Latin America Study Guide – Flashcards
Flashcard maker : Will Walter
descendants of europeans born in latin america & lived there permanently
Spanish & Portuguese officials who resided temporarily in latin america for political and economic gain
people of Native American and European descent
monroe doctrine
American policy of discouraging European intervention in latin america
strong leaders who ruled by military force & were supported by landed elites
José de San Martín
believed all spaniards must be removed from south america
Simón Bolívar
began struggle for independence in venezuela in 1810
Antonio López de Santa Anna
misused state funds, halted reforms, created chaos, ruled from 1829-1855
Benito Juarez
became the president of Mexico in 1858 and led the way to reform through separation of church & state, land distribution to poor, education system for mexico
Describe British motives for protecting Latin American states.
Latin America was a source of raw materials & foodstuffs for Europe & U.S.
List the powers & privileges of the landed elites.
ran governments, controlled courts, kept system of inexpensive labor
Why did eliminating European domination from Latin America not being about significant economic & social change?
monroe doctrine prevented europeans from interfering after new LA nations were established
sale of government-owned companies to private firms
trade embargo
prohibits trade
group opposed to sandinista’s policies
Vicente Fox
defeated PRI candidate for presidency in Mexico
Fidel Castro
led the Cuban Revolution & made friends with Soviet Union & trade embargo ensued by US
Manuel Noriega
controlled Panama, arrested by US for drug trafficking, “tortured” with loud music
Explain why the Cubans attempted to spur revolution in the rest of Latin America.
wanted revolutionary movement to survive in Cuba
List the political reforms enacted by Mexican presidents Luís Echeverría and José López Portillo.
op bed door to new political parties, greater freedom of debate in press & universities was allowed
Why did relations between the Soviet Union and Cuba become more difficult after 1962?
Cuba realized Soviets were unreliable after Cuban missile crisis
farm organizations owned by and operated for the peasants’ benefit
shining path
radical guerrilla group with ties to communist China
Juan Peron
encouraged descamisados to join labor unions, increased job benefits, created fascist gangs modeling Hitler’s Brownshirts
Salvador Allende
president of Chile, increased wages of industrial workers, nationalized largest domestic & foreign owned companies
Augusto Pinochet
military took presidential place & shot Allende, military set up dictatorship, abused human rights, free elections defeated Pinochet
Juan Velosco Alvarado
government seized 75% of nation’s large land estates & put in hands of peasant cooperatives, government nationalized foreign-owned companies & held food prices at low levels for urban workers
Why did the Argentine military invade the Falkland Islands?
to divert the people’s attention from economic problems
What obstacles did Brazil’s new democratic government face in 1985?
massive debt, increasingly severe inflation, lack of social unity
a government where a select group of people exercises control
Juan Vicente Gomez
dictator of Venezuela
Good Neighbor Policy
rejected use of US military voice in Latin America
Hipolito Irigoyen
leader of Radical Party, president of Argentina,
Getulio Vargas
president of Bazil from 1930-1945, instituted 8 hour work day & minimum wage, established authoritarian state with Fascist-like features, established Brazilian steel industry
Lazaro Cardenas
president of Mexico from 1934-1940, distributed 44 million acres of land to landless peasants, foreign oil companies made investments in Mexico’s oil reserves
national oil company
How did Vargas’s dictatorship end?
the army forced him to resign because they feared he would continue to rule illegally
What were some industries the US owned in Latin America?
United Fruit Company, PEMEX
How did the Great Depression cause many Latin American countries to improve economically?
many new industries were developed that produced goods that were formerly imported