Final Exam Flashcards Answers

Flashcard maker : Adam Howard
1. Puberty is the time period when the child’s life becomes what?
Adult like

The puberty span approximately how many years after the puberty?
3 – 4 years

. Sequence of hormones with puberty is?
Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Gonads

. Ovaries and testicles are also known as?
Gonads or sex glands

The four main factors that affect the timing of puberty is?
Genes, Gender, Nutrient, Body Fat (Stress)

. The adolescence that is most likely to experiencing teasing and name calling from her classmates is one who begins puberty sooner or later?

The growth spurt begins to increase in what
Bone length

Increase endurance that teenagers experience is due to growth of what two organs?
Heart and Lungs

Changes in primary sex characteristic during pubic is due to the growth of what?
testicles in males and uterus in female

Secondary characteristic are those characteristics are not referred to?

Three cognitive skill that develop or continue to develop during adolescence is?
Selective Attention, Memory and Metacognition

The reason that characterizes during adolescence, according to Piaget is called what kind of thought?
Formal Operation of Thought

. Compared to that of pre-adolescence, adolescence thinking about science is more likely recognized possible what?

According to recent research four factors influence an individual ability to reason formally would be what?
Age, Intelligence, Emotional factors and any talents that they have

Typical formal operational thought is, thinking about what?
Abstract , Possible and Hypothetical

A teenager who is using hypothetical thinking will tend to talk about what kind of issues?
Serious Issues

Deductive reasoning refers to ability to do what?
Start with a logical ideal and then come up with specific conclusions

Inductive reasoning
is just the reverse you start with the specifics then you come to general conclusion, just the opposite.

. Young teenager realizes that he has a small pimple on the back of his ear his belief that everyone will notice it is what?
Adolescence Ego Centrism

Chief question teenager generally try to answer in adolescence is?
Who Am I?

terms of self a typical 15 year old is busy doing what?
Exploring several different possible self’s

to Erickson, adolescences are what social stage of development?
Identity vs. Role Confusion

. Identity foreclosure first to doing what?
adopting society and parents values (without questions)

Negative identity is one who?
Rebel against society wishes or parents wishes

Gender identity refers to?
Roles society identify as being biology male or female

. So why is ethnic identity and gender identity often connected?
Other roles defined by their culture

What would be the example of an internalizing problem?
More seen in females than males. Withdrawn, emotional problems.

Externalizing is?
More so males. Fighting, Outburst, Property Damage, Destruction

United States serious crimes between the ages of 10 and 20 is what percent?

So in early adulthood the ages from 1 to when can be considered the prime of life?
Ages 20 – 35

Most girls gain their max. height at what age? Boys?
Girls at 16 and boys at 18

Of all the diseases cancer is the leading with bouts at the age of?

. Outside suicidal motor vehicle deaths are what percent?

What is Senescence?
Gradual Aging Process

. Before what age does body function start to decline?
30 years old

. Who feels: Didn’t hear the Question. But these are how it was answered:
women, women have more reproductive problems, men, women eat more vegetables, men live shorter lives, women have more friends

. If you maintain body __________?

The incidences increases with maternal and maternal age, what are the three conditions?
Still Birth, Miscarrying and chromosome abnormalities

approach of cognition of size storage retrieval information called what?
Information Processing

Which approach to cognition sizes the parts intelligence measures IQ test?

. One takes and personal feelings to solve a real life problems is what kind of thought?
Post Formal

Adult thinking or thought may categorize as what one word?

Adult thinking is more what?

Three circumstances which adults confront moral issues?
Interrelationship, Career and Parenthood

Compared to individuals without a college education those who have a college education tend to be more which?
Healthy, Wealthy and Flexible

. Is there more male or female college students college?

A 1999 study which objective was raised very important for essential college freshman were better off?

Students in 1966 ? 1999?
1966 – 15% and 1999 – 27%

How often to individuals between the ages of 20 – 35 change jobs?
9 times

. Freud described the healthy adult as someone who is able to what two things?
Work and Love

. According to Maslow what kind of basic needs does one need?
Physical and Safety

According to Erikson, young adults first will face what crisis?
Intimacy vs. Isolation

Which stage involves the need to become like some else?
Intimacy vs. Isolation (same one)

. According to Erikson failure to achieve ________in personal impoverishment?
Giving back to people – genitivally

. The _________clock helps the best age with society?
Social Clock

Friends differ from family member in that friends are chosen with qualities that what? Make them what?
Good Companions

What is an example of Self Disclosure?
Tell something about yourself beyond the average age, name, address, number etc.,
beyond general information, maybe about how you think feel etc. (women do it more than men).

Compare to those women are more less __________and men are less __________,___________?
Less emotional, aggressive, and competitive

What kind of age refers to age or takes place as times goes by?
Primary Aging

Adulthood is likely to lose how much height?
1 full inch

. Average age for menopause is?
50 years

What is the most regarding health?

. All types of diseases, is called what?

Disability is the inability to do what?
Inability to act in necessary, a desired or expected way

United States one how many new aged adults?
1 & 5

“g” refers to what?
General Intelligence

What kind of research has the same individuals across time?

. Research tested a group with multiple ages multiple times is?
Cross Sequential

Which type of intelligence is the type that makes money quick and thorough?
Fluent Intelligence

Multiple choice test Sternberg calls this what?

Who diverse thinking?

Street smarts is referred to as?
Practical Intelligence

. What are the big 5 personality traits? (Remember OCEAN)
Openness, extroversion, agreeableness, consciousness’, neururondism

The Big Five comes at what age?
30 years old

Who was the theorist that mass?
Carl Young

Midlife crisis is what people refer to as?

. Events remembered most:
10 and 30 years old

Parts of the brain do what?

Irreversible loss of intellectual functioning, Pathological is what?

Erickson Theory?
Integrity vs. despair

Kubler Ross 5 stages of dying
Acceptance, Depression, Denial, Angry Bargaining

Diedin peace

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