Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Human Sexuality.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Human Sexuality. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Human Sexuality on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Human Sexuality, and much more. Keep on reading!

45 and 47 Stella Street and Everything that Happened Essay Example
988 words 4 pages

The children’s novel ‘45 and 47 Stella Street and everything that happened’ (Honey, 1995) written by Elizabeth Honey is a novel aimed at pre-adolescent girls. However in saying that boys around the same age would also find this book enjoyable. The story is told from the perspective of Hinni who is an 11 year old […]

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Elizabeth Gender Health Human Sexuality Masculinity Narrative
Gay marriage Oral Presentation Essay Example
712 words 3 pages

Hello fellow classmates and Ms Argus today I will be talking about the topic of gay marriage in Australia. First of all let me say it seems that the reason why there are so many arguments with this problem is because there are two different opinions on what marriage is. One opinion is from a […]

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Gay Marriage Homosexuality Human Sexuality Marriage
Sperm Donation Essay Example
1617 words 6 pages

A husband and wife come together to make their offspring. This statement was one of the core teachings the Jesus taught, and still stands as moral teaching for many today. However, there is not always a man and a woman. There are single females, homosexual couples, and infertile couples that still want the joys of […]

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Donation Human Sexuality Infertility Reproduction
Hustler College Essay Example
604 words 3 pages

The word “hustler” carries a variety of positive and negative connotations, mostly related to how one defines its root verb, “to hustle. ” In the former sense, it means doing thing quickly and implies drive, ambition, and speed. In the latter sense, however, it implies dishonest, disreputable, or even criminal activity, such as shady business […]

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College Gambling Human Sexuality Prostitution
American Comedy Drama Film Pleasantville Essay Example
1134 words 5 pages

“The life where nothing was ever unexpected. Or inconvenient. Or unusual. The life without color, pain or past” (Lois Lowry). Pleasantville is a 1998 American fantasy comedy-drama film written, produced, and directed by Gary Ross. A brother and sister, David and Jennifer, are sucked into their television set and suddenly find themselves stuck in a […]

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Divorce Dystopia Fantasy Film Analysis Health Human Sexuality Satire Social Institution
Sex and Temperament Essay Example
1415 words 6 pages

Anthropologist Margaret Mead addressed the differences in temperament found between men and women in her book Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies (1935). In this study she concluded that sex has no bearing on social traits and the temperament of an individual. Her research looked at whether masculine or feminine traits are innate or […]

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APA Female Gender Gender Identity Human Sexuality Male Masculinity Research Socialization
Marriage and Introduction Cohabitation Essay Example
1654 words 7 pages

Introduction Cohabitation, in the basic meaning, is a physical and emotional relationship between two opposite-sex inmates involves living together without any legal sanction. Many people believe that cohabitation is definitely popular to the youngsters only; however, this can happen in the older ones as well. Cohabitation appeared a long time ago and quickly became common […]

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Human Sexuality Marriage Social Psychology
Women, Work and Prostitution in Victorian England Essay Example
2184 words 8 pages

Social and economic factors turned prostitution into a major industry in Victorian England. But prostitution only resulted in the further marginalization of many Victorian women – Victorian-era prostitutes were beset with problems such as poverty, insecurity and venereal disease. Women, Work and Prostitution in Victorian England Victorian England is one of the most discussed periods […]

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England Human Sexuality Prostitution Victorian Era Work
Sadomasochism Essay Example
1902 words 7 pages

Paraphilia’s are conditions in which sexual arousal occurs in response to stimuli that are not associated with normal sexual behavior patterns. Sadism and Masochism (Sadomasochism), which are mental disorders, are a type of paraphilia. Sadism is a condition in which sexual pleasure or gratification occurs on infliction of pain or suffering upon another person. In […]

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Emotions Health Human Sexuality Personal Philosophy Research Science Sigmund Freud Social Science
Sexual Strategies: The Short Term Mating Men and Woman Essay Example
2082 words 8 pages

For years psychologist looked for what specifically goes into the mating process between a male and female. Studies by Freud and Jung proposed that people seek mates with the characteristics of those that belong to their parents of the opposite sex. The physiologist Winch proposed a theory that stated people look for mates who have […]

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Human Sexuality Sex Theory Woman
Centerfold: Woman and Pretty Ladies Essay Example
598 words 3 pages

Recently, I have read a very intriguing poem. It is called “Centerfold” and is written by Ada Limón.While reading it,I could not stop thinking thatthis poem can be about every teenager. They look at pretty ladies in the magazines imagining that one day they would meet or become gorgeous ladies with velvet skin and perfect […]

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Child Human Sexuality Perception Woman
Prostitution: Sociology Essay Example
1972 words 8 pages

In terms of sociology, Prostitution is a way for an individual to maximize their monetary intake or in other words “benefits” by selling the thing that they have readily, their bodies. In other words, it is the act or practice of participating in promiscuous sexual activity especially for money. Prostitution has been in existence for […]

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Human Sexuality Prostitution Sociology
Explication of Women Essay Example
625 words 3 pages

In “Women”, the speaker discusses a women’s purpose: objects in place for support and satisfaction of men. May Swenson conveys the traditional passivity of women through physical placement of words, concrete imagery, and submissive tone. The first notable characteristic of “Women” is the physical form of the poem itself. The shape of the poem strengthens […]

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Education Health Horse Human Sexuality Poem Poetry School Tradition
The Charmed Circle Essay Example
874 words 4 pages

Gayle Rubin’s article “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality” describes the idea of the “charmed circle”. Referring to sexuality Rubin begins to illustrate her idea of the “charmed circle” by challenging sexual essentialism (the idea that sex is a natural force) by saying that it is or can be […]

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Abuse Health Homosexuality Human Sexuality
The Storm Kate Chopin Essay Example
492 words 2 pages

According to Merriam-Webster, a double standard refers to the application of different and more stringent principles to one group or situation in comparison to another. This is especially evident in a moral code that imposes stricter standards on women’s sexual conduct than on men’s. It is ironic that the definition itself employs sexual behavior as […]

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Human Sexuality Kate Chopin Wife Women'S Rights
Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt Essay Example
889 words 4 pages

It is without a doubt that advertisement surrounds one’s life on a daily basis. According to Consumer Reports Website, the average American is exposed to 247 commercial messages each day. In the article “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt” the author Jean Kilbourne strongly believes that advertising is one of the culprits behind the […]

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Advertising Human Sexuality Pornography Woman
Geyluv College Essay Example
408 words 2 pages

Honorio Bartolome de Dios’ Geyluv tells the odd love story between Mike, an attractive Manila-based journalist, and Benjie, a gay project director of a non government organization. Geyluv, or Gay Love, in English touches sensitive socio-political issues that are far beyond literature. In some way, Geyluv challenges the Philippines’ conservativeness and the society’s untold discrimination […]

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College Gay Human Sexuality Lgbt
Zach Wahls Speech Essay Example
1430 words 6 pages

Zach Wahls goes before the House of Representatives in support of marriage equality. The nineteen year old University of Iowa student stands before a full room of people to discuss his personal experience of being raised by two women. Zach, a well-spoken young man, explains that he has a full blooded sibling that was conceived […]

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Family Homosexuality Human Sexuality Personal Same-Sex Marriage Sexual Orientation Society
Social and Cultural Views of Healthy and Unhealthy Human Sexuality Essay Example
552 words 3 pages

The 2007 APA dictionary defines sexuality as the capacity to derive pleasure from various sexual actions and behaviors, specifically sexual intercourse. This includes elements such as gender identity, orientation, perspectives, and activities. However, significant differences exist in societal and cultural views regarding men and women. Modern society continues to uphold unequal norms for both sexes […]

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Health Homosexuality Human Human Sexuality
Bisexuality Essay Example
844 words 4 pages

Bisexuality is the romantic sexual attraction to males and females or sexually attracted by both men and women. It is a behavior towards sexual attraction involving physical and or romantic to both of his same sex orientation. There is no definite explanation why individuals developed bisexual orientation. Some reasons say that it includes both environmental […]

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Gender Homosexuality Human Sexuality Sexual Orientation
Ballad of Wordly Wealth Essay Example
600 words 3 pages

The “Ballad of Wordly Wealth” is a depiction of how money can bring pride and corruption into our society. This explication will review the many rhetoric forms and patterns of this such poem. The form of this poem is a ballad. A ballad’s contents include 3 stanzas, at least 8 lines in each stanza, and […]

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Books Health Human Sexuality Poetry Pride Rhyme
Sexuality, Schooling, and Adolescent Females Essay Example
679 words 3 pages

We cannot stop today’s youth from exploring and experimenting on their abilities, boundaries, and sexuality. Thus, we cannot stop them from engaging in sexual activities. What we can do is educate them so that they will be aware, informed, and responsible. Sexual education in school curriculum can help us pursue this end. Michelle Fine, in […]

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Adolescence Female Human Sexuality Sex Education

Popular Questions About Human Sexuality

What is the meaning of human sexuality?
Sexuality is about your sexual feelingssexual feelingsSex drive can be thought of as a biological need or craving that inspires individuals to seek out and become receptive to sexual experiences and sexual pleasure. Sexual desire is the first phase of the human sex response cycle.
What are the 5 dimensions of human sexuality?
The program structure is based on the five dimensions of sexuality: biological; psychological, affective and relational; sociocultural; moral, spiritual and religious; and ethical and legal.
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