Visual Arts Essay Examples
Use our extensive ready Visual Arts essay samples database to write your own paper. Get access to more than 50,000 essays and 70,000 college test answers by buying a subscription to it. Our collection of essays on Visual Arts on all subjects gets replenished every day, so just keep checking it out!
The current exhibitions at the Frye Art Museum in Seattle offer two distinct types of art. One of them is Liu Ding’s exhibition titled “Take Home and Make Real the Priceless in Your Heart,” which stands out for its unconventional approach. Unlike traditional exhibitions, it showcases works that are still in progress. These works are […]
Chinese calligraphy is an art form in itself as well as being a form of communication. Calligraphy is oriental and besides having literal meanings the calligraphy figures can also represent the spiritual world of the artist. By controlling the concentration of the ink, absorptivity of the paper, flexibility of the brush and thickness of the […]
Laura Cummings in her 2006 article ‘Facing the Truth About Portraiture’ claims that ‘The desire to look at portraits is absolutely fundamental: to be face to face, eye to eye with our fellow beings.’ How much does this apply to such stylized works as this? Introduction This unusual acrylic on canvas double portrait of Fred […]
Visual art encompasses everyday life. Many pieces of visual fine art are available for the average consumer to purchase through reproductions and local fine artists. Visiting local festivals, museums, and galleries provides fine art for viewing. Taking classes in the medium of choice allows for further development of a critical eye for fine visual art […]
The original museum had 11 galleries, each with a distinct exhibition. One gallery showcased the old House of Representatives session hall and featured two significant paintings, including Juan Luna’s renowned Spolarium. Another gallery focused on religious art in the Philippines from the 17th to 19th century, displaying various paintings, carvings, and images depicting saints or […]
Isabella d’Este, an influential figure in the Italian Renaissance, was renowned for her patronage and distinguished herself among other court ladies of her era. Despite men holding more power, she gained recognition at the Mantuan court, a hub for artists, poets, and scholars in the early 1500s. Isabella’s dedication to gathering and commissioning works for […]
Serie ELA 75K is an actual shopping cart that is plated in 24K gold and is placed on a spinning platform. Sylvie Fleury uses a shopping cart to represent the attraction people have towards the obsession of shopping. This item stands for amounts of money spent on shopping sprees and luxurious things in high-end places. […]
In art there are endless ways one can express themselves. Specifically, there are four roles of an artist. Each of which are essential to distinguishing an artist and their style as well as how their art speaks to the viewer. The four roles of an artist consist of helping us see the world in new […]
“He decides to adopt the role of voyeur and look out in order to go unnoticed and noticed at the same time. ” (Lorna Simpson Video Part I) Although Lorna Simpson has been classified as a photographer, her art more appropriately approaches painting, sculpture, and even film, in its relation to its audience. The surfaces […]
Kara Walker, an American artist, was born on November 26th, 1969 in Stockton, California. Renowned for her contemporary artwork, she earned her bachelor’s degree from the Atlanta College of Art and achieved her master’s degree at the School of Design in Rhode Island. Throughout her career, she has created over 30 large-scale installations and exhibited […]
o Photographers working in the age of computers have come to rely on computers not only to preserve their artwork but to create digital portfolios to send to clients, correct mistakes in their photos like overexposure and post their work on the web to attract potential clients and buyers. Additionally, these photographers can upload photos […]
Sir William Blake did say that “Art can never exist without Naked Beauty display’d. ” One could assume that this quote could be Spencer Tunick’s motto and motivation for doing his installation art, but one cannot be too sure. What is certain is that Tunick certainly has a knack for assembling and arranging hundreds of […]
In 1889, while receiving treatment in a mental asylum in Saint Remy, Van Gogh painted this famous and enigmatic piece. Surprisingly, he relied solely on his memory and depicted a constellation arrangement he had earlier observed in the night sky of Provence. The overwhelming night sky dominates the background with its swirling and flowing lines, […]
Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix was a French artist, best known for his significant contributions to the Romantic Movement during the early 1800s. Throughout his career as an artist, Delacroix has produced over 9,000 art works. As such the thesis for this paper will focus on acknowledging Eugene Delacroix’s influence and contributions to Romanticism. Delacroix was […]
Reuben Lucius Goldberg (1883-1970) was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, and inventor. He was born in San Francisco and gained fame for his creation of complex contraptions that accomplished simple tasks using convoluted methods. From a young age, Goldberg developed his artistic talent by copying illustrations from the amusing book History of the United […]
Identity is a central concern of contemporary life. Identity plays a large part in societies and individuals lives; however it has not just become a central concern. For the last couple of hundred years identity has been a central concern. This central concern of identity is and has been portrayed, explored and discussed through art. […]
While visiting the National Art museum in Washington D.C. there were many interesting art work that I saw, but the one that touched my heart was a painting called Mother and child by Mary Cassatt. When I saw the painting the first thing that came to my mind was my three-year-old daughter. The painting Mother […]
1. What invention was most responsible for helping to educate the middle classes during the Renaissance? The invention that was most responsible for helping to educate the middle classes during the Renaissance was the printing press discovered by a German printer named Johannes Gutenberg in the middle of the fifteenth century. 2. Were Renaissance artists […]
Have you ever looked at a piece of art and wondered how it could be based on real life, because it was just so beautiful? Well Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun was able to paint in such new and exciting ways; people were left wondering just this. Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun was a woman of many […]
The 20th century was a time period lasting from January 1, 1901 all the way through December 31, 2000. Commonly known as the modern era, this century was nothing less than contemporary in every aspect throughout the world. Art in itself has always been a widely known and incorporated feature around the world since the […]
Pop was the invention of the era of wealth and consumerism experience by western industrial society in the 1950s and 1960s. Both pop’s impact and expression were most distinct in the UK. Pop was so bizarre in its open-minded values and flashy appearance compare to the commonly dull conservatism of English culture and its expression […]
Homer did not receive formal art training. He began his art career as an apprentice for a commercial lithographer. In the late 1850’s he began doing work for Harper’s Weekly. His early work for Harper’s was primarily to create line art drawings from photographs. At the time pictures were printed by “stamping” them from a […]