international ch5 – Flashcards

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Which of the following is a criterion for adaptation when dealing with individuals, firms, or authorities in foreign countries? A. Profit motive B. Cultural apathy C. Hypersensitivity D. Flexibility E. Time-consciousness
Which of the following is true of adaptation in international marketing? A. Willingness to adapt is a crucial attitude in international marketing. B. Adaptation requires business executives to forsake their ways and change to local customs. C. Mere tolerance of alien cultures is sufficient in international marketing. D. Open tolerance is considered to be an unnecessary concession to foreign cultures. E. Empathy for foreign cultures may lead to cultural discord.
Willingness to adapt is a crucial attitude in international marketing.
Business customs can be grouped into: A. rigid, flexible, and negotiables. B. internals, externals, and consensual customs. C. imperatives, electives, and exclusives. D. national, foreign, and international. E. unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral.
imperatives, electives, and exclusives.
_____ are the business customs and expectations that must be met and conformed to or avoided if relationships are to be successful. A. Cultural exclusives B. Business electives C. Global protocols D. Business axioms E. Cultural imperatives
E. Cultural imperatives
Business customs that must be recognized and accommodated are called _____. A. imperatives B. electives C. exclusives D. obligations E. constraints
A. imperatives
Business customs to which adaptation is helpful but not necessary are called _____. A. imperatives B. electives C. exclusives D. non-traditional E. standardized
B. electives
Business customs in which an outsider must not participate are called _____. A. imperatives B. electives C. exclusives D. absolutes E. statutes
Which of the following would most likely be characterized as being an imperative business custom in many cultures? A. Establishing friendships. B. Speaking the local language. C. Understanding the native religions. D. Drinking the local drinks. E. Having knowledge of the local sport.
Establishing friendships.
Simon Peters, a senior manager at Celise Export Logistics, goes for a meeting in France to negotiate a deal with the company's French partners. He dresses casually in a t-shirt and jeans. His French counterparts call off the meeting and accuse him of taking a casual attitude toward negotiations. In the context of this scenario, dressing formally during business meetings is probably a cultural _____ for the French. A. imperative B. elective C. exclusive D. oddity E. benchmark
imperative .
Betty Roberts became an embarrassment to her company when she joked about the ruling monarchy in England in front of a group of visiting English businesspeople. She should have known that political ridicule by a foreigner is rarely accepted. Ms. Roberts has violated what is known as a cultural _____. A. imperative B. elective C. exclusive D. landmark E. standard
Which of the following could be the least acceptable behavior in a business setting, especially in a cross-cultural scenario? A. Correcting someone in public. B. Staying away from greeting another man with a kiss (a custom in some countries). C. Refusing to eat foods that disagree with your palate. D. Refusing to drink alcoholic beverages. E. Opting not to dance along with the crowd.
Correcting someone in public.
Which of the following views is consistent with normative U.S. cultural concepts? A. Collective good outweighs the individual gain. B. The decision-making power lies in the hands of the highest authority. C. Personal relationships are more important in daily life than work and the company. D. Independent enterprise is an instrument for social action. E. A broader set of stakeholders is crucial to the company.
Independent enterprise is an instrument for social action.
Which philosophy of U.S. management recognizes that people influence the future to a large extent and that they control their own fates? A. Independent enterprise as the instrument of social action. B. Wide sharing in decision making. C. "Master of destiny" viewpoint. D. Never-ending quest for improvement. E. Competition produces efficiency.
"Master of destiny" viewpoint.
There is a very strong belief in the United States that business decisions must be supported and based on accurate and relevant information. Which of the following best describes this approach? A. "Master of destiny" viewpoint B. Independent enterprise as the instrument of social action C. Objective analysis D. Wide sharing in decision making E. Never-ending quest for improvement
Objective analysis
Which of the following is consistent with the American view of the independent enterprise? A. A corporation should fall under the control of the state government. B. A corporation is an entity that has rules and continuity of existence. C. The largest proportion of a corporation's profits must go to social causes. D. A company should be equally owned by all employees and stakeholders. E. Corporations do not take precedence over family and social relationships.
A corporation is an entity that has rules and continuity of existence.
The recognition of U.S. corporations as entities that have rules and continuity of existence and are separate, vital social institutions can result in: A. feelings of obligation among employees to serve the company. B. scientific decision making by employees and managers. C. superstitious beliefs playing a role in decision making. D. decision making being limited to upper management. E. a collectivist identity among employees.
feelings of obligation among employees to serve the company.
Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations stated, "By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intended to promote it." What behavior does this notion attempt to justify? A. Collectivism B. Loyalty C. Greed D. Competitiveness E. Cooperation
The notion that _____ is crucial for efficiency, improvement, and regeneration is fundamental to Western management practices. A. greed B. collectivism C. centralization D. competition E. hierarchy
In _____ decision making, participation by middle management tends to be deemphasized. A. democratic B. decentralized C. decentralized committee D. non-hierarchical E. top-level management
top-level management
As businesses grow and professional management develops, there is a shift toward: A. centralized group decision making. B. decentralized management decision making. C. centralized decision making. D. top-level management decision making. E. experimental decision making.
decentralized management decision making.
A characteristic of committee decision making is that it is: A. found in small businesses. B. done to please important family members. C. based on rank and hierarchy. D. rarely employed in Asian countries. E. by group or consensus.
by group or consensus
Which of the following forms of business decision making is predominant in most Asian countries? A. Independent B. Contractual C. Democratic D. Group E. Dictatorial
In _____ decision making, title or position generally takes precedence over the individual holding the job. A. committee B. decentralized C. top-level management D. consensus E. dictatorial
Companies in _____ countries have a strong paternalistic orientation, and assume that individuals will work for one company for the majority of their lives. A. more hierarchical B. more egalitarian C. high Power Distance Index D. low Uncertainty Avoidance Index E. low in individualism
more hierarchical
In the context of management objectives and aspirations, which of the following is true of an employee's personal life? A. Max Weber discovered that some cultures emphasized profit over personal life. B. The Japanese work ethic derives from the belief of feng shui. C. Ancient Greek thought considered work to be a desirable factor in one's life. D. To the Japanese, personal life is company life. E. McClelland opined that the standard of living enjoyed in the United States originated from the hard-working Protestant ethic.
To the Japanese, personal life is company life.
Research has shown that commitment of workers to their companies tended to be higher in countries: A. higher in individualism and lower in power distance. B. higher in collectivism and lower in individualism. C. lower in individualism and higher in power distance. D. higher in power distance and higher in individualism. E. higher in collectivism and higher in power distance.
higher in individualism and lower in power distance.
According to Max Weber, at least part of the standard of living in the United States today can be attributed to the: A. hard-working Protestant ethic. B. artificially low price of gasoline. C. almost complete penetration of the Internet. D. status equalization by the business class. E. slave-labor that formed the basis for early industry.
hard-working Protestant ethic.
Which of the following aspects of communication is more important in a low-context culture? A. Explicit communication B. Nonverbal communication C. Contextual communication D. Face-to-face communication E. Implicit communication
Explicit communication
According to the high-context/low-context continuum identified by Edward T. Hall, communication in a low-context culture depends on: A. the context. B. who says it. C. when it is said. D. how it is said. E. the verbal expression.
the verbal expression.
Fredrick Keeble, an American manager, took his Swiss client out for a traditional American dinner. The client did not seem to enjoy the food and left most of it untouched. After dinner, he asked his client if he had enjoyed the dinner. Which of the following responses would indicate that the client comes from a low-context culture? A. No, I did not like the food. B. Yes, but it was a little too oily. C. No, I thought the food was good. D. Yes, it was lovely, thanks. E. Yes, unfortunately I was not very hungry.
No, I did not like the food.
Which of the following is the best means of solving the problem of language on the Internet? A. Using minimal language in websites and using graphics and diagrams to convey messages. B. Using language translation software to translate communication in all languages. C. Having country-specific websites so that everyone can communicate in their own language. D. Using foreign language blocking software to screen international communications. E. Training employees to communicate in all languages used by foreign customers.
Having country-specific websites so that everyone can communicate in their own language.
France is higher on Hofstede's Power Distance Index (PDI) than the United States and formality still reigns in France. Which of the following American business practices would be most unacceptable to the French? A. Using threats during business meetings. B. Interacting with members lower in rank. C. Showing impatience at business negotiations. D. Using first names in business encounters. E. Conducting business over dinner or lunch.
Using first names in business encounters.
_____ is probably the most common mistake of North Americans attempting to trade in the Middle East. A. Drinking B. Informality C. Impatience D. Excessive negotiation E. Casual dressing
Western cultures like most North Americans, Swiss, Germans, and Scandinavians tend to concentrate on one thing at a time and are typified by _____ time. A. polychronic B. bimodal C. dual D. monochronic E. sequence
_____ is more dominant in high-context cultures, where the completion of a human transaction is emphasized more than holding to schedules. A. Polychronic time B. Bimodal time C. Dual time D. Monochronic time E. Sequence time
Polychronic time
Kan is a customer relations manager with a leading multinational firm. He has managed various operations and deals with numerous domestic and international clients everyday. Despite his hectic schedule, Kan never cuts a meeting short with anyone and frequently postpones subsequent meetings in order to devote ample time to each of his clients. Which of the following countries is he most probably from? A. Japan B. Switzerland C. The United States D. Germany E. France
People in Brazil describe themselves as late arrivers, allow greater flexibility in defining early and late, are less concerned about being late, and are more likely to blame external factors for their lateness. Which system of time do the Brazilian people most likely operate on? A. Polychronic time B. Bimodal time C. Dual time D. Monochronic time E. Sequence time
Polychronic time
When compared to people operating on P-time, people operating on M-time: A. follow looser time schedules. B. are more deeply involved with individuals. C. have a wait-and-see-what develops attitude. D. are more likely to blame external factors for their lateness. E. tend to concentrate on one thing at a time.
tend to concentrate on one thing at a time.
A firm whose marketing orientation is based on the belief that consumers and businesses alike will not buy enough without prodding is _____ oriented. A. distribution B. process C. production D. product E. selling
Which of the following is true of the effect of differences in culture in business negotiations? A. The basic elements of business negotiations differ from country to country. B. The risk of misunderstanding increases when negotiating with someone from a different culture. C. The possibility of misinterpretation is decreased when one uses one's self-reference criterion. D. A standard rule in negotiating is to know your counterpart first. E. The negotiator's cultural background need not have a bearing on the business talks.
The risk of misunderstanding increases when negotiating with someone from a different culture.
Which of the following is true of P-time and M-time? A. The American desire to get down to business is a manifestation of a P-time culture. B. The M-time system gives rise to looser time schedules. C. M-time is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of many things. D. As global markets expand, more businesspeople from P-time cultures are adapting to M-time. E. Interruptions are routine for M-time businesspeople.
As global markets expand, more businesspeople from P-time cultures are adapting to M-time.
Which of the following best explains the low percentage of women chosen for international assignments in the United States? A. The traditional role of women as homemakers and caregivers does not allow for international assignments. B. Women managers from the United States have a poorer track record when compared to their male counterparts. C. Prejudice faced by American women executives in foreign, male-dominated societies is exaggerated. D. There is a wide spread belief that roles of women in male-dominated societies precludes women from being successful in these societies. E. Expenses involved in sending a women executive abroad are far higher than the expenses in sending a man abroad.
There is a wide spread belief that roles of women in male-dominated societies precludes women from being successful in these societies.
In the context of business ethics, which of the following factors kept the American economy afloat at the turn of the century? A. Missionaries and religious movements B. Cultural homogenization C. Rampant consumerism D. Intellectual property laws E. Currency speculators
Rampant consumerism
In the context of business ethics, many people in sub-Saharan Africa view Western _____ as a kind of exploitation that prevents treatment of AIDS for millions. A. missionaries and religious movements B. individualism C. R-rated American movies D. intellectual property laws E. currency speculators
intellectual property laws
Which organization conducts an international survey of businesspeople, political analysts, and the general public on corruption and compiles the Corruption Perception Index (CPI)? A. Organization of American States (OAS). B. United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). C. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). D. Transparency International (TI). E. World Trade Organization (WTO).
Transparency International (TI).
Which of the following is true of the findings of Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index? A. Lower levels of bribery have been found in nations with a communist past. B. Higher levels of bribery have been found in low-power distance nations. C. Higher levels of bribery have been found in low-income nations. D. Lower levels of bribery have been found in collectivistic cultures. E. Lower levels of bribery have been found in low-income nations.
Higher levels of bribery have been found in low-income nations.
Which of the following is true of the business community's view about payoffs? A. The decision to pay a bribe is ethical in the business world. B. During the 1970s, the United States had strict laws against paying bribes in foreign countries. C. The Securities and Exchange Commissions requires all types of corporations to report their expenditures. D. Payoffs are restricted to the multinational companies headquartered in the United States. E. Many global competitors perceive payoffs as a necessary means to accomplish business goals.
Many global competitors perceive payoffs as a necessary means to accomplish business goals.
Academic studies of the causes and consequences of bribery, conducted by Transparency International (TI), indicate corruption is greater in: A. high income nations. B. democratic rather than communist countries. C. countries with high individualism. D. countries with low Power Distance Index. E. collectivistic nations.
collectivistic nations.
Which aspect of Japanese culture, predicted by many to favor bribery, makes Japan's success in reducing corruption more remarkable? A. Relationship-orientation B. Mechanistic inclination C. Patriarchal nature D. Ritualistic nature E. Consumerism
Which of the following countries is more likely to exhibit higher levels of bribery? A. Individualistic cultures. B. Countries with a strong dependence on international trade. C. Nations with a communist past. D. High-income nations. E. Countries with low-power distance.
Nations with a communist past.
_____ occurs when payments are extracted under duress by someone in authority from a person seeking only what he or she is lawfully entitled to. A. Extortion B. Subornation C. Lubrication D. Larceny E. Bribery
_____ involves a relatively small sum of cash, a gift, or a service that is intended to facilitate or expedite the normal, lawful performance of a duty by an official. A. Extortion B. Subornation C. Lubrication D. Malfeasance E. Exaction
The finance minister of a developing country demands a heavy payment for approval of a multi-million dollar contract with a foreign company. This practice would be called _____. A. extortion B. subornation C. lubrication D. larceny E. malfeasance
_____ generally involves giving large sums of money—frequently not properly accounted for—designed to entice an official to commit an illegal act on behalf of the one offering the bribe. A. Agent charges B. Lubrication C. Extortion D. Subornation E. Ransom
A manager hires an agent to obtain a license to build a warehouse in an industrial district. The agent was caught offering a bribe to a government official for issue of the license. Which of the following describes the manager's liabilities? A. The manager is not liable since the use of an agent absolves him of any responsibility. B. The manager is liable since the agent used part of his fees for bribery, although the manager was unaware of the agent's intentions. C. The manager is not liable if the agent can prove that extortion, rather than bribery, took place. D. The manager is liable if he was aware of the fact that part of the agent's fee would be used as a bribe. E. The manager is liable only if the act of building the warehouse at the given location is illegal.
The manager is liable if he was aware of the fact that part of the agent's fee would be used as a bribe.
Which of the following ethical principles tries to optimize the "common good" or benefits of all constituencies? A. Secularism and philanthropy B. Rights of the parties C. Justice or fairness D. Utilitarian ethics E. Self-reference frame
Utilitarian ethics
According to Lester Thurow, a(n) _____ form of capitalism is practiced in Japan and Germany typified by cooperation among government, management, and labor. A. agonistic B. individualistic C. communitarian D. protectionist E. adversarial
According to Lester Thurow, in the British-American "individualistic" kind of capitalism relationships among government, management, and labor in business systems are _____. A. cooperative B. commensalistic C. synergistic D. adversarial E. conciliatory
A culture that is low context, individualistic, low power distance, and uses monochromic time is _____. A. information-oriented B. relationship-oriented C. hierarchy-oriented D. labor-oriented E. task-oriented
A culture that is high context, has collectivism, high power distance, and uses polychronic time is _____. A. information-oriented B. relationship-oriented C. hierarchy-oriented D. power-oriented E. task-oriented
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