The reason I chose to do this painting is because I feel like it really relates to what is going on in today’s day and age. Mainly because of all the school shootings that are happening right now, And what the current president wants to do about it. By May of 2018 there had been 23 school shooting in just 5 months. Although he painted “Child Soldier” in 2011 i feel like it can still make a difference today.

Banksy is a street artist whose identity remains unknown is believed to have been born in Bristol, England, around 1974. He rose to fame with his art pieces in the 1990s. Banksy is the subject of a 2010 documentary, which shows the relationship between commercial art and street art. Commercial art is art used in advertising and selling, while street art street art is visual art created in public locations. He began his street art career in the early 1990’s in Bristol’s graffiti gang, although his beginning art was freehand, the art he does now is stenciled art. Although it is stenciled his art is completely amazing and should be recognized more, because I believe his art can make a difference.

This painting was given many names by so many different people such as, Crayon boy, or Crayola Soldier, but the one I found the most interesting and the one i liked the most was Child Soldier. The reason I like this name better is because I find it relates more to the story he is trying to

tell. In this piece of art there is a little boy standing up like a soldier with a submachine gun. He is surrounded by colorful flowers and butterflies. Something i found weird about the painting is that the bullets of the gun are a different colors i feel like this means that even if you trust child enough to give them a gun, they child will still act childish. It is almost like if you give a dog a book they are still going to act like a dog.

The boy is assumed to be a Vietnamese soldier who is trying to renounce his childhood in order to fight for his life during the Vietnam war. Banksy wanted to create a an example between what the boy is doing and what he should be doing. A contrast between innocence and violence. I feel like innocence and violence is something that shouldn’t be intertwined with each other because they both such big factors in life. That is why he is surrounded by colorful things that he should have drawn instead of holding a gun. I feel like Banksy is trying to say that we are making kids grow up faster than they should. we are making them defend themselves when what they should be doing is learning, playing, and coloring. We should let kids have a childhood instead of taking that childhood away just to fight for a country.

In conclusion, this painting can mean so many things and it can have so many different meanings. The one i find the most meaningful is the difference between innocence and violence. We all need to start appreciating our childhood, because those are some of the best years we will never get back. Banksy is one of the best street artists out there and i find it amazing that he uses his platform to make a difference and to try to bring awareness to social issues.

The International Labour Organization Essay Example
2168 words 8 pages

This report looks into the International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Labour Standards dealing with ‘minimum age of employment’ and ‘forced and compulsory labour’. The report examines the broader definition of the conventions and determines their applicability and effectiveness in a country such as Malaysia and compares/contrasts it with Indonesia. Finally it summarizes the key issues […]

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Citizenship Child Labour Campaign Essay Example
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At first, we generated multiple ideas that needed consideration, such as litter, climate change, gang violence, and drugs. Ultimately, I suggested the subject of child labour since it often stays concealed from public awareness. Within my group, there are four other members who have not been particularly engaged. My peers and I assumed the roles […]

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In the clothes making industry, who is really the fashion victim Essay Example
754 words 3 pages

While some people may define a fashion victim as someone who constantly chases the latest trends and avoids items deemed outdated, I believe that many individuals may unknowingly fit this description. Both cities and workers are negatively affected by the clothing industry. Leicester, a prominent clothing-making city that used to supply clothing for the majority […]

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Migration And Street Children In Bangladesh Essay Example
4189 words 16 pages

Abstraction: Child labor is common in developing countries as children are compelled to engage in economic activities for their survival. The prevalence and characteristics of child labor differ based on the socioeconomic status of the society they reside in. The number of street children in the capital of Bangladesh has been rising daily, capturing the […]

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Bangladesh Child Labour Human Migration Social Issues
Working Children and Hazardous Child Labour in Brief Essay Example
3084 words 12 pages

It is common cognition that data on kid labors are highly scarce. The ground for this is the absence of an appropriate study methodological analysis for examining into the work of kids which, for the most portion, is a “ concealed ” phenomenon. Consequently, the ILO designed particular sample study methodological analysiss and experimented them […]

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Child Labour Children Economics Social Issues
Organisation Primark Essay Example
1432 words 6 pages

In this report I will be talking about how my chosen organisation, which is Primark, uses ethical issues to consider in its every day operational activities. Primark may not have some ethical issues that I will be discussing about in this report, but I will talk in detail about how they could use them, issues […]

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Business Child Labour Ecology Ethics Law Occupational Safety And Health Political Corruption Recycling Research Science Social Science Waste Management
Child labor in Philippines Essay Example
617 words 3 pages

Millions of children in the Philippines are forced to work at young ages. Child labor is one of the Philippines’ most urgent problems and stems from a range of social factors. Unless something is done, the issue of child labor will continue to affect the lives of many families across the country. Dangerous Work Conditions […]

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Child Child Labour Labor Labour Economics
Slavery In The Chocolate Industry Essay Example
1368 words 5 pages

It is estimated that America spends $13 billion a year on chocolate. However, in the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that this favorite American product is tainted with the labor of innocent young children. The fact that child slaves are used in the harvesting of cocoa beans in Cote D’Ivoire, the world’s […]

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Child Labour Chocolate Industry Labor Slavery
When Children Raised Their Voice in Protest Essay Example
2069 words 8 pages

Child labor has been a significant issue in the history of our nation, persisting from the inception of our country until the early decades of the twentieth century. According to the 1900 United States census, approximately 1.75 million children, representing six percent of the country’s workforce, were engaged in paid labor. It is important to […]

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Child Labour Children Labor Protest
Mexico Manufacturing and Child Labor Essay Example
657 words 3 pages

The articles referenced below allude to Mexican child labor inequities in the textile and other industries. While Mexico, with the assistance of the US, has made strides in correcting child labor, forced labor and human rights abuses, there is still much to be desired to eradicate child labor altogether in Mexico, due to several factors […]

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Child Child Labour Labour Economics Manufacturing Mexico
Child labor should be stopped Essay Example
1295 words 5 pages

Child labor, which involves children being forced to work in harmful conditions for long hours and little pay, is a topic I will be exploring in my essay. To support my arguments, I will be referring to magazine articles and online data sources. The articles I will be referring to have been authored by professionals, […]

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Child Labour Labor News Social Issues
Victoria’s Secret Child Labor Violation Essay Example
613 words 3 pages

During December 2011, Victoria’s Secret created controversy due to their sourcing of cotton from a farm located in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Despite being certified as organic and fair-trade, this particular farm employed child labor. Bloomberg News conducted an investigation that shed light on the story of Clarisse Kambire, a thirteen-year-old girl who was compelled […]

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Child Child Labour Labor Marketing Secret
Satire Child Labor Essay Example
719 words 3 pages

So, what exactly is child labor? Full-time work of children under the age of fourteen in situations that are damaging to health, education, or moral development for pay or no pay. Who’s bothered about this? Certainly not me! Am I taking action? Heck no! I don’t know about you, but child labor just might be […]

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Child Child Labour Education Labor
Child Labour Is a Curse to the Society Essay Example
1215 words 5 pages

Even though 64 years have passed since gaining independence from British rule, children in the country continue to lack a meaningful childhood. These children are considered to be the future citizens and play a crucial role in shaping the state of any society or nation. They act as mirrors, reflecting the quality of life and […]

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Child Child Labour Employment Society
Cultural Relativism and Child Labor Essay Example
2410 words 9 pages

Child Labor The use of child labor In developing nations Is not a moral Issue, It Is a cultural one. International corporations should not let the moral argument or current legislation such as the Child Labor Deterrence Act (CLAD) influence how and where they conduct operations. Grounded In what appears as legitimate concern for children, […]

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Research Paper in Child Labor in the Philippines Narrative Essay Example
2280 words 9 pages

These studies cover Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao; the three major industry sectors of agriculture, manufacturing and service, and a whole array of subtypes of work in the formal and informal sector. They give us a more or less in-depth picture of child workers’ personal characteristics, the kind of households they belong to, the kind of […]

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Child Child Labour Labor Labour Economics Research
Child Labor In Under Developed Country Commerce Essay Example
2842 words 11 pages

Introduction In recent centuries, child labor has become a major global concern, especially in developing nations where the protection of basic needs and rights is insufficient. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), child labor refers to situations where children are forced to work excessively or for long periods due to psychological, social, or financial […]

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Child Labour Labor
Overlooking Child Labour Essay Example
983 words 4 pages

There is a frequent disregard for items such as sugar, carpets, and shoes. Studies have shown that people are putting in immense effort in a hazardous environment to manufacture these products. The unethical aspect lies in the involvement of minors in such perilous conditions, which is commonly referred to as child labor. This practice has […]

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Child Labour
A Big Issue of Child Labour Essay Example
494 words 2 pages

“Children have their whole lives to work a job; they have only a few years to be a child.” Imagine being taken from your family and being put in harsh conditions, no food, no education, no childhood. Over 200 million children are engaged in child labour. Worldwide, approximately 22,000 children are killed at work every […]

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Child Labour
Unethical Standards in Child Labour Essay Example
1331 words 5 pages

In order to understand the unethical standards in child labour the worse working conditions must be analysed in order to see who is in charge and what are the possibilities in order to stop these conditions. Africa, Congo: Special report: inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children: sky news and who is behind this? […]

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Child Labour
Child Labour Should Be Stopped Essay Example
478 words 2 pages

Have you ever worn Nike running shoes? Have you ever considered their origins and the individuals responsible for their production? It may come as a surprise to learn that the majority of Nikes are manufactured in Vietnam, potentially involving child labor. Think back to your elementary school years when you coordinated bake sales and yearned […]

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Child Labour
Child Labor is Awful Problem in the World Essay Example
645 words 3 pages

How are children exploited today? Recent global estimates show that there are approximately 168 million children from ages 5 to 17 in child labor according to the International Labour Organization(ILO) and World Bank. There are millions of children globally that are trapped in child labour with little hope for a way out. Because of child […]

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Child Labour

Popular Questions About Child Labour

What companies use child labor?
5 Major Chocolate Companies That Use Child LaborHershey. Hershey is the top chocolate producer in America, and produces popular candies such as Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and York Peppermint Patties.Fowler's Chocolate. Fowler's Chocolate claims to condemn child slavery, but their candies like their famous sponge chocolate are made with cocoa produced on the Ivory Coast.Nestl é. ...Godiva. ...Mars. ...
What are the factors leading to child labor?
Child Labor Child Labor in the United States. The Puritan work ethic of the 13 colonies and their founders valued hard work over idleness, and this ethos applied to children as well. The Industrial Revolution. ... Immigration and Child Labor. ... Child Labor Reform. ... The Great Depression. ... Automatization and Education. ... Sources. ...
What are the pros and cons of child labour?
Pros And Cons Of Child Labor Pros And Cons Of Child Labor. As we are all aware, child labor is a much talked about and thought about topic, and both the pros and cons of child ... Economic Benefits Of Child Labor. Of course, the most obvious benefit of working is economic. ... Psycho-Social Benefits Of Child Labor. ... Educational Benefits Of Child Labor. ... Cons Of Child Labor. ...
What countries still have child labour?
Child labor takes place all over the world, but is a prominent issue in third world countries like India, Mali, and Ecuador. The poorest continent is Africa, and that is where child labor is most well known.
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