Vegetarianism is referred to as an act of refraining from meat consumption, especially red meat, seafood, poultry, as well as any other kind of flesh obtained from animals. While non-vegetarian defy, these beliefs are involved them with the unhealthy diet. Furthermore, people are what they eat –as they say; many American apparently eat chemically treated foods which are very unhealthy. But there are individuals who do not follow American norms and there have altered their diets.
Vegetarianism sometimes is perceived by some people as a way of just dieting, whereas some sees it as a lifestyle. But the truth diet of vegetarians’ helps people to manage their weights as well as enjoying other health benefits associated with it. Many overlook the benefits of vegetarianism, and even some view these health benefits like bonus, rather than primary objective. If more people become aware of t
...he importance of vegetarianism and embrace such kind of a lifestyle, many diseases that non-vegetarianism face can be prevented. Proper nutrition is vital to everyone because even doctors recommend their patients to take proper diet so that to control body conditions.
Non-vegetarian fell to understand is the side effect associated with unproven diets. Some of the noted effects include hearts diseases, cancers among others. This paper seeks to argue on the health benefits for practicing vegetarianism.
Benefits of Vegetarianism
My stand on this argument is that vegetarianism is the best way of life; every person should understand its advantages and the side effect of taking unhealthy meals which can impact negatively on one’s life. Many people have become vegetarians for various reasons that include; health, religion and others are just concerned about animal welfare.
vegetarianism has become more popular because people have understood what proper diet entails. Here are some of the health benefits for those for are vegetarians: Vegetarianism Benefits against Cancer A world cancer research fund of 1997 suggested that cancer risks can be greatly reduced by choosing predominantly plant-based food, as well as consuming variety of fruits and legumes. Notably, the research indicates that regular consumption of fruits and real related products significantly protects individuals against cancers (Panebianco & Stephen, 55). Those people who take fruits daily reduce the risk by at least one-half of cancer, especially epithelial cancer. Doctors have listed about three dozen plant that possesses cancer protective properties, and some of these include cruciferous vegetable, cabbage cauliflower, and some herbs.
All these foods as well as herbs contain protective substances that change the hormonal actions and metabolic pathways associated with cancers development in the body. Non-vegetarians have a greater danger of being diagnosed with cancer, because most of them consume grilled and smoked meat, fish. These products contain substances that can trigger cancers in the body, and cancer may start to develop in body organs and spread to other parts. I am not trying to say that vegetarians are completely safe from cancer, but their chances are drastically reduced. Heart Diseases Reduction Survey shows that natural fruits and vegetables consumption reduce the chances ischemic heart diseases by a large margin.
The study indicates that a vegetarian textile consumption of vegetables enables an individual to reduce the risks of angina and myocardial infarction by about 21-11% compared to non-vegetarians, as they may possess a great danger due to lack of enough textile in the body. Unwanted
substance keeps finding refuge in the body of a person, and the chances of contracting diseases also keeps on increasing if one cannot do away with excessive meat consumption. Fruits and vegetables contain possible protection against cardiovascular diseases and therefore, it is important for one to incorporate them in their diets. Typically, vegetable diets reduce saturated fats; plant foods are rich in soluble fibers which are critical to lower serum cholesterol levels. Nuts contain high nutrients, having low natural sutured contents thereby mainly consumed by vegetarians; nuts also contain some vitamin, minerals, and other important cardiovascular health benefits. Vegetarians have a lower stroke and diabetes risks Data obtained from different organization elaborated prospective relationship between vegetables and cases of diabetes.
Cruciferous and green leafy vegetable are the most protective ones against the condition. The information from obtained from national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES) study, indicates that consuming fruits and vegetables three time's day lower incidence of stroke (Hart ; Jane, 65). But the risk is much high to non-vegetarians who may even last for more than a week without taking a single fruit, this might increase stroke mortality as well as cardiovascular diseases to such individuals. Additionally, those who are not vegetarians have tendencies of developing fatal stroke, accounting for about 20-30% higher risk than their vegetarians’ counterparts. In addition, according to modern studies and human trials information, it shows that pieces of evidence that vegetarian’s dietary patterns has the ability of controlling the blood pressure.
Also, elder people are advised to adopt vegetarianism because it helps them monitor their blood pressure. But high consumption of whole grains and nuts have been linked to reduced
diabetes rates, individuals that incorporate red meat daily in their diets increases the chances of diabetes to develop in their body. Reduced chances of obesity Research shows that vegetarians tend to be better learners and tend to observe their body weight than their meat-eating counterparts, also possess lower cholesterol and body mass index. Vegetarians’ diet can also assist with weight loss, as it is advisable to maintaining a healthy weight at any given period of time. To this effect, the vegetarians have 12% reduced death rate compared to non-vegetarians. At the same time, research shows that vegetarians are at high risk for iron deficiencies.
Parents that practice vegetarianism also tend to recruit their children to such kind of a lifestyle. This raises the question if their children get the right amount of nutrients for their body growth and development (Rome, Kluever ; Donovan, 410). For one to ensure that they have the right amount of nutrients required, it is important to keep in touch with a physician to provide guidance to good and healthy eating habits, and maintaining a balanced diet at the same time. Vegetarians and non-vegetarians also argue that the right time of slaughtering an animal as vegetarians advocates for not eating animals especially after treatment, non-vegetarians believe an animal that has been treated one month prior to slaughter is just fine for human consumption. Also, doctors are against this method, and they argue that chemicals are still present in the animal’s body, therefore, if consumed it will affect a person’s health. In this case, several farms where the animals are reared around the world have been used wrongly since they view animals as
investments to generate more income to serve their own interests (Lusk, Jayson, ; Norwood, 109).
This exercise has led to institutionalized animal cruelty and environmental destruction putting human health at risk. On the other hand, vegetarians abstain from meat because slaughter has a spiritual impact to customs and religious beliefs. Many stun animals with an electric shock while others utilizes the use captive bolt pistol to handle the animal; a method that leaves the animal in an unconscious state before the body is hauled down. It is fair to say vegetarian are safe to do away with this meat while non-vegetarians keep on consuming these toxic meats that affects their general health. Vegetarian's bones health is something to pay attention to the research has stated out that some women are reluctant to take vegetarian diet especially one that does not have calcium rich dairy products because there are concerned with osteoporosis. The argument is that non-vegetarian’s bones are very healthy because they take in much calcium as the meat eater, but vegetarians typically take less.
In the classic Oxford study, it shows that 75% vegetarians, in general, has less than wanted daily amount of calcium, and this possess a great danger of bone fracture. Moreover, vegetarians who consume at least 533 milligrams of calcium per day are not vulnerable to fractures (Lusk, Jayson & Norwood, 109). But this should not influence vegetarians to start taking meat either; instead, they can choose to consume vegetables that are rich in calcium, which includes Bonk Choy, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, and kales. These plants provide vegetarians with enough calcium content that the body needs.
Also, non-vegetarian are not safe; research has suggested
that consuming too much protein in particular animal’s protein is not good for bones because it has the negative effects on the body. In the other side of negativity, vegetarianism has got some effects from the products consumed by them. Despite the vegetarian diet being healthy, it also has some disadvantages as well. Non-vegetarian’s lifestyle has recorded high mortality rate compared to vegetarian’s lifestyle (Almassi & Ben, 396). Finally, many studies have looked the relation between vegetarianism and the risk of death.
But this provides mixed results as thoughts that vegetarian’s diet is healthy than non-vegetarians diet and mortality rate among them differ. However, arachidonic acid is a substance that usually obtained from dietary animals resources and no surprise vegetarian diet is rich in arachidonic acid. Different researchers have performed a study to investigate the impact of restrict animals products.
Controversial Health Issues Associated with Vegetarianism
For the reduction of human’s impact on the environment, with the aim of saving the lives of animals, it is proposed that people should adopt a culture of consuming less meat if they cannot avoid it completely. The amount of beef that is consumed daily by vegetarians views it as a mere phenomenally, but in the real sense it a lavish lifestyle.
Humans eat about 230 tons of animal products every year, twice as what was the case about 30 years ago. On the other hand, food climate research network reports that livestock contributes to climate changes can be calculated as low as 10% global emissions. Meat and dairy consumption was responsible for country total greenhouse gas emission and contributes to environmental degradation. Plans are underway to trial to cope environmental
degradation, and expert is encouraging people to adopt vegetarianism to minimize environmental product usage.
Another Controversial factory is over exploitation of resources. Vegetarians’ lifestyle will assist to address unique environmental concerns. In a case of the large group of people turn to be vegetarian that would be an incredibly effective step to improve our environment and our health at the same time. The real environmental benefit can only be achieved when people reduce meat consumption rate. One American environmental website advised people to skip one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetable food, and this can act to reduce carbon dioxide (Bronk, & Su).
To this effect, many nations across the world have set aside huge tracts of land so as to create more room for animals as well as foods that they will feed on. Also, vegetarians can eat too many sweets which can pack on unwanted pounds; overall vegetarians should understand their roles in society by making non-vegetarian to know the benefit associated being a vegetarian.
People turn into vegetarianism for many different reasons. In one case, it may be of custom, religion, and moral reason; even some are unhappy to eat a dead animal, and other are much concern about animal welfare. But all in all, being a vegetarian comes with many sound benefits such as good health environmental care among others.
It is noted vegetarians’ food is often the cheaper raw ingredient that may be acquired in supermarkets or restaurant and other eateries. When we focus on health dimension, a vegetarian enjoys a lot compared to his counterpart who risks his health when taking smoked meat that can cause cancer and diabetes.
But all the same, those people who would like to be vegetarians should conduct a research on all points of view, and fully understand its pros and cons; understanding the issue at hand will help to make a better informed decision in which an individual wants.
Works Cited
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- Lusk, Jayson L., and F. Bailey Norwood.
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- Romo,Lynsey Kluever, and Erin Donovan-Chicken. “Actually, I don't eat meat”: A multiple- goals perspective of communication about vegetarianism. Communication Studies 63.4 (2012): 405-420.
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