File Management System Ms Dos Computer Science Essay Example
In the beginning, MS-DOS had a single directory for storing all files. However, as the number of files increased, this setup became more challenging. To find a particular file, users had to manually search through the entire list until they reached its possible location at the end. If users couldn't remember the file's name, it was highly likely that it would never be found again.
Version 2.0 of Microsoft introduced a hierarchical directory structure to solve this problem. They adopted an inverted tree structure for the directory, with the root at the top and the leaves at the bottom.
The file manager assigns sectors from two to eight for storing files, which are then organized into clusters. When a file requires more space, DOS allocates additional clusters to it. FORMAT not only divides the disk space but also establishes three disti
...nct sections on the disk: the boot record, the root directory, and the file allocation table (FAT).
The boot record, found in the initial sector of all logical disks (including physical units like floppy or hard disks and virtual disks like RAM disks), now includes both the disk boot program and a table with information about the disk's characteristics since version 2.0.
When the system starts up, it communicates with the user in the root directory. The root directory includes several primary subdirectories and files, along with configuration files generated by the system and any booting instructions created by the user in an AUTOEXEC.BAT file. To generate a list of directories, you can use the command line function DIR.
The hidden files feature in MS-DOS enables the execution of files that are not visible through the DIR command.
Some of MS-DOS's system files belong to this category, as they are used to operate the system but do not appear in directory listings. Only COMMAND.COM, the system file, is not hidden and is always present in public directories.
Windows 8
In Windows 8, Windows Explorer has been renamed to File Explorer and revamped in noteworthy ways. Notably, it discards the Aero Glass special effects present in the prior two versions of Windows and adopts a sleeker, more streamlined appearance. Additionally, it replaces the command bar utilized in previous iterations with a newly implemented ribbon-based user interface that can appear crowded when fully expanded. Thankfully, the ribbon is initially concealed, resulting in a pleasant and uncomplicated outcome.
When you expand the ribbon, all of the available commands related to files will be visible. These commands are organized based on their function and include context-sensitive tabs that change depending on the selected file system objects.
File Explorer largely operates similar to its Windows 7-based predecessor and even includes the same icons for a sense of familiarity.
Microsoft has improved the file copy experience in Windows 8, making it faster and more user-friendly. In previous versions of Windows, each file and move operation would create its own window, slowing down the process significantly.
This does not happen anymore in Windows 8. Instead, all file copies and moves are performed within a single window. In this window, you have the ability to pause any copy or move processes, allowing you to prioritize other tasks. Additionally, file copies and moves now occur much faster than they did previously, even when there are multiple file operations happening simultaneously. Moreover, file copy/move conflicts are now handled in
a more sophisticated manner, with simpler solutions.
Leon is responsible for process/task management.
Ms dos is a software based on the acquisition by Micro Soft of the quick and dirty operating system (DOS).
MS DOS was created by Seattle computer products for their 8086-based computer ZDOS (Zenith Z-100 PC). It was not designed for any particular hardware platform, but could be customized to operate on almost any system that utilized an 8086 compatible micro-processor.
The MS DOS operating system is a single task system, meaning that the user must wait for the system to return a prompt after entering each command in order to start another process. The Processor manager's role is to allocate resident jobs for execution when they are ready. In MS DOS, a command is divided into two sections: the resident section and the transient section.
MS-DOS has two types of executable binary files:
Files with .com extensions consist of a single segment that includes text, data, and a stack segment. These files do not have a header and are loaded into memory unchanged for execution. The process size cannot exceed 64KB, but it still allocates all available memory. However, if these programs create offspring, they must release any unused memory back to the operating system for allocation to the new child.
- Executable files (.exe) have multiple segments, including a text segment, a data segment, a stack segment, and additional segments. They include relocation information for loading purposes and can be relocated. Exe files begin with the hexadecimal value Ox4D5A or the ASCII characters "MZ" in the first two bytes.
The PSP (Program Segment Prefix) is a special data block that exists in every MS-DOS process. It
occupies the first 256 bytes of the process and serves as a part of the process address space for .com files. It can be addressed using the range 0-255. In the case of .exe files, the PSP is followed by the program at address 0 because the program is reloadable. The PSP acts as a simpler process context block and contains important information.
The size of the program is an important factor.The
tag indicates that the following text is a pointer to the environment block.
The address of the CTRL-C handler.
- Command string -
Pointer to the parent process's PSP,
- The file descriptor table, etc.
When a child process is created in MS-DOS, it inherits the open files and their file positions from its parent. Any files that the child process opens will be automatically closed when it exits. Furthermore, the memory utilized by the child process is released and an exit status is sent back to the parent.
The parent is responsible for providing memory for a child upon creation. Therefore, the programmer must ensure that the program has a condensed core and can relocate additional components to disk if needed.
The Task Manager and Windows Defender security software have been redesigned, with the latter now including anti-virus capabilities. Additionally, Windows 8 seamlessly integrates with Xbox Live. To use Windows 8 properly, specific requirements must be met: a processor speed of 1GHz or higher, RAM of either 1GB (for 32-bit) or 2GB (for 64-bit), available hard drive storage of either 16GB (for 32-bit) or 20GB (for 64-bit), and a graphics card compatible with DirectX version 9 or later.
The Task Manager has been completely redesigned and includes multiple implemented modifications.
default view hides the tabs and only displays the applications.
The process tab shows resource utilization with a heat map, where darker shades of yellow indicate higher usage.
The performance is categorized into sections for different resources including CPU, memory, disk, Ethernet, and wireless network (if available). Each section consists of graphs that provide an overview. Users can click on a graph to view more detailed information about the corresponding resource.
The CPU tab has been updated to display data for each NUMA node instead of separate graphs for each logical processor.
Hovering over a logical processor's data will display the NUMA node and ID for that particular processor.
The system now offers a new startup tab that displays a list of startup applications and their effect on the boot time.
At present, the processes tab displays a list of application names and their status. Furthermore, it presents detailed usage data for CPU, Memory, Hard Disk, and Network resources associated with each process.
The task manager has been updated to identify when a WIN RT application is in a "Suspended" state.
The new Task Manager for Windows 8 had three main focuses:
In order to optimize Task Manager, it is important to focus on the most common scenarios that the data points to. These scenarios include: (1) using the applications tab to locate and close a specific application, and (2) navigating to the processes tab, sorting by resource usage, and terminating certain processes to free up resources.
Employ contemporary information design techniques to achieve practical objectives. Develop a tool that is both considerate and up-to-date by emphasizing information design and data visualization.
We have made it a deliberate objective not to remove any functionality. Instead,
our intention is to add, enhance, and improve existing features.
History Development of MS-DOS
Originally designed as an operating system for standalone desktop computers, targeting a single user, MS-DOS became the standard operating system included with millions of these machines during the 1980s. It is widely regarded as one of the most user-friendly operating systems due to its straightforward task management and focus on individual users. Despite its basic yet effective functionality, even novices can learn how to operate personal computers, manage files, and interact with devices after just a few hours of instruction.
The development of MS-DOS can be traced back to CP/M, which served as the operating system for Apple Computer and Tandy Corporation's original personal computers in the 8-bit machines market. Seattle Computer Products developed MS-DOS alongside Personal Computer (IBM) DOS and Zenith Z-DOS specifically for their 8086-based computer system. The history of MS-DOS is closely intertwined with advancements in software for 8086-based computers.
In 1979, Seattle Computer created the first prototype of its 8086 microprocessor card for the S-100 bus. At that time, there was a discussion with Digital Research regarding the use of one of Seattle Computer's prototypes to support the development of CP/M-86, which was expected to be available shortly. Despite Seattle Computer's interest in using CP/M-86 when it became available by the end of 1979, there were only two operational prototypes of the 8086 processor card and both were required internally. Hence, none were available for Digital Research.
Microsoft had already initiated a robust program for software development on the 8086 platform. The company was prepared to test the 8086 version of Stand-Alone Disk BASIC, which was a variant of their BASIC interpreter
containing a pre-integrated operating system. Utilizing the hardware furnished by Seattle Computer, Microsoft successfully achieved full functionality of this BASIC software during the final two weeks of May 1979. Seattle Computer Products showcased the complete package (consisting of the 8086 processor running disk BASIC) at the 1979 National Computer Conference in New York during the first week of June. This event marked a groundbreaking milestone as it entailed the inaugural public presentation of both an 8086 BASIC and an 8086 processor card compatible with the S-100 bus.
In November 1979, Seattle Computer sent out its initial 8086 cards, equipped with Stand-Alone Disk BASIC as the sole compatible software. However, the arrival of CP/M-86 was delayed significantly. Consequently, in April 1980, Seattle chose to develop its own DOS. This choice was driven not only by apprehensions about CP/M's limitations but also by the pressing necessity for a versatile operating system.
The initial release of the operating system, known as QDOS 0.10, was delivered in August 1980. QDOS, or Quick and Dirty Operating System, got its name because it was hastily assembled (completed in two man-months), but surprisingly functioned well. It included all the necessary tools for assembly-language development, except an editor. Within a week, Seattle Computer had developed an operating system with an editor named EDLIN (editor of lines), which was considered absurd due to its simplistic nature. Originally intended to have a short lifespan of less than six months, unfortunately, it has endured much longer as a part of MS-DOS.
In the final days of 1980, Seattle Computer released a new version of DOS called 86-DOS version 0.3. Microsoft, who had acquired non-exclusive rights to market 86-DOS and
had one customer at the time, was given this new version. Around the same time, Digital Research released CP/M-86. In April 1981, Seattle Computer Products launched 86-DOS version 1.00, which closely resembled the widely distributed versions of MS-DOS we see today.
In July 1981, Microsoft purchased the DOS rights from Seattle Computer, and subsequently named it MS-DOS. Shortly after, IBM announced their Personal Computer, which used Seattle Computer's 86-DOS 1.14 as its operating system. Microsoft has continuously enhanced DOS and provided version 1.24 to IBM (known as IBM’s version 1.1), while releasing MS-DOS version 1.25 to all customers in March 1982. The recently unveiled version 2.0, launched in February 1983, coincides with IBM's new XT computer.
Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) is a non-graphical command line operating system developed for IBM compatible computers. It was originally created by Tim Patterson and introduced by Microsoft in 1981. The last update for MS-DOS was released in 1994.
Despite being no longer used by most users, the Windows command line, also known as the command shell, remains widely utilized. Below is an image demonstrating how the MS-DOS window, more accurately referred to as the Windows command line, appears under the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Microsoft released Windows 8, also known as Midori, on October 26, 2012. This update is a significant change to their operating system and includes innovative programming and technology to improve speed and user experience. It is compatible with desktops, laptops, and certain tablets. The introduction of Metro provides a touch-screen-compatible tablet interface for effortless navigation within the system. However, the traditional windows desktop interface is still available for those who prefer it. Below is an example that shows
the newly introduced Windows 8 Start screen replacing the conventional start button.
Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 8 are available, which includes Internet Explorer 10 and native support for USB 3.0. Users have the option to log in with a Microsoft account or choose from two new authentication methods: picture password and PIN log in. The touch-based interface of Windows 8 aligns with predictions that it would prioritize tablets and mobile use over traditional office desktop PCs, reflecting changing computer-purchasing patterns in recent years. Despite laptop sales surpassing desktop sales since 2009, there is no significant evidence suggesting people are abandoning their main PCs for touchscreen tablets. Consequently, Microsoft must ensure it caters to all possibilities.
While touchscreen controls will not be the sole choice for input, a programming layer will be implemented to enhance the compatibility between legacy programs and the interface. Julie Larson-Green, the chief designer of Windows 8, explains that although Microsoft's emphasis on touch will result in most programs being designed for finger-friendly control, this programming layer guarantees their seamless functionality with both a keyboard and mouse.
Microsoft is not hesitating to provide a touchscreen interface, taking into account accessibility concerns. They will still support traditional input modes, but details about customization options are currently unavailable. It is likely that Windows 8 will also offer an interface tailored for users with specific needs or particular screen mode requirements.
In the modern era, computer users are accustomed to using a mouse to navigate Microsoft Windows. However, MS-DOS operates differently by relying on command-line navigation with MS-DOS commands. For example, in Windows Explorer, you can open and view a folder's contents by double-clicking on it.
In contrast, in MS-DOS, you need to use the cd command to navigate to the desired folder and then use the dir command to list its files.
Memory Management in a computer system is responsible for controlling and coordinating computer memory, which involves assigning blocks of memory to various running programs. It plays a vital role in the operating system as it determines the timing and method of allocating memory resources to processes.
Memory functions as both a storage and execution space for programs.
There are three types of memory in a computer system compatible computer:
• Conventional
• extended
Conventional memory, which is also known as the portion of memory where programs can be loaded without specific instructions, has a size ranging from 256 KB to 640 KB on recent computers like 386, 486, Pentium, and others.
The available memory refers to the remaining memory after loading DOS into memory. This encompasses the operating system, device drivers, and all loaded commands from config.sys and autoexec.bat files.
Extended memory refers to a type of memory that allows computer systems with a processor of the 80286 type or higher to access larger amounts of memory.
Programs typically only recognize conventional memory addresses. In order to access the storage area beyond 640 KB, programs require specific instructions. A program known as an "extended memory manager" is responsible for managing access to extended memory. Its role includes preventing two programs from using the same memory area simultaneously.
Another way to access memory beyond the initial 640 KB is by utilizing paged memory. Currently, only a few programs are optimized to utilize this specific memory type.
Similar to extended memory, paged memory also relies on a program known as the
"paged memory manager" to handle it. Programs that utilize this type of memory cannot directly access it. Instead, the memory manager copies sections of 16 KB of memory, referred to as pages, into the frame segment located in the high memory region. Paged memory predates extended memory and is consequently slower, limiting the usage of a specific portion of memory at a time.
Many systems have 384 KB of high memory addresses (HMA), which is situated immediately after the 640 KB of conventional memory. This specific memory space can be utilized by hardware.
In this operating system, the Memory Manager has a straightforward task as it handles one job at a time for one user. If a second job needs to be performed, the user must either close or pause the first file before opening the second. The chosen scheme is a first-fit memory allocation scheme, which was deemed efficient in early versions of DOS designed for single user environments.
Memory consists of two main forms: read only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM). ROM is typically small and contains a program and a section of BIOS, which is responsible for system startup. This process is known as bootstrapping, as the system initiates itself. The program in ROM initializes the computer and retrieves the remaining portion of the operating system from secondary storage, loading it into RAM.
The initial versions of DOS provided the resident application program with all available memory, but this was inadequate because the simple contiguous memory allocation scheme did not allow for dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory blocks. In response, MS-DOS Version 2.0 introduced support for dynamic allocation, modification, and release of main
memory blocks by application programs. The amount of memory allocated to each application program is determined by the file type and the size of the TPA (Transient Program Area), which is the designated memory area for processing application programs. COM files are allocated the entire TPA, regardless of their actual memory needs, while EXE files are allocated only the necessary amount of memory. These files have a header that specifies the maximum and minimum memory requirements for running the program. Typically, the program is allocated the maximum requested memory, but if that is not available, it attempts to meet the minimum requirement. If the minimum requirement exceeds the available main memory space, the program cannot be executed.
The Memory Manager uses a linked list of memory blocks and a first-fit algorithm for memory allocation. However, starting from version 3.3, users have the option to choose a best fit or last fit strategy.
Memory management in Microsoft Windows operating systems has evolved into a sophisticated and robust architecture. It can seamlessly adapt to various platforms, ranging from small embedded systems where Windows runs from ROM, to large-scale multi-terabyte NUMA configurations. This architecture effectively utilizes the capabilities of current and upcoming hardware designs.
Memory management in Windows is constantly enhanced with each new release, incorporating various innovative features and capabilities. This progress is enabled by the intricate and comprehensive code base maintained across all platforms and SKUs, supported by advancements in algorithms and techniques.
The virtual address space is unique for every process on Microsoft Windows, regardless of whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit system. In a 32-bit system, the address space can handle up to 4 gigabytes
of memory. However, in a 64-bit system, the virtual address space expands significantly to 8 terabytes. Each process has its own specific virtual address space that can be accessed by all threads within that process. However, other processes are unable to access the memory of these threads, which ensures protection against corruption of another process's memory. The virtual address space is exclusive to each process and remains inaccessible to other processes unless there is sharing involved.
In the context of memory management, a virtual address does not directly correspond to the physical location of a memory object. Instead, each process possesses its own page table that functions as an internal data structure for converting virtual addresses into their corresponding physical addresses. This translation occurs whenever a thread accesses a specific address in the system.
The virtual address space of 32-bit Windows is divided into two partitions: one for the process and another reserved for the system.
The working set of a process refers to the pages in its virtual address space that are currently present in physical memory. This includes only paged memory allocations and excludes Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) or large page allocations. Whenever a process accesses pageable memory that is not part of its working set, it results in a page fault. The system's page fault handler tries to resolve the page fault and, if successful, adds the page to the working set. AWE or large page allocations do not cause page faults as they are non-pageable.
Possible Future - Steffan-
Even though introduced in the 1960s and often seen as outdated, MS-DOS remains extensively utilized globally. Many businesses and individuals still depend on it because of its
durability, user-friendly interface, and low maintenance requirements. Despite Microsoft Windows' dominance, DOS has evolved alongside technological advancements and the emergence of new software. The availability of MS-DOS clones like Free DOS has further contributed to its ongoing usage.
Technicians still rely on DOS for running numerous top computer diagnostics programs. This preference is mainly due to DOS providing direct access to hardware, a feature not found in protected mode operating systems. DOS will remain prevalent due to its reliability, small size (fitting on a single floppy disk), and being cost-free (Free DOS). However, DOS is ideally suited for future implementation on embedded systems given its incredibly small size.
Microsoft has fully embraced the Metro style in Windows 8 and discarded the concept of touch devices and PCs as distinct product categories. Instead, Windows Phone 8 will be referred to as Windows 8 regardless of the device it is used on (tablet, desktop PC, or any intermediate device).
The increasing popularity of touch screen functionality in full-size desktop monitors can be attributed to its prevalence in phone and tablet applications. Both Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro versions are designed to accommodate traditional mouse and keyboard input as well as touch-screen interaction, providing businesses with an opportunity to develop user-friendly applications. Microsoft recognizes the importance of touch screen technology and the tablet market by implementing a new tile interface in their operating system, resulting in rapid growth within this market. Additionally, Microsoft has developed Windows 8 RT specifically for tablets and their Surface device, aiming to compete against Apple's current dominance in the tablet industry. The availability of Windows tablets allows businesses that use Windows-based systems to provide employees
with the same operating system, tools, and content they utilize at the office while on the go.
However, for Windows to ensure a bright future, it must continue to operate effectively on its primary desktop platform. It is crucial that Windows 8 does not solely prioritize functioning as a tablet operating system, as this could restrict its success and adoption among only a few businesses.
Windows 8 offers a diverse selection of apps for users to enjoy, including the Windows Phone 8. This allows for effortless importing of apps from the PC version, creating a seamless experience across devices. These highly regarded apps are useful on various platforms. Furthermore, Windows 8 provides synchronization of multiple elements like apps, settings, wallpaper, documents, and pictures. It is an all-inclusive operating system that caters to different user needs. Although some experts have expressed concerns about its functionality, these concerns represent a minority viewpoint.
Microsoft's goal is to create a flexible and practical version of Windows 8 that can be used on various devices, such as traditional computers and modern devices preferred by younger users.
Microsoft is committed to providing all users with new and beneficial products or services for their tasks or entertainment. Expect Microsoft to continue delivering valuable and innovative software and programs in the future.
Despite the popular belief in a post-PC world, Microsoft continues to believe otherwise. As the primary software developer for PCs, it is understandable for them to maintain this perspective. In order to retain their dominant position in the Windows domain, Microsoft is actively striving to establish themselves in the mobile market where they currently trail behind.
Device Management System owned by Jamie
Introduction to Device Management
The driver is
a program that acts as a translator between the hardware and operating system. It facilitates communication between the electrical signals of the hardware and the programming languages used by the operating system and applications. The driver converts information defined by the operating system into streams of bits or laser pulses that are stored on storage devices or printed by a printer.
Due to the extensive variations in hardware, the driver programs operate differently. Many drivers are activated when the device is required and operate similarly to other processes. Typically, the operating system designates high-priority blocks to drivers in order to promptly release and prepare the hardware resource for future use.
Drivers are separate from the operating system to enable updates or enhancements without modifying or recompiling the OS. This allows for new hardware functions to be added without altering the OS itself. Usually, the company responsible for subsystems handles improving and developing device drivers, rather than the OS publisher. This greatly enhances the system's input/output capabilities.
Managing input and output involves handling queues and buffers, special storage units that receive and hold a stream of bits from a device such as a keyboard or serial port. These buffers release the bits to the CPU at a rate that the CPU can handle. This function becomes crucial when multiple processes are running and consuming processor time. The operating system directs a buffer to keep accepting input from the device, but to pause sending data to the CPU while the process using the input is suspended. When the process requiring input becomes active again, the operating system instructs the buffer to send data. This allows a keyboard or modem to
interact with external users or computers at a high speed, even when the CPU is unable to utilize input from these sources.
The operating system's function includes managing all the resources of the computer system. In real-time operating systems, this is virtually all the functionality required. However, other operating systems focus on providing a simple and consistent way for applications and humans to utilize the hardware's power, which is an essential aspect of their purpose.
The lack of the ability to reorder requests to optimize seeks and examine time is not a feature of DOS as it is specifically designed for a single-user environment.
All requests are addressed in the order they are received.
Starting from version 3.0, BIOS has the capability to maintain spooling. This allows users to queue multiple files for printing consecutively.
MS-DOS was specifically created for simple computer systems that include a keyboard, monitor, printer, mouse, 1-2 serial ports, and potentially a second printer.
There is no need for the operating system (OS) to manage devices individually.
The proper functioning of the system is ensured by Device Manager, which only requires device drivers.
Device drivers are software that manage I/O devices and handle disruptions.
Device Manager offers a visual representation of the computer's installed hardware. Windows communicates with all devices through device drivers, which are software. Device Manager allows you to install and update the drivers for your hardware devices, adjust hardware settings, and troubleshoot issues.
Utilize Device Manager for:
Verify the functioning of your computer's hardware.
Modify the hardware configuration settings.
Find and extract the installed drivers for all devices, while also collecting information about each driver.
Modify advanced settings and properties for devices, in addition to installing recently updated device drivers.
the activation, deactivation, and removal of devices.
Return to the previous driver version.
Devices can be categorized according to their type, how they connect to the computer, or the amount of resources they consume.
Toggle the visibility of hidden devices that may be necessary for advanced troubleshooting.
Device Manager is a valuable tool used by advanced users to check hardware status and update device drivers on their computers.
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