Facebook vs. Myspace Essay Example
Facebook vs. Myspace Essay Example

Facebook vs. Myspace Essay Example

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Today, social networking is at its highest. Who needs a cell phone when you can type away & share you’re most inner thoughts, personal information, photos & your life stories with family & friends by just a click of a button. With technology expanding, most people prefer social networking to read about what’s hot, current events, family events, parties, etc. Two of the most popular websites where all the social networking takes place is Facebook and MySpace. Similarities vs. Differences

Although Facebook is more popular than MySpace, they both serve the same purpose which is allowing individuals to keep in contact with family and friends from around the globe; also having the ability to make new friends as well. MySpace was the first to reach the social network scene. Users had the ability to be creative by


creating a page that matches their personalities and/or beliefs along with posting photos and personal information. Facebook on the other hand have a standard page that everyone uses, but it gives you the ability to post a status anytime you want about anything you want.

It would show up on your personal page and the Newsfeed where you are able to see what all your friends are posting as well. Unlike MySpace, Facebook gives users the ability to tag others in photos and their statuses automatically notifying the person who is being tag. MySpace & Facebook allows users to post videos such as YouTube to their personal pages. Facebook has become more popular than MySpace because users have more things to work without focusing on just creating your personal page like what is done on MySpace.

Facebook is more user friendly

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and easier managed because their look is simple which allows users to focus on the other activities the site has to offer. MySpace seems cluttered once you put all your information and photos all on one page. It is very easy to get lost looking for anything in MySpace which creates a sense of boredom with the website as a whole. Branding When MySpace was the most talked about website, their branding did not stick out as much as Facebook does. Facebook is everywhere on everything. When you see the Facebook symbol is natural and it makes you say, well who doesn’t have a Facebook account? Facebook has many endorsements because it’s simple to use and it don’t come off as a website just for teens. Technology Both Facebook and MySpace uses JavaScript library for creating customizable animations. Facebook uses a variety of services, tools, and programming languages to make up its core infrastructure. At the front end, their servers run a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) stack with Memcache. MySpace on the other hand had issues keeping up with the millions of users that created an account. Booming traffic demands put a constant stress on the social network's computing infrastructure.

Yet, MySpace developers have repeatedly redesigned the Web site software, database and storage systems in an attempt to keep pace with exploding growth - the site now handles almost 40 billion page views a month. Eventually MySpace had to migrate to ASP. NET, add virtual storage and embrace 64-bit technology to keep up. Navigation Both MySpace and Facebook have pretty decent navigation, but Facebook beats MySpace when it comes to getting to specific people’s

profiles due to its superior search. The overall design for between both sites would have to be Facebook, mainly because of its inconsistent design. Conclusion

Overall between the two websites, I would prefer to use Facebook due to its neat structure and organization. Although both sites have millions of users I believe MySpace is for the younger generation because it focuses on creativity and Facebook is simple and straight to the point.


  1. Campbell, S. (2012). How Does Facebook Work? The Nuts and Bolts [Technology Explained]. Retrieved from http://www. makeuseof. com/tag/facebook-work-nuts-bolts-technology-explained/
  2. Carr, D. F. (1996-2012). Inside MySpace: The Story. Retrieved from http://www. baselinemag. com/c/a/Projects-Networks-and-Storage/Inside-MySpacecom/
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