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The Commercial Use of Enzymes Essay Example
2170 words 8 pages

Throughout this project I will be looking at the use of enzymes in industry. I will focus my thoughts onto the medical area and furthermore onto the portable medical devices. This will include looking at biosensors in great detail along with medical test strips. Enzymes are chemical catalysts; this means that they increase the rate […]

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Chemistry Enzyme Molecular Biology
Enzyme concentration and enzyme activity Essay Example
805 words 3 pages

For this investigation, we are going to find out how different enzymes (in this case, trypsin) concentration in a solution would affect the rate of which solute (Casein) is broken down. I think enzyme concentration would definitely have an effect on the rate of reaction. My hypothesis is that increasing the concentration of trypsin would […]

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Chemical Reaction Concentration Enzyme Reaction Rate
To Investigate the Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration Essay Example
634 words 3 pages

To Investigate the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on enzyme catalase Indroductlon: Enzymes are proteins. They function as biological catalysts. They lower the energy barrier of a reaction so that the reaction can take place at body temperature. Also, they can speed up Metabolic reactions without being changed or used up. During a reaction, an […]

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Chemical Reaction Enzyme Hydrogen Reaction Rate
Factors that affect Enzyme activity Essay Example
1124 words 5 pages

This study aims to analyze the impact of a specific factor on enzyme activity and explore the function and mechanism of enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts, increasing the rate of chemical reactions without being altered themselves. They interact with specific substrate molecules due to their unique shapes, which are determined by […]

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Chemical Reaction Enzyme Reaction Rate
The Part Played by Enzymes in the Functioning of Different Cells, Tissues and Organs Essay Example
619 words 3 pages

Enzymes are protein, they are used to catalyse metabolisms in all organisms. They break down complex molecules and build up complex molecules from simple molecules, these two processes are catabolic reaction and anabolic reaction respectively. Enzymes are needed in these two processes to catalyse releasing and taking up ATP molecules. Different sequence of amino acid […]

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Dna Enzyme Metabolism
Cell Size Surface Area- Volume Essay Example
1215 words 5 pages

Introduction The fundamental components of all living beings are cells. Cells offer structural support, absorb nutrients, and convert energy. They also possess specific functions and genetic material for replication. Furthermore, cells function as metabolic compartments where a variety of chemical reactions occur. There are two categories of cells: eukaryotic and prokaryotic. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic […]

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Bacteria biofuel Disease Enzyme Eukaryote Organic Chemistry Osmosis Ph
Determination of the Activation Energy of an Enzyme Catalysed Reaction Essay Example
308 words 2 pages

In this practical, the aim of this experiment was to find out the catalytic power of alkaline phosphate, as well as the rate of reaction and the activation energy of p-nitrophenol phosphate. Enzymes are biological molecules that catalyze a chemical reaction. ‘Enzymes work by lowering the activation energy of a chemical reaction making it easier […]

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Chemical Reaction Energy Enzyme Reaction Rate
Production Waste Cooking Oil As Feedstock And Essay Example
2668 words 10 pages

Introduction According to C. C. Lai et al. (2005), the high cost of feedstock oil is a significant barrier for the commercialization of bio-diesel. However, research conducted by Sulaiman Al-Zuhair (2008) has demonstrated that waste-cooking oil (WCO) could be a viable alternative raw material for biodiesel production. One way to reduce the cost of bio-diesel […]

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Chemical reactions Cooking Enzyme Waste
Reaction of Catalase with Hydrogen Peroxide Essay Example
1997 words 8 pages

An investigation to compare the reaction rates between potato and hydrogen peroxide against liver and hydrogen peroxide through loss in mass. Background information: Catalase is an enzyme that is found in all cells. This means that it is an intracellular enzyme. And enzyme is a biological catalyst. A catalyst is some thing that speeds up […]

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Chemical Reaction Enzyme Hydrogen Protein
Dilutions For The Enzymatic Assays Biology Essay Example
2183 words 8 pages

The popularity of cultivating mammalian cells for valuable product production has increased in biotechnology. Currently, costly and time-consuming enzymatic tests are utilized to measure quantities of different metabolites (lactate and ammonium) and substrates (glucose and glutamine) in cell culture samples. The aim of this study is to compare the enzymatic checks with the HPLC method […]

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Chemistry Enzyme Glucose

Popular Questions About Enzyme

What are enzymes and how do they work?
Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in a biochemical reaction to increase the rate of reaction without being used up in the reaction. Thousands of types of enzymes are at work in your body to carry out vital functions such as digestion and energy production.
Can you kill an enzyme?
Enzymes are not alive, so they cannot be killed. Typically though, bringing an enzyme to a boiling temperature is enough to denature it.
What is the thing an enzyme works on?
Generally, enzymes work on substrates in one of three ways: substrate orientation, physical stress, and changes in substrate reactivity . Substrate orientation occurs when an enzyme causes substrate molecules to align with each other and form a bond.
What is the difference between an enzyme and a protein?
• Enzymes are functional proteins, whereas proteins can be either functional or structural. • Unlike other proteins, enzymes are highly substrate specific molecules. • Proteins can be digested or broken down by enzymes (proteases).
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