Iggy Chp 72 – Care of Patients with Male Reproductive Problems – Flashcards

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A client has a urinary catheter and continuous bladder irrigation after a transurethral resection of the prostate this morning. The amount of bladder irrigation solution that has infused over the past 12 hours is 1000 mL. The amount of fluid in the urinary drainage bag is 1725 mL. The nurse records that the client has had ____ mL urinary output in the past 12 hours. (Ignatavicius & Workman, p.1505)
725 mL (Ignatavicius & Workman, p.1505)
A client had a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) with continuous bladder irrigation yesterday. The staff nurse notes that the urinary drainage is bright red and thick. What is the nurse's best action? a) notify the charge nurse as soon as possible b) increase the rate of bladder irrigation c) document the assessment in the medical record d) prepare the patient for a blood transfusion (Ignatavicius & Workman, p. 1506)
b) increase the rate of bladder irrigation (Ignatavicius & Workman, p. 1506)
The nurse is teaching a client about taking sildenafil (Viagra) for erectile dysfunction. Which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching? a) "I should have sex within an hour after taking the drug." b) "I should avoid alcohol when on the drug or it might not work well." c) "I can expect to maybe get a stuffy nose or headache when I take the drug." d) "If I have chest pain during sex, I should take a nitroglycerin tablet." (Ignatavicius & Workman, p. 1513)
d) "If I have chest pain during sex, I should take a nitroglycerin tablet." (Ignatavicius & Workman, p. 1513)
A client had an orchiectomy and laparoscopic radical retroperitoneal lymph node dissection this morning. What is the nurse's priority for care? a) assess the client's pain level and provide pain management b) ensure that the client's urinary catheter is draining clear yellow urine c) observe the client's incision for redness, swelling, and drainage d) apply oxygen therapy via nasal cannula at 2 L/min (Ignatavicius & Workman, p. 1515)
b) ensure that the client's urinary catheter is draining clear yellow urine (Ignatavicius & Workman, p. 1515)
A client with prostate cancer asks why he must have surgery instead of radiation, even if his cancer is the least-invasive type. What is the nurse's best response? a) "It is because your cancer growth is large." b) "Surgery is the most common intervention to cure the disease." c) "Surgery slows the spread of cancer." d) "The surgery is to promote urination." (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
b) "Surgery is the most common intervention to cure the disease." Because some localized prostate cancers are resistant to radiation, surgery is the most common intervention for a cure. The size of the tumor is not likely to be why the client is having surgery. A bilateral orchiectomy (removal of both testicles) is palliative surgery that slows the spread of cancer by removing the main source of testosterone. A transurethral resection of the prostate is done to promote urination for clients with advanced disease; it is not used as a curative treatment. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
A client with testicular cancer is worried about sterility and the ability to conceive children later. Which resource does the nurse refer the client to before surgery takes place? a) American Cancer Society b) American Fertility Society c) RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association d) Sperm bank (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
d) Sperm bank After radiation therapy or chemotherapy has been started, the client is at increased risk for producing mutagenic sperm, which may not be viable or may result in fetal abnormalities. If the client is interested in having children, he should be encouraged to arrange for semen storage as soon as possible after diagnosis. Sperm collection should be completed before radiation therapy or chemotherapy is started. The client is referred to the American Cancer Society for more generalized information on testicular cancer. The American Fertility Society and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association are appropriate referrals if permanent sterility occurs and sperm storage has not been feasible. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
With which male client does the nurse conduct prostate screening and education? a) Young adult with a history of urinary tract infections b) Client who has sustained an injury to the external genitalia c) Adult who is older than 50 years d) Sexually active client (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
c) Adult who is older than 50 years A man who is 50 years or older is at higher risk for prostate cancer. A history of urinary tract infections, injury to the external genitalia, and sexual activity are not risk factors for prostate cancer. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
The nurse is educating a group of young men about testicular self-examination (TSE). Which statement by a member of the group indicates teaching has been effective? a) "I will examine my testicles right before taking a shower." b) "I should squeeze each testicle in my hand to feel any lumps." c) "I should only report any large lumps to my health care provider." d) "I will look and feel for any lumps or changes to my testes." (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
d) "I will look and feel for any lumps or changes to my testes." With early detection by monthly TSE and treatment, testicular cancer can be successfully cured. In TSE, the client should look and feel for any lumps or changes to the testes. Any lumps that are detected should be immediately reported. A TSE should be performed immediately following a shower. The client should gently roll each testicle between the thumb and forefinger. All lumps should be reported to the provider, no matter the size. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
The issue that is often foremost in the minds of men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and must be addressed by the nurse is the alteration of which factor? a) Comfort because of surgical pain b) Mobility after treatment c) Nutrition because of radiation side effects d) Sexual function after treatment (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
d) Sexual function after treatment Altered sexual function is one of the biggest concerns of men after cancer treatment. Comfort, mobility, and nutrition are important, but are typically not the foremost concern in the minds of men with prostate cancer. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
The potential problem of grief is most relevant to a client after which procedure? a) Cystoscopy b) Transurethral microwave therapy c) Radical prostatectomy d) Sperm banking (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
c) Radical prostatectomy A radical prostatectomy may lead to erectile dysfunction, which could present a potential problem of grief at loss of function. Cystoscopy, a test to view the interior of the bladder, the bladder neck, and the urethra, does not affect sexuality. Transurethral microwave therapy is a minimally invasive procedure involving high temperatures that heat and destroy excess prostate tissue, and does not affect sexuality. The process of sperm banking would not result in a diagnosis of altered self-image; however, the diagnosis leading to the necessity of sperm banking might cause this. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
Which assessment finding causes the nurse to suspect that a client may have testicular cancer? a) Hematuria b) Penile discharge c) Painless testicular lump d) Sudden increase in libido (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
c) Painless testicular lump A painless lump or swelling in the testicles is the most common manifestation of testicular cancer. Hematuria is not a symptom of testicular cancer, but could be indicative of other conditions such as bladder cancer. Penile discharge is not a symptom of testicular cancer, but could be indicative of another condition. A sudden increase in libido is not a symptom of testicular cancer. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
Which method is a common complementary and alternative therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? a) Acupuncture b) Calcium supplements c) Serenoa repens d) Yoga (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
c) Serenoa repens Serenoa repens (saw palmetto), a plant extract, is often used by men with early to moderate BPH. They believe that this agent relieves their symptoms and prefer this treatment over prescription drugs or surgery. (It should be noted, however, that studies on the effectiveness of Serenoa repens have not shown that it is effective.) Acupuncture, calcium, and yoga are not common alternative therapies for BPH. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
A client is having a radical prostatectomy. Which preoperative teaching specific to this surgery does the nurse emphasize? a) Incentive spirometry b) Kegel exercises c) Pain control d) Penile implants (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
b) Kegel exercises Kegel perineal exercises may reduce the severity of urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy. The client is taught to contract and relax the perineal and gluteal muscles in several ways. Incentive spirometry and pain control are important for everyone who undergoes surgery; neither is specific to radical prostatectomy. Penile implants are not important to discuss during preoperative teaching; however, they may be necessary to discuss later. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
Hormone treatment for prostate cancer works by which action? a) Decreases blood flow to the tumor b) Destroys the tumor c) Shrinks the tumor d) Suppresses growth of the tumor (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
d) Suppresses growth of the tumor Hormone therapy, particularly antiandrogen drugs, inhibits tumor progression by blocking the uptake of testicular and adrenal androgens at the prostate tumor site. Antiandrogens may be used alone or in combination with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists for a total androgen blockade (hormone ablation). Hormone treatment for prostate cancer does not decrease blood flow to the tumor, destroy the tumor, or shrink the tumor. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
A client receiving external beam radiation therapy calls the nurse to report rectal urgency, cramping, and passing of mucus and blood. What is the nurse's best response? a) "This is an emergency. Go directly to the emergency department." b) "This is normal and will resolve as soon as the treatment stops." c) "Avoid caffeine and continue drinking plenty of water and other fluids." d) "Limit spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, and dairy products." (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
d) "Limit spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, and dairy products." The client's symptoms indicate that he is experiencing radiation proctitis, a common complication of external beam radiation therapy. The nurse's instructions to limit spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, and dairy products describe what the client should do to alleviate these symptoms. The client's symptoms do not indicate an emergency, but they should be reported to the health care provider. The client's symptoms should resolve 4 to 6 weeks after the treatment stops. Avoiding caffeine and drinking water and other fluids describe what the client should do if he is experiencing radiation cystitis, which he is not. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
When is the best time for the nurse to begin discharge planning and a community-based plan of care for a client with prostate cancer? a) Before surgery b) After surgery c) 2 days before being discharged d) The day of discharge (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) Before surgery Planning should begin as early as possible, on admission and before surgery. After surgery is not the correct time to begin planning. Planning should begin earlier than 2 days before discharge. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
The nurse is caring for a client with erectile dysfunction who has not had success with other treatment modalities. The nurse anticipates that the health care provider will recommend which treatment for this client? a) Penile implants b) Penile injections c) Transurethral suppository d) Vacuum constriction device (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) Penile implants Penile implants (prostheses), which require surgery, are used when other modalities fail. Devices include semi-rigid, flexible, or hydraulic inflatable and multi-component or one-piece instruments. Penile injections are tried before using the option of last resort. Transurethral suppository is tried before using the option of last resort. A vacuum constriction device is easy to use, and is often the first option that is tried. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
Why is prostate cancer screening often emphasized to the African-American population in the United States? a) Metastasis of prostate cancer is higher. b) Prostate cancer occurs at an earlier age. c) Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is not sensitive to prostate disease. d) Clinical presentation is different. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
b) Prostate cancer occurs at an earlier age. In the United States, prostate cancer affects African-American men the most and at an earlier age. There is no difference in prostate cancer metastasis, PSA sensitivity, or clinical presentation of prostate cancer in the African-American population as compared to other populations. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
A young adult with testicular cancer is admitted for unilateral orchiectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Which nursing action is best for the nurse to delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? a) Encourage the client to cough and deep-breathe after surgery. b) Discuss reproductive options with the client and significant other. c) Teach about the availability of a gel-filled silicone testicular prosthesis. d) Evaluate the client's understanding of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) Encourage the client to cough and deep-breathe after surgery. Although teaching about routine postoperative client actions such as coughing and deep-breathing should be done by licensed nurses, reminding clients to perform these activities can be delegated to UAP. Client education and evaluation are more complex skills that should be done by licensed nurses. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
The RN working in the hospital emergency department is assigned to care for these four clients. Which client does the nurse attend to first? a) Adolescent with an erection for "10 or 11 hours" who is reporting severe pain b) Young adult with a swollen, painful scrotum who has a recent history of mumps infection c) Middle-aged adult discharged 2 days ago after a transurethral resection of the prostate who has increased hematuria d) Older adult with a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia and palpable bladder distention (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) Adolescent with an erection for "10 or 11 hours" who is reporting severe pain The client who has had an erection for "10 or 11 hours" has symptoms of priapism, which is considered a urologic emergency because the circulation to the penis may be compromised and the client may not be able to void with an erect penis. The client with a swollen, painful scrotum; the client with hematuria; and the client with a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia do not require the nurse's immediate attention since these are not medical emergencies. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
A client with prostate cancer asks the nurse for more information and counseling. Which resources does the nurse suggest? (Select all that apply.) a) American Cancer Society's Man to Man program b) Us TOO International c) American Prostate Cancer Society d) National Prostate Cancer Coalition e) Client's church, synagogue, or place of worship (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) American Cancer Society's Man to Man program b) Us TOO International d) National Prostate Cancer Coalition e) Client's church, synagogue, or place of worship The American Cancer Society's Man to Man program helps the client and partner cope with prostate cancer by providing one-on-one education, personal visits, education presentations, and the opportunity to engage in open and candid discussions. Us TOO International is a prostate cancer support group that is sponsored by the Prostate Cancer Education and Support Network. The National Prostate Cancer Coalition provides prostate cancer information. The client's church, synagogue, or place of worship is a community support service that may be important for many clients. There is no such organization as the American Prostate Cancer Society. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
A client with benign prostatic hyperplasia is being discharged with alpha-adrenergic blockers. Which information is important for the nurse to include when teaching the client about this type of pharmacologic management? (Select all that apply.) a) Avoid drugs used to treat erection problems. b) Be careful when changing positions. c) Keep all appointments for follow-up laboratory testing. d) Hearing tests will need to be conducted periodically. e) Take the medication in the afternoon. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) Avoid drugs used to treat erection problems. b) Be careful when changing positions. c) Keep all appointments for follow-up laboratory testing. Drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction can worsen side effects, such as hypotension. Alpha-adrenergic blockers may cause orthostatic hypotension and can cause liver damage, so it is important to keep appointments for follow-up laboratory testing. These drugs do not affect hearing. Alpha-adrenergic blockers should be taken in the evening to decrease the risk of problems related to hypotension. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
A client has undergone transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Which interventions does the nurse incorporate in this client's postoperative care? (Select all that apply.) a) Administer antispasmodic medications. b) Encourage the client to urinate around the catheter if pressure is felt. c) Perform intermittent urinary catheterization every 4 to 6 hours. d) Place the client in a supine position with his knees flexed. e) Assist the client to mobilize as soon as permitted. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) Administer antispasmodic medications. e) Assist the client to mobilize as soon as permitted. Antispasmodic drugs can be administered to decrease the bladder spasms that may occur due to catheter use. Assisting the client to a chair as soon as permitted postoperatively will help to decrease the risk of complications from immobility. An indwelling catheter and continuous bladder irrigation are in place for about 24 hours after TURP. The client should not try to void around the catheter, which causes the bladder muscles to contract and may result in painful spasms. Intermittent urinary catheterization is not necessary. Typically, the catheter is taped to the client's thigh, so he should keep his leg straight. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
After returning from transurethral resection of the prostate, the client's urine in the continuous bladder irrigation system is a burgundy color. Which client needs does the nurse anticipate after the surgeon sees the client? (Select all that apply.) a) Antispasmodic drugs b) Emergency surgery c) Forced fluids d) Increased intermittent irrigation e) Monitoring for anemia (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
a) Antispasmodic drugs e) Monitoring for anemia Although not a common occurrence, bleeding may occur in the postoperative period. Venous bleeding is more common than arterial bleeding. The surgeon may apply traction on the catheter for a few hours to control the venous bleeding. Traction on the catheter is uncomfortable and increases the risk for bladder spasms, so analgesics or antispasmodics are usually prescribed. Hemoglobin and hematocrit should be monitored and trended for indications of anemia. Emergency surgery and increased intermittent irrigation would be indicated for an arterial bleed, which would be a brighter red color. Forced fluids are indicated after the catheter is removed. (Chp 72, elsevier resources)
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