Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Pornography.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Pornography. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Pornography on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Pornography, and much more. Keep on reading!

Internet in Bangladesh: Problem and Prospects Essay Example
2588 words 10 pages

Introduction The Internet was originally designed to facilitate communication and research activities. However, the dramatic increase in the use of the Internet in recent years has led to internet addiction and misuse, especially among children. The use of internet is rapidly growing in all spheres of life due to the enormous amount of information it [

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Bangladesh Internet Pornography Problems Research
Art or Porn? Essay Example
513 words 2 pages

Leonard Pitt raises a significant concern about the protection of free expression guaranteed to all US citizens by the first amendment in his article titled “Who decides if it’s art or porn?” In his article, Pitts poses two essential questions: “What is the line that separates obscenity from art?” and “Who has the authority to [

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Abuse Database Freedom Of Speech Pornography
Pornography and Social Disorganization Essay Example
1698 words 7 pages

According to a study done in 2013 by Covenant Eyes, 68% of young men and 18% of young women view porn online at least once a week. On average, men are 543% more likely to look at porn than females. Free pornography can be found all over the Internet. There are more pornographic sites on [

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Pornography Reason Social Psychology
Looking For Alaska: Banned Book Project Essay Example
648 words 3 pages

Miles Halter lives a very boring life. He is not depressed, but just lacks excitement in life. As a result, he will pretty much do anything for a hobby, but his favorite one is finding famous last words. Eventually he decides that he is missing a drive to live, what he calls his “Great Perhaps”. [

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Adolescence Alaska Human Sexuality Looking For Alaska Pornography
The Adverse Effects Of Pornography Sociology Essay Example
4950 words 18 pages

The long-standing issues on erotica have been present in every coevals and have undeniably caused much negative effects on the manner people viewed gender and their relationships to the opposite sex. As the spread of different sorts of engineerings increased farther, particularly as the usage of computing machines and the Internet became more outstanding in [

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Adolescence Human Sexuality Pornography Sociology
Sexual Excess of the Eighteenth Century Essay Example
2440 words 9 pages

In 1763, Parliament declared a collection of four titillating verse forms by John Wilkes and Thomas Potter as obscene. Adding insult to injury, many of these verses were lampoons of Alexander Pope’s writings, which were highly regarded for their moral and sacred content. The four verse forms were titled: ‘An Essay on Woman’ (an obscene [

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Database Gender Pornography Sigmund Freud
4493 words 17 pages

Introduction TO SEXUAL MORALITY Sexual morality refers to the beliefs and patterns by which a civilization, group, religion, etc. regulates their members ‘ behavior in affair of sexual activities. Many civilizations and faiths have regulations sing sexual behaviour which they consider moral and it is said by individuals in those civilizations and faiths that those [

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Marriage Morality Pornography Society
Statutory Definition Of Pornography Essay Example
4646 words 17 pages

If someone agrees with MacKinnon and Dworkin’s definition of pornography in the law, how do they address pornographic materials while recognizing its harmful impact and the need for legal action? MacKinnon and Dworkin suggest enacting legislation that would allow those negatively affected by works meeting their definition of pornography to pursue legal recourse against producers, [

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College Feminism Law Pornography
Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt Essay Example
889 words 4 pages

It is without a doubt that advertisement surrounds one’s life on a daily basis. According to Consumer Reports Website, the average American is exposed to 247 commercial messages each day. In the article “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt” the author Jean Kilbourne strongly believes that advertising is one of the culprits behind the [

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Advertising Human Sexuality Pornography Woman
A Comparative Analysis of Two Viewpoints Essay Example
1502 words 6 pages

“A First Amendment Junkie” by Susan Jacoby and “Let`s Put Pornography Back in the Closet” by Susan Brownmiller are both illustrative essay that present the subjective views of the stated authors on the issue of feminine depiction in pornography and constitutional rights of free speech and expression. Susan Jacoby observe the issue of freedom of [

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Comparative Analysis First Amendment To The United States Constitution Freedom Of Speech Pornography
Porn: Desensitization and Anti-Social Behavior Essay Example
1998 words 8 pages

The word pornography comes from the Greek meaning, whore, harlot, prostitute, and to buy or sell a woman” (Oprah,2009). The word alone is degrading to women, how bad could the actual acts be? There are so many forms pornography comes in: magazines, posters, music, videos, and the most popular, the internet. This all makes it [

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Behavior Human Sexuality Pornography Sexual Intercourse
The Art Of Torture Analysis Essay Example
1389 words 6 pages

In a 2006 survey conducted by BBC News, it was found that 58% of Americans consider all forms of torture to be morally unacceptable (“One-third” 1). Paradoxically, horror films such as Saw and Hostel, which depict brutal killings solely for audience entertainment, proved to be extremely lucrative at the box office in both 2004 and [

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Art Pornography Torture
Bomba: The Birth of a Genre Essay Example
2493 words 10 pages

Nick Decamps March 14, 2012 The sass proved to be a major turning point in the history of the Philippines, both in politics and in the cinema. Amid protests, terrorist attacks, and civil unrest, the president declared Martial Law on September 21, 1972, curtailing civil liberties and press freedom. Lasting until 1981, it is interesting [

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Genre Pornography
Pornagraphy on the Internet Essay Example
2913 words 11 pages

Porn, it’s everywhere! Go to any major search engine and you are well on your way to viewing some of the finest cyber porn around. No age verification, no credit card required, all it takes is just a couple of clicks on the mouse. But wait a second, why is it so easy, was it [

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Internet Pornography Social Stratification
Should the Internet Replace the Book Essay Example
1204 words 5 pages

Should the Internet Replace the Book As the Chief Tool of Learning? BY poxa389 At present, the Internet and other technology are well-developed and keep improving. People use those new tools to do everything, and try hard to make human life easier and more perfect. From business to finances; Industry to entertainment; services to education, [

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Internet Pornography Reason
The Negative Impact of Internet to Youth Essay Example
533 words 2 pages

The advent of the Internet has been one of the most exciting major events in the second half of the 20th century. The ancient dream of “a scholar knows all things happening in the world without venturing outdoors” has finally become a reality. But there are also people who do not support this growing trend [

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Information Technology Internet Pornography
1379 words 6 pages

The Internet is a method of communication and a source of information that is becoming more popular among those who are interested in, and have the time to explore the information superhighway. The problem with this much information being accessible to this many people is that some of it is deemed inappropriate for minors. The [

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Internet Law Pornography
Porn On Internet 12843 Essay Example
1395 words 6 pages

What makes the Internet so appealing to pedophiles? It provides easily accessible stimulation for child molesters. According to Trebilcock, anyone can easily download pictures without revealing their identity or interacting with others. However, definitions of pornography fail to fully capture its destructive nature, degradation, and its pathetic implications. The term pornography aligns perfectly with Sonia [

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Internet Pornography Rape
Pornography and the Normalization of Sexual Violence Essay Example
938 words 4 pages

“A 13-year-old boy said: ‘One of my friends has started treating women like he sees on the videos – not major – just a slap here or there.’” (Sellgren, 2016). Recently, pornography has experienced a significant and possibly troubling change in its content. Adult Video News (AVN), a renowned trade magazine covering the pornographic film [

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The Morality of Pornography Essay Example
976 words 4 pages

A major thing that comes to my mind when considering the morality of pornography is Primum non nocere which translates to ‘first, to do no harm’ mainly with the issues of how both men and women are treated as sexual objects and not sexual beings in the porn industry. People are constantly downgraded and treated [

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Pornography is a Toxic in Marriage Essay Example
1234 words 5 pages

Marriages are established through the vow that unites two individuals as one, both in heart and soul. The powerful bond of marriage can simultaneously make people vulnerable and resilient, as it brings out their exceptional qualities and transforms them beyond their imagination. Within a solid foundation of matrimony, honesty stands as the principal pillar, alongside [

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Early Pornography and Its Evolution Through the Ages Essay Example
2292 words 9 pages

People have been getting weird sexually since the beginning of time. The fact is this, sex has always played a super-important role for humans. But how big of a role has it played and how do we know this? Well, humans have been leaving clues in multiple mediums for ages. I would like to look [

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