Windows 7 Gui from a Linux Users Perspective Essay Example
Windows 7 Gui from a Linux Users Perspective Essay Example

Windows 7 Gui from a Linux Users Perspective Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (816 words)
  • Published: December 19, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Windows 7 is even better than Vista in Aero Glass mode, as it addresses several limitations of the previous OS. These improvements include more convenient management of popup notification messages, movable gadgets that are no longer restricted to the sidebar, enhanced user interface features that require fewer clicks to execute routine functions, HomeGroup networking that segregates business and home network connections (along with printers and other devices), the ability to relocate app buttons on the start bar, and comprehensive multi-touch support for all Windows 7 apps.

Discover the exciting upgrades of Microsoft Windows 7 and explore a SLIDESHOW to learn more. While a range of features were showcased, only multi-touch stands out as truly exceptional. Widely popularized through Apple's iPhone and familiar to restaurant waitstaff for years, multi-touch enables direct hands-on interaction with


the display, eliminating the need to move objects far from our line of sight.

Previously, single-touch screens allowed users to interact with their applications by clicking visible objects on the screen. However, with new multi-touch abilities, users can now direct their finger movements in ways that were not feasible before. For instance, a simple squeeze of the fingers can make the distance between them closer or further apart while in contact with the display, which can result in zooming in or out of a Word document if it has UI focus. This multi-touch feature offers a new way to navigate the virtual world within a 3D application.

There are numerous potential applications for a user input device like this. During a presentation, Microsoft representatives urged the developer community to discover fresh and thrilling uses for multi-touch. Additionally, Microsoft has implemented the capability t

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dock windows in multiple positions, which enables them to be rapidly maximized to full-screen. Furthermore, there is an effortless graphical user interface approach to multi-monitor management that is highly regarded.

Despite the various new abilities showcased, only multi-touch is exclusive to Linux and Mac users. However, it is highly unlikely that it will take until Q3 2009 for the Linux community to catch up and incorporate this feature. For those who haven't seen the advanced Beryl desktop, it is recommended to watch a YouTube video that provides a visual comparison with Vista. Furthermore, the latest iteration of the OpenGL Desktop is impressively demonstrated in a YouTube video following the Beryl and Compiz Fusion merger in late 2007.

Although not obligatory, these Linux add-ons can be effortlessly downloaded and installed in versions such as Ubuntu. If desired, they offer a 3D desktop interface that surpasses Vista's Aero Glass mode in terms of sophistication. Effectively resembling video-game graphics, Beryl and Compiz Fusion augment the UI experience with a range of effects. In addition, they provide the convenience of multiple desktops arranged in cube form, where users can rotate the cube to view all desktops much like navigating a video game. This feature also allows users to view multiple applications whether they are minimized or spread across different desktops.

Transferring items between desktops is an uncomplicated procedure that involves pointing and clicking (and possibly, in the upcoming future, touching and dragging). Windows 7 and Ubuntu are well-liked operating systems. Although Windows 7 is deemed as Vista's successor, it shares several similarities with its predecessor, such as the use of a refined kernel. Furthermore, Windows 7 features various improved GUI elements that

enhance its aesthetic appeal. Some have even suggested that these elements should have been included in Vista's initial user interface design.

For those bothered by Vista's current security and notification models, upgrading to a new system makes sense and may be desirable. However, if you're unwilling to wait until Q3 2009, there is an option to switch to a different OS. Although the adjustment period may be frustrating at first, a change may be necessary for those seeking an enjoyable PC experience once again.

Canonical is preparing to launch the latest iteration of Ubuntu, version 8.10, for both desktop and server use. The new release boasts various upgrades, including built-in 3G wireless support, guest sessions, and the ability to stream multimedia content from BBC. The default desktop is Gnome 2.0, although it can be augmented to the 3D version via download. Additionally, users can install Ubuntu from a USB drive copied from an existing user of version 8.10 without requiring a fresh download.

Ubuntu is freely available for installation on personal computers and comes with features like the 3D desktop and VMware Server. Those using the 64-bit version can download and install it by burning it to a CD.

With the free 3D desktop option and VMware Server in Linux, users can install Windows into a virtual machine for a complete Windows system to run inside Linux. This provides both Linux and Windows benefits. Additionally, Microsoft's focus on backward compatibility means most software operates on Windows 2000, XP or Vista. If a user already has one of these versions, transitioning to Linux only requires learning its nuances.

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