Personal Life Essays
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Personal Life.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Personal Life. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Personal Life on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Personal Life, and much more. Keep on reading!
It has been said that writer’s use memento mori to represent how the prospect of death serves to emphasise the emptiness and fleetingness of earthly pleasures. Compare and contrast the ways in which authors use momento mori and the extent to which they can be seen as delivering a moral message.In many texts writers use […]
As soldiers advanced, planes soared overhead while they brandished flags of crimson with a symbol in yellow. In the face of a Soviet Union attack, an older man with a mustache quickly seized a woman and they both drew their pistols as the enemy soldiers approached their camp. Understanding what had to be done, they […]
“Helen on 86th street” by Wendi Kaufman is about a 12 year old girl who tries out for a lead part in her school play. The play was about the Trojan War and when results rolled around she had gotten a smaller part, and was extremely jealous of Helen who made the main role. Vita […]
While walking through Times Square on May 4th, days after the bomb scare, I could see terrorists in every passerby and bombs in every bag. Although I read and ignored reports of extremist actions elsewhere in the world, the bomb scare in what I considered to be my back alley instilled in me a fear […]
Cast Away tells a story of Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks), a time-obsessed analyst, who travels worldwide resolving productivity problems at FedEx Depot. He devotes almost his life at Federal Express. On Christmas Eve, Chuck proposes a marriage to Kelly Fears (Helen Hunt) before boarding a plane. But a plane crash trapped Chuck in a remote […]
Disability is a term that, in today’s society, immediately conjures up negatively connotated images in one’s mind; stereotypes of disabled people are that they are mentally challenged, incapable, and should be pitied. In this respect, society is ignorant. Most of the disabled beings are just normal people who have either been the victims of traumatic […]
It was a bitter winter’s night and George was sitting in his big white house. George’s lapdog, Tony, was lying at his owner’s feet. His big pointy ears were jiggling and his huge forehead was creasing up as he breathed in and out. George was watching television. Although he was not really mentally capable of […]
Despite feeling revitalized, I recognize that family holds the utmost importance in life. This belief can be challenging to uphold during difficult times. As I prepare to return to London, a city filled with cherished memories, one moment stands out above the rest: Dodi Al Fayed’s proposal at this very hotel. My birthplace is Sandringham, […]
While lying on the damp and rough surface, she was experiencing heavy bleeding from self-inflicted incisions. The instrument employed for this act was indistinguishable from the one used to shave her legs in previous weeks… Although it was originally designed for a different purpose, the tool had gained notoriety as a method of suicide. After […]
Surprised by the familiar face, I noticed an unfamiliar smile and tone. Despite feeling nervous, my mouth dropped open as I tried to avoid her intense stare. While contemplating the reasons behind a predator’s decision not to attack its prey, I came to the realization that this same motive had caused a transformation within myself. […]
“I will be seeing you before dinner, mum. Goodbye and I love you.” On a gloomy Friday evening, I departed from my residence and rendezvoused with my closest companion Stacey. As we drew closer to the notorious “Haunted House on the Hill” in Salem, apprehensions started to arise. Although I had previously boasted that there […]
Usually, when I’m at a party, I try to socialise with as many people as possible in order to enjoy myself. Unfortunately, this was not the case last year on my younger brother’s birthday party. It was mid-afternoon when the first guest arrived. Once he walked into our living room (the room where all the […]
John Clare was born in 1793 and died at the age of seventy-one in 1864. Clare came from a poor background and left school at the age of twelve to become a farm labourer. He had many jobs in the earlier years of his life as a Potboy, a Ploughboy and a Gardener. When he […]
My uncle, Major General Sir Randal Fielden, owns Barton Manor in Oxfordshire where I stayed last year. It was a pleasant experience for me since I have always resided in urban areas and the estate is located amidst rural surroundings. Although Uncle Randy is related to my mother’s sibling, our family had little interaction prior […]
CS Lewis otherwise known as ‘Jack’ wrote many children books based on Christianity and strengthened an argument that Christianity had largely forgotten – ‘The Freewill argument’. Jack argues that God wants the innocent to suffer, but many believers have lost faith because of this. Many people wonder why God wants us to suffer. In the […]
Although the spring evening was unremarkable, it provided a slight chill that could be easily overcome by light sportswear. As most of us were about to graduate and potentially land high-paying dream jobs, it was effortless to gather everyone for drinks on a weekend night. To stay connected, my friends and I made an effort […]
While examining Edmundson’s article, my primary objective was to pinpoint a central theme that would set the tone and facilitate a comprehensive evaluation. Upon initial reading, I detected a prominent undercurrent of resentment in the writing. To substantiate my observations, I reread the piece and highlighted specific sections that accentuated this sentiment. Surprisingly, almost 75% […]
My mother took no concern whatever and just told me that we were going to be leaving Zimbabwe, my home country, on twenty sixth of December. At first I thought it was just like before, when she got stressed and had a phase and said things but later went back on them. She had often said […]
Many definitions have been given about the celebrity but what is it precisely: is it a approval or a expletive? There can be no uncertainty that being celebrated has good effects on an individual’s life. but there are besides certain drawbacks of being celebrated. First of all. there are many advantages of being celebrated. The […]
It is a well-established fact that an author’s material for fiction is largely derived from his/her own personal experiences. And the greatest of English literary artists in the form of William Shakespeare is not an exception to this rule. The underlying thematic current in the play is tragedy. And based on what scholars have documented […]
Q.1Do you think that it is right to allow clay to believe that there is a pearl in the oyster? Ans:Clay is a poor innocent boy he wants money to put in and add for his disappeared father his father had left home a month ago Clay knew that the basic reason for his leaving […]
Despite her being the most confusing, weird, insane, and strangest person I know, my mother is also the most beautiful, caring, loving, and strongest figure in my life. She loves learning and has been supportive in my ailments. Additionally, she has taught me numerous things about natural lifestyles which I keep in mind on a […]