history essay martin luther – Flashcards
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The posting of the 95 theses was also caused by the way the Catholic Church was conducting funds for the rebuilding of St Peter's Basilica. Pope Julius ordered the old one to be knocked down and a grander one to be built to make Rome famous. John Tetzel was a monk that was assigned to raising funds in Saxony. He scared people into purchasing indulgences and holy relics. He threatened them with the idea that their relatives would "burn in the flames of purgatory". Martin Luther despised this technique and his sayings like, " when a coin in the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs". Martin Luther thought this was corrupt and how could he possibly do it supposedly in the name of God? This was a final cause as he felt morally obliged to tell people God was not to be feared like John Tetzel said. Also a cause because he knew people needed to be given the chance to worship a kind and merciful God rather than an unforgiving one.
paragraph 3 - Catholic Church's way of conducting funds for St Peters Basilica
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Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses had both positive and negative consequences of himself and the society. One of the more immediate consequences was the Martin Luther was trialed and excommunicated. On the 10th of October, 1520, he received a papal bull from Pope Leo X. It said his theses were heretical and he would be excommunicated if he did not recant them. Luther knew his theses were true as they were based off scripture therefore he felt he couldn't recant them. Consequently he was officially excommunicated on the 3rd January, 1521. This was a consequence because the Church saw the theses as going against them which in their eyes was cause for excommunication.
paragraph 4 - trialed and excommunicated
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The German peasant war was another consequence of the 95 Theses. At this time peasants lives were hard and many were forced to be slaves. All the land was owned by royalty.The theses led to the German peasant war because many peasants saw them being posted as an opportunity t break free from authority and gain more control over their lives. They trashed monasteries and churches claiming the same divine right Martin Luther did when posting the Theses. The German Peasant War was also a consequence because they say Luther's challenging of the Church as an attack on the social heirachy. Luther's action was a final trigger and deeply affected the lives of many peasants.
paragraph 5 - German Peasant War
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A final consequence of the 95 Theses was the beginning of Protestantism. This affected groups in society who agreed with Martin Luther's ideas because they now had a faith to belong to. Protestantism included the Lutheran Church, the Presbyterian Church and the Baptist Church. The Lutheran Church masses were in German so that they could be understood. They also worshiped scripture above anything and had two main sacraments. This was a consequence of the 95 Theses because the theses formed the basis of the protestant faith. The new church was not supposed to challenge the old church but allow a personal relationship with a merciful God.
paragraph 6 - the beginning of Protestantism
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These were all important parts of Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses. The causes wee more personal and included.... The consequences not only affected Luther but also the German society, these included...
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