PRE-TEST: A Natural Right, The Revolutionary War – Flashcards

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*Judges serve for life and cannot have their salaries diminished during their terms in office.
Judicial independence of federal judges is guaranteed in the Constitution by which provisions? Judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Judges are given the power of judicial review. Judges serve for life and cannot have their salaries diminished during their terms in office. Judges are elected by the people and do not answer to the president or to congress.
*By the electoral college
Presidents are elected: By the electoral college By the U.S. Senate By a majority of the popular vote Every six years
*Congress cannot prohibit the people's right to privacy.
Each of the following except one is found in the first amendment. Choose the one that is not found there. Congress cannot abridge the freedom of speech or press. Congress cannot prohibit the people's right to petition the government. Congress cannot prohibit the people's right to assemble. Congress cannot prohibit the people's right to privacy.
*Amendment 24--no poll taxes can be assessed to vote.
Which amendment is correctly matched with its content? Amendment 24--no poll taxes can be assessed to vote. Amendment 19--changed the beginning dates for presidential and congressional terms of office. Amendment 26--allows U.S. senators to be elected by the people. Amendment 16--gave women the right to vote.
*Amendment 8--prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
Which amendment is correctly matched with its content? Amendment 23--people can vote when 18 years old. Amendment 11--changed the method by which electors cast ballots for the president. Amendment 14--gave former slaves the right to vote. Amendment 8--prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
*The necessary and proper clause.
Which clause of the Constitution has been used to strengthen the power of the national government? The supremacy clause The enumerated powers clause The necessary and proper clause The Santa Claus
Presidents serve four-year terms, U.S. senators serve four-year terms, and U.S. representatives serve two-year terms. True False
It contains five great fundamentals or grand principles, one of which is the Rule of Law.
Which statement represents one of the reasons Elder Dallin H. Oaks sees the Constitution as an inspired document? It was so easy to ratify after it was written. It contains five great fundamentals or grand principles, one of which is the Rule of Law. It is very rigid and cannot be adjusted to changing circumstances. Every word of the Constitution is like scripture.
When government is limited, the people have greater confidence that they will be treated fairly and that their rights will be protected.
Which statement correctly describes how Rule of Law is related to the principle of limited government? When government is limited, the Constitution can be changed and molded very quickly by the passions of the people and by acts of Congress. When government is limited, the people have greater confidence that they will be treated fairly and that their rights will be protected. When government is limited, the will of the majority can control all rights of the minority. When government is limited, the laws of Congress are superior to the Constitution itself.
The power to make, to enforce, and to interpret the law should be separated into three distinct branches or departments.
When one considers the auxiliary precautions spoken of by Madison, which statement correctly describes a principle contained in those precautions? The military should always remain superior to the civilian government. The power to make, to enforce, and to interpret the law should be separated into three distinct branches or departments. The creation of small republics is the best way to guard against the tyranny of factions. All legislative powers should be given to one "house" so the Congress can cool the passions of the people.
You must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.
According to James Madison in Federalist #51, what is the "great difficulty" in forming a government of men over men? It will be difficult to get the people to participate and choose wise and frugal representatives. You must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself. Finding qualified people to serve in positions of trust would be the great difficulty. You must in all cases allow the people to control the government, while at the same time make the people control themselves.
There could be stability in large republics.
Which statement describes the "intellectual breakthrough," Madison presented to the convention concerning the size of a republic? To be stable, republics must be small and geographically compact. There could be stability in large republics. In a large republic, it is much easier for one faction to gain control of the government. In a large republic, the states must be represented equally, not in proportion to their populations.
They provided the ideas and framework for discussion in the early days of the convention.
Which statement about the 15 Virginia Resolves (or Virginia Plan) is correct? They provided the ideas and framework for discussion in the early days of the convention. They were authored by Edmund Burke and presented to the convention by James Madison. They provided a plan of representation that was favored by all of the small states. All of the original ideas in the resolves were eventually adopted as part of the Constitution.
Some states levied tariffs against other states, thus creating commercial rivalry among the states.
Which statement correctly describes a foreign or domestic problem that influenced the decision to call a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation? After the Revolutionary War, there was such great economic growth and prosperity in the new states that each state gave too much money to the federal government. The states approved so many amendments to the Articles of Confederation that the people could hardly keep up with the changes. Shay's rebellion overthrew the government of Massachusetts before it was stopped by federal troops. Some states levied tariffs against other states, thus creating commercial rivalry among the states.
In the national government, there was no real sovereignty allowing it to act with "energy" and "dispatch."
hich statement correctly describes something about the national government under the Articles of Confederation? The national government was considered to be a true national republic. The Congress of the Confederation was given power to regulate commerce among the states and with foreign powers. The national government had power to tax the people directly. In the national government, there was no real sovereignty allowing it to act with "energy" and "dispatch."
The legislatures were given too much power because that branch was viewed as the most representative of the people's will and the people's virtue.
What significant mistake did writers of the first state constitutions make in the 1770s? Governors were given most of the power because they would be most likely to understand the will of the people. The courts were given vast powers because independent judges would act with virtue and fairness. The constitutions carefully balanced all legislative and executive powers in state governments. The legislatures were given too much power because that branch was viewed as the most representative of the people's will and the people's virtue.
The colonists retained strong economic ties with England and believed in England's traditions of liberty.
Which of the following statements is true of the situation in the colonies before 1763? Very few of the colonists who came to the British colonies of North America had come for economic opportunity or for religious freedom. The colonists retained strong economic ties with England and believed in England's traditions of liberty. The colonists totally rejected the form of English government that had developed under the British constitution; their colonial governments were not organized in any similar way to that of England's. The colonists did not believe themselves to be subject to the English crown, nor did they believe that they retained any of the rights and privileges granted to the people of England under the British constitution.
Governments cannot exist in peace unless the rights of conscience, property, and life are protected.
Which statement correctly describes a principle expressed in Doctrine and Covenants 134? Sedition and rebellion against a government are justified even when that government protects the basic rights of man. We believe it just to mingle religious influence with government so that one religious society is given privileges and others are not. Governments cannot exist in peace unless the rights of conscience, property, and life are protected. God does not hold men accountable for their actions in relation to government.
England began to tighten her hold on the colonists and subject them to a swift succession of new tax policies and regulatory measures.
Which statement correctly describes why the end of the French and Indian War was a turning point in the relationship between the government of England and England's colonies in North America? The French won the war, so England felt compelled to force more obedience out of the colonists in order to protect them from the French. The English felt that the colonists had been perfectly obedient subjects during the war and had paid their fair share of the money needed to fight the war. England began to tighten her hold on the colonists and subject them to a swift succession of new tax policies and regulatory measures. Between the end of the war and 1776, the colonists became increasingly hesitant to say or write anything about their rights or their liberties.
After the passage of some acts, the colonists refused to import or buy certain British goods.
Which of the following statements is true about the colonial response to specific policies enacted by the British government after the French and Indian War? After the passage of some acts, the colonists refused to import or buy certain British goods. The Sons of Liberty strongly supported the King and the royal officials he appointed in the colonies. Patriot rebels like Sam Adams hardly took notice of the Boston Massacre of 1770. A large majority of the colonists were in favor of independence from England as early as 1765.
The role of these patriots was very important because they sought to justify the rebellion and carefully shape the arguments and appeals for liberty.
Which statement correctly describes something about the Patriot "philosophers" and political theorists of the 1760s and 1770s? They were always the first ones to resist and rebel and stir up the people's passions. The role of these patriots was very important because they sought to justify the rebellion and carefully shape the arguments and appeals for liberty. The British were surprised by how few patriot philosophers there were in the colonies. All of the political writing of this period combined together would fill only one small book.
Anarchy is defined as no rule by anyone; no law, no order.
Which of the following statements is true about tyranny or anarchy? Tyranny is defined as no government. Anarchy is defined as no rule by anyone; no law, no order. The results of tyranny include chaos, gang wars, wars between factions, undisciplined revolution. The results of anarchy include oppression, coercion, and absolute control.
Freedom and rights must be balanced with responsibility, restraint, order, and stability.
Which statement describes some characteristics of true liberty as we should understand it? Some people must always bear the burden to make decisions for others and then be accountable for the actions of others. Our sins will be answered upon the heads of our political leaders, even in a free society. Freedom and rights must be balanced with responsibility, restraint, order, and stability. Based on the "natural order of things," some must enjoy more rights and privileges than others.
They believed that governments must be carefully structured to protect against the potential corruption of ambition and self-interest.
Based on their understanding of the nature of man, which statement correctly describes their view of government and its structure? They doubted whether or not the people had sufficient public virtue to govern themselves. They believed that governments must be carefully structured to protect against the potential corruption of ambition and self-interest. They believed that self-interest was totally bad and that it could never be directed to help sustain and support government by the governed. Their view of the nature of man destroyed their faith in what they called "republican principles."
A democracy is plagued by its own excesses -- it is too subject to the passions of the people.
What was there about democracy as a form of government that worried the Founders? A democracy was founded on "republican principles." Democracies have to be very large to function properly. A democracy is plagued by its own excesses -- it is too subject to the passions of the people. In a democracy, the government is less likely to respond to the will of the people and less likely to respond to factions.
is a government where wise and frugal representatives would make and enforce the law.
According to the patriot philosophers, a republic: would be more likely to be corrupted by the passions of the people than a democracy. is not based on "republican principles," nor was it considered to be a "popular government." is the exact same form of government as a democracy. is a government where wise and frugal representatives would make and enforce the law.
The right to absolute social and economic equality.
Each of the following except one represents a basic natural right that would have been discussed in the serious political writings of colonial time. Choose the one that is NOT true. The right to life. The right to property and the fruits of one's own labors. The right of conscience. The right to absolute social and economic equality.
There is no way to force liberty--people must voluntarily espouse the principles of liberty.
Which statement correctly describes the principles and values that people must embrace if Rule of Law is to exist in a society? There is no way to force liberty--people must voluntarily espouse the principles of liberty. All restraint on people's actions must be imposed by laws that are made by the government. It is most important that minorities do most of the law-making so that their rights will be protected. There should be significant differences in the values that are applied for public and private behavior of individual citizens.
The laws will be enforced and interpreted in an arbitrary way so that there will be some flexibility in how the law is applied to different groups.
Each statement except one correctly describes how government will behave when its actions are guided by the basic principles and values of Rule of law. Choose the one that is NOT true. Laws will be made with the consent and knowledge of the people; the laws will be fixed, certain, and known to the people. The laws will be enforced and interpreted in an arbitrary way so that there will be some flexibility in how the law is applied to different groups. Law will be made within the bounds of the authority granted -- rulers must understand the limits on the power they have been given. The legislative power must act with some discretion because the law must be based on the common good and on just and moral principles.
Marion G. Romney argued that Rule of Law was no longer necessary in the modern world. True False
Human beings are born with natural inequalities in their basic rights.
Each statement except one describes one of the "principles" of government presented in the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. Choose the one that is not true. Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. Human beings are born with natural inequalities in their basic rights. Governments are instituted to protect the inalienable rights of man. When government is destructive of basic rights, men have the right to alter or abolish that government.
Under the U.S. Constitutional system, the legislative branch makes the law, the executive branch interprets the law, and the judicial branch enforces the law. True False
Political parties are not mentioned in the Constitution as part of the established constitutional system. True False
Although the 15th Amendment was meant to give black Americans the right to vote in the 1860s, they were not really guaranteed that right until the 1960s.
When one considers the history of extending voting rights to more and more people, which of the following statements is true? Although the 15th Amendment was meant to give black Americans the right to vote in the 1860s, they were not really guaranteed that right until the 1960s. Creating the "universal manhood suffrage" by dropping the property qualifications to vote did not happen until after the Civil War. Almost all residency requirements to vote were dropped during the Progressive Era. The age to vote in the United States was lowered to 18 during World War II.
Even though we should avoid the effects of parties, the spirit of party is inseparable from human nature and has its root in the passions of the human mind.
Which statement would correctly represent something George Washington said to the people of America in his "Farewell Address" (1796)? Even though we should avoid the effects of parties, the spirit of party is inseparable from human nature and has its root in the passions of the human mind. Being an American should never be as important as being a citizen of your state. It is important and good for each region of the country to emphasize how it is different from the other regions of the country. In a "popular" government, the "party spirit" should be strongly encouraged.
The practice or policy of favoring early culture against foreign influence
Which is the correct definition of Nativism? A policy which encourages pluralism and cultural diversity The practice or policy of favoring early culture against foreign influence A policy of favoring the admitting of huge numbers of immigrants to mix with the native population Holding blindly or intolerantly to a particular creed or opinion
A policy of acquisition of colonies or dominating the economic and political affairs of a weaker nation. Militarism Nationalism Imperialism "Mission"
Government is not the problem faced by people; government should be used as a tool to create solutions for the real problems faced by people.
Which statement correctly describes the philosophy of modern American liberalism? The real problem faced by the people is the tyranny of government. The solution to the problems faced by the people is to establish strict limits on the power of the government so that it cannot create new programs and pass new regulations. It seeks to challenge the authority of government and the status of a privileged class. Government is not the problem faced by people; government should be used as a tool to create solutions for the real problems faced by people.
are considered middle-of-the-road because they must attract the vast majority of American voters who are also in the center of the ideological continuum.
The two major political parties in the United States: take more extreme positions on most issues than ideologically motivated "third" parties do. always take firm and clear stands of all policy issues. are considered middle-of-the-road because they must attract the vast majority of American voters who are also in the center of the ideological continuum. find it difficult to get their candidates elected.
The basic mission of the U.S. during the Cold War was to contain communism.
Based on our discussion of foreign policy, which of the following statements is true? Our idealism in World War I was evident in our willingness to join the League of Nations. Between the World Wars, no effort was made to improve our relationship with Central America. We had a strong desire to be the superior power of the world when we entered World War II. The basic mission of the U.S. during the Cold War was to contain communism.
They felt uncomfortable with political parties and feared that the republic may be destroyed by the corruption and contention created by them.
Which statement correctly represents the attitude the Founding Fathers had towards political parties? They fully accepted political parties and considered them a part of the checks and balances of the Constitution. They felt uncomfortable with political parties and feared that the republic may be destroyed by the corruption and contention created by them. They deliberately tried to create a multi-party system so the voices of all the people could be heard. They wrote into the Constitution the provisions for a two-party system, because they knew the nation needed parties to enhance its democracy.
The classical liberal fought for human rights and fought against the tyrannical power of government.
Which of the following statements about political ideology is true? Left is associated with conservatism. The goals of extremists are the same, but the methods they use to obtain their goals are always different. Conservatives are always looking for new ways to solve problems. The classical liberal fought for human rights and fought against the tyrannical power of government.
The unwillingness on the part of the people to follow the principles of Rule of Law and to practice public virtue.
When it comes to threats to the American constitution, which of the following is most likely to bring it to the "brink of destruction?" Corrupt political leaders seeking their own agendas. Foreign powers seeking to take advantage of our military weakness. The unwillingness on the part of the people to follow the principles of Rule of Law and to practice public virtue. Terrorist groups, who like Gadianton robbers, seek to destroy the system from within.
increasing respect for traditional sexual morality.
Which of the following is not considered to be one of the legacies of the 1960s Youth Rebellion? Acceptance of the drug culture. Declining patriotism and respect for government. A change in the definition of the family. increasing respect for traditional sexual morality.
Consuming goods and services has become a major focus of American society.
Which of the following best articulates the meaning of the phrase "consumer culture?" Consuming goods and services has become a major focus of American society. We as a people tend to make wise choices when it comes to consumption. Consumption is steadily declining. The consumer no longer has any input into what is produced.
Long residency requirements.
Which of the following is not an example of how American politics has become more democratic? Long residency requirements. Initiatives. Primary elections. Universal manhood suffrage.
They came from England and Scandinavia.
Which of the following is not true of the "new immigrants?" They came from England and Scandinavia. They arrived between 1890 and 1914. For the most part, they did not speak English. They were not welcomed in America.
At any given time through most of our history, two large moderate parties have existed, and seldom did anyone except members of those two main parties get elected to public office.
Which of the following statements is true of the two-party system in America? At any given time through most of our history, two large moderate parties have existed, and seldom did anyone except members of those two main parties get elected to public office. The exact same political parties exist now that existed two hundred years ago, even their names are the same. We have never had any "third" parties in America. People from all of the existing political parties have an equal chance of being elected to office in this country.
Conservatism is defined as a defense of the status quo against major changes.
Which of the following statements about political ideology is true? Liberals desire a return to traditional ideas, values, or institutions. Conservatism is defined as a defense of the status quo against major changes. Historically, a revolutionary has always been an extreme conservative. When we represent people on the ideological continuum, putting someone in the center of the continuum means that the person has a very strong commitment to issues, ideas, and ideology.
Americans became more and more committed to the ideals of the founding generation, particularly the ideal of equality.
Which statement correctly describes why the meaning of democracy changed in the early 1800s? Americans became more and more committed to the ideals of the founding generation, particularly the ideal of equality. The Constitution placed significant barriers on any increased participation of the people in government. Profound social changes made the "common man" and his ideas less and less important. The westward movement reduced the people's spirit of independence and self-reliance.
Creating "universal manhood suffrage" by dropping the property qualifications to vote did increase the number of people who voted during the first half of the 1800s.
When one considers the history of extending voting rights to more and more people, which of the following statements is true? All Americans have always had the right to vote. Creating "universal manhood suffrage" by dropping the property qualifications to vote did increase the number of people who voted during the first half of the 1800s. Almost all residency requirements to vote were dropped before 1900. The age to vote in the United States was lowered to 18 during WWII.
The LDS people will help bear the constitution away from the brink of ruin and will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean.
The essence of Joseph Smith's prophecy concerning the Constitution is represented by which of the following statements? The United States will force the rest of the world to accept the "just and holy" principles of the Constitution. The LDS people will help bear the constitution away from the brink of ruin and will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean. The Constitution will eventually fall and be replaced by something much better. The Constitution will never be threatened by destruction, even in the last days it will stand firm and will be strictly followed.
Rulers should govern in the fear of men but never in the fear of God.
All of the following statements except one correctly describe how early Americans understood the relationship of religion to government. Choose the one that does NOT correctly describe the relationship. God blessed and made America a land of promise and liberty that was poised to bless the whole world with a stronger spirit of liberty. Civil government is of "divine institution." Rulers should govern in the fear of men but never in the fear of God. Civil societies have a duty and a right to encourage public worship of God.
rekindled and strengthened religious values, commitments, and sentiments among many of the colonists.
The First Great Awakening of the early 1700s: destroyed religious piety and led to a less virtuous American people. greatly reduced the spirit of social and political dissent by strengthening the loyalty of the people to their local clergymen and, ultimately, to their royal governors. rekindled and strengthened religious values, commitments, and sentiments among many of the colonists. decreased the diversity and toleration in the American colonies.
It created a unique situation of equality among all the various churches; no church was ever considered to be more "official" than any other church.
Each statement except one represents the characteristics of an established church as they were practiced in the 1600s and 1700s. Choose the one that does NOT represent a characteristic. Financial support for the church was provided through government taxation. It created a unique situation of equality among all the various churches; no church was ever considered to be more "official" than any other church. The established church had the power to compel worship through civil law. Church membership was required as a qualification to vote or to hold public office.
Although several of the colonies had "established" churches during the colonial period, by the time of the Revolutionary War religious dissent was becoming an accepted part of colonial life.
Which statement correctly represents a basic religious characteristic of the American colonial period? There was very little religious influence in colonial social and political life, mainly because colonial leaders were the least religious people. Only two of the colonies ever had established churches. Because the colonists were protestant, they considered total "submission of mind and opinion" to religious and political authority to be the most important characteristic of true Christianity. Although several of the colonies had "established" churches during the colonial period, by the time of the Revolutionary War religious dissent was becoming an accepted part of colonial life.
"Big government" and a large federal bureaucracy became a permanent part of our political heritage.
Which statement represents a legacy of the New Deal? People lost faith in the government's role as a problem-solver because of the terrible failures of the New Deal. America's faith in democracy and the market system was destroyed by the extreme and radical policies that were adopted during the New Deal. The Democratic Party became more committed to helping big business; the Republican Party became more committed to creating big government. "Big government" and a large federal bureaucracy became a permanent part of our political heritage.
There are really few differences between socialism as an economic system and the United Order. True False
The law of supply is defined in the following way: as price goes up, the quantity that firms are willing to supply also goes up. True False
When virtue in economic matters diminishes too far, we turn to government to protect us.
When one considers the relationship of self-interest and virtue to our economic system, which statement is true? Encouraging character and virtue will hurt the productive potential of a market economy. It is more likely today that the government will maintain a completely laissez-faire economic philosophy than it did in the early 1800s. The relationship between self-interest and virtue in the economic system is totally different from what it must be in the political system. When virtue in economic matters diminishes too far, we turn to government to protect us.
Exploitation of workers and resources will most likely increase.
Which statement correctly describes an economic or social result of declining virtue in economic matters? The gulf between the rich and the poor will probably get smaller. There will be less divisiveness and factionalism in society. Exploitation of workers and resources will most likely increase. Monopolies and unfair business practices will decrease.
Those who speculate in real estate
Which of the following is considered a "winner" during inflation? Those who loan money Those who speculate in real estate Those who save money in banks Those who hold onto money for long periods of time without spending it
It has been getting increasingly difficult to get certain resources, so the price of those resources is continually going up.
Which statement correctly describes a possible cause of sustained inflation since World War II? Americans have come to fear inflation more than deflation, so they overreact to crises and make the problem even worse. It has been getting increasingly difficult to get certain resources, so the price of those resources is continually going up. The Federal Reserve has been more and more reluctant to use monetary policy. Pressure group politics has been decreasing, thus allowing businesses to raise their prices whenever they desire.
Reduce taxes and raise government spending.
Which of the following is the appropriate fiscal policy to pull the nation out of a recession? Reduce taxes and raise government spending. Increase taxes and reduce government spending. Increase the money supply and lower interest rates. Reduce the money supply and raise interest rates.
Reduce the money supply and raise interest rates.
Which of the following is the appropriate monetary policy to fight inflation? Reduce taxes and raise government spending. Increase taxes and reduce government spending. Increase the money supply and lower interest rates. Reduce the money supply and raise interest rates.
generally rising prices.
Inflation is correctly defined as: a rise in the purchasing value of the dollar. generally rising prices. generally steady prices over a long period of time. too little money chasing too many goods.
It operates in harmony with man's nature and allows the desire for wealth and profit to produce a natural incentive to work and produce.
Which statement represents a strength of the market system? When the market is left to operate freely, one person in an exchange feels better off and the other person feels worse off. It operates in harmony with man's nature and allows the desire for wealth and profit to produce a natural incentive to work and produce. It always keeps prices and production stable and economic growth going up. It provides for equal distribution of a nation's economic wealth.
Demand and supply will adjust to eliminate surpluses and shortages, so surpluses and shortages are temporary.
Which statement correctly describes an implication of the interaction between the laws of supply and demand? Demand and supply will adjust to eliminate surpluses and shortages, so surpluses and shortages are temporary. Suppliers are the sovereigns of the system — supply will create its own demand. High profits reduce the number of the suppliers, and competition increases prices. The system does not allocate scarce resources very efficiently because abundant resources tend to be used less than scarce resources.
government should play an active role in stimulating the economy during a depression.
John Maynard Keynes argued that: the depression would fix itself eventually. depressions are caused by government intervention in the economy. government should play an active role in stimulating the economy during a depression. the natural laws of supply and demand are the best protection against depressions.
Adam Smith
Who is considered the "father" of modern capitalism? Karl Marx Frederick Engels Adam Smith Alan Greenspan
"Self-love" or "self-interest"
According to Adam Smith, what drives the market? The "benevolence" of the butcher The "invisible hand" The laws of supply and demand "Self-love" or "self-interest"
Attempts to create a monopoly power in American business have virtually disappeared today. True False
There is free exchange of goods and services, and the interaction of supply and demand encourages competition and controls prices and profits.
Which statement correctly describes one of the basic characteristics of the market system as we understand it today? Collective government ownership of the means of production and exchange. There is free exchange of goods and services, and the interaction of supply and demand encourages competition and controls prices and profits. The motivation and incentive for the system are security and equality of economic conditions. There is in the system an inherent loss of economic freedom.
In the United Order, financial success is not one of the major motivations for its practice.
The main area of difference between the market system and the United Order is that: The United Order answers the three basic economic s without the aid of the directing hand of the laws of supply and demand. Only the market system encourages individual initiative and creativity. Only the market system provides for private property ownership. In the United Order, financial success is not one of the major motivations for its practice.
The best way to solve any national financial crisis is to use government fiscal, monetary, and legislative power to more effectively regulate the economy. True False
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