Breast cancer is an incredibly serious disease that affects millions of women worldwide. It is a form of cancer that begins in the cells of the breast, and can spread to other parts of the body if not treated quickly enough. Breast cancer can often go undetected for some time before it becomes life threatening; however, early detection and treatment are key to increasing survival rates. There are several risk factors associated with breast cancer which include age, gender, family history, obesity and lack of physical activity. Women over 50 years old are at highest risk for developing this type of cancer as well as those who have had family members diagnosed with it in the past. Having a sedentary lifestyle also increases one’s chances for developing this type of cancer since exercise helps keep hormones in check which can reduce your chances significantly. Staying informed about potential signs and symptoms is essential when it comes to detecting breast cancer early on so you don’t miss out on any possible treatments available. Some common signs may include lumps or thickening in or around your breasts or armpits, changes in size or shape such as dimpling or redness around the nipple area, discharge that isn’t milky or bloody from nipples, swelling throughout the breast tissue, pain or tenderness within either breast and/or underarm area. Should you notice any changes like these it’s important to visit your doctor immediately so they can better assess what needs to be done next ” whether further testing should be completed (i.e mammogram) etc Early detection plays an extremely important role when it comes to surviving this deadly disease so being aware & proactive about getting examined regularly is essential. The great news though is that there are numerous options available today both medically & through alternative methods like nutrition/exercise routines which help individuals manage their risks even more effectively than ever before ” giving them hope against a disease which once seemed impossible to beat.

Breast Cancer Screening Essay Example
778 words 3 pages

Breast cancer is a widespread and fatal ailment that specifically impacts women. Inherited predisposition plays a significant role in this condition, making it difficult to entirely prevent. Hence, individuals must stay alert and monitor any alterations in their breasts. Screening aids in identifying abnormalities like lumps, nipple discharge, and tenderness to detect the illness at […]

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Breast Cancer Cancer
Breast cancer screening does reduce mortality Essay Example
804 words 3 pages

Cancer is caused by genetic mutations or abnormal gene changes that impact cell growth and health. Breast cancer, in particular, occurs when cells in the breast form a malignant tumor. This tumor can develop in the milk-producing lobules or the milk ducts that carry milk to the nipple. While women are primarily affected by breast […]

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Breast Cancer Cancer
Cancer, Genetics, and Genomics Essay Example
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Breast cancer is a heterogeneous condition that is associated with various biologic, molecular, pathologic, and phenotypic changes. Many breast cancers usually start from ductal epithelial and might metastasize early (McCance & Huether, 2015).  Multiple epigenetic and genetic pathways may later develop into malignancy. Breast tumors and normal breast tissue share macrophages, myoepithelial cells, extracellular matrix […]

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Breast Cancer Cancer
Types of Breast Cancer Essay Example
613 words 3 pages

Introduction Non-cancerous breast conditions are common. Many breast which are biopsied and checked under a micro scope show benign results. Despite that these results do not threaten one’s life, they might cause bothersome problems which can finally lead to breast cancer. The term used to describe the benign condition that may have caused Ms. Barkers […]

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Breast cancer in women Essay Example
334 words 2 pages

Breast cancer is cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the United States. Breast cancer can occur in both men and women, but it’s far more common in women. Breast cancer is prevalent malignancy (Dabbs, 2012). Mostly arising from […]

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Living With Breast Cancer Essay Example
2084 words 8 pages

Introduction Qualitative research goes beyond the common practice of seeking information based on predetermined questions as happens with quantitative research. Researchers feel that with qualitative research, participants are afforded the opportunity to give a wider scope of information thus enriching the researcher’s knowledge on a particular research subject. In a study of how Iranian women […]

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Breast Cancer Cancer
The Most Common Types of Cancer in Canada Essay Example
998 words 4 pages

Cancer is a deadly disease. The general term is used to represent multiple conditions. Every disease hat is associated with cancer has its distinct outcomes and characteristics. Different risks linked to cancer increase as the one ages. All the new cases in Canada reported from people ailing from cancer are among 50 years and older. […]

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Breast Cancer Cancer
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