The 3 Objects That Represent Hong Kong Culture Essay Example
The 3 Objects That Represent Hong Kong Culture Essay Example

The 3 Objects That Represent Hong Kong Culture Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (427 words)
  • Published: April 1, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Hong Kong is said to be a “Cultural Desert”. However, Red-White-Blue bags, Cha Chaan Teng and Cantonese Opera are three objects that can represent Hong Kong culture and the spirit of Hong Kong people. Red-White-Blue bag represents the hardworking Hong Kong people. Red-White-Blue bag is a common travel bag used by Hong Kong people, especially in low-class family. Most of the bags contained all red, blue and white color stripes. However, these bags are either red-white or blue-white in color now. Red-White-Blue bag is made of Nylon and Canvas. Canvas makes the bag light and tough. In about 1980, people worked in Hong Kong were not well-paid.

For example, my mother was not rich at that moment. However, she used her spare money to buy goods and carried them to Beijing by Red-White-Blue bag. Not only my mother, other H


ong Kong people at that time worked hard too. Therefore, the Red-White-Blue bag is the symbol of hard-working Hong Kong people, because of its tough texture and historical story. Cha Chaan Teng represents fast-paced Hong Kong. Cha Chaan Teng is a place for dining. Plenty of Eastern and Western foods can be found there, such as milk tea, toast, noodles and egg tart. Some people choose to eat in Cha Chaan Teng, because they can have their breakfast or lunch quickly.

This efficiency is due to three reasons. Firstly, waiters there jot down foods name in an extremely fast speed while the diners are speaking. They use symbols or extremely simple abbreviation to represent certain products, such as “0 tea” represents “Lemon tea” (Similar pronunciation in Chinese). Secondly, waiters write down the cost of the product on a

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receipt immediately. Thirdly, the diners pay money in front of the counter, so they don’t need to wait for the waiter. These three reasons can prove that Cha Chaan Teng is a dining place with high efficiency.

Therefore, Cha Chaan Teng with high efficiency speeds up Hong Kong people’s footstep. Yuan Yang represents that Hong Kong culture is mixed up of Eastern and Western culture. Yuan Yang is a special drink that is mostly found in Hong Kong’s Cha Chaan Teng. 70% of Hong Kong milk tea and 30% of Western coffee are mixed to obtain it. Therefore, Yuan Yang is a good evidence to show that Hong Kong culture is a mixture of Eastern and Western culture. To conclude, red-white-blue bags, Cha Chaan Teng and Yuan Yang are three things that can represent Hong Kong culture. They are mixed together to obtain the spirit and power of Hong Kong Culture.

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