Informative Speech about Outline on Addiction to Prescription Drugs Essay Example
General purpose: Addiction to prescription drugs Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the growing problem of prescription drug abuse, some common drugs that cause abuse, and their effects and some common treatments.
Pattern: People living in today’s society must be aware about the dangers that prescription Drugs can cause them, as well as the people around them.
Attention: Is it possible that you or someone you love is addicted to prescription drugs? An estimated 48 million people according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons in their lifetime. According to credibility it was a big epidemic in my high school and surrounding schools. Ive lost relationships with people close to me due to their prescription drug addiction. Drug addiction is growing rapidly throughout the united states and its effectin
...g all age ranges. There needs to be more restrictions placed because people think because the doctor is giving it to them, it is safe to abuse them. Today im going to discuss what types of prescription drugs are being abused, how it effects your life and health, and possible ways to overcome the spread of the addiction.
Ive come to realize that unfortunately everyone knows someone who is addicted to prescription drugs. The three different classes of prescription drugs a. . opioids- used to treat pain-oxycodone, vicodin, roxicet b. depressants-used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders- Xanax, Valium, Klonopin stimulants- used to treat attention deficit disorders- Adderrall, ritalin. The harms that prescription drugs cause d. . opioids can cause drowsiness constipation and long term could cause severe respiratory depression which is… or in highest doses, death. e. .anti depressants as wel
as anti anxiety they can cause sexual disfunction weight gain fatigue. with the use of these drugs it’s a chance you can be physically uncoordinated for the first few days until you build your tolerance. . .stimulants can cause enhanced brain activity increase and llertness in energy elevated blood pressure increase heart rate increase respiration and sleep deprivation. Ultimately these three drugs possess the same long term affect when abused; high potential for physical dependence and addiction. Ways for physiciaisn patients and pharamasists to all play a role in identidying and preventing prescription drug abuse. g. . physicians- ask about any and all drug abuse; screening for prescription drug use can be incorporated into routine medical visits.
Take note of of rapid increases in the amount of medication needed. f. patients follow directions and be aware of potential interactions with other drugs. Don’t just change your dose without discussing with your doctor first. Never use another persons prescription. Transition: .. B. . Why is prescription drug addiction on the rise?
Doctors don’t exactly know how many people are addicted to pain medication, but one of the reasons so many people are is the availability. Vastly more people have access to these medicines today than 15 or 20 years ago. " Responding to patients and pain advocacy groups, doctors may have become less restrictive in prescribing opioid pain pills. There has been a surge in prescriptions for opioids over the past decade -- and the creation of millions of potential drug stashes in medicine cabinets across the country. Teen drug abuse with opioids is now second only to marijuana in popularity. Almost one in
10 high school seniors report taking hydrocodone (Vicodin) within the past year.
Not by coincidence, many of their parents are taking it too: Vicodin and its generic form were the most-prescribed drug of any kind for much of this decade.
Transition: What are some ways that we can treat these prescribed drug addictions? Some addictions, such as opioid addiction, can be treated with medications. These pharmacological treatments counter the effects of the drug on the brain and behavior, and can be used to relieve withdrawal symptoms, help overcome drug cravings, or treat an overdose. Although a behavioral or pharmacological approach alone may be sufficient for treating some patients, research shows that a combined approach may be best.
Conclusion: People living in today’s society must be aware about the dangers that prescription drugs can cause them, as well as the people around them.
Closure: Drug addiction is such a wide spread epidemic and all of the people with potential are losing control of their lives by abusing these drugs.
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