Fieldwork on Prostitution in the Era of AIDS – Flashcards

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Ethnographic research differs from other social science approaches because research observe society from the point of view of their participants.
How is ethnographic research different from other social science approaches to research?
By using ethnographic research, it can revel nuances that other researcher may miss.
What can ethnographic research reveal that other forms of research cannot?
Using questionnaires and observational experiments, Strek was able to ask the women questions about contradictions in their stories.
How did the use of questionnaires and observational research reveal about people that ethnographic research might miss?
Sterk visited several locations and moved slowly with interactions. She had several weeks, in the beginning, of walking around areas known for prostitution until a women finally approached.
What were techniques Sterk used to enter the field?
Sterk developed intimate relationships with her participants by being supportive and providing practical assistance to build a strong rapport to conduct her research. By seldom divulge of opinions, she tried to remained neutral during her field work and her private consensual interviews with the women.
What were techniques Sterk used to conduct research?
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Leaving the field by taking temporary breaks from a particular scene by switching settings when she felt unsafe or uncomfortable.
What were techniques Sterk used to leave the field?
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Sterk had a slow beginning with meeting participants who were self appointed key respondents that had a negative reputation on the streets that made others question her credibility. During conducting her fieldwork she upset a prostitute by telling her she had pity for her circumstances which led to her trying to regain this women's forgiveness. Sterk said she had problems leaving the field, she found herself retuning back to the neighborhoods.
Problems Sterk faced when entering, conducting, and leaving her research?
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When she was asked to partake in illegal activities like hold drug money. Informing prostitutes about protection and handing out condoms.
What were some ethical issues Sterk faced?
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