Factious Experiment Essay Example
Factious Experiment Essay Example

Factious Experiment Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (468 words)
  • Published: July 31, 2018
  • Type: Case Analysis
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Owing to Dr. Francis Funabola's lack of success in his previous experiment, it was not prudent for him to undertake a more complex research. Additionally, it was wrong to continue with the same team that had previously failed to meet expectations. The team consisted of individuals who were not trustworthy with a research of this scale.

In addition, the team had an intern who had previously failed at the F.B.I. School and therefore could not be trusted for any research tasks, especially because she was still an intern and lacked experience. Furthermore, it was unwise for Dr. Funabola to embark on a scientific investigation solely to impress the University of Homeland Security with significant findings. This clearly indicates that his intentions were not sincere, but rather driven by personal interests and selfish ambitions. It is evident that the Doctor did not exercise sufficient prudence to comply with


instructions. The written instructions explicitly stated that any experiments should not involve students, as the proposed club was frequented by students. Despite being advised against it, the Doctor disregarded the advice entirely. Consequently, this scientific experiment should be disregarded because it failed to adhere to the established rules and regulations. Another drawback is that despite the team's blatant disregard for instructions, they proceeded with the project half-heartedly.Funabola's requirement for additional data on the experiment was motivated by a desire to impress the female intern rather than genuinely produce meaningful scientific research. Furthermore, the team's lack of commitment was evident as the female intern refused to attend nightclubs and performed the experiment reluctantly. This lack of enthusiasm and commitment is likely to result in biased and prejudiced results. In addition,

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the team had already started the project on the wrong foot as they were hesitant to proceed, diminishing the likelihood of delivering meaningful outcomes. The situation was exacerbated by a team member, who suffered from chronic schizophrenia, selecting different products based on their hallucinatory effects. This biased behavior further undermines the trustworthiness of the experiment's findings. Another drawback of the second experiment was that the device ran out of fragrance, rendering it counterproductive and incapable of producing reliable results. Moreover, the team faced difficulties due to one member's aversion to table spoons, resulting in a chaotic and unsuccessful process.Funabola's mention of Bolsheviks worsened the situation, causing an unexpected fracas. Publishing such biased results in a respected scientific journal was imprudent on Dr. Funabola's part. To prevent customer loss, the critical experiment should have been conducted by a competent team. This would involve notifying all parties involved, including the University, customers, and club officials. Strict adherence to University rules regarding experiments should have been followed. Additionally, conducting a pilot experiment to gauge response before the actual experiment would have been advisable.

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