blanchard revolves around various crucial factors that include the degree of focus on the task, the bond between leaders and their groups, and the level of maturity linked to the task. These elements ultimately shape leaders' interactions with their groups.

The theory suggests that the behavior of leaders and groups is influenced by the quantum of way. The leader's effectiveness in maintaining good relations and coordination with subordinates determines their ability to influence direction and leadership in industries, organizations, subdivisions, and projects. However, the real power lies within the groups themselves as they have the potential to impact a company's fate through their performance. This theory is categorized into three behaviors: Task Behavior, which involves assigning responsibilities based on tasks; Relationship Behavior, which entails two-way communication where the leader supports and listens to the groups to facilitate smooth working; and Building Confidence where leader plays a role in task completion while supporting group members in various ways.

Each individual has varying levels of maturity,

and it is their own responsibility to guide their behavior accordingly. People possess different levels of maturity which impacts their understanding and control over their actions. The success of a task depends on both the leader's level of maturity as well as that of the group members. While leaders determine how to guide others, it is up to group members to interpret this guidance.

Leaders are equipped with diverse abilities and varying levels of maturity.In order to determine the appropriate approach, one can assess various leaders in similar situations and observe how they facilitate and communicate with groups regarding the task. As leaders mature, their focus shifts from task behavior to relationship behavior. In these situations, where group understanding has improved, leaders must support them in problem-solving to achieve the task. This approach allows leaders to accurately gauge the group's level of maturity. The theory can be applied across industries, organizations, subdivisions, and long-term projects. Due to varying rates of innovation and performance improvement among groups and laborers, effective leadership through proper communication and skill development is crucial for businesses to achieve desired outcomes. Regardless of leader or laborer maturity levels, providing facilities that enhance efficiency and effectiveness is essential. Hence, this theory is applicable at all business levels encompassing diverse types of organizations, industries, subdivisions, and undertakings.

Charles Handy's Theory of Best Fit Approach suggests that the most effective leadership style is one that can adapt and be customized according to the specific situation and circumstances at hand. Whether it is determined by the leader or the group, what matters is that the chosen style can meet the requirements of the task. According to

Handy, when all factors - leader, group, task, and environment - align and embrace a particular style that fulfills all the demands and needs of the work, it results in a best fit scenario. This alignment instills confidence in the leader regarding harmony among all aspects of the task, ultimately leading to successful completion. In Handy's perspective, this approach is optimal for achieving effectiveness.This theory applies well to small-scale businesses of various kinds but does not extend to large multinational companies or multiprojects due to their extensive planning and long-term schemes. Such initiatives require substantial financial resources from stakeholders who are unwilling to take risks solely based on moderate leadership.

In small businesses, the advantage is that the plans are short-term and can be changed as needed without significant financial risk. Therefore, Charles Handy's "best fit" approach is only applicable to industries, organizations, subdivisions, and multinational companies that strictly implement the prepared plans. These plans are created after considering all the effective factors that directly and indirectly impact business activities.

Style (Behavioral) Theories

This theory focuses entirely on a leader's style, what they do, and their behavior. Simply put, this theory revolves around a leader's manner, behavior, and activities.

Measuring the behavior of a leader is difficult because, according to Charles Handy's theory, a leader's behavior can change based on circumstances and can never remain the same. This makes it hard for someone to assess a leader's attitude/behavior. Similarly, measuring behavior is also challenging as it varies with changes in the working conditions. Different terms, such as autocratic, democratic, bureaucratic, and laisser-faire, are used to describe the general approaches used by leaders. In my opinion, the style behavior approach

is not the best or most comprehensive theory because it focuses on a leader's activities, behavior, and working style. This approach is limited and applicable only to small enterprises. In large enterprises, there is no assumption or molding of style based on the leader's preferences. Instead, strategies are developed by reviewing past strategies and considering future factors with the help of skilled professionals to avoid any uncertainty and ambiguity in the strategy.

In no way is this theory applicable to industries, organizations, subdivisions, and multinational endeavors because it lacks several necessary factors and is not a comprehensive theory.

Leadership Models

A leader serves as a role model for their followers, who happily follow their leader's actions because they perceive their leader as the best. The following are leadership models: -

The Fiedler Contingency Model

According to the Fred Fiedler Contingency Model, a group's best performance depends on the alignment between the leader's directing style and the degree to which they are allowed to lead and influence the group. Fred Fiedler developed the first contingency model of leadership. This leadership model suggests that a group can only achieve their best performance when there is compatibility between the leader's style and the followers' behavior, as the situation is constantly changing. Therefore, in order to achieve optimal group performance, it is essential to assess the compatibility between the leader's style and their interactions with the group.

In this proposed theoretical account, it will be examined whether a particular leadership style is effective in various situations, as situations are subject to change. This model focuses on the leader's relationship with group members, project structure, and the leader's positional power, as these factors are interconnected. Sometimes

the leader's style may not align correctly due to the project structure, and other times it may be influenced by the leader's relationships with the group, resulting in an ineffective performance.

Leader Participation Model

This model emphasizes the behavior and involvement of leaders in decision making across different situations. According to this model, the leader's behavior should be adjusted to suit the task at hand. Victor Vroom and Phillip Yetton developed this model. In simpler terms, this model stresses that the leader's behavior should be adaptable to reflect the task structure.

In the early 1970s, this theoretical account underwent changes due to ongoing research on effective leadership styles. When determining the most effective leadership style for a current situation, a leader must consider decision-making scenarios. The eventualities of decision making include team competence, leader's expertise, group expertise, group support, decision significance, importance of commitment, and likelihood of commitment.

Path-Goal Model

The Path-Goal Model, developed by Robert House, clearly emphasizes the leader's responsibility to assist the group in achieving goals. The leader must provide proper direction and support to help the group achieve their goals while ensuring that these goals align with organizational objectives. This comprehensive model developed by Robert House focuses on delineating the duties and responsibilities of a leader.

The main responsibility of a leader is to provide assistance to their group and enable them to achieve their goals, which align with the goals of the organization. Robert House categorized leaders into four categories:

1. Directing Leaders: These leaders instruct their followers on what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and how to accomplish the given task.

2. Supportive Leader: Supportive leaders assist their

groups in achieving effective performance and maintain a friendly relationship with them in order to build their confidence, which ultimately improves the followers' performance.

3. Participative Leader: This type of leader involves their followers in decision-making processes and seeks their input in all aspects if possible.

4. Achievement-Oriented Leader: An achievement-oriented leader focuses on obtaining the best performance from their followers at all times. They set challenges, communicate expectations clearly, and remain supportive and participative.

According to Fred Fiedler, a leader should not change their style and should remain strict. However, Robert House proposes that a leader's behavior should be flexible and adapted to the situation, indicating effective leadership that focuses on managing situations rather than personal ego. This is why the Path-Goal Model is considered a comprehensive model applicable to all types of organizations, divisions, and projects, as leadership remains aligned with the organization's compatible goals.

Advice on the Succession of Sir Alex Ferguson

After examining the history of Manchester United and their previous leader Matt Busby, who successfully guided the team from 1949 to his retirement in 1969, it became evident that he was an effective and energetic leader for the team. However, after Busby's retirement, the team struggled to regain their former excellence and glory until Sir Alex Ferguson took over. Studying Ferguson's historical background reveals the challenges he faced earlier in his life, which ultimately led him to become a determined and dominant leader.The text provides a comprehensive overview of the requirements and achievements necessary for a leader to successfully overcome challenges in both the present and the future. This analysis is based on leadership theories and models.

Therefore, based on

the aforementioned extensive studies, it is recommended to Sir Alex Ferguson that a leader should have the following abilities and skills for effective leadership:

- Experience working in a similar situation as Manchester United.

- Perseverance and hard work.

- Effective communication with subordinates.

- Skill to assess the weaknesses and strengths of the club if any.

- Ability to properly motivate subordinates and elicit their best performance.

- Ability to instill confidence in followers.

- Understanding of the needs and goals of the club.

- Ability to perform well under pressure.

- Positive attitude towards teams or followers.

- Understanding of the needs and desires of the teams and followers.

- Ability to make correct decisions in different situations.

- Eligibility to overcome significant and uncertain situations.

- Strong moral values.

- Supportive and participative approach towards followers or groups.Finally, it is suggested that Sir Alex Ferguson should take charge of the sequence at Manchester United in the upcoming season. This is because Ferguson is available and has a deep understanding of the abilities and skills of his subordinates. As a revolutionary and successful leader, he possesses extensive experience in effective leadership. He knows very well who would be most suitable to succeed him and what needs to be done for a smooth transition. With about one season remaining, Ferguson has sufficient time to groom his successor and prepare them for the responsibilities they will inherit. This arrangement would be most beneficial for both Ferguson and his sequence, as it would ensure the continued success of Manchester United under his supervision. Taking into account the current position and goals of the club, it is recommended that

Ferguson exercises his right to choose his own successor while considering the long-term objectives of Manchester United.

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