Natural Environment: Is It Being Destroyed or Protected Essay Example
People often utilize the resources offered by our environment without giving much thought to its preservation. The environment's ongoing degradation is largely due to human actions. A key factor in this deterioration is the pollution and waste produced by mankind, which have devastating effects on our natural habitat. It's vital for us to grasp the seriousness of these problems instead of overlooking them. Here are some instances demonstrating how urban growth and advancement adversely affect our natural world.
The primary sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are industrial factories, power plants, and cars. These emissions amplify the greenhouse effect, which exacerbates global warming. The combustion of these gases forms a layer in our atmosphere that obstructs heat from dispersing into space. This entrapped heat is reflected back to earth causing temperatures to increase which results in the melting
...of ice caps. The ensuing rise in sea levels has the potential to cause floods in regions such as Japan or California.
We are faced with another issue of the shrinking ozone layer. The layer of ozone that shields the Earth's surface from destructive ultraviolet radiation is being impaired by CFCs (chloro-fluorocarbons). CFCs are substances that originate from refrigerators, aerosol cans, and other products. Our usage of these products releases CFCs into the atmosphere which, in turn, deteriorate the protective ozone layer against ultraviolet radiation. As the ozone layer diminishes, harmful radiation intensifies, resulting in skin damage and severe skin issues like skin cancer.
In conclusion, it's crucial to emphasize the disastrous effects of deforestation across the globe. This process is accountable for extinction of indigenous fauna, loss of biodiversity, deterioration of soil and increased global warming due
to lack of carbon dioxide absorption. A primary concern is the exploitation by large multinational companies on disadvantaged nations with wide stretches of untamed forests, much like in Brazil where the Amazon rainforests function as a vital organ for our planet. Responsible deforestation is essential but should be conducted judiciously.
Essentially, the deterioration of our environment is due to our disregard for water, air, and natural resources. It's becoming increasingly crucial for people to comprehend the significance of addressing these matters. Measures must be taken to rectify these issues, such as using natural gas that does not pollute the atmosphere or boosting the manufacture of electric vehicles that do not emit harmful substances.
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