ethnic cleansing – Flashcards
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what was the largest forced migration after world war 2?
After the second world war ended, millions of ethnic Germans, Poles, Russians, and other groups were forced to migrate as a result of boundary changes. When east Germany extended into Poland, the Germans had to move west and Poles into the area
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When were Poles forced to move out of the eastern region of Poland?
Poles were forced to move when the eastern portion of Poland was turned over to the Soviet Union.
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Where has ethnic cleansing taken place recently?
In recent years, ethnic cleansing within Europe has occurred in portions of former Yugoslavia, especially in Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Kosovo
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What is the Balkan Peninsula?
In southeastern Europe, the Balkan peninsula is the size of Texas, and is named for the Balkan mountains. The Balkan mountains extend east to west across the region. The Balkans includes Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania, as well as countries of Yugoslavia
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What sparked world war 1?
In June 1914, the heir to the throne of Austria- Hungry was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serb who sought independence of Bosnia. Bosnia was apart of the Austria- Hungary empire.
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Why were some Serbs angry with Austria Hungary?
Some Serbs were angry with Austria because of its annexation of Bosnia. Archduke of Bosnia was assassinated by a Serb who wanted to unify Serbia with Austrian controlled Bosnia. The assassination prompted Austria to declare war on Serbia.
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What did the allies create after world war 1?
After World war 1, allies created a new country, Yugoslavia to unite several Balkan ethnicities that spoke similar South Slavic languages
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What does the prefix Yugo mean?
The prefix Yugo derives from the slavic word for South
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What did Yugoslavs claim?
In the leadership of Josip Broz Tito, who governed Yugoslavia from 1953 until his death in 1980, Yugoslavs repeated that Yugoslavia has seven neighbors, Six republics, five nationalities, four languages, three religions two alphabets, and one dinar.
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What are the seven neighborhoods of Yugoslavia?
The seven neighbors of Yugoslavia included three long time democracies, Austria, Greece, and Italy. Yugoslavia also had four states that were governed by Communists including Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
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How was the diversity of neighbors beneficial?
The diversity of neighbors reflected Yugoslavia's strategic location between Western democracies and Communist Eastern Europe
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What type of government was Yugoslavia?
Yugoslavia was a socialist country, but was militarily neutral after it had been expelled in 1948 from the Soviet dominated military alliance for being too independent minded. Communists in Yugoslavia permitted more ties with western democracies.
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What are the 6 republics of Yugoslavia?
The six republics within Yugoslavia: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. The six republics had more autonomy from the national government to run their own affairs than was the case in other Eastern European countries
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What were the 5 nationalities in Yugoslavia?
Five of the seven republics were named for the country's 5 ethnic groups. This includes Croats, Macedonians, Montenegrans, Serbs, and Slovanes. Bosnia and Herzegovina contained a mix of Serbs, Croats, and Muslims
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What are the four official languages in Yugoslavia?
Four official languages were recognized including Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Slovene
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What are the 3 major religions?
The three major religions in Yugoslavia include Roman Catholic in the north, Orthodox in the east, and Islam in the South
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Who were Roman Catholic in Yugoslavia?
Croats and Slovenes were predominantly Roman Catholic
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Who were Orthodox in Yugoslavia?
Serbs and Macedonians were predominantly Orthodox
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Who were Muslim in Yugoslavia?
Bosnians and Montenegrans were predominantly Muslim
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What was the dinar of Yugoslavia?
The dinar is the national unit of currency. Despite cultural diversity, common economic interests kept Yugoslavia's nationalities unified.
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What was the northern portion of the Balkan Peninsula apart of?
The Northern portions of the Balkan peninsula were incorporated into the Austro Hunagarian Empire
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What were the Southern portion of the Balkan Peninsula apart of?
The Southern portions of the Balkan Peninsula were ruled by the Ottomans
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How did the Austira Hungary empire extend?
Austria Hungary empire extended its rule farther South in 1878 to include Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the majority of the population had been converted to Islam.
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What did the creation of Yugoslavia bring?
The creation of Yugoslavia brought stability that lasted for most of the 1900s. Old animosities between ethnicities were submerged. People began to identify themselves as Yugoslavs rather than Serbs, Croats, or Montenegrens
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When ethnic rivalries resurface in Yugoslavia?
Rivalries among ethnicities resurfaced in Yugoslavia during the 1980s after Tito's death, leading to the breakup of Yugoslavia.
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how did Yugoslavia break up?
From Yugoslavia, 5 countries broke up from the country. Breaking away from the country included Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Slovenia during the 1990s. Montenegro seceded in 2006. The breakup of Yugoslavia left Serbia by itself
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How did ethnicities act in Yugoslavia?
In Yugoslavia, ethnic groups were not especially troubled by the division of the country into six republics
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How did ethnicities act as separate countries were formed?
When Yugoslavia's republics were transformed from local governments into five separate countries, ehtnicities fought to redefine boundaries.
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What did the boundaries of Yugoslavia's republics fail to do?
The boundaries of Yugoslavia's six republics fail to match the territory occupied by the five major nationalities, and the countries contained other important ethnic groups that had not received official recognition as nationalities
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What were the ethnicities in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the time of Yugoslavia's breakup?
At the time of the breakup of Yugoslavia, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina was 48% Bosnian Muslim, 37% Serbs, and 14% Croats
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What did the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina do in result of the multi ethnic nature of the country?
Rather than live in an independent multi ethnic state with a large Muslim population, Serbs and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina engaged in ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims.
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What did ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims ensure for the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia?
Ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims ensured that areas did not only have majorities of Serbs and Croats, but also ethnically homogeneous. If they were ethnically homogeneous, they were better candidates for union with Serbia and Croatia
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Why was the ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims particularly severe?
Ethnic cleansing by Bosnian Serbs and Croats was especially severe due to the fact that much of the territory inhabited by Bosnian Serbs was separated from Serbia by areas of Bosnian Muslims. Continuous regions of Serbs and Croats were formed
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What were the accords reached in Dayton, Ohio in 1996?
The leaders of the ethnicities divided Bosnia and Herzegovina into three regions, for Croats, Serbs, and Muslims. With cooperation, Bosnian Croat and Muslims were combined into a federation. The Serbs Bosnia has operated in independence from the others.
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What were the ethnicities of Serbia after the breakup of Yugoslavia?
After the breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbia remained a multi ethnic country. Kosovo was a province in Serbia, with 90% ethnic Albanians
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What happened under Tito's rule
under Tito's rule, ethnic Albanians in Kosovo received administrative autonomy and national identity
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What was the downside of Kosovo's independence?
Serbia has a historical claim to Kosovo, for Serbs controlled Kosovo between the 12 and 14th centuries. Serbs even fought a battle in Kosovo against the Ottoman Empire in 1389. Serbia was also given control over Kosovo in the early 20th century
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What was the first of the four steps of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo by Serbs against Albanians?
First of all, a large amount of military equipment and personnel into a village that has no strategic value
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What was the second of the four steps of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo by Serbs against Albanians?
In Bosnia, Serbs killed Muslim men and forced others to move. In Kosovo, the Serbs herded the Albanians together with women, children, and elderly rather than killing them
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What was the third of the four steps of ethnic cleansing by Serbs towards Kosovo's Albanians?
Serbs forced people into a convoy, some in vehicles and others had to walk towards the Albanian border
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What was the forth step of ethnic cleansing by Serbs towards Kosovo's Albanians?
The Serbs destroyed the vacated Albanian villages by setting them on fire.
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When did the Serb ethnic cleansing of Albanians reach its peak?
Serb ethnic cleansing of Albanians reached its peak in 1999. Serb ethnic cleansing had forced 750,000 of Kosovo's 2 million ethnic Albanians from their homes, mostly to camps in Albania
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How did NATO respond to the Serbian ethnic cleansing of Kosovo's Albanians?
The United States and other western European countries operated through North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was out raged by the ethnic cleansing of Albanians, and in response, launched an air strike against Serbia.
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When did Kosovo gain its independence?
Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. Around 60 countries including the United States recognize Kosovo as an independent country, but Serbia and Russia oppose their so called independence
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What causes countries to balkanize?
If a small geographic area could not be successfully organized into one stable state because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long standing antagonisms towards each other.
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What is Balkanization?
Balkanization is the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities.
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What did world leaders predict about Balkanization a century ago?
World leaders inferred that Balkanization threatened the peace around the world, not just in the small area.
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How did Balkanization lead to world war 1?
Balkanization led directly to world war 1 because various nationalities in the Balkans dragged into war the larger powers with which they had alliances
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What do the Balkans now look like?
After the first and second world wars and the rise and fall of communism during the 20th century, the Balkans have once again become Balkanized in the 21st century
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How did ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia quote, work?
If peace comes to the Balkans, it will be because in a tragic way, ethnic cleansing worked. Millions of people were rounded up and killed or forced to migrate because they constituted ethnic minorities.
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Why might ethnic homogeneity be important in Yugoslavia?
Ethnic homogeneity may be the price of peace in areas that were once multi ethnic
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What is genocide?
Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people in an attempt to eliminate the entire group from existence. Sub Saharan Africa has been plagued by conflicts among ethnic groups that have resulted in genocide in recent years like in northeastern and central Africa
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What countries in northeastern Africa have experienced genocide?
In northeastern Africa, countries such as Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia, conflicts involving genocide have taken place
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What was the genocide in Sudan?
In Sudan, several civil wars have raged since the 1980s between the Arab Muslim dominated government in the north and other ethnicities located in the east, west, and south
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What actions did the government in North Sudan do to contribute to the conflict in Sudan?
The government attempted to form the multi ethnic country into a country of one nationality tied to Muslim traditions. In response, the black Christian and animist ethnicities in south Sudan resisted government attempts to demolish the multiethnic nature of the area
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When was the north- south war of Sudan?
The North- South war between 1983 to 2005 resulted in the death of 1.9 million Sudanese, mostly civilians. The war ended with the establishment of Southern Sudan an independent state in 2011. Fighting between north and south continued because of boundaries
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When was the war in Darfur?
As Sudan's religion war between north and south was winding down, an ethnic war erupted in Darfur. Darfur's black Africans launched a rebellion in 2003, as they resented discrimination and neglect by the Arab- Muslim government.
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What did the Arab- Muslim do in result to the rebellion of black Muslims in Darfur?
Marauding Arab nomads, known as the Janjaweed, with support of the Arab government, crushed Darfur's black population.
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What did the Janjaweed do to Darfur's black population?
The black population that was crushed by the Janjaweed was made up of mainly settled farmers. 480,000 of Darfur's blacks have been killed and 2.8 million have been living in the dire, or extremely conditions, of Darfur's desert
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What have other countries said in result of the government's persecution?
Actions of Sudan's government troops have been defined as being genocide by many other countries and charges of war crimes have been filed against Sudanese leaders.
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What was the conflict in eastern Sudan about?
The conflict in eastern Sudan was mainly caused by the disturbance of profits from oil in the region. Ethnicities in the east fought the Sudanese government in support of neighboring Eritrea.
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