The Sequence and Rate of Development of a Child Aged 0-19 Essay Example
Physical development includes a child's movement skills, their gross and fine motor skills and their hand eye co-ordination. A childs development in this area can be supported by: providing equipment and space so the child is able to develop their movement and gross motor skills with adequate adult supervision. An adult could also allow access to materials and equipment that develops the child's fine motor skills and should provide cooking and other activites to enable the child's hand eye co-ordination to develop. Social And Emotional Development:
Social And Emotional development consists of the child developing relationships, learning social skills by caring for other people, developing their decision making skills,learning how to be self reliant and building their confidence and learning how to cope with their emot
...ions. A child's social development can be supported by: being given praise when they have achieved something. An adult could provide the child with guidance whilst still respecting their choices and allowing them to make their own decisions. A child should be given the chance to spend time with others and provided with activities that involve them having to share and take turns.
The child should also be given plenty of opportunities to show they are responsible for their own things and actions and should be given support and encouragment in whatever they choose to A child's emotional development can be supported by: adults being kind and caring towards a child and showing them affection. Every child should be given the opportunity to say how they are feeling. It is important that an adult supports a child to adjust to a new situation by giving them
lots of time and attention, and by making them feel welcome and secure in the new environment. Intellectual Development:
Intellectual development includes a child's attention span, how well they understand information, their reasoning skills, how they develop memory and their logical thinking and questioning. As a child gets older they develop changes into the way they think about the world, and this can have a big effect on their ability to cope with demands in their daily lives. A child's ability to process detailed information provides them with an opportuniy to learn some new skills and gain knowledge. A child's intellectual development can be supported by: helping them to develop their memory skills by talking about past events. Playing games is also useful such as "i spy" as this helps to develop their thinking. Also by talking with the child about what they can see,hear,smell,touch and taste as this helps them to develop their senses and enables them to tell the difference between certain objects. An adult needs to also make available the opportunity for make believe playtime and set up things like pretend shops and have dressing up clothes.
Language Development:
The language aspect of development consists of a child's understanding language and how they aquire language, their development of vocabulary and their body language. Their language development can be supported by: asking an open ended question, talking about books they have read and also asking children to give information about themselves.
Development of a child aged 0 - 3 years:
Physical development:
By the age of 6 months old a child will be able to turn their
head towards sounds and movements and smile at faces that are familar to them. Children can also recognize familar voices. Children of this age like to lie on their backs and hold their feet in the air above their heads and they also like to explore different objects by putting them in their mouths. At 6-12 months old a child will go from sitting with support all the time to being able to sit alone unaided. Children can roll over from front to back without support and like to shuffle round on their bottoms as a means to becoming mobile. Children at this stage begin to pull themselves up into a standing position using the aid of furniture. Children begin to use gestures to communicate they want something and will raise their arms over their head signalling they desire to be picked up.
Children begin to recognize the sound of their name and will look around when they hear it being called. They are also able to swap objects from one hand to the other. At 1-2 years old a child will sit alone unsupported all the time and begin walking as their means to get around. Children of this age like to feed themselves and make gestures for "hello" and "goodbye". Children of this age enjoy books especially picture books and begin to use a pincer grasp when holding things. Children can now hold a crayon in the palm of their hand and begin to make marks on paper. At 2-3 years old a child will kneel when they are playing and like to throw things. They are also beginning to kick a
ball and can vuild tall towers. At this stage they have moved on from a crayon to a pencil and will scribble on paper using circular motions. Children also try to pour liquids from one container to another.
Social And Emotional Development:
Newborn to 3 years old:
At this stage children respond to adults,especially their mother. They recognize their mother by her face and the sound of her voice. A child will smile and concentrate on adults,particuarly at feeding time. Around this age,children are very dependant on adults especially for comfort and security. At 6-9 months old children enjoy the company of other adults and children and enjoy playing simple games. They will openly show affection to adults they know but are shy and wary around strangers. At 1-2 years old children like to perform to others and aim to please adults. At this age children can become very anxious if they are separated from a familar adult and so may use a familar object from home as their comforter.
Children of this age like to play alongside other children. Children aged 2-3 years are beginning to develop their own unique identity and want to do things independently. Children tend to get jealous of attention adults familar to them are giving to others and can be very demanding of their own adult attention. They tend to act impulsively and are prone to tantrums if their needs are not instantly met. At this stage in development children enjoy playing with adults and older children who will give them attention and they are also beginning to play alongside children their own age but
only for short periods of time.
Intellectual Development:
Newborn to 3 years old:
At this stage,children are starting to realize that other people are separate from themselves. Children of this age love to imitate others and will try to act out ways of behaving in their play. At this stage in development, children are becoming increasingly confident but still need and require adult reassurance.
Language Development:
Between the age of 0-3 months old,children start making a range of "happy" sounds and will respond to different types of musi and other sounds. They like to watch their carers faces,especially the mouth,and they will try to imitate the movement. From 6-12 months old,the babblimg noises begin. A child will start to make 4 or 5 different sounds and when they hear noise they will turn their head in the direction the noise came from. Children begin to show feelings by crying or squealing with pleasure and will laugh to show enjoyment of a particular situation. When a child is 1-2 years old they will move from using single words to beginning to say phrases and sentences. A child of this age will begin to understand key words in sentences,and in their second year children begin to understand conversation. They may be able to use 30-150 words by 2 years old. Between the ages of 2-3 years children are beginning to put words together and asking questions such as "what?". They like to join in known songs and rhymes and like to put actions to certain words. By the age of 3 they may well be using a few hundred different words and
like to use crayons to scribble and make marks on paper.
Meeting the child's needs:
The main way of learning for a newborn baby is through their sense of sound and sight. They like to listen to voices,rattles and music. In order for a certain environment to be sufficient for babies to develop their milestones many things are needed. These include: 路Lots of encouragment and attention to the babies babbling 路Patience. A baby needs lots of time to help them in trying to communicate with others 路A baby needs to hear language in their environment frequently 路They like to be able to look at lots of different things and enjoy someone with them to share the experience with them 路They need lots of different visual experiences
Development of a child aged 3-7 years old:
Physical Development:
Aged 3 a child will develop alot of their physical attributes. They will jump with their feet together,walk on tiptoes and be able to walk up and down stairs. They are able to catch a balland are very confident climbers. They enjoy painting and threading. At this age they are also learning how to gain control of their eating utensils - eg their knives and forks. At the age of 4 children can pedal on bikes and aim at things when they want to throw something. Children can use scissors and hold a pencil. Their drawings now include people and houses. A child of 5 can hop and kick and are confident at catching balls. Children of this age are gripping pencils with more confidence and can use more control when drawing and using
a pencil. At age 6 - 7 years old,children enjoy skipping and riding bikes. They can now jump from a height and are confident climbers. They write confidently and begin to tie shoe laces and do up buttons.
Social And Emotional Development:
Between the ages of 3 and 4 years old,children are becoming more independent and can motivate themselves. They tend to feel more secure and cope with new surroundings and adults for longer periods. They are co-operative with adults and like to help out. Children of this age are becoming increasingly more social and friendly with other people, and share more with other children. Children are also learning to think about other people's feelings and show concern for others. At 4-7 years old,children make friends easily but require adult supervision when they are trying to resolve arguments. They still find the concept of taking turns hard but are starting to develop an understanding of rules and what they are. Children like to be responsible and like to help others. This is the time in their development that children are learning alot about the world they live in and how everything works. They learn a great deal about relationships with others. A child in this age group needs a routine to help them to feel safe and secure and they also need boundaries for when they get carried away with their behaviour.
Intellectual Development:
Between 3 and 4 years old,children can understand two or three things they have been asked to carry out all at once. They are also beginning to sort objects out in size or colour order etc. At
5-7 years old,children are beginning to understand different aspects of life, and can understand the variations between these aspects. Children of this age are beginning to understand that differences can exist side by side and that this is ok. The children are also becoming increasingly confident in recognizing the different perspectives of the same topic - eg how water can look different if it is studied from different containers.
Language Development:
From 3-4 years old,children start to put tone to their voice and experiment with using different pitches. Some children of this age may even begin to use past tense when they are talking and can use between 1000-1500 words in their language. Their marks made with crayons are becoming much more controlled. Between the ages of 4 and 5 years old,children's grammar is beginning to have more accuracy to it and their questioning becomes much more detailed. Children at this stage are more confident in their use of language,and can communicate their own thoughts and ideas more confidently. Some children can now hold a pencil more easily and with control and can now,at this stage form some lettering. Once a child reaches 5-7 years old,they begin to use their imagination more confidently and will make up their own stories. They are increasingly more confident in their speaking, and enjoy books a lot more. Children of this age are beginning to understand that written text has meaning.
Meeting the child's needs:
Fun is the main concept children need to gain from their play,therefore it is important that whilst play should teach children things it shouldn't become a chore or feel like
a lesson. The best way to achieve this is to provide an interesting and stimulating play environment. It is important to always listen to what a child is saying with interest and to join in their attempts at making a conversation. Reading books to children and letting them act out the story would also be very beneficial to the child and help them to develop their language and communication skills with more confidence. Adults should also make sure that children in this stage of development have plently of opportunity to learn how to ride a tricycle or a bicycle with stablisers and to also have lots of outdoor physical activity. Children thrive on praise and encouragement in their development and learning, so it is very important to constantly praise them and especially when they have shown how they play nice with others and regard other children's feelings in the right manner.
Development of a child aged 7-12 years old:
Physical Development:
At this stage in a child's development,children can confidently run,climb,swing and jump. At 8 years old,children enjoy participating in team games and activities. From 9 years old a child may misjudge the strength and weaknessess of their abilities.
Social And Emotional Development:
A child of this age will be becoming less dependant on adults,and will be more able to cope with their environment. Children enjoy being around children of a similar age and are becoming increasingly more influenced by their peers. They are staring to take notice of their gender and might become anxious and self-concious about their appearance. Children at this stage are developing a greater understanding about
what behaviour is acceptable and what isnt. This is when they develop a strong sense of fairness and waht is wrong or right. Children will strive to fit in with their peers and by the age of 8 will often make strong friendships with other children of the same sex.
Intellectual Development:
A child of this age will enjoy reading books to themselves and from the age of 9 they will begin to take a strong interest in certain subjects in school.
Language Development:
Children still require support with spelling. They begin to realize the different grammar and tense when they are writing. A child's vocabularly will grow rapidly with adult support and they are now very fluent speakers.
Meeting the child's needs:
At this age it is important that adults listen to children read,and listen to their imaginative stories. Adults should be realistic in their encouragement and give children a little of their own time and space in a day to help them to develop their independence and to give them a sense that they are being self-reliant and are able to do things for themselves and complete tasks on their own. A young girl's social development may be behind her physical growth if she is experiencing early puberty. Some 12 year old girls can look grown up but underneath they are still children. Girls may incur peer pressure to act older,therefore they require support and someone to listen to help them to resist the pressure they may experience by other children in their peer group. At this age,children are beginning to know their own mind and what
they want.
Their new found cheeky attitudes are a way for them to try out their new vocabularly and this is the time where their thought processess may be slightly exaggarated. A child of this age is able to sit and concentrate for long periods of time and so therefore they are more able to complete their given tasks more efficiently - eg their homework. This is the time period where they make their goals and start to work towards achieving them. At this stage in their development a child may become very self-conscious about their bodies and so therefore require more privacy at this age. They may also become shy. A child will be compairing their percieved image to that of the people in their peer group and want to be seen as "normal" but are not sure what "normal" should be. This is the stage in which the girls are developing faster than the boys in height and everyone is developing at different rates and are at different stages of their overall development.
Development of a child aged 12-19 years old:
The period between childhood and adulthood is referred to as "Adolescence". Adolescence starts when a child reaches 11 years old and lasts until they are 19-20 years old. At this stage in development the teenagers begin to gradually remove themselves from their parents and they are experiencing big changes in their development. Teenagers will start to feel more grown up and will have a desire to explore their environment alone. They still lack clear roles in their community,so they may experience periods of insecurity and may become very frustrated
as a result. Adolescence is a very tricky time for youngsters,and they will all react differently to the changes associated with this period of development. Parents should try to make this process of change a time that is memorable for their teenager.
Physical Development:
During adolescence,young people will begin to notice lots of physical developments that change the way their body looks. Every teenager develops differently and at a different rate. By 14-15 years old some girls have reached their full physical maturity,but some will have only just started at this age. In contrast,some boys move through adolescence quickly,whereas others may worry about falling behind the development of their peers. Slow developers may find the differences in their development very difficult,therefore it is of high importance that adults provide teenagers with alot of reassurance,and help the teenager to realize that their speed of development is not linked to their final physical outcome. An adolescent will have aquired increased strength and co-ordination. By 19-20 years old they have achieved their full motor capabilites.
Boys: Adolescence usually starts later than girls and will often begin when the boy is around 14. At the end of a boy's growing development they are normally taller than girls. They are starting to develop manly traits such as a deep voice and will begin to develop a very manly body shape.
Girls: A girl's body becomes more curved and womanly around the age of 13 years old. Their breasts gradually begin growing from as young as 10. Around the age of 13 years old,girls are very close to being physically grown up,however with girls there are big
differences in the rate at which their puberty starts and finishes. A small number of girls start to develop from as young as 8,whereas other girls might not show any physical changes until they are in their late teens. The average age for a girl to begin her periods is 13 years old. By 15 years old a young girl may look almost physically mature. They are also,at this age almost their full adult height.
Social,And Emotional Development:
At this stage in their development,teenagers require lots of reassurance as they may start to become very conscious of their bodies and the effect the changes to it can have - eg acne as a result of oily skin due to an increase of hormones. They are constantly moving from childlike needs to adult desires as their emotional growth is constantly changing. This makes their bodies and emotions go through some drastic changes. A teenager will try to gain their independence by moving away from their parents,and so will become closer to their peers and look to them for support rather than their parents. Teenagers will start to make closer and more intense friendships with peers of the same gender and will become very attracted to the opposite sex. As they are moving away from the emotional support given to them by family they can become subject to the emotions of their peers and might even suffer rejection within their peer group. Parents can sometimes become fearful of their teenagers growing independence and their intense stages of questioning and periods of uncertainty.
Intellectual Development:
It is at this time that behaviours and the
mind are growing,and so young people start to develop responsibility for their words,thoughts and actions. This is the stage teenagers begin to look to their future. During adolescence the main tools needed for a teenagers knowledge acquiring skills are the ability to make certain assumptions between different sections of knowledge and the ability to make these connections with their environment. Thier rate of development depends on the amount of assistance they attain in helping their brains to make these connections,so therefore the more aid they recieve the faster their rate of development will become. During this time,a teenagers learning should centre around them making their own unique identity. Teenagers are also starting to take responsibility for their own personal things such as finances and these responsibilities should be fully transferred from their parents to them when they reach full maturity.
Language Development:
The adolescent is constantly sarcastic and witty which parents and other adults may find off putting,but it is just the teenagers way of trying out their newly aquired language skills. The teenagers will also start to develop their own unique sense of humour. Their logical thinking skills are rapidly growing and a teenager will enjoy practicing their new language skills through taking part in debates and public speaking.
Meeting the young person's needs:
All teenagers require reassurance when their maturity begins to develop. Being a late or early developer can be very hard on a teenager and so they will try to be in competition with their peers. Adults can help the teenager by finding them ways to practice their newly aquired skills by encouraging them to participate in
debates on current affairs and subjects that are controversial to enable them to put across their own opionions on the subjects.
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