Have no time? Stuck with ideas? We have collected a lot of interesting and useful Emotions essay topics for you in one place to help you quickly and accurately complete your college assignment! Check out our essay examples on Emotions and you will surely find something to your liking!

Neruda Love Hate Relationship Essay Example
669 words 3 pages

Why do relationships fail? Love is the glue that keeps people together. Pablo Neruda had a lover of his own which he mentioned in his writings. Not an ordinary relationship between this man and woman. In Pablo Neruda’s poem “Widowers Tango” the relationship failed because the lack of trust, fighting, and jealousy, on behalf of […]

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Anger Hate Jealousy Love Relationship
Best Friend vs Arch Enemy Essay Example
1402 words 6 pages

In our society relationships are a very important aspect in life. We spend on average about eight hours a week socializing with friends and nearly twenty-two percent of our time on the internet consists of socialization with others. When we think of relationships we usually think of a family or an intimate relationship with a […]

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Anger Arch Love Reason
The Perfect World Essay Example
284 words 2 pages

My own view of a utopian society is fairly simple, a place in which there is no pain, no crime, no anger, no corruption, where there is no need for “justice”, a place where murders would never take place. The government would be a public government, in which all citizens would take actions they make […]

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Anger Ethics Law Morality Politics Society War
Anger College Essay Example
427 words 2 pages

Q1: What do researchers believe to be the causes of an `anger-prone` temperament? (In your answer, be sure to touch specifically on biological, social, and psychological factors in anger). Anger is an emotional condition which varies in intensity, and is also accompanied by several physiological, biological and physical alternations.  It can be triggered both by […]

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Anger Anxiety College Mental Disorder
Aggression and Catharsis in the Fight Club Essay Example
654 words 3 pages

Gender differences are usually one of the main determinants of how people act in certain situations. For instance, circumstances where the tendency to aggress is highly probable, males and females react differently. Males often resort to physical aggression while females resort to verbal aggression (Gender and Aggression). Gender differences do not only exist in how […]

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Aggression Anger Gender
Discipline Essay Example
449 words 2 pages

The pursuit of truth requires the practice of silence and discipline, which are highly powerful. I came across a peaceful Trappist Monastery in Kashmir during my visit, where the majority of residents observed a vow of silence. Curious about this practice, I asked a monk to enlighten me. The monk explained that as mere human […]

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Anger Discipline Silence Truth
I Want to Conquer the World Essay Example
767 words 3 pages

“I Want to Conquer the World” by Bad Religion – 1989 Bad Religion is a Los Angeles based band ot the punk rock genre that was formed In 1979. The punk rock genre began Its emergence In the mid 70’s and Is the basis of many genres since Its birth. The maln topics of punk […]

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Anger Music Reason Writer
An Evil Cradling Essay Example
1068 words 4 pages

In “An Evil Cradling,” Brian Keenan uses language to convey many different mental and emotional effects, both negative and positive, caused by captivity. The most obvious negative emotional effects are fear, anger and despair, all of which are shown to varying degrees. Looking at more positive effects, the relationship that developed between Keenan and John […]

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Anger Evil Feeling Silence
Drama Evaluation of Revenge Essay Example
962 words 4 pages

For our Drama piece, we presented a devised thematic work titled ‘Revenge’ as option one. This performance, lasting 15 minutes, revolved around superstition and the supernatural. It was set in a typical contemporary high school in England and centered around three teenage girls. When their teacher, Mr. Andrews, informs them about a spell-book available in […]

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Anger Revenge Witchcraft
Disabled and Anthem for doomed youth Essay Example
1835 words 7 pages

In Wilfred Owens poetry he is trying to achieve the goal of describing the war the way it really is. As some poets glamorise the war, Owen tells it how it is. It shows how it is like going to war, when your in the middle of the actual war, and the coming home from […]

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Anger Anthem Poetry Wilfred owen
Angela’s Ashes and Catcher in the Rye Essay Example
551 words 3 pages

Even though the memoirs, Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt and Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Sallinger, share similarities in mood, perceptions, and attitudes towards death, they differ greatly in terms of society, culture, and the ages of the characters. In the passage from Catcher in the Rye, Holden, who is 17 years old, […]

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Anger Soul The Catcher In The Rye
Find me by Owen Wymark Essay Example
989 words 4 pages

For this unit we focused on ‘Find Me’ text written by Olwen Wymark. The play is about a twenty-year-old girl called Verity Taylor, who was charged by the police with damaging a chair in the mental hospital where she was a patient. Later she was committed to Broadmoor, “from where she may not be discharged […]

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Anger Children Research
A Lady Of Letters, Alan Bennett’s Essay Example
1976 words 8 pages

Alan Bennett’s ‘A Lady of letters’ is a dramatic monologue written for the BBC as a part of the ‘Talking Heads’ series. It focuses on an ordinary middle aged woman named Irene Ruddock. She expresses her views on society and the people she sees’s in her everyday life. There is only one point of view […]

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Anger Database Irony Loneliness
Search for my Tongue and Ogun Essay Example
1170 words 5 pages

When making a comparison between the two poems, ‘Search For My Tongue’ by Sujata Bhatt and ‘Ogun’ by Edward Kamau Brathwaite we can see that both are primarily concerned with notions of culture and identity and in particular how one impacts upon the other. The implication being, that the culture into which we are born […]

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Anger Metaphor Poetry
Compare Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan by Moniza Alvi Essay Example
2042 words 8 pages

In ‘Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan’ the speaker is a girl who has one English parent and one parent from Pakistan. As a result she feels torn between the two very different cultures. She does not feel at home in either England or Pakistan. She shows this by saying “I longed for denim and […]

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Anger Pakistan Poetry Racism
Is Henry V an ideal Christian king Essay Example
2007 words 8 pages

Henry V is the last of the four Shakespearean plays dealing with the rise of the House of Lancaster but unlike any of its predecessors, this play focuses more on going to war rather than the issue of ruling over England. In the play Henry [V] is portrayed as being the ideal Christian king, but […]

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Anger Christianity Henry v
The Beautiful short story Secrets Essay Example
1862 words 7 pages

The Beautiful short story Secrets is based on the theme of relationships, which Bernard Mac Laverty explores thoroughly. The story is about a boy who has a very strong relationship with his aunt. However, one day he reads some of his aunt’s private letters, and there relationship is changed forever. In the first part of […]

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Anger Literature Mind Secret Short Story
Comparing and contrasting “Porphyria’s Lover” and “The Laboratory” Essay Example
894 words 4 pages

The opening of “Porphyria’s Lover” gives a sullen, depressing description of the weather, which then creates the mood for the whole poem. The storm is both metaphorical and physical because it represents the storm going on outside and the storm going on in the narrator’s mind. The image we get from the wind is violent […]

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Anger Love
What techniques does H G Wells use to create fear in “The Red Room” Essay Example
1775 words 7 pages

‘The Red Room’, authored by the pen of H G Wells, is a detailed account of an encounter that occurred between an individual, and a force, of which no explanation lies in the understanding of man. The author, one who is greatly renowned for his commendable writings, uses the title, in collaboration with the setting, […]

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Anger Fear Ghost
Children’s Novel, Written by Fred Gipson, “Old Yeller” Essay Example
3577 words 14 pages

“Old Yeller” He leaves Travis to “act a man’s part” and take care of the family in his absence. While working in a cornfield one day, Travis mom across Old Yeller and tries to drive him away, but his younger brother, Aralias likes Old Yeller and Mama thinks he would be good for Aralias. When […]

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Anger Children Dog Large Animals
Elias Van Rooyen Essay Example
851 words 4 pages

Everyone has tried at least once to hide his or her emotions. Elias Van Rooyen attempted to hide just this. However, he conceded to three stages of grief: denial, anger, and acceptance. Throughout the passage, Elias projects a fondness towards Lukas, shown through his shocked behaviour on Lukas’s departure.While Elias waits for Lukas’s arrival, he […]

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Anger Database Grief Truth
Broken family research paper Essay Example
1594 words 6 pages

Scope and Delimitation of broken family   The scope of this study focused on issues and problems surrounding students of STMA. This research was limit and conducted only at the school campus during the final grading period of the school year 2011-2012. The respondents of this study were the fourth year students from the different […]

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Anger Child Family Feeling Research

Popular Questions About Emotions

What are the five basic emotions?
There are five emotions that humans experience. They are: Happiness as in the state of being cheerful and feeling good. Fear as in an unpleasant emotion in which you are worried. Anger as in a strong sense of annoyance and irritation. Sadness as in a feeling of sorrow and unhappiness.
What are the 27 emotions?
A new study has pinpointed 27 separate categories of human emotions, challenging an old assumption in psychology that most emotions can be categorized as happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, or disgust.
What are the 8 core emotions?
But here’s the good news—there are really just eight choices. All emotions can basically be divided into eight core categories: fear, anger, sadness, shame, disgust and jealousy, plus happiness and love to lighten things up. This limited list makes figuring out which emotion you’re experiencing a more manageable task.
What are the most common emotions?
The Most Common Emotions that Accompany Addiction. Some of the most common emotions that accompany addiction are as follows: 1. Anger. At some point, you may feel angry for one reason or the next. This is often related to the feeling that life has treated you unfairly, such as in the way of a divorce, financial trouble, job loss,
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