Human Sexuality Essays
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Human Sexuality.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Human Sexuality. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Human Sexuality on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Human Sexuality, and much more. Keep on reading!
Robert Mapplethorpe has managed, over the past several years, to render certain credibility to flower photography—a worthy achievement, considering the ease with which that genre has always slipped into kitsch (Clark 1997 255). He has done this with almost obsessive manipulation of pictorial space. Obsessive to the point that composition, in this phase of his […]
Nowadays, advertising products such as cars, clothing and jewelry commonly utilize sex and leisure themes to appeal to individuals of all ages. Advertising often incorporates themes that appeal to people’s desire for a better life, rather than confronting harsh realities. These themes may not directly relate to the products being advertised, but they serve to […]
Adolescence is a phase in one’s life where an individual undergoes the process of growing up, which involves the occurrence of changes in various aspects of life. At this point, the whole process becomes confusing and uncomfortable to the person involved. Like any other stages in life, adolescence is also molded by the concept of […]
The focus of the present essay concerns the correlation between sex as a social construct and its association with personal and political identities, such as class. Correspondingly, Adrienne Rich’s observation regarding the psychological imbalance caused by being excluded from representations of society is pertinent to this discourse. The objective of this composition is to elucidate […]
The process of human development depends chiefly on sex; that is, procreation and the concern over progeny. Without the drive to procreate, to continue the species many human developments and the course of civilization would be very different, if they existed without this urge at all. The following paper will examine how sex has been […]
This renowned made-for-TV movie is based on Candace Bushnell’s book, which she penned while working as a columnist for the “New York Observer.” Originating in 1996, the TV show “Sex and the City” is an adaptation of a renowned column sharing the same name. The column has gained fame for its intelligent and captivating content. […]
Trisha was everyone’s typical dream girl. She was not only blessed with a lovely face, she was gifted with brains to boot. So it was not surprising that she was on the honor roll. Her boyfriend George, on the other hand, was the pride of the school’s basketball league. He was a star player not […]
Upon comparing and contrasting the two short stories, “The Girls in Their Summer Dresses” and “Boy in Summer,” many similar aspects can be observed such as the summer-based them of the titles, or the fact that each text tells the story a particular couple. The most noticeable similarity of all, however, is the fact that […]
There appear to be shared features of beauty across different cultures. A comparison of the preferences for female features among British and Japanese men was conducted in a study, which discovered that both cultures find women with large eyes, high cheekbones, and narrow jaws to be the most appealing (Buss, 1994). Another research by Perret […]
It would be impossible to define twentieth-century literature without identifying the relevance of butch-femme relationships, both in reality and in literature, throughout the century. First of all, it is important to understand what “butch” and “femme” mean, which is a intricate undertaking since many interpretations exist. A simple definition is that butch and femme adopt […]
The book I choose to write about is Opening Up by Tristan Taormino. This book is about open relationships and what it takes to sustain them. I admire Tristan for exposing a reality that a lot of people don’t see as well as the people it took to show people a different way of living. […]
National Geographic Channel produced a documentary television series called Taboo. The program is an educational look into “taboo” rituals and traditions practiced in some societies, yet forbidden, illegal or, reviled in others but somehow acceptable in some cultures. Taboo generally focuses on the most misunderstood, despised, or disagreed-upon activities, jobs, and roles. Eleven years ago […]
Australia has been experiencing increased rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) over the past ten years as a direct result of unsafe sex practises (ABS- Australian Social Trends, Jun 2012). These infections are some of the most common illnesses worldwide affecting the health and wellbeing of people infected, particularily women in regards to their fertility […]
In the essay “The Step Not Taken” by Paul D’Angelo, the narrator takes the reader on his personal journey to find a satisfactory way to respond to another’s suffering. This story follows the basic plot structure of a monomyth: the separation, the struggle and initiation and the return and reintegration. In the beginning of the […]
The idea of human rights pertains to the fundamental liberties and privileges that each person is entitled to in order to live with dignity. In respect to sexuality, sexual human rights necessitate a setting where individuals have the autonomy to manage and choose their sexual affairs without any forceful, coercive, or intimidating conduct. Sexual rights […]
Previous to the chapter being analysed, Dracula has warned his guest never to fall asleep anywhere in the castle other than his own room. Jonathan Harker, the protagonist, filled with anxiety and worry about the mysterious count, hangs his crucifix above his bed and sets out to explore the castle. Then the passage begins as […]
Duffy very cleverly in “The World’s Wife” gets famous myths and tales from the past and turns them around making them have a totally different meaning to their originals. Duffy refers to the women in “The World’s Wife” as victims or outcasts. Duffy modernises the poems on a contemporary basis. In this way Duffy shows […]
Sex is so intertwined in our society that it pervades each facet, including television, books, advertising, and conversation. Movies like The Matrix toss in gratuitous sex because the audience nearly expects it. Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge, therefore, is exceptional in its lack of sexual situations. The subject of sexual motivation and its inherent […]
Many of Robert Browning’s early poems were part of what Isobel Armstrong has called a “systematic attempt to examine many kinds of neurotic or insane behavior, and in particular the pathology of sexual feeling” (Armstrong 288). Paired with a companion poem, “Johannes Agricola,” under the title Madhouse Cells, “Porphyria’s Lover”(1836) is one of the earliest […]
This adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood and werewolf mythology explores the horror and sexuality of fairytales. The girl, Little Red Riding Hood, weaves a series of complex fantasies revealing her confusion about men, sexuality and desire. Little Red Riding Hood is a young girl in the story who is only just becoming a woman. […]
Miles Halter lives a very boring life. He is not depressed, but just lacks excitement in life. As a result, he will pretty much do anything for a hobby, but his favorite one is finding famous last words. Eventually he decides that he is missing a drive to live, what he calls his “Great Perhaps”. […]
It is essential to acknowledge that void and voidable marriages are not the only forms of marriage. A valid marriage conforms to all required procedures without any flaws. Additionally, there exists a category of non-marriage whereby the ceremony deviates so significantly from a legal marriage that it cannot be recognized as one. An illustration of […]