Housekeeping Article Critique Essay Example
Housekeeping Article Critique Essay Example

Housekeeping Article Critique Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1170 words)
  • Published: December 14, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Effective training is essential for achieving quality results in any field. In the hospitality industry, it is crucial to identify the specific training requirements for each sector in order to optimize performance.

In her article titled "Training the Heart of the Hotel" (Chambers, 2006), Lizz Chambers shares personal experiences to develop her approach towards training housekeeping staff. This article is interesting as Chambers' writing is based on her real-life encounters, rather than just offering theoretical suggestions. However, the article demonstrates a bias towards attracting potential clients through telling this story. The use of the word 'heart' in the title grabs readers' attention right away and makes it more personal. It could flatter housekeeping staff and also help those interested in training for their hotel to understand the significance of this department within a hotel setting.

Chambers emphasizes the import


ance of housekeeping, as shown in paragraph 3 where she questions why the industry tends to neglect this area when it comes to classroom training. She shares her personal experiences and includes a picture of herself, making the topic more relatable and engaging. Chambers repeatedly expresses her concern throughout the first paragraph and uses technical terms like "payroll impact" to appear professional. She also asks direct questions to the reader, increasing their involvement in the article.

The use of short sentences is another technique utilized for quick comprehension and engagement. As pointed out by Chambers (2006), phrases such as "My guess was...Yes" are examples of this technique. Additionally, Chambers (2006) employs the word "I" frequently in her writing, emphasizing her personal experiences and easy identification with the accomplishments of her programs, including G.R.E.A.In her T. (Guest Room Exceptional Attendant Training),

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Chambers (2006) received praise, stating "it was great!" Her achievement is further emphasized by the fact that every participant in her program chose to pursue H. S. C. (Hospitality Skills Certification) (Chambers, 2006).

Chambers (2006) noted that the use of pronouns such as "our team" and "we" serves as a contrast to the use of "I," highlighting her sense of belongingness with her colleagues. The mention of "we" also signifies the significance of her company. This sentiment is also evident in the workshops organized by the company, including "Moments of Truth in Housekeeping... and WOW!" (a team-building class attended by housekeeping and other departments). Chambers (2006) makes an enticing statement in paragraph four, delving into the psychological impact of her company's training programs on the "students," alluding to potential benefits.

In a most friendly, innovative, and understanding manner, she describes the working atmosphere. Chambers concludes the article with a statement that has a significant impact on the reader. By describing positive points through experiences, promises, and descriptions, Chambers shows the supposed point of view of the people she worked with. She mentions their competition and explains that their difference is that they know employees are the heart of their company. Chambers aims to convince readers of her company's competence and superiority. Additionally, Chambers uses competition and the word "heart" to appeal to readers. Notably, there is another company named FRED (Finding Revenue Every Day) that also provides training for housekeeping.

In promoting their programs, ‘FRED’ shares the motto that 'housekeepers are the heart of a hotel' (‘Fred Programs’, 2006), suggesting that this marketing tool is not a new idea. When comparing Lizz Chambers' article, 'Training the

Heart of a Hotel' (Chambers, 2006), to the potential housekeeping training programs presented by 'Fred Programs' (‘Fred Programs’ 2006), the latter's simplicity may be more attractive. This further proves the bias present in Chambers’ article. However, those interested in Chambers' training programs can trust her expertise in the field, as she has been involved in it for some time.

According to information found on the website for Newport Hospitality Group, Inc., Lizz has been in the industry for 28 years and has held positions at both independent and franchise hotels. This is noted under the 'Our Team' section of the site.

As Director of Training, she has oversight over Training/Development and Human Resources. Her profile on the website lists her membership in various societies and councils in the United States, which demonstrates her reliability and capability. Additionally, her previous position before joining Newport Hospitality Group, Inc. is mentioned to provide context.

Lizz Chambers, founder of a Louisiana based Management Company that provided training to Sheraton hotel staff, primarily publishes her articles on http://hospitaitynet. rg. Despite her widespread recognition and accomplishments in the hospitality industry, references to her name and training programs can be found on various hospitality-related sites. Nevertheless, Hospitality Net™ remains a dependable source for hospitality research, despite its inclusion of advertisements like ‘American Express®’ and ‘PhoCusWright@ITB’ in content such as Lizz Chamber’s ‘Training the Heart of the Hotel’.

Advertisements on a site may sponsor either the site in general or a specific article, and can indicate a shift in focus. For example, if an advertisement appears larger or flashes alongside an article, readers may become interested and click on it, leaving the previous page. Advertisements can be

seen as a negative factor for the article, not necessarily in terms of reliability but in importance. The site also features "Recent News", which contains links to more of Chambers' articles, emphasizing the bias and purpose of the page as an advertisement for her. People like Lizz Chambers may pose a threat because they could potentially claim higher salaries due to their qualifications, which are reflected in the growing demands for more certified staff in housekeeping.

Despite the fact that hotel management is aware of the truth, there is a false perception that housekeeping is a department that doesn't bring in income (Fournier S. 2007). Nevertheless, the better job they do, the more satisfied the customers will be, leading to greater overall income. This could be a valid reason for implementing Lizz Chambers' training program, however it ultimately depends on the needs of the institution. There is no definitive answer to this matter. Regardless of the motives and requirements, training encompasses more than just qualifications; it offers proficiency and knowledge, which a hotel would expect from its housekeeping department (Chambers, L.).

(2006). A guide to developing hotel staff. Accessible on Friday 16th February 2007 at http://www.hospitalitynet.

The link org/news/ provides information on Lizz Chambers' training program called "Training the Heart of the Hotel." Additionally, information about Fred programs related to housekeeping can be found at The sources were retrieved on Friday 16th February 2006.The team at Newport Hospitality Group, Inc. includes S. Fournier as a instructor for the Rooms Division Operation class on February 22, 2007. This information can be found in the following HTML paragraph tag:

php Fournier, S. (2007, February 22). In

Rooms Division Operation class Newport Hospitality Group, Inc. : Our team.

The website's date of retrieval is not specified, but it can be found on Friday, February 16, 2006 by visiting http://www.nhghotels. The text is enclosed within a

tag.The webpage for testimonials can be found at com/testimonials.shtml within .

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