Essays On Alternative Medicine
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Here you will find many different essay topics on alternative medicine. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of alternative medicine on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of alternative medicine, and much more. Keep on reading!
In the study “Meta-Analysis: Acupuncture for Low Back Pain,” Eric Manheimer, Adrian White, Biran Berman, Kelly Forys, and Edzard Ernst aimed to evaluate how effective acupuncture is in treating low back pain. The objective was to summarize findings from various published studies on acupuncture specifically for this condition. Data were collected until August 2004 from […]
Taboos surrounding common illnesses often stem from beliefs in witchcraft and sorcery. Witches are thought to be capable of harming family members covertly and transforming into animals to carry out evil deeds undetected, while sorcerers use bodily objects for spell-casting. The concept of “in Hook” strives for inner peace, balance, beauty, and harmony with the […]
In North America, alternative and complementary healing practices refer to those that are outside of conventional, science-based Western medicine and not sanctioned by the official health-care system. Alternative and complementary healing practices and products have grown and continue to grow dramatically in popularity with clients of all ages and backgrounds. The range of practices and […]
Rest and rejuvenation are essential for maintaining good health and wellbeing. Sufficient sleep facilitates these processes, leading to improved daily performance in various settings such as work or school, ultimately resulting in increased productivity. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has highlighted the significance of adequate sleep, as it plays a vital role in effective functioning. […]
There are many different complementary therapies which can be used to treat an individual who has to undergo a lot of different orthodox treatments. For example, people who may suffer from lung cancer would have to undergo different treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, people who have stroke would have to have different orthodox […]
Our purpose in this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of specific achievements, tools, and methods that combine a straightforward psychological theory based on Transactional Analysis (TA) and Gestalt Therapy, in harmony with Biblical principles. Family Systems Theory (FST) was developed by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy as a result of his work on general systems […]
Introduction In today ‘s Western society the field of medical specialties is really advanced, which is seeable in the complex operations physicians have to transport out on a day-to-day footing such as bosom organ transplants and encephalon surgery. Furthermore, increasing scientific cognition and research about specific parts of the human organic structure make it available […]
Established in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is an alternative form of treatment that follows the Law of Cure – ‘Like Cures Like’. It is a natural and groundbreaking medical science that has been experimentally and clinically validated for two centuries. Homeopathy activates the body’s innate healing ability and is a gentle and efficient […]
This paper aims to examine the two primary health models, which are not complete opposites but rather represent points on a spectrum. There exists an undefined middle ground between these models. They reflect different perspectives on how to approach life and it is my hope that they can eventually coexist. Currently, modern healthcare encompasses two […]
When it comes to including alternative medicine, the health care industry has various policies and standards. Sociologically speaking, unconventional or unorthodox therapies refer to medical practices that do not meet the recognized criteria of the medical community. The New England Journal of Medicine (1993) provides a definition for unconventional therapies, stating that they encompass medical […]
The scientific medicine paradigm of the twentieth century was so dominant that it was referred to as orthodox or conventional medicine. While alternatives to medical doctors ranging from home remedies to prayer to chiropractors were often used, they were considered to be unorthodox or unconventional medicine.
Sooner or later, every person deals with conventional or alternative medicine. It is interesting to consider the difference between these two approaches to understand which approach is more effective. According to the World Health Organization, alternative medicine is “a broad set of health care practices that are not part of the country’s own tradition and […]
This research is devoted to Aromatherapy. This topic was chosen due to the fact that out of diverse complimentary and alternative medicines (CAM) aromatherapy is claimed to have become “the consumer buzzword of the 21st century” (Warda, 2002). The goals of the paper are to review and analyze the existing body of knowledge on advantages […]
Holistic healing and holistic nursing are quickly becoming a welcome change as compared to traditional medical procedures. Traditional medicine focuses on one area of the body that is ill–while holistic healing treats the body, mind, and spirit as a whole in addition to looking at the individual’s diet, environment, and relationships around them. This holistic […]
Throughout ancient times and across cultures worldwide, traditional medicine has had a significant role in human development. In the Philippines, its fascinating history is influenced by various factors such as religion, mysticism, magic, superstition, folklore herbalism, and western medicine. The common traditional medicine practitioners in the Philippines include the following: Hilot or manghihilot : They […]
“A Midwife’s Tale” is the story and accounts of Martha Ballard. Martha was very consistent with writing in her diary. There diary is made up of different stories, baby deliveries, land disputes, gardening, weaving, and many other facets of life in rural Maine. There are very few historical documents that focus specifically on women and […]
Human societies, in different contexts and at different times, have produced a number of traditional healers whose roles and functions largely overlap. In this paper, drawing on various literature sources, I will argue that the role of the shaman or traditional healer bears striking similarities with that of helping professionals in the Western world, particularly […]