Theatre Essays
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Staging and performance are crucial elements in the overall impact of theatrical productions. In Shakespearean drama, aspects of staging: including costuming, setting, lighting, sound effects, as well as the on-stage movement of the actors have evolved over several centuries of production. Modern visions of staging include:”stiffly “authentic” productions; in the vaguely “authorized” versions of […]
The theory goes that Americans will feel remote from this 1788 crisis in the life of George III — the king who lost the colonies and later his mind — since we’ve never seen one of our leaders go crackers in office. That’s a laugh even Richard Nixon might have appreciated. Comedy and tragedy cohere […]
“Stomp Out Loud” is a musical production. It combines elements of physical movements, musicality, rhythm and pace to bring you the stunning performance of “Stomp Out Loud”. The unique musicality and movement of Stomp lies in the range of everyday objects it employs to achieve its effects: this is a show that finds sound in […]
In The Caucasian Chalk Circle, Brecht combined the theme of motherhood with revolutionary ideas about theatre. ’ Discuss. Bertolt Brecht’s play The Caucasian Chalk Circle is a social and political commentary, focusing on justice and motherhood. Using revolutionary theatrical techniques and devices to reinforce his theme, Brecht attempts to free his audience from the constraints […]
Denise Ooi delves into the enduring relevance of Shakespeare, discussing his significance as both a theatrical figure and literary giant. Despite being four centuries old, his works are still studied and performed globally, making substantial contributions to English literature and shaping Western society. Additionally, Shakespeare’s impact on the English language is noteworthy – he is […]
Behind the Scenes “Crew call after school, be there or be square” the posted announcement said. I still remember fairly vividly the initial day starting off as a theatre technician. Learning the procedure and getting acquainted with the people were many of the first things I did. Many of the experienced “techies,” as we called […]
I saw the play, How I Learned to Drive on the last day. I kind of wish they had done a talk-back after the show because I would have liked to get the actor’s point of view on the characters and what It was like to play them. Overall, It wasn’t the best play I […]
When I went to the adjudicated program 3 of SCADA on Friday April 4th, 2014 1 was blown away. The quality of dance and the quality of storytelling blew my mind away. Even though there were very minimal technical aspects, sometimes less is more when It comes to theatre. Technical theatre doesn’t have to be […]
It was produced by The Good Company Players. What I thought of the actual script was it was very funny and they changed parts to make it modern. I thought the actors were chosen wisely for the production because I felt the actors were really into their character. Like the actor who played Rona Lisa […]
From the 16th century to Sarah Bernhardt, the evolution of the actress is outlined. The fame and notoriety Sarah Bernhardt gained in film and on the French stage during the late 19th and early 20th centuries played a significant role in making acting a respected profession for women in European society. Introduction: Sarah Bernhardt had […]
In The Call Of The Wild, Jack London, the author, focuses on the extreme changes that need to be made to survive in the wild. Buck, a St. Bernard and Scotch half-breed dog, is used to show the changes made and is removed from his home and placed in the wild. After living in the […]
Several forms of entertainment take place in a theatre, the art of theater is considered as one of the oldest type of entertainment. The art concerns with live performances of actors on a platform or stage done in front of an audience. Coined from the Greek theaomai, which means “to see”, a great deal of […]
The play “Sepang Loca” by Amelia Lapena-Bonifacio depicts the cruelty and damnation of a village’s fool by its self-righteous religious residents, which rises from the depths of a village well in Sepang Loca (Clarin, Samantha, 2009). As an English education major with exposure to various literary genres like poems, short stories, essays and drama, my […]
We had thoroughly studied Maria Marten in the preceding two terms, so we were well versed in the play. Our anticipation was for a typical Victorian melodrama replete with exaggerated cliches and stock characters such as the villain, hero, and heroine. We also expected some songs in the pantomime style to intersperse the scenes. Upon […]
Timberlake Wertenbaker was heavily influenced by Bertolt Brecht and ergo used a lot of his ideas in her work. For Example, when Brecht was writing a script, he meant it so that the audience could be immersed in the message and thoughts behind it rather than the emotions of it all. The case is exactly […]
The dramatic aim of our piece was to create a diverse and entertaining piece of theatre, which would not only inform the audience of the context, purpose and techniques of the performance, but also help them understand the political message behind it and make them leave in a thought provoking way, having learned something about […]
There are no acts that separate the scenes from each other. The effect of this is that the play is continual, therefore the action will not stop until the end. This forces the audience to question what they see and not be given the chance to switch off until the play is over. The […]
Pulcinella was choreographed by Richard Alston in 1987. It was created for the sixteen dancers of Ballet Rambert, the year after he was appointed Artistic Director of the company. It previewed (shown for the first time) at the Leeds Grand Theatre on January 13th 1987. The original version of Pulcinella was created in 1920 by […]
As per my assessment, Filter Theatre’s rendition of Frank McGuinness’ Caucasian Chalk Circle at the National Theatre on March 20, 2007, was an exceedingly triumphant and impactful theatrical presentation. Highlighted for their entertaining performances and exceptional acting, Azdak and The Fat Prince were standout characters in the production. The use of special effects was also […]
We went to the Fortune Theatre in London on Tuesday 2nd March to watch “Women in Black”. The plot revolves around a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps seeking advice from an actor. He narrates his story about visiting Eelmarsh house to deal with some affairs, where he encounters the enigmatic Jenet Humphrey’s, the woman in black. […]
Despite being frightening, The Woman In Black provided overall enjoyment. The play’s second half was particularly shocking, compared to the first which lacked sudden actions and intense scenes. Although the actual woman was not frequently shown, it could have worked in the play’s favor as it would have made her appearance less realistic. Additionally, if […]
In an age of digital cinema, exquisite computer animation and giant talking robots, it is a small wonder that theatre has even survived this far. And yet it consistently receives high reviews, people still flock to the curtained stage in eager anticipation to see centuries-old stories performed before them. But is there a place in […]