Health Quiz: First Aid Basics – Flashcards

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Who may be required to perform first aid while working?
Law enforcement officers, firefighters, flight attendants, lifeguards, park rangers
When you are off-duty you can...
choose whether or not to provide first aid
Deciding to Provide First Aid
Providing first aid may be part of your job description. If so, you must help while you're working. When you're off duty, you can choose whether or not to provide first aid.
Before your provide first aid, it is important to do what?
Ask the ill or injured person if you may help.
Actions to asking if you can help an ill or injured person:
1. If the person responds, introduce yourself as a first aid provider before you touch him. Ask if you may help him. 2. If he person agrees, you may give first aid. 3. If the person refuses your help, phone your emergency response number (or 911) and stay with him until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over. 4. If the person is confused or cannot answer, assume that he would want you to help.
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First Aid Kit
Contains supplies that you might need in an emergency
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Action: Supplying the First Aid Kit
- Keep the supplies in a sturdy, watertight container that is clearly labeled - Know where the first aid kit is. - Replace what you use so the kit will be ready for the next emergency - Check the kit at the beginning of each work period for expired supplies and to make sure it is complete and ready for an emergency
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First Aid in Dangerous Places
Before doing anything else, make sure the scene is safe for you and the injured person, and keep looking around to make sure that the scene stays safe
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Action: Assess the Scene
As you approach the scene, consider the following: - Danger: Look out for danger to you and danger to the injured person. Move the injured person only if she's in danger or if you need to move her to provide first aid or CPR. Move her if you can do so safely. - Help: Look for people who can help you and look for telephones. Have someone phone your emergency response number (or 911). Phone for help yourself if no one else is around. - Who: Who's injured? Figure our how many people are hurt and see if you can tell what happened. - Where: Where are you? Be specific. The emergency response team (or 911) dispatcher will want to know your address, floor, or location in the building or on the property.
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FYI: When you give first aid...
Know your limits, don't become another victim
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Washing your hands
Is one of the most important protections you have. Always use soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty and after taking off gloves.
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Actions for Washing Hands Well
1. Wet your hands with clean running water )warm if available) and apply soap.2. Rub hands together and rub all surfaces of hands and fingers for at least 20 seconds. 3. Rinse hands with lots of running water. 4. Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet.
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Important if no soap and water available:
Use a hand sanitizer, rub your hands well to loosen germs and then allow the sanitizer to dry
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Universal Precautions
Treat everyone's blood as if it were infected (body fluids, such as blood, saliva, and urine, can sometimes carry germs that cause diseases).
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Personalized Protective Equipment (PPE)
Includes: - gloves to protect your hands from blood and other body fluids - eye protection, if the injured person is bleeding, to protect your eyes from blood and other body fluids - Mask to protect you when you give breaths
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Actions for Universal Precaustions
1. Wear personalized protective equipment whenever necessary. 2. Place all disposable equipment that has touched blood or body fluids containing blood in a biohazard waste bag (or as required by your workplace). 3. To dispose of the biohazard waste bag, follow your company's plan for disposing of hazardous waste. 4. Wash your hands well with soap and lots of water after properly taking off your gloves.
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Latex Allergies
Some rescuers and ill or injured people may be allergic to latex. Use protective gloves that don't contain latex, such as vinyl gloves, whenever possible.
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Bloodborne Diseases
Caused by germs. A rescuer may catch a disease if germs in someone else's blood or body fluids enter the rescuer's body, often through the rescuer's mouth or eye or a cut on the skin. To be safe, rescuers should wear personal protective equipment - gloves and eye shields (goggles) - to keep from touching the injured person's blood or body fluids.
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Three examples of bloodborne diseases:
- HIV - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C
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Actions: Exposure to Blood
1. If you are wearing gloves, take them off. 2. Immediately wash your hands and the contact area with soap and lots of water. 3. If body fluids have splattered in your eyes, nose, or the inside of your mouth, rinse these areas with lots of water. 4. Tell your company's emergency response program supervisor what happened as soon as possible. Then contact a healthcare professional.
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Definitions and Key Facts: Taking off Gloves
When you giver first aid, the outside of your gloves may touch blood or other body fluids. Take your gloves off without touching the outside of the gloves with your bare hands.
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Action: Taking Off Gloves
1. Grip 1 glove on the outside of the glove near the cuff and peel it down until it comes off inside out. 2. Cup it with your other (gloved) hand. 3. Place 2 fingers of your bare hand inside the cuff of the glove that is still on your hand. 4. Peel that glove off so that it comes off inside out, with the first glove inside it. 5. If there is blood on the gloves, dispose of the gloves properly: put them in a biohazard wast bah or as required by your workplace, if you do not have a biohazard wast bag, put the gloves in a plastic bag that can be sealed before you dispose of it. 6. Wash your hands after you giver first aid so that you don't spread germs.
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FYI Washing Your Hands
Use waterless hand sanitizers only if you do not have immediate access to soap and water. Wash your hands with soap and lots of water as soon as you can.
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Definitions and Key Facts: Chain of Survival
shows the most important actions needed to treat life-threatening emergencies in adults. 1. recognize the emergency and phone an emergency number to get help
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Chain of Survival
1. Recognize the emergency and phone for help 2. Early CPR with emphasis on compressions 3. Rapid AED use 4. Effective advanced care 5. Coordinated care afterward
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Action: Assess When to Phone for Help
As a general rule, you should phone the emergency response number (or 911) and ask for help whenever someone is seriously ill or injured, you are not sure what to do in an emergency
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Some examples of someone who is seriously ill or injured...
The person: - Does not respond to voice or touch - Has chest discomfort - Has signs of stroke - Has a problem breathing - Has severe injury or burn - Has a seizure - Suddenly can't move a part of the body - Has received an electric shock - Has been exposed to poison If someone tries to commit suicide or is assaulted, phone the emergency response number (or 911) regardless of the person's condition.
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Action: How to Phone for Help (if you are alone)
1. Yell for help while you start to check the ill or injured person. 2. If no one answers you yell and immediate care isn't needed: - Leave for a moment while you phone your emergency response number (or 911) - Get the first aid kit and automated external defibrillator (AED), if available 3. Return to the ill or injured person
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Action: How to Phone for Help (with others)
1. Stay with the ill or injured person and be prepared to give first aid or CPR if you know how. 2. Sen someone else to phone your emergency response number (or 911) and get the first aid kit and AED if available.
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Important: How to Phone for Help
Answering all of a dispatcher's questions is important to getting help to you as fast as possible. Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to. Answering the dispatcher's questions won't delay the arrival of help.
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FYI: Emergency Dispatchers
When you phone for help, the emergency dispatcher may be able to tell you how to do CPR, use an AED, or give first aid.
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Definitions and Key Facts: Finding the Problem
After you check the scene to be sure it is safe, you must find out what the problem is before you give first aid. Learn to look for problems in order of importance. First look for problems that may be life threatening. Then look for other problems.
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Someone who "responds" does what?
Moves, speaks, blinks, or otherwise reacts to you when you tap him and ask, "Are you OK?" Someone who doesn't "respond" does nothing when you tap him and ask if he's OK.
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A person who gasps:
Usually appears to be drawing air in very quickly. He may open his mouth and move the jaw, head, or neck. Gasps may appear forceful or weak, and some time may pass between gasps since they usually happen at a slow rate. The gasp may sound like a snort, snore, or groan. Gasping is not regular or normal breathing. It is a sign of cardiac arrest in someone who doesn't respond.
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Action: Find the Problem
1. Check the scene to be sure it is safe. 2. Tap the person and shout, "Are you OK?" - send someone to phone your emergency response number (or 911) and get the first aid kit and AED. 3. Check if the person is breathing for 5-10 seconds - if not breathing or only gasping, begin CPR and use an AED if you know how 4. Look for any obvious signs of injury 5. Look for medical information jewlery
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FYI: Find the Problem
The muscles at the back of the throat relax in a person who does not respond. When the muscles relax, the tongue may fall back and block the airway. A person with a blocked airway cannot breathe.
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Actions: Privacy
- Give all information about an ill or injured person to EMS rescuers. - Fill out the company's report or forms. - Protect the ill or injured person's privacy.
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