Support Children and Young People with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs Essay Example
Support children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs. 1. 1 – Outline the legal requirements of disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs. Most schools and academies now have written policies and parts of their mission statements specifically made for the inclusion and equality of SEN children. They must be in written form and should also be posted on the website for access to all who require it. There should also be policies which show the rights and responsibilities of those within the environment.
The policies may be a number of separate ones or combined in one policy covering all the relevant areas. The policies should show how the school relates to the main policies affecting the special educational needs. These include:
- Disability and access.
- Gifted and talented pupils.
justify;">Race and cultural diversity.
- Special educational needs .
- Inclusion and equality of opportunity .
- Safeguarding and bullying.
A few examples of legislation that covers these areas are: Children Act 2004 This sets out the duty to provide effective and accessible services for all children.
The Equality Act 2010. This policy sets out the legal responsibilities of public bodies to provide equality of opportunity for all citizens. This has brought together 9 equality laws in to 1 policy. Education Act 1996 – This sets out the responsibility of the school towards the children with special educational needs. It also makes sure that schools provide extra support, resources and equipment to meet the educational needs of these children. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 This policy protects the
rights of all who are disabled.
It ensures ease of access to all parts of the school and any resources they need to carry out the tasks set. Some additions were made by the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 which gives the schools the duty to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and an Access Plan. This makes sure that the organisation doesn’t stop disabled people being included in every day school life and to eliminate bullying and unlawful discrimination. Special Educational Needs And Disability Act 200 One of the most important policies as it states that it is unlawful for providers of education to discriminate against pupils with a special need or disability.
Race Relations Act 2000 This should promote the positive relationships between different races. Children Act 1989 This tells local authorities including schools that they must provide services according the to the specific needs of children and to ensure their welfare and safety. Human Rights Act 1998 This sets out the rights of all individuals and allows the person to take legal action against authorities when they feel their rights have been affected.
1. 2 Describe the assessment and intervention frameworks for disabled children and young people, and those with special educational needs.
Assessments are made by observing and evaluating the children with special needs. You can also find out a lot about them by working alongside them. This gives you many pointers to their needs. Parents and carers may mention something that they have noticed about the development of the child. Once a need has been noticed, the SENCO can offer advice or contact outside agencies for advice
as to what to offer the child. This can help to make a specific plan for the child to make sure that they receive the best education tailored to their individual needs.
Right from an early age there are ways to test each child to see if there are any concerns or ways to improve their learning experience. Starting in EYFS there are six main areas of learning in which there are goals to be met by the end of EYFS. If a child falls short on these tests, it can show a need for extra assistance in certain areas. Some of the help could be from any of the following. Speech and language therapy. The area SENCO A health visitor * Sure Start Activities to help and support the Childs development Some other areas that need to be taken into account are
Creative development: To help the children expand their imagination by using role play, music, dance and general art. Knowledge and understanding of the way the world works: Using materials around us to make things from our environment. Using ICT tools to gain information about life. Learning about their role in the world and what they could achieve. Personal, social and emotional development: How they feel about themselves and helping them to develop a sense of self and how to respect others. Other social skills include getting dressed and undressed, washing themselves.
Also wanting to learn and getting excited when learning. Physical Development: Helping with coordination of body parts and how you can use hands and feet to move things. How to control your movements in an effective manner. The
importance of a good, healthy diet and how it can affect performance. Problem Solving, Numeracy and Reasoning: Helping to expand their knowledge of problem solving using stories, games, role play, singing and games. Making the child feel easy talking about and understanding the language of reasoning and problem solving.
Communication, literacy and language: You need to assist the children in confidence building with positive praise. Also making sure they can communicate in a proper manner via speaking or writing. Are they listening to and understanding stories? Can they write their own stories either from memory or from written work?
1. 3 Describe the benefits of early recognition and intervention for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs. If the issues and concerns are noticed at an early stage, parents or carers can get much needed help and advice to help the child as soon as possible.
This helps the child feel included and not discriminated against for the lack of knowledge about the condition. Finding out at an early stage also helps monitoring the progress and any areas of the education that can be increased or decreased depending on the individual requirements and needs.
1. 4 Describe the purpose of Individual Education Plans for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs. An I. E. P. is put in place so the child can be monitored to a personal level and indicates exactly the requirements of that child.
It allows tailored learning objectives and a clear plan for anyone involved. It also shows when new activities can be expected to be added to
the learning at the correct time. It may be making sure one sound is practiced over and over or a letter not being written in the correct form. All of these can be addressed and monitored with the aid of an I. E. P.
1. 5 Describe the principles in your setting of working inclusively with disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs. Inclusion is a big part of our academy day.
There are many variances in SEN children but these are not made to be a big issue and most of the time, all children are included in all activities. We do have a top up time for children that have more specific learning needs. This can happen at any time of the day when it is least disruptive to their inclusion and learning. Even during lunch and playtime, disabled or SEN children are included in games and role play without any discrimination. The lesson plans are arranged to include all levels of the spectrum and to make sure that no one feels left out.
They are designed to improve the confidence of the child and to make them feel positive about their achievements. We teach about different religions and celebrate a variety of multi-cultural events again to make sure nobody is made to feel excluded from the daily operation of the school. When planning lessons we also take into consideration how to make the experience enjoyable for all. This can be done in many ways. We adapt the environment to suit the individual needs of the children. We may sit with them if they get easily
distracted so we can keep them on task. The academy has easy access to all areas so the disabled can move around easily.
The use of interactive white boards and individual white boards to aid the visually impaired. A lot of the lessons are set up to use a more tactile approach to learning as this is sometimes easier for SEN children and again aids with learning and inclusion. * We offer one to one support so that we can help with inclusion in lessons and to make the child feel positive and part of the social set.
2. 1 Describe the relationship between disability and special educational needs.
To be described as disabled means that you have a mental, physical or sensory impairment. It is a comparison between actual ability and normal ability. It can also mean that a person who requires assistance at a level needed to maintain well-being. The phrase “Special Educational Needs” has a very legal definition. It refers to children who have difficulties learning or disabilities that make it harder to learn or access education than most children of the same age. Lots of children will have special educational needs at some point in their learning life.
Assistance is normally given within the mainstream early education and sometimes with the help from outside specialists. If a child has special educational needs they may need extra help in many areas of their lives. Some of the areas that are commonly affected are General behaviour at school and interaction with other pupils * Problems with the schoolwork where achievements drop to a lower standard than usual. They have
problems understanding information when reading, writing or with mathematics. They have some sensory or physical need which may affect their school day.
They have trouble relating to other children or adults. Helping to control their emotions as they may become agitated when being asked simple questions. They may need help in organisation of their day and themselves.
2. 2 Describe the nature of the particular disabilities and / or special educational needs of the children and young people who I work with. I work with one child who has a minor speech ailment and has trouble pronouncing certain words. Describe the special provision required by children.
The work we do together is aimed at speech and writing rather than tactile. We use flash cards, games, written work and storytelling to aid with their learning. We have extra reading time in the day to top up their inclusive class work. Also we have a daily activity board that changes with each completed activity. This helps the child know what is expected of them through each part of the day. It also acts as a memory game to increase the memory skill set. It can also help with concentration and not panicking the child with too much information at once.
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