Issues Pertaining to the Health Care Industry Essay Example
Over the last 10 years heath has changed drastically, our adolescents are living longer now (Imperial NHS, 2011). Treatment and recovery times are faster than before such as cataract surgery, (Imperial NHS, 2011), outpatient surgery.
Technology plays a huge part in Health care; advancements in computers, individuals are networking through communication more due. (Kevin MD, 2011, p. there are many individuals that are able to stay home, instead of living in nursing homes, like before. They have caregivers to help them with services, such as bathing, dressing, cleaning, and cooking. Health care is improving all the time for many years to come. What do you think will be the biggest change in health care in the next 10 years?
There are many changes in healthcare that wil
...l take place over the next 10 years is the way that technology has advanced in treatment and the way drugs help to kill viruses and repair cells so they do what they are supposed to do in an individual. (Wells, 2012, p. 1. ), One of the biggest changes to health care industry is Obama care because it is going to allow individuals that do not have heath care will have health care, Some aspects of Obama Care health care reform are already enacted.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act were signed in 2010, and over 100 million Americans have already benefited from the new health care law, (www. obamacare. com). The role I will in the health care industry is helping others individuals to receive the best care possible. My goals are to incorporate the skills that I have learned into assisting or
being an administrator of a hospice facility. My responsibilities will be making sure my staff and patients Health Care Industry Pg 2 are treated respectfully. I will make sure that my staff is treated in a professional manner and have what they need to perform their jobs actually.
I will make sure that the residents and the patients have everything they need to get treated, properly. I would adapt my skills to change with the health industry’s needs by, going to training courses that help with learning skills to administered needs, to help with reassuring the organization is running efficiently, and also take other coursed related to health care management. I can do research on the internet, or read magazines, or newspapers, to make sure that everything is in proper order, with the organization and the patients/residents. Has your perception of health care changed over the course of your program?
Everyone’s perception of heath care is different; over the course of the program my perception of health care was just taking of the patients. That is important; however, there is more to it than that. There are many things to consider, concerning health care. A few things to consider, which I thought was the most significant would be “the health care costs, health care access, and the outcomes from it” (Academy Health, 2009, p. 1). There needs to be a consideration of “how to increase the capacity of the health care services” (Academy Health, 2009).
Before, I did not think that there are supported programs, which would help those, unable to afford treatments and medication. However, I discovered that there are several
programs, which not only the elderly population can benefit from, but also, the nonelderly, as well, such as “programs to help those, which lose his or her job and can, still be able to get treatments, which is good. There are so many things I have learned about this program, which I didn’t know before. This will come in very handy, with my future job. Technology has played a major role in the health care industry, new equipment and the way
Health Care Industry Pg 3 treatments is delivered, which will benefit the health organization and the patients/residents, highly. In the next ten years, it will play a vital role in health care. It will help to “ensure the compliance in the legal requirements of health care and it will help to reduce the costs and provide better care than before” (Finnegan, 2012) Technology will help with providing more “communication systems, electronic medical records, and more computerized physician order entry solutions at a fast speed than before” (Finnegan, 2012).
Over the next 10 years, I feel there will be a strain on the health care industry, because of many baby Boomers reaching retirement age” (Experience, 2012, p. 1). This will have an economic problem as well because with the baby boomers reaching retirement age, he or she are going to be needing long-term care services, themselves, and that means hiring new caregivers and paying for them to get trained, properly, for the job. This could take a while and in the meantime, the patients or residents need good quality care, right away, so this will put a huge financial and economic strain on
health care industries, in the next 10 years.
Over the next 10 years the financial and economic issues will affect the health care industry and will be a are a big part of the community. In the future there will be big changes, that we will have to adapt to. Changes in the future are things that- we will have to adapt to, There are around 44 million Americans who currently are unable to get health insurance. The Obama Care will help individuals to get health insurance through expanding Medicaid and Medicare and offering assistance to Americans who cannot currently afford healthcare.
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