Workforce Development Strategies in USA Essay Example
Workforce Development Strategies in USA Essay Example

Workforce Development Strategies in USA Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1303 words)
  • Published: July 17, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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Workforce development, a term widely used nowadays, goes beyond mere jobseeker and employer training in the business world. It encompasses a broad spectrum of activities undertaken by industries and enterprises in the USA to ensure that their workforces have access to the necessary skills and education needed to meet both present and future requirements. The utilization of human resource management tools is crucial for achieving workforce development as they encompass attracting, retaining, and developing workforce skills. Governments must grasp the trends in workforce development so as to create plans and strategies for funding programs that can adapt to changing needs. Attracting workers, skill development, and implementing retention practices are common strategies within the workforce development platform. Local and national industries must tackle these three aspects in order for leaders to unify efforts towards a well-coordinated approach. In the United States, various programs exist within


the workforce development systems catering to jobseekers and employers alike. These programs aim at meeting employment and skill demands with federal government funding allocated specifically for the public sector.The range of programs varies from those targeting specific populations to those designed for employers and the general population. Established in 1998, the Investment Workforce Act was created to meet jobseekers' training needs and employers' employment needs. Annually, this program has successfully served over 15 million Americans by providing employment assistance, labor market information, and workforce development services. U.S. law supports strategies that aim to improve earnings, retention, and employment outcomes for all participants in workforce development. The investment programs have greatly benefited jobseekers by offering high-quality services and connecting them with opportunities for economic development, postsecondary training, and workforce development. However, challenge

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such as reduced federal funding and structural limitations are being faced by this system. Current workforce challenges in the U.S., driven by globalization, technological advancements, demographic changes, and economic restructuring include the need to educate and train the mental health workforce in evidence-based practices. Workforce development strategies have been broadly implemented across various fields to ensure staff members possess necessary skills and competencies.In summary, it is essential to have comprehensive strategies that encompass training for both new and existing workers, as well as those supporting the implementation of new interventions and practices in the workplace. It is crucial for clinical treatments provided by health departments and organizations to be evidence-based and supported by tested theories. Encouraging healthcare providers to acquire evidence-based knowledge and skills is important. The quality of care given to patients indirectly depends on the appropriate training of healthcare workers. Insufficient training can lead to incorrect decisions, resulting in patient and consumer dissatisfaction with healthcare services provided (Workforce Strategy Center, 2002). To enhance service delivery and outcomes in public health facilities, it is vital to develop a strong workforce and support its growth. Strategies for delivering essential public health services include providing training for the nation's healthcare workforce and offering cost-effective opportunities for professional development in public health (Friedman, 2008, p.12). These strategies aim to protect the community's health regardless of socioeconomic status. Another key strategy is ensuring that the right individuals are trained and recruited for the healthcare workforce.Companies can strengthen career pathways and enhance skills retention by understanding and meeting the needs of their workforce. This leads to the development of a capable and stable healthcare workforce. The motivation for employees

to retain and develop skills in their current jobs is driven by the need for organizations to adapt to increasing changes. Employees are attracted to organizations that periodically review their benefits packages and add value to long-term skills and services provided to customers and stakeholders. To achieve this, strategies should include the development of world-leading skills that incorporate modern technology and social media for business expansion. Having diverse knowledge of requirements and future trends gives employees a competitive advantage, leading to better pay and expanded business territories. Supporting new fields of work also helps retain skills and strengthens career paths.

Moreover, it is crucial to encourage workers by assuring them there is room for growth, motivating them to pursue vocational education and training programs that improve their career paths (Friedman, 2008, p.7). The aging population in America is changing the composition of the workforce.Therefore, it is important for workforce development professionals to focus on younger individuals while also recognizing the importance of including experienced older workers (Friedman, 2008, p.1). Agencies that specialize in workforce development programs are prioritizing the provision of reliable, affordable, and accessible transportation options for older adults so they can travel to their workplaces. The issue of transportation challenges has been a significant concern for older adults; however, the government and work agencies are collaborating to address this problem. This collaborative effort has greatly improved the quality of life for older individuals in terms of reaching desired destinations and advancing in their careers within organizations. Many adults are now choosing to work later in life due to various motivating factors such as social and financial incentives. They aim to ensure a secure retirement

by accessing social security benefits, private pensions, and increasing personal savings (Friedman, 2008, p.3). Workforce development communities throughout America have assisted older workers with their transportation issues through several strategies. Firstly, they have familiarized themselves with the existing transportation resources available in the community.Additionally,cCommunity business discussions have incorporated the transportation needs of older workers.Communities have emphasized the economic benefits of redesigning transportation programs for all providers and community members. They have also supported older adults in planning their travel to ensure comfort when using alternative modes of transportation (Friedman, 2008, p.5).

The workforce development field is undergoing changes that can impact an organization's success based on the type of innovation. These changes involve removing barriers to access and improving lifelong learning processes within the organization. Situational, attitudinal, and institutional aspects are examples of these barriers. Strategies for addressing this change include career advising and providing assistance to individuals in overcoming educational and life obstacles (Workforce Strategy Center, 2002).

Criticism has been directed towards the fragmented, ineffective, and mission creep-prone administration policy and design of workforce development in the United States. One proposed solution is to consolidate, rationalize, and simplify public policies related to employment and training while implementing new institutional arrangements (Giloth, 2004, p.75).

Foundations and agencies in the USA have developed approaches to achieve Family Economic Success (FES). Their goal is to connect low-skilled adults with well-paying jobs that align with their individual career potential. However, workforce development strategies encounter various challenges and problems.Nonetheless, various organizations, policymakers, and service providers are adopting fresh ideas, innovations, and approaches suitable for the workforce. The lack of job opportunities in suburban areas has resulted in a rise in underemployment. In

the USA, it is crucial to address the challenges and opportunities for successfully implementing workforce development strategies. These strategies, encompassing worker attraction, skill development, and retention practices, are widespread across the nation. This paper explores the implementation of these strategies by health practitioners, innovations within the transportation sector, and WIS. Different states within America have effectively employed these strategies to enhance living standards and boost the country's economic status. Technological advancements play a vital role in developing the workforce while also addressing the needs of an aging population. Organizations utilize workforce development strategies to retain current employees as well as attract new talent with the aim of gaining a competitive advantage and expanding their customer base. The implementation of these strategies by agencies and federal governments has yielded positive outcomes and garnered favorable feedback from workers. Indeed, America's efforts in implementing these strategies can serve as a model for achieving success in products and services markets. Workplaces have introduced education and learning programs to improve motivation and efficiency which opens up room for growth and improvement (Friedman 2008).The objective is to ensure a productive and streamlined workforce capable of embracing and leveraging technological advancements.

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