Geography Final – Flashcards

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The ________ Ring of Fire is a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanoes resulting from tectonic activity. a. Pacific b. Atlantic c. Indian d. Arctic
a. Pacific
The UN Human Development Index is comprised of all of the following measures, except: a. Life expectancy at birth b. Infant mortality rates c. Educational attainment d. Income adjusted for PPP
b. Infant mortality rates
Approximately how much of the world's population does not have access to clean drinking water? a. Three-fourths b. One-half c. One-sixth d. One-tenth
c. One-sixth
Choropleth maps are used when: a. Data is collected according to predetermined boundaries. b. Data is collected over a long period of time. c. Data is collected across space but not within predetermined boundaries. d. Data is collected at the regional scale.
a. Data is collected according to predetermined boundaries
Austria's irregular, vertically shaped population pyramid tells us all of the following except: a. Many Austrians now live to an old age. b. Fewer Austrians are in the very young age categories than in the older categories. c. Migration has increased significantly in Austria. d. In recent decades, Austrian couples have chosen to have one child or no children.
c. Migration has increased significantly in Austria
From 1945 to 2011, the world's population a. Increased by 10% b. Doubled c. Tripled d. Quadrupled
c. Tripled
All of the following statements accurately describe the general condition of women compared to men at the global scale, except: a. 70% of youth who leave school early are girls. b. Girls are more likely than boys to receive early medical attention. c. Women are less likely to have access to information and paid employment. d. Even when working outside the home, women tend to continue to perform their domestic duties, resulting in the "double day."
b. Girls are more likely than boys to receive early medical attention
Arguments against free trade include all of the following, except: a. Free trade keeps the price of consumer goods low, giving consumers around the world more choices. b. Free trade undermines workers' rights and wages by allowing corporations to relocate to countries where unions are not allowed to organize and wages are very low. c. Free trade prevents effective environmental protection by allowing corporations to relocate to countries where environmental laws are non-existent or not enforced. d. Free trade creates a less regulated economy more prone to cycles of boom and bust, which can hurt the smallest and more vulnerable economies.
a. Free trade keeps the price of consumer goods low, giving consumers around the world more choices
Rate of natural increase considers all of the following factors, except: a. The birth rate b. The death rate c. Relationship between birth and death rates d. Migration
d. Migration
Which statement best describes the relationship between European colonialism and the industrial revolution? a. European countries began to colonize the world only after they had developed strong industrial economies. b. European colonialism happened so far before the industrial revolution that no link can really be made between the two processes. c. Extraction of global resources through colonialism fueled the industrial revolution by providing enormous wealth and raw materials to Europe. d. The industrial revolution happened simultaneously to colonization but the two processes are unrelated.
c. Extraction of global resources through colonialism fueled the industrial revolution by providing enormous wealth and raw materials to Europe
Hagerstown, Maryland is located in the ________ hemisphere and the ________ hemisphere. a. Southern, Western b. Northern, Western c. Southern, Eastern d. Northern, Eastern
b. Northern, Western
The consequences of the agricultural revolution include all of the following, except: Select one: a. Rapid population growth b. Environmental degradation c. A dramatic decrease in famine d. Division of labor and specialization
c. A dramatic decrease in famine
Which of the following is not one of the reasons for the widespread global hunger problem? a. Political instability b. Low rates of agricultural productivity at the global scale c. Problems of distribution of food d. Corruption
b. Low rates of agricultural productivity at the global scale
The distance (in degrees) north or south of the equator is called ________. a. elevation b. longitude c. scale d. latitude
d. Latitude
All of the following statements accurately describe conditions in slums around the world, except: Select one: a. The UN estimates that over 1 billion people currently live in slums. b. Slums generally lack sanitation, running water or electricity. c. Slum dwellings are generally made with whatever materials are locally available, such as cardboard, plastic, etc. d. Slums are always violent and dangerous places to live.
d. Slums are always violent and dangerous places to live
The region known as North America's breadbasket is: Select one: a. The Great Plains b. The Basin and Range c. The Coastal Plain d. The Pacific Northwest
a. The Great Plains
What percentage of residents of the U.S. work in farming today? a. Less than 1% b. 5% c. 10% d. 13%
a. Less than 1%
The Mediterranean climate of North America's southern west coast is characterized by: Select one: a. Dry, warm summers and cool, moist winters. b. Dry, warm winters and cool, moist summers. c. Dry, arid conditions year round. d. Heavy rainfall for most of the year.
a. Dry, warm summers and cool, moist winters
From 2007 to 2009, immigration to the U.S. from Mexico: a. Increased 1,000 fold b. Increased slightly c. Stayed about the same d. Decreased by 42%
d. Decreased by 42%
While other industries were moving to Mexico or overseas to cut production costs, which of the following industries implemented mechanization? a. Automobile b. Electronic assembly c. Steel d. Clothing
c. Steel
All of the following statements accurately describe the differences between healthcare and health statistics in Canada and the U.S., except: a. Canadians have a life expectancy that is more than two years longer than people in the U.S., on average. b. Americans spend less per capita than Canadians on healthcare. c. 15% of Americans have no health insurance, while all of Canadians are covered. d. Maternal mortality and infant mortality are higher in the U.S. than in Canada.
b. Americans spend less per capita than Canadians on healthcare
Each of the following is an asymmetry between Canada and the United States, except: a. The two countries are roughly the same size. b. Canada has a colder climate than the U.S. c. The U.S. economy is 10 times that of Canada. d. The U.S. is a global superpower; Canada is more concerned with maintaining a good political relationship with the U.S.
a. The two countries are roughly the same size
The primary sources of immigration to North America today include all of the following, except: a. West Africa b. Middle America c. South America d. Asia
a. West Africa
Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the conditions of North America's water resources? a. In the United States, 40% of the rivers are too polluted for fishing and swimming. b. Rivers in North America are primarily polluted by storm runoff from urban, suburban and agricultural areas. c. In North America, rainfall becomes increasingly plentiful the farther west one goes. d. North Americans are pumping water out of the Ogallala Aquifer at rates of 10 to 40 times greater than the natural replenishment rate.
c. In North America, rainfall becomes increasingly plentiful the father west one goes
Since 1990, exports between Mexico, Canada, and the U.S have increased ____ percent. a. 50 b. 100 c. 300 d. 500
c. 300
The first British colony in North America was established in 1607 in what is today known as: a. Massachusetts b. Georgia c. Virginia d. Pennsylvania
c. Virginia
With only ___ percent of the world's population, North Americans contribute ___ percent of global greenhouse gases. a. 10, 50 b. 10, 36 c. 5, 45 d. 5, 26
d. 5, 26
Immigrants to North America generally compete with which social group for jobs? a. The lowest paid, least educated workers. b. The modestly educated and skilled working class. c. The highly educated white collar workers. d. The top echelon of corporate management.
a. The lowest paid, least educated workers
All of the following were important differences between the North and the South in pre-Civil War America, except: a. Northerners had no plantations and few slaves, unlike the South. b. Cities in the South had begun industrializing rapidly, while the Northern economy remained focused on subsistence farming. c. A small percentage of the population in the South controlled most of the wealth while the wealth in the North was more evenly distributed. d. Infrastructure was much more developed in the North than the South.
b. Cities in the South had begun industrializing rapidly, while the Northern economy remained focused on subsistence farming
What percentage of the approximately 18 million Native Americans that lived in North America in 1492, were left by 1907? a. 2% b. 10% c. 25% d. 50%
a. 2%
Which of the following does not accurately describe the water crisis in Middle and South America? a. As much as 50% of fresh water piped through cities is lost due to leaky pipes. b. The region receives more rainfall than any other region. c. 80% of the population does not have proper sanitation, leading to pollution of local water from human waste. d. Privatization of water resources is a positive solution that seems to be working well in Bolivia.
d. Privatization of water resources is a positive solution that seems to be working well in Bolivia
Which of the following temperature-altitude zones was preferred by Europeans? a. Tierra caliente b. Tierra templada c. Tierra fria d. Tierra helada
b. Tierra templada
All of the following are results of the U.S. "War on Drugs" except: a. A strong focus on decreasing demand for drugs in the U.S. b. U.S. military aid to the region is now equal to aid for social programs. c. Supply of weapons, training and intelligence to regional governments by the U.S. d. A strong U.S. military presence in the region.
a. A strong focus on decreasing demand for drugs in the US
Which of the following is not one of the effects of oil drilling in Ecuador? a. Leakage of more than 17 million gallons of oil into the Amazon Basin from 1964 to 1992. b. Disruption of indigenous cultures. c. Disappearance of important wildlife species. d. Increase in access to good medical care for the indigenous people.
d. Increase in access to good medical care for the indigenous people
In Mexico, the middle part of the 10,000 mile mountain chain that runs along the western edge of the American continents is called: a. The Rocky Mountains b. The Sierra Madre c. The Andes d. The Sierra Nevada
b. The Sierra Madre
Which of the following statements best describes the Aztecs at the time of European contact? a. They were a primitive and barbaric people who practiced cannibalism. b. They were a nomadic, hunter-gatherer people. c. They had built a sophisticated urban society that had a higher quality of life than European societies at the time. d. They were loose bands of families that had little social coherency.
c. They had built a sophisticated urban society that had a higher quality of life than European societies at the time
The combined effect of the cold Peru Current and the rain shadow of the Andes have created which unique landscape? a. The Atacama Desert b. Patagonia c. The Pampas d. The Amazon lowlands
a. The Atacama Desert
In which of the following countries does more than half of the population live in poverty? a. Haiti b. Brazil c. Chile d. Mexico
a. Haiti
Internet users in the Middle and South American region grew by what percentage from 2000 to 2010? a. 50% b. 100% c. 500% d. 1000%
d. 1,000 %
Which of the following crops originated in Middle and South America? a. Wheat b. Potatoes c. Bananas d. Sugarcane
b. Potatoes
Haciendas were originally created to: a. Hold captive indigenous people. b. Provide a fortified area where Europeans could be safe from marauding bands of indigenous people. c. Grant land to colonists as a reward for conquering territory. d. Grow monocrops for export.
c. Grant land to colonists as a reward for conquering territory
Coca in the region is grown primarily by: a. Large plantations owned by the governments b. Plantations owned by multinational corporations c. Small, indigenous farmers in remote areas d. Former African slaves
c. Small, indigenous farmers in remote areas
In the 150 years following European arrival in Middle and South America, the indigenous population was reduced by: a. 30% b. 50% c. 70% d. 90%
d. 90%
Changes in the agricultural economies of the Middle and South American region have resulted in all of the following, except: a. Farm laborers have lost the right to have a small plot of land on the hacienda to grow their own food. b. A ban on the use of dangerous pesticides on crops such as bananas. c. Haciendas have been turned into plantations. d. Farm laborers now work longer hours for little pay under difficult and dangerous conditions.
b. A ban on the use of dangerous pesticides on crops such as bananas
At the current rate of deforestation, tropical forests in Middle America will be gone in how many years? a. 5 years b. 10 year c. 20 years d. 50 years
c. 20 years
Between 1960 and 2010, the proportion of Europe's population over the age of 65 went from ____ to _____. a. 27%, 16% b. 27%, 8% c. 16%, 27% d. 9%, 16%
d. 9%, 16%
The governing body that acts like the executive branch of the EU's government is: a. The European Commission b. The European Parliament c. The Council of the European Union d. The European Secretariat
a. The European Commission
The river that carries more traffic than any other in Europe is: a. The Rhine b. The Danube c. The Elbe d. The Seine
a. The Rhine
All of the following statements accurately describe the feudal period in European history, except: a. Feudalism originated from the need to protect rural areas against marauders from Scandinavia and the European interior. b. Feudalism dominated Europe until the early 20th century. c. The wealthy nobility lived lavish lifestyles in elaborate castles during the feudal period. d. While feudalism prevailed in the rural areas of Europe, social, economic and political changes were taking place behind the walls of the towns and cities.
b. Feudalism dominated Europe until the early 20th century
The North Atlantic Drift is largely responsible for which of the following climatic conditions in Europe? a. The dry winters of the southern Mediterranean climate. b. The long, cold winters of Central Europe. c. The surprisingly mild and wet conditions of Western Europe. d. The arctic type conditions of northern Scandinavia.
c. The surprisingly mild and wet conditions of Western Europe
Approximately how many Europeans are NOT citizens of member states of the EU? a. 10 million b. 40 million c. 80 million d. 120 million
b. 40 million
All of the following statements accurately describe the European Union, except: a. The European Union is a supranational organization. b. Goods, money and people can move freely between EU member countries. c. The countries belonging to the European Union are all at the same level of development. d. Some people fear that the EU is causing cultural homogenization.
c. The countries belonging to the European Union are all at the same level of development
All of the following statements accurately describe European colonialism, except: a. Portugal was the first European country to establish overseas colonies. b. Establishing colonies and managing their production and trade is a development strategy referred to as mercantilism. c. The billions of dollars worth of wealth that flowed from the colonies into the European colonial countries spurred and hastened the industrial revolution. d. A positive aspect of colonialism was that the colonial powers paid relatively higher wages to workers in the colonies than local businesses did.
d. A positive aspect of colonialism was that the colonial powers paid relatively higher wages to workers in the colonies than local businesses did
A recent trend in European transportation is: a. An increasing focus on passenger cars due to the jump in prosperity in Eastern Europe since joining the EU. b. An increasing focus on multimodal transport linking air, rail, water and car transport. c. An increasing focus on small plane travel within the EU. d. An increasing focus on interstate bus service.
b. An increasing focus on multimodal transport linking air, rail, water, and car transport
The economic model of central planning utilized in Central Europe after 1945 can be described by all of the following, except: a. A central bureaucracy dictates prices and output and allocates resources. b. Central planning was largely unsuccessful at alleviating poverty and illiteracy among the masses. c. Central planning was marked by waste and corruption. d. Central planning was dismantled in the 1990s.
b. Central planning was largely unsuccessful at alleviating poverty and illiteracy among the masses
The EU-27 get 32% of their oil and 42% of their natural gas from: a. China b. Russia c. Venezuela d. Saudi Arabia
b. Russia
The European colonial powers used techniques for taking and holding territory were first used by the: a. Greeks b. Babylonians c. Hebrews d. Romans
d. Romans
All of the following statements accurately describe the development of nationalism in Europe, except: a. The growth of nationalism was connected to the growth of democracy. b. Nationalism was based on unwavering allegiance to the King or Monarch. c. Nationalism eventually reconfigured the entire map of Europe into a collection of nation-states. d. All of these new nations were transformed into democracies by political movements originating in Europe's industrial cities.
b. Nationalism eventually reconfigured the entire map of Europe into a collection of nation-states
About 70% of Europeans now work in which industry? a. The Military b. Agriculture c. Services d. Manufacturing
c. Services
The physical geography of Europe is best described as: a. An island continent with a desert interior. b. A series of peninsulas upon peninsulas with complex patterns of lowlands, uplands and mountains. c. A raised plateau with narrow coastal lowlands and an abrupt escarpment. d. Relatively flat and slowly rising as one heads to the east towards Asia.
b. A series of peninsulas upon peninsulas with complex patterns of lowlands, uplands, and mountains
The Rose Revolution of 2003-2004 took place in: a. Chechnya b. Georgia c. Ukraine d. Kyrgyzstan
b. Georgia
After a decade of economic instability, Russia's economy began to recover, primarily due to: a. Profits from oil and gas extraction. b. The rising prices of Russia's agricultural products on the global market. c. The significant investments the government has made in developing the post-industrial service economy. d. Enormous amounts of foreign investment, primarily from China.
a. Profits from oil and gas extraction
How many Soviets were killed in World War II? a. 5 million b. 12 million c. 23 million d. 45 million
c. 23 million
All of the following describe European Russia, except: a. European Russia lies west of the Ural Mountains. b. European Russia is the most sparsely populated area of the entire region. c. European Russia is the economic core of Russia. d. European Russia is the agricultural core of Russia.
b. European Russia is the most sparsely populated area in the entire region
Soviet military involvement in which country finally stretched the Soviet Union past the breaking point, leading to its eventual dissolution? a. Nicaragua b. Angola c. Poland d. Afghanistan
d. Afghanistan
All of the following accurately describe the ancient Slavs, except: a. The Slavs emerged in what is now Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus. b. The Slavs created Kiev in 480 and Moscow in 1100. c. The Slavs remained very isolated until the 19th century. d. The Slavs developed powerful kingdoms in Ukraine and European Russia.
c. The Slavs remained very isolated until the 19th century
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the agricultural sector experienced all of the following changes, except: a. A drop of 20 to 30% in yields in the 1990s. b. Large farms could not get the equipment, fuel or fertilizers they needed. c. Collective farms were broken up into smaller, private farms. d. In the Central Asian states, farming was reorganized to emphasize export crops.
d. In the Central Asian states, farming was reorganized to emphasize export crops
Which of the following is most likely to grow in tundra? a. Coniferous forests b. Desert scrub c. Mosses and lichens d. Grasslands
c. Mosses and lichens
Which of the following was not one of the achievements of the Soviet style economy? a. High quality consumer goods were produced in mass quantities. b. Abject poverty was largely eradicated. c. Housing, healthcare and education were all provided free of charge by the government. d. Public transportation was well-developed.
a. High quality consumer goods were produced in mass quantities
All of the following accurately describe the environmental conditions in Russia and the Post Soviet States, except: a. Environmental problem originated in the post-Soviet period. b. 35 million people in the region lived in polluted areas as of the year 2000. c. Pollution controls are complicated by a lack of funds. d. Reckless industrial pollution and the effects of oil and gas extraction are major sources of pollution.
a. Environmental problem originated in the post-Soviet period
Individuals who are so wealthy that they wield enormous political power are called: a. Aristocrats b. Oligarchs c. Monarchs d. Dictators
b. Oligarchs
The draining of the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya was caused primarily by: a. Rapid industrial development in the region. b. Rapid urbanization in the region. c. Irrigation for the production of cotton. d. Irrigation for golf courses and suburban lawns.
c. Irrigation for the production of cotton
The city of Norilsk is known primarily: a. For the highly developed IT industry located there. b. For mining and smelting based on its large mineral deposits. c. As the regional center of global trade. d. As the regional center of commercial agriculture.
b. For mining and smelting based on its large mineral deposits
All of the following accurately describe the Soviet Union under Stalin, except: a. The purpose of the command economy during this period was to promote rapid industrialization to increase the prosperity of the people. b. Stalin instituted a command economy, in which the state owned all real estate and means of production such as factories and farms. c. The government managed all production, pricing and distribution of goods and services. d. Democracy flourished in the Soviet Union under Stalin.
d. Democracy flourished in the Soviet Union under Stalin
The Russian Federation is best described as: a. A loose coalition of 30 independent states. b. A homogenous nation-state with little internal diversity. c. A federation of 30 internal republics, all under the umbrella of the Russian government. d. A regional trade association.
c. A federation of 30 internal republics, all under the umbrella of the Russian government
All of the following statements describe approaches to water management in the region, except: a. People in this region are better at conserving water than most people in the world. b. Ancient underground canals for moving water are called qanats. c. Public bathing is one way people in the region conserve water. d. Because of strong water conservation measures, this region does not face the problem of future water shortages.
d. Because of strong water conservation measures, this region does not face the problem of future water shortages
What percentage of Saudi Arabia's water is produced by desalination plants? a. 20% b. 30% c. 50% d. 70%
d. 70%
In the post-WWII period, U.S. Foreign policy in North Africa and Southwest Asia can best be described as: a. Support for undemocratic governments that protected the interests of international energy companies. b. A complete absence of any policy approach at all; the region just wasn't on the U.S. political radar. c. Support for grassroots democracy movements. d. A hands-off approach that favored non-interference in the affairs of the region.
a. Support for undemocratic governments that protected the interests of international energy companies
The more conservative Islamic countries that favor female seclusion include: a. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait b. Morocco and Tunisia c. Libya and Egypt d. Iraq and Lebanon
a. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
While culture in Europe stagnated during the Middle Ages, the Islamic-Arab Empire made advances in all of the following areas, except: a. Mathematics b. Architecture c. Iron smelting d. Medicine
c. Iron Smelting
The first European country to establish control over a colony in North Africa was: a. France b. Spain c. Portugal d. Italy
a. France
Shi'a Muslims live primarily in: a. Tunisia b. Saudi Arabia c. Iran d. Libya
c. Iran
The country in the region of North Africa and Southwest Asia that has the most plentiful water resources is: a. Israel b. Turkey c. Iran d. Morocco
b. Turkey
North Africa and Southwest Asia is the cultural hearth for which three major monotheistic religions? a. Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity b. Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity c. Islam, Judaism and Christianity d. Islam, Christianity and Shinto
c. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
The climate of the region of North Africa and Southwest Asia is accurately described by all of the following, except: a. This is the driest region on earth. b. Temperatures in the Sahara can reach 130 degrees F in the shade. c. Lack of vegetation contributes to the aridity of the region. d. There are no areas in this region that receive enough rainfall for farming.
d. There are no areas in this region that receive enough rainfall for farming
By the late 1400s, much of the Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Eastern Europe was controlled by: a. The Ottomans b. The Romans c. The Byzantines d. The Babylonians
a. The Ottomans
Which of the following is not one of the five pillars of Islam? a. Fasting during the month of Ramadan. b. Almsgiving to those in need. c. Carrying out a religious war in the name of Allah. d. Completing a hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca.
c. Carrying out a religious war in the name of Allah
The most diverse economy of the region is: a. Iran b. Turkey c. Egypt d. Israel
d. Israel
The percentage of people in the region of North Africa and Southwest Asia who are followers of Islam is: a. 45% b. 63% c. 75% d. 93%
d. 93%
All of the following statements accurately describe events in the North Africa/SW Asia region at the end of WWI, except: a. The Ottoman Empire was dismantled by the Allied Powers. b. Only Turkey remained an independent country. c. Nomadic Bedouins were consolidated under Sheik Ibn Saud. d. The State of Israel was created.
d. The State of Israel was created
Following independence in the 1950s and 1960s, most African countries: a. Immediately instituted economic reforms to diversify their economies. b. Invested heavily in the development of industry to turn raw materials into higher-profit manufactured goods. c. Remained primarily commodity producers. d. Took out loans to modernize their economies and infrastructure.
c. Remained primarilty commodity producers
Robert Mugabe's controversial land redistribution program, implemented in the 1990s, resulted in all of the following, except: a. A chronic food shortage b. 80% of Zimbabweans became unemployed c. Political violence that created 3 to 4 million refugees d. The United Nations take-over of Zimbabwe
d. The United Nations take-over of Zimbabwe
Sub-Saharan African countries that have economies based on commodity production include all of the following, except: a. The profits from turning raw materials into manufactured goods go to the wealthier countries. b. The profits from commodity production are too low to lift many Sub-Saharan countries out of poverty. c. Prices for commodities traded on the world market are subject to wild fluctuations. d. Countries trading commodities are often embargoed by the United States and the European Union to protect domestic production of these products.
d. Countries trading commodities are often embargoed by the United States and the European Union to protect domestic production of these products
The impact of European colonization of Africa include all of the following, except: a. An improvement in the health and well-being of most Africans. b. An increase in tensions between different ethnic or tribal groups. c. A decrease in local communities' access to resources. d. A diversion of production away from growing food and toward export crop production.
a. An improvement in the health and well-being of most Africans
During the height of summer in the Northern Hemisphere: a. The ITCZ brings rain to the grasslands of Botswana. b. The ITCZ brings rain to the grasslands of the Sahel. c. The ITCZ brings rain to the tropical rainforest of the Congo River basin. d. The ITCZ stops operating and the region enters a dry season.
b. The ITCZ brings rain to the grasslands of the Sahel
The human species evolved more than 2 million years ago in: a. The eastern highlands of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda). b. The west central part of Africa (DRC, Cameroon). c. The southern cone of Africa (Namibia, Botswana, South Africa). d. The western Sahel region of Africa (Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, Niger).
a. The eastern highlands of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda)
All of the following are reasons local people poach wildlife in parks in Africa, except: a. Animal parts are used as medicines. b. Animals are poached to undermine ecotourism. c. Animal parts are used as aphrodisiacs. d. Animals are taken as bushmeat to supplement local diets.
b. Animals are poached to undermine ecotourism
The physical geography of Africa is accurately described by all of the following statements, except: a. Africa is the second largest continent on earth. b. The surface of Africa is a raised plateau with narrow coastal zones. c. Africa has no mountains over 15,000 feet. d. The Sahara Desert takes up one-fourth of the African continent.
c. Africa has no mountains over 15,000 feet
In the country that came to be known as South Africa, black Africans received full political and civil rights in: a. 1926 b. 1945 c. 1964 d. 1994
d. 1994
Which of the following statements about slavery in Africa is NOT true? a. Africans were trading slaves before the advent of the European slave trade. b. The Portuguese were the first European power to organize a slave trade out of Africa. c. Between 1600 and 1865, 12 million slaves were captured and sent to the Americas by European traders. d. The slave trade has been completely eradicated in Africa today.
d. The slave trade has been completely eradicated in Africa today
The wealthiest country in Sub-Saharan Africa is: a. Nigeria b. South Africa c. Botswana d. Madagascar
b. South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa's main contribution to global warming is: a. Through the release of carbon into the atmosphere through deforestation. b. Through the release of greenhouse gases from automobiles in the major cities. c. Through the release of carbon from the burning of fossil fuels. d. Through the release of methane from wet rice production.
a. Through the release of carbon into the atmosphere through deforestation
In 2006, the large majority of logs exported from Sub-Saharan Africa went to: a. The United States b. China c. The European Union d. India
b. China
Efforts to increase irrigation of agricultural lands in Sub-Saharan Africa include all of the following, except: a. Building dams on the Niger River b. Hand or foot powered pumps c. Hand held water brigades d. Building desalination plants
b. Building desalination plants
Politically, Sub-Saharan Africa is dominated by: a. Socialist states b. Strong democracies c. Corrupt and undemocratic governments d. Anarchy
c. Corrupt and undemocratic governments
All of the following are characteristics of the city of Mumbai, except: a. Its metropolitan area has over 21 million people. b. It brings in nearly 40% of India's trade revenue. c. The city exhibits little spatial or social inequality. d. The city is home to Bollywood and the nation's central bank.
c. The city exhibits little spatial or social inequality
All of the following are true of the Partition of South Asia, except: a. Because each group got its own country, Partition served to calm the tensions between Hindus and Muslims. b. Approximately 14 million people migrated at the time of partition. c. Millions of people were killed during the migration at partition. d. Partition set up the conditions that led to several wars between Pakistan and India.
a. Because each group got its own country, Partition served to clam the tensions between Hindus and Muslims
Criticisms of the Sardar Sarovar dam include all of the following, except: a. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to relocate as the dam flooded the river valley. b. The reservoir behind the dam has caused increased rainfall in the area, leading to regular flooding. c. The dam caused the massive die off of aquatic life. d. Fishermen in the area have lost their livelihoods as the fish have vanished from the river.
b. The reservoir behind the dam has caused increased rainfall in the area, leading to regular flooding
The country that has more people who are vulnerable to sea level rise than any other is: a. India b. Pakistan c. Sri Lanka d. Bangladesh
d. Bangladesh
A common second language throughout the region of South Asia is: a. Urdu b. Tamil c. English d. Arabic
C. English
Members of the same jati tend to do all of the following, except: a. Dress in a similar manner b. Speak the same dialect c. Live in particular neighborhoods or villages d. Vote for the same political candidate or party
d. Vote for the same political candidate or party
The purpose of Gandhi's Salt March was primarily to: a. Deprive the British of the salt they needed to cook. b. Take back local control of an important nutritional resource. c. Dump British owned salt into the ocean in an act of defiance, similar to the American Boston Tea Party. d. Sprinkle salt on the commercial crops Indians were forced to grow for the British in order to kill the plants.
b. Take back local control of an important nutritional resource
All of the following statements accurately describe responses to global climate change in South Asia EXCEPT: a. The production of more plug-in electric cars in India than anywhere else in the world. b. An increase in the use of affordable wind power. c. An increase in the number of nuclear power plants being built in India. d. An increase in investment in solar energy.
c. An increase in the number of nuclear power plants being built in India
Approximately how many Muslims currently live in South Asia? a. 140 million b. 225 million c. 520 million d. 700 million
c. 520 million
The Sardar Sarovar Dam was built on which river? a. Ganges b. Brahmaputra c. Narmada d. Indus
c. Narmada
South Asia has ____ percent of the world's population and ___ percent of the world's fresh water. a. 10, 5 b. 20, 4 c. 30, 10 d. 25, 12
b. 20, 4
British colonialism in South Asia had all of the following impacts on the local textile industry, except: a. Weavers pushed out of their traditional occupations became landless laborers. b. Bengalis who continued to work their looms in the late 18th century were severely punished by the British East India Company. c. The textile industry in South Asia was shut down by the British so it would not compete with the textile industry in Britain. d. Thousands of displaced weavers immigrated to London to work in the textile industry there.
d. Thousands of displaced weavers immigrated to London to work in the textile industry there
All of the following statements accurately describe the Indus Valley Civilization, except: a. It existed 4500 years ago. b. Homes in Harappa had piped in water. c. The towns had wide, tree-lined boulevards. d. The Harappan civilization occupied the southern-most tip of the South Asian peninsula.
d. The Harappan civilization occupied the southern-most tip of the South Asian peninsula
The summer monsoons in South Asia first hit which area? a. The Himalayas b. The Bay of Bengal c. The Western Ghats d. The Eastern Ghats
c. The Western Ghats
The three major rivers in South Asia that are fed by melting glaciers in the Himalaya are: a. The Ganges, Indus, and Brahmaputra b. The Mekong, Indus, and Ganges c. The Narmada, Indus, and Ganges d. The Narmada, Indus and Brahmaputra
a. The Ganges, Indus, and Brahmaputra
Life expectancy in Japan is: a. 67 years b. 77 years c. 83 years d. 99 years
c. 83 years
All of the following statements describe the food production and security situation in East Asia, except: a. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan import three-fourths of their food. b. Luckily, East Asia has vast land areas that are appropriate for agricultural use. c. China is self-sufficient in basic necessities. d. Roughly one-fifth of agricultural land in China has been lost to urbanization and industrialization.
b. Luckily, East Asia has vast land areas that are appropriate for agricultural use
Which of the following statements does not accurately describe the population patterns of East Asia? a. East Asia has the lowest rate of natural increase in the world. b. Aging populations in countries like Japan mean concerns about how to care for the elderly and a lack of young people to fill up the workforce. c. Japan needs to allow 640,000 immigrants into the country per year to meet its labor demand. d. North Korea and Mongolia are two countries in the region in which women continue to have 2 or more children.
a. East Asia has the lowest rate of natural increase in the world
The landscape of East Asia can be accurately described by all of the following except: a. This region has some of the most rugged terrain in the world. b. The terrain can be described as four steps, leading down from the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya Mountains. c. The region has vast areas that are flat, where most of the people live. d. The region faces earthquakes and tsunamis caused by tectonic activity.
c. The region has vast areas that are flat, where most of the people live
All of the following statements accurately describe events in Tibet, except: a. The Dalai Lama was recently allowed to return to Tibet as a local administrator. b. The Chinese army destroyed thousands of monasteries and temples in Tibet. c. Thousands of Buddhist monks and nuns have been killed by the Chinese government. d. The Chinese government has tried to dilute Tibetan culture by moving thousands of Han Chinese into Tibet.
a. The Dalai Lama was recently allowed to return to Tibet as a local administrator
Taiwan has some of the worst air pollution in the world. Which of the following is not one of the causes of this air pollution? a. Extremely high population density. b. There is an inverted layer of air that traps the pollution over the island. c. There are more than 4 cars for every 5 residents on the island. d. The island is close to the very industrialized region of Southern China.
b. There is an inverted layer of air that traps the pollution over the island
Concerns about the Three Gorges Dam include all of the following, except: a. It is currently the largest dam in the world. b. The dam is located over a seismic fault. c. The social costs of relocating 1.23 million people who used to live in the areas flooded by the dam. d. The negative impact on global prices of fish that is anticipated by the increase in fish production in the reservoir behind the dam.
d. The negative impact on global prices of fish that is anticipated by the increase in fish production in the reservoir behind the dam
Following its defeat in WWII, Japan used all of the following strategies to recover and rebuild its economy, except: a. State-aided market economy b. Military suppression of grassroots demonstrations by workers c. Export-led economic growth d. Cooperation between the government, industry and labor unions
b. Military suppression of grassroots demonstrations by workers
The primary targets of Mao's Cultural Revolution were: a. Intellectuals b. Landless peasants c. Small merchants and businessmen d. Ethnic minorities such as the Tibetans
a. Intellectuals
Two of China's largest rivers that are fed by melting glaciers in the Himalaya are: a. Huang He and Chiang Jiang b. Zu Jiang and Chiang Jiang c. Huang He and Mekong d. Zu Jiang and Huang He
a. Huang He and Chiang Jiang
East Asia is home to approximately what percentage of the human population? a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 25%
d. 25%
From 1100 to 1600, China was: a. Immersed in a period of stagnation called the Dark Ages. b. Engaged in ongoing wars with Japan and Mongolia that seriously impacted its ability to develop. c. One of the poorest regions in the world. d. The most developed region in the world.
d. The most developed region in the world
All of the following statements accurately describe the Chinese system of agricultural communes, except: a. Although they were inefficient, the communes did eventually supply enough food to feed everyone in China adequately. b. The communes averaged 1600 households each. c. A problem with the communes was that the farmers had too many other responsibilities that prevented them from putting enough time into farming. d. Following the death of Mao, the communes were entirely dismantled.
d. Following the death of Mao, the communes were entirely dismantled
The effects of the nuclear disaster following the 2011 earthquake in Japan include all of the following, except: a. An increase in investment in nuclear power. b. A reinvestment in creating alternative energy sources. c. Contamination of the ground, water and food for miles around the site of the nuclear accident. d. The evacuation of over 200,000 people due to nuclear radiation.
a. An increase in investment in nuclear power
The most important grain in East Asia is: a. Wheat b. Millet c. Rice d. Corn
c. Rice
The largest city in Southeast Asia is: a. Jakarta b. Bangkok c. Manila d. Rangoon
a. Jakarta
According to recent reports of the United Nations, Southeast Asia contains ___ percent of the world's forests, but accounts for _____ percent of global deforestation. a. 5, 5 b. 10, 5 c. 5, 25 d. 10, 25
c. 5, 25
Vietnam's total fertility rate is much lower than that of Cambodia and Laos because: a. Of its draconian one-child policy, enforced by the military. b. It is a much more developed country. c. The socialist policies of the government raised literacy and lowered infant mortality. d. It received large loans for population control from the World Bank.
c. The socialist policies of the government raised literacy and lowered infant mortality
All of the following statements accurately describe palm oil production in Southeast Asia, except: a. Palm oil is used as cooking oil, machine oil, and in food, soaps and cosmetics. b. Indonesia and Malaysia are the largest producers of palm oil in the world. c. The negative impacts of palm plantations can be reduced if the trees are grown in lowland peat swamps. d. One of the benefits of palm oil is that it can be used as fuel for cars.
c. The negative impacts of palm plantations can be reduced if the trees are grown in lowland peat swamps
French Indochina encompassed all of the following countries, except: a. Burma b. Vietnam c. Laos d. Cambodia
a. Burma
Which of the following is a growing concern about wet rice cultivation? a. It is a labor intensive form of agriculture and there may not be enough people in Southeast Asia to continue the practice. b. It is a form of agriculture that feeds too many people, leading to population explosions. c. The rice paddy releases methane, which is a greenhouse gas. d. The rice paddy attracts mosquitoes, which carry malaria, leading to a resurgence of the disease.
c. The rice paddy releases methane, which is a greenhouse gas
The main source of an increase in wages and improvement in working conditions in Southeast Asia is: a. The presence of strong labor unions. b. The role of the Catholic Church in advocating for worker's rights. c. The growing importance of the service sector in national economies in the region. d. The role of the state in promoting a higher quality of life for working people.
c. The growing importance of the service sector in national economies in the region
The most famous ruins of the Hindu-Buddhist empires that rose and fell in Southeast Asia is in: a. Hanoi, Vietnam b. Bangkok, Thailand c. Lombok, Indonesia d. Angkor, Cambodia
d. Angkor, Cambodia
The major rivers of Southeast Asia are: a. The Mekong, Chao Phraya, Narmada and Irrawaddy b. The Irrawaddy, Mekong, Chao Phraya and Ganges c. The Mekong, Chao Phraya, Salween and Huang He d. The Mekong, Chao Phraya, Salween and Irrawaddy
d. The Mekong, Chao Phraya, Salween, and Irrawaddy
The only country in Southeast Asia never to be colonized is: a. Indonesia b. The Philippines c. Thailand d. Malaysia
c. Thailand
Of the four areas of Indonesia where separatists are fighting for an independent country, only ________ has been successful thus far. a. Timor-Leste b. Aceh c. Papua d. The Maluccas
a. Timor-Leste
Deforestation in Southeast Asia is caused primarily by: a. Commercial agriculture and shifting cultivation b. Logging c. Resettlement schemes d. Infrastructure development such as roads and pipelines
a. Commercial agriculture and shifting cultivation
The primary problem associated with an El Nino event in Southeast Asia is: a. Earthquakes b. Tsunamis c. Drought d. Severe flooding
c. Drought
When population densities are low in a particular place, people can practice shifting cultivation for approximately what length of time? a. Indefinitely b. 10 to 15 years c. 5 to 10 years d. 3 to 5 years
a. Indefinitely
The Indonesian archipelago has _____________ islands. a. 1,000 b. 7,000 c. 17,000 d. 27,000
c. 17,000
All of the following statements describe the impact of European colonization on indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand, except: a. Indigenous people were annihilated by infectious diseases brought by the Europeans. b. Indigenous people were killed outright by colonists who wanted their land. c. Indigenous people who lived on undesirable land were allowed to continue their traditional way of life. d. Indigenous people were completely segregated from the white economy and society in a system of apartheid.
d. Indigenous people were completely segregated from the white economy and society in a system of apartheid
The physical geography of Australia can be described by all of the following statements, except: a. Australia is shaped like a huge dinner plate with two bites taken out of it. b. The central part of Australia is primarily desert. c. The Great Dividing Range is in the southwestern part of the continent. d. The Great Barrier Reef is off the northeast coast of Australia.
c. The Great Dividing Range is in the southwestern part of the continent
The place where the U.S. conducted 106 nuclear bomb tests from the 1940s to the 1960s is: a. Tahiti b. Hawaii c. Marshall Islands d. Samoa
c. Marshall Islands
Currently, Oceania is orienting itself primarily toward: a. The United States b. The European Union c. Asia d. Russia
c. Asia
The Pacific Way, developed in Fiji in 1970, encompasses all of the following ideas, except: a. It emphasizes personal and individual freedoms. b. Consensus is the preferred decision making process. c. It favors mutual understanding over open conflict. d. It favors respect for traditional leadership.
a. It emphasizes personal and individual freedoms
New immigration policies in New Zealand and Australia favor immigrants from which of the following countries? a. England b. Russia c. China d. Argentina
c. China
All of the following are characteristics of the "roaring forties" except: a. They bring ample rain to New Zealand. b. They are strong winds and that move around the earth at the 40th parallel south unimpeded by land. c. They bring ample rain to Australia. d. The term "roaring forties" also refers to ocean currents.
c. They bring ample rain to Australia
All of the following are characteristics of the Australian and New Zealand economies, except: a. Primary economic activities are surprisingly dominant in the economics of both countries. b. The two countries have been largely untouched by increasing competition from Asia. c. Strong labor movements have forced the redistribution of profits from raw materials export, leading to a broader prosperity. d. Residents of the two countries enjoy a standard of living on par with North America and Europe.
b. The two countries have been largely untouched by increasing competition from Asia
All of the following are "high islands" of Oceania, except: a. New Zealand b. Tahiti c. Easter Island d. Tuomotu
d. Tuomotu
The human settlement of Polynesia started about: a. 500 years ago b. 1,000 years ago c. 6,000 years ago d. 60,000 years ago
c. 6,000 years ago
Hawaii's tourist industry was hard hit by all of the following, except: a. The 9/11 terrorist attacks b. The tsunami of 2004 c. The Asian recession of the 1990s d. The global recession of 2008
b. The tsunami of 2004
Of the 37 million people living in Oceania, _____ live in Australia. a. 5 million b. 11 million c. 22 million d. 32 million
c. 22 million
All of the following accurately describe aboriginal people in Australia and New Zealand today, except: a. Aboriginal populations live largely in poverty and ill health. b. Until the 1960s, Australian Aborigines had no political rights and were not legally allowed to drink alcohol. c. Recently, aborigines have begun making claims to their ancestral lands and fishing rights in both countries. d. Most aborigines now practice their traditional culture.
d. Most aborigines now practice their traditional culture
The first country to sign a treaty creating a nuclear free zone in the South Pacific was: a. New Zealand b. French Polynesia c. Solomon Islands d. Marshall Islands
a. New Zealand
One characteristic that distinguishes New Zealand from Australia is: a. Australia was populated with convict labor during the colonial period and New Zealand was not. b. New Zealand was not primarily a British colony. c. Australia's economy is more dependent on sheep than New Zealand's. d. Australia gets more annual rainfall than New Zealand.
a. Australia was populated with convict labor during the colonial period and New Zealand was not
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