Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Values.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Values. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Values on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Values, and much more. Keep on reading!

European Values Essay Example
1116 words 5 pages

Unity in Diversity is the official motto of European Union. Is there a unity in diversity? Even there are many different cultures in Europe are there common European values? In order to define “European Values” first we should answer an important question. What is Europe? In basic sense it is a continent. But actually it […]

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Ethics Human Rights Values
Filipino Values Essay Example
1470 words 6 pages

Values are defined in a number of ways. Maciones (1997) defines it as the “beliefs, behavior and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life.” He also defined it as standards in a culture by which people make an assessment as to its desirability, goodness and beauty. Values may be helpful as Guidelines. Schaefer […]

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Conscience Ethics Truth Values
Gender Roles and Values – Elizabeth, Orlando, Gender Roles Essay Example
2016 words 8 pages

In order for a text to remain, relevant and intriguing to responders throughout many contexts, it must challenge conventional roles and values in a revealing and provocative manner. A role that is vital to human understanding is the concept of gender and the effect it has on identity. Through the challenging of these binary gender […]

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Gender Masculinity Values
Filipino Value Essay Example
1138 words 5 pages

Filipino core values, along with the Filipino character or Filipino identity of a person or an individual known as the Filipino, the Filipino value system are found to possess inherent key elements of. value system which includes their own unique assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette, and cultural and personal values that […]

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Ethics Family Values
Values of a Probation Officer Essay Example
424 words 2 pages

The fundamental values of an adult and juvenile probation officer include community protection, accountability, facilitation of rehabilitation, and mutual respect. The primary value of probation officers is to supervise their charges and ensure that they are meeting the terms of probation. Supervision of the clients is a key way of keeping the community protected. The […]

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Justice Law Enforcement Punishments Values
The Battle for Value: Fedex vs Ups Essay Example
627 words 3 pages

When two industry giants go head to head, a great deal of strategy is involved mixed with pure brute force. When two package delivery giants go head to head such as FedEx and UPS, they must draw upon their strengths and improve their weaknesses if they hope to win the battle. Adopting innovative technology options […]

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Customer Price United Parcel Service Values
How Animals in Art Can Reflect Cultural Values Essay Example
929 words 4 pages

Throughout the centuries, animals have appeared in works of art. The animals are often linked to cultural values. Cultural values are what is accepted or believed to be right in a culture. Cultural values differ between places and times, for example the Old Stone Age cave paintings at Lascaux in France(15 000-10 000 BC), give […]

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Aesthetics Painting Values
Giving Voice to Values Essay Example
863 words 4 pages

Famous physicist Dr. Albert Einstein has stressed the significance of prioritizing personal value over mere pursuit of success. Striving for success while upholding values is crucial in shaping character and personality. Values are beliefs and principles that guide actions and define who we are. Therefore, prioritizing becoming a person of value is essential for achieving […]

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Ethics Loyalty Values
Marine Corps Core Values Essay Example
523 words 2 pages

The Marine Corps core values are very important. Honor, courage and commitment are part of each and every marine’s dedication to his or her corps. The Marine Corps core values are the corner stone of the Marine Corps and have been passed on through generation to generation through classes and through example. They are the […]

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Courage Integrity United States Marine Corps Values
Hertz: Depreciation and Present Value Essay Example
507 words 2 pages

Chapter 17: Valuation and Capital Budgeting for the Levered Firm Honda and GM are competing to sell a fleet of 25 cars to Hertz. Hertz fully depreciates all of its rental cars over five years using the straight-line method. The firm expects the fleet of 25 cars to generate $100,000 per year in earnings before […]

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Net Present Value Values
Value Of Life Analysis Essay Example
585 words 3 pages

The value of life varies depending on the cultural context. In the western world, life is often not valued based on what individuals have learned, taught or the wisdom they have shared. Instead, it is measured by one’s financial success and personal net worth. In contrast, other societies place a higher value on life based […]

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Life Life Insurance Money Social Class Values
Changing Values and Ethical Standards Essay Example
1119 words 5 pages

Issues of World Order have a great impact in changing values and ethical standards issues that influence the world today. Some of the main problems that need to be explicitly addressed in the World order include the concept of trade and communication across the national borders. International security and human rights norms also need a […]

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Family Values and the Media Essay Example
986 words 4 pages

Television shows of the 1960s depicted a change in the traditional family structure from the 1950s (Brown, 2013 & Spigel, 2013). In the earlier decade, the family structure was nuclear with a father who was the head of the family and breadwinner, a loving mother who was a homemaker and biological children as shown in […]

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American Values Family Values Values
Personal Values and Decision Making Essay Example
957 words 4 pages

Personal values are some of the motivating factors that people have and they greatly affect decision making process. Anytime people make decisions, the personal values come into play. These values make people feel complete and self-satisfaction. Personal values are related to decision making in that they are the main determinants of our goals and outcomes […]

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Personal Values Values
Australian Culture, Values, and Beliefs Essay Example
874 words 4 pages

Australia is a unique region that is a country, an island and a continent on its own. It is a commonwealth of the Australian continent and mainly comprises the continent of Australia mainland, the Island of Tasmania, and many other smaller surrounding islands. It is characterized by cultural diversity, stability and democratic society that have […]

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American Values Australian Culture Corporate Culture Hypocrisy Values
The Religion and Theology Essay Example
583 words 3 pages

Christian religious values refer to the values derived from the teachings of Jesus and are taught to Christians throughout the history of religion. These values have various implications and provide a wide view of denominations and geographical locations. They are based on different understandings and are vital to those who rely on them. Additionally, the […]

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Science and Religion Values Values of Life
Western Cultural Values Essay Example
608 words 3 pages

Barbie the doll is a popular doll that was created by Ruth Handler in the year 1959 as an inspiration from the German doll by the name Bild Lilli that has stirred a lot of controversies on its purpose, significance and widespread sales across the world. The doll has attracted diverse views from various researchers […]

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Big Thinker Problem: What Ought Socrates Do? Essay Example
460 words 2 pages

Socrates is calmly facing his impending death, having been warned by his close friend Cricto of the imminent arrival of the ship bearing his executioners. Despite being prepared to accept death whenever it comes, Socrates remains unfazed. However, Cricto is determined to rescue him and has devised various strategies to assist him in escaping to […]

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Value Values Values of Life
Organizational Culture and Values Essay Example
535 words 2 pages

According to Edgar (2010), organizations are built on established values that are either documented or stated. These values serve as a guiding framework for the organization’s outlook and actions. Additionally, clearly articulated values help shape the culture and beliefs of the organization. When employees adhere to these values, the organization appears cohesive in all its […]

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Personal Values Values
Making Choice and Moral Values Essay Example
629 words 3 pages

Ethical theories are the establishments of moral values from which guidance can be derived in the process of making a choice. Every theory serves a specific purpose. The theory must be focused towards certain objectives. Moral standards are the basic objectives that every theory seeks to achieve. These objectives consist of value, justice, respect, autonomy […]

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Personal Values Values
Vision and Values as a Leader Essay Example
515 words 2 pages

A vision statement is a sentence that outlines the desired transformation resulting from leadership within a specific timeframe. As a leader, my vision for the next two years is to facilitate opportunities for individuals to realize their maximum potential and engage actively in all spheres of life. To effectively accomplish this vision, competence serves as […]

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Personal Statement Values Values of Life
My Personal Credo Essay Example
578 words 3 pages

There are many values and principles can create our workplace environment. However, I strongly believe that each position applies to a particular set of values and behaviors to be satisfied with your performance and final outcomes. My personal values have an impact on how to develop and maintain a challenging and motivated environment among my […]

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Conscience Goal Setting Personal Goals Values
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