Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Faith.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Faith. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Faith on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Faith, and much more. Keep on reading!

Love You Forever Essay Example
1161 words 5 pages

Love You Forever is a short book written by Robert Munsch which was published in 1986. This paper shows the critical analyses of Love You Forever, a story about a boy, his mother and the evolving relationship between the two. This classic book by Munsch is a gentle affirmation of the love a parent feels […]

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Books Child Computer Software Database Faith Love Relation Technology
Discipline, Balance and Commitment: The Order of Eusebia Essay Example
997 words 4 pages

The order of Eusebia presents a quasi-centrist view on the balance between the ideological foundations of Christian theology, ethics and spirituality. The order presents a more practical view of life with the basis on religious text, especially on the New Testament. From its vision-mission statement, the ideas are fundamentally sound on the context of practicality; […]

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Christianity Discipline Faith Theology
God Grew Tired of Us: A Memoir by John Bul Dau Essay Example
1258 words 5 pages

In John Bul Dau’s memoir, God Grew Tired of Us, he tells the inspiring and heart wrenching story of the Lost Boys of Sudan. This two hundred and eighty one page book was published in 2008 in the USA. John’s moving story begins by explaining the tense political situation in his beloved homeland, Sudan. Sudan […]

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Faith Hope Memoir
The Hollow of the Three Hills and Young Goodman Brown Essay Example
911 words 4 pages

“The Hollow of the Three Hills” and “Young Goodman Brown” are story of dishonor deceit, and death. The two stories contain symbolism and relate in many ways. In “The Hollow of the Three Hills” The author, Nathaniel Hawthorn portrays the main character as a beautiful woman with a shameful past. She tries to run from […]

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Faith Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown
Dover Beach Analysis Essay Example
1352 words 5 pages

“Dover Beach” is well celebrated poem written by Mathew Arnold and is being regarded as one of the thought provoking poems written during the Victorian era and during the late 19th century. Arnold is long-familiar for revealing his social critical ideas and thoughts pertaining to modern world into this poem. “Dover Beach” by Mathew Arnold […]

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Beach Faith Literature Poetry
Dover Beach, Matthew Arnold Essay Example
509 words 2 pages

In Dover Beach, Matthew Arnold describes an evening he spent with his lover. The picturesque sights and sounds around him remind him of the pathetic state of man. Arnold was agnostic at the time he wrote the poem and his despair and disillusionment towards religion is highlighted through the poem. He shows the reader how […]

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Animals Faith Philosophy Sea The time
Dona Perfecta Essay Example
1845 words 7 pages

In his novel “Dona Perfecta”, Benito Perez Galdos creates characters that the readers can connect with, namely Don Jose “Pepe” Rey, Rosario, and Dona Perfecta. Under his father’s command, Pepe Rey departs from his home to go to Orbajosa, the small town where his aunt, Dona Perfecta, resides. Being a recent engineering graduate, Pepe Rey […]

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APA Divorce Faith God Marriage Narrative Social Institution
Elie Wiesel’s Night Essay Example
928 words 4 pages

The tragedies of the holocaust forever altered history. One of the most detailed accounts of horrific events from the Nazi regime comes from Elie Wiesel’s Night. He describes his traumatic experiences in German concentration camps, mainly Buchenwald, and engages his readers from a victim’s point of view. He bravely shares the grotesque visions that are […]

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Elie Wiesel Faith Holocaust
An Exploration of Faith Regained in Raymond Carver’s Cathedral Essay Example
2037 words 8 pages

The short story “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver is perhaps best understood as an allegory. On its surface, the story is about one man’s discomfort at being confronted with a person afflicted with a disability he does not understand, only to ultimately overcome this initial uneasiness by finally learning how to accept the blind man he […]

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Cathedral Faith Self Esteem Wife
Buckingham Palace: District 6 Essay Example
990 words 4 pages

When the characters of District 6 are analysed superficially they are not admirable. Mary is a prostitute; Zoot has a criminal record and beats people up. And Mrs Knight goes to church every Sunday and is happily married with 3 children. If you judge these people superficially, you would think Mrs Knight would be the […]

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Divorce Faith Knight Poetry Prostitution Social Institution
Thomas Hardy’s, Tess of the d’Urbervilles Essay Example
1575 words 6 pages

As what now seems to be the throwback of a bygone era, religion was a massive issue at the time both of the novels I am looking at were written. There was much controversy surrounding the great ‘catholic question’ as well as many other doubts that were beginning to eat away at what was once […]

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Christianity Faith Thomas Hardy
George Eliot’s Silas Marner Essay Example
5735 words 21 pages

Silas Marner began his life in a ‘little hidden world known to itself as the church assembly in Lantern Yard. ‘ Silas was a valuable member of this ‘narrow religious sect’, who showed great devotion to God and compassion towards his neighbours. However, due to unfair accusations and the betrayal he felt from both God […]

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Faith George Eliot Silas Marner
Pilgrimage is just an excuse for a holiday Essay Example
632 words 3 pages

I believe that a pilgrimage could be defined as a holiday, as the prefix, “holi” means sacred or holy, so a “holiday” would be appropriate to associate with this spiritual event however, used in the context of a vacation, I beg to differ. For me, a pilgrimage is a rite of passage; everyone should be […]

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Faith Pilgrimage Pilgrims
“Shooting Stars” by Carol Ann Duffy Commentary Essay Example
1256 words 5 pages

The poem “Shooting Stars” by Carol Ann Duffy, is written in the perspective of a Jewish woman who was killed during the Holocaust. The woman speaks to another woman about the atrocities they had endured as Jews, and how despite all hardships faith still remains.Structurally, the poem is very uniform. It has a title followed […]

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Carol ann duffy Faith Jews Poetry Stars
Monotheistic Faiths Essay Example
512 words 2 pages

Answer the six questions using three to four sentences each. Use what you learned in the lesson to guide your response. In what ways is the Holy Land an important site for all three monotheistic faiths? All three religions have religious and sacred places of worship In the Holy Land. Which is why it’s important […]

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Christianity Database Faith
Alice Munro’s Short Story, “Soon”: a Character Analyzation Essay Example
1017 words 4 pages

In Alice Munro’s short story, “Soon”, there are areas for analyzation. The argument between Don the minister and Juliet holds great significance to the insight of Juliet’s character. Juliet gets herself into a huge argument with the minister that she met only moments prior to the bickering. Assumptions made towards one another are an important […]

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Belief Character Faith God Short Story
Do You Believe in God? Essay Example
597 words 3 pages

I am a person of doubt. I am a person with too much confusion. I am a Christian and Catholic by birth. I barely attend masses for I don’t believe on priests but not all. To be honest, I really find it hard to make this essay. I think I’ve tried it for five times […]

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Believe Faith God
Bible 350 Interpretive Question #2 Essay Example
732 words 3 pages

INTERPRETIVE QUESTION #2: WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CAIN AND ABEL’S GIFTS? Source #1: Burton Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament Coffman believes the key to understanding the reason why Abel’s gift was accepted and Cain’s was rejected lies in Hebrews 11:4, “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than […]

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Bible Faith God
A Complicated Kindness – Perplexing Passages Essay Example
1736 words 7 pages

4. Quotation/Summary| My thoughts| In chapter six, Nomi creates a very vivid memory of watching two black Mennonite dresses “flying around like crazy birds way up in the sky”. As she watched them fly all the way to her grandmother’s yard where she was, she remained fascinated, calling that, “even the best thing that ever […]

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Faith Kindness Tragedy
Emperor Asoka Essay Example
447 words 2 pages

What reason does Soak give for his repentance? How does he propose to deal with the forest peoples? King Soak’s reason for repentance is that he felt bad for other religious followers like Brahmins or Sherman because they suffer from watching their loved ones being injured, slaughtered and deported because these people were obedient to […]

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Chronic Pain Ethics Faith Punishment Reason Society Suffering
Evaluation of ‘Critical Essay on ‘Theme for English B’’
882 words 4 pages

“Evaluation of ‘Critical Essay on ‘Theme for English B’’” by Chris Semansky is an analytical essay that dissects Langston Hughes’ poem “Theme for English B”. The article offers a detailed assessment of Hughes’ work, providing readers with insights into the poet’s perspective on human perception and self-judgment. The author supports their evaluation by providing background […]

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Belief English Language Evaluation Faith
The Faith of Mary Rowlandson Essay Example
1031 words 4 pages

The Faith of Mary Rowlandson In her writing titled “A Narrative of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson”, Mary lies out for the reader her experience of being held in captivity by Indians during the King Philip’s War. Perhaps one of the most significant aspects of this writing is the glimpse that the […]

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Faith God

Popular Questions About Faith

What is faith and where does it come from?
Question: "Where does faith come from?". Answer: Faith is the avenue or the instrument God uses to bring salvation to His people. God gives faith because of His grace and mercy, because He loves us (Ephesians 4—5). Faith comes from God in the form of a gift (Ephesians 2:8).
What does faith consist of?
Faith Consists of Three Parts. It is important that someone at least have a basic knowledge of something in order to believe in it. While this certainly does not mean that one has to be a theologian in order to become a Christian, it does mean that your faith would be misplaced if it were not grounded in the essentials.
What are the seven articles of faith?
There are seven Articles of Faith in Islam. These basic beliefs shape the Islamic way of life. There is One God, Supreme and Eternal, Creator and Provider, Who is Merciful and Compassionate. God has neither father nor mother, and no sons or daughters. God has never fathered anyone, nor was He fathered. God has no equals.
What are the benefits of having faith?
This includes healing, prosperity, peace, love, joy (1 Peter 1:8), deliverance from demons and the curse, sanctification of the mind and emotions (the salvation of the soul) and any other benefit which the word of God promises to us. 4. Faith is a spiritual force through which our ministry for Christ becomes effective.
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