Afghanistan Essay Examples
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Here you will find many different essay topics on Afghanistan. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Afghanistan on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Afghanistan, and much more. Keep on reading!
Throughout history, many countries have been diagnosed with a common global disease, corrupt government. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini displays Afghanistan as no exception. The Kite Runner tells a tale of two childhood friends whose lives are forever changed due to the corrupt government, and war in Afghanistan. A corrupt government coupled with a […]
Between the book, My Forbidden Face, written by Latifa, a young women who grew up under the Taliban’s control and the article Women in Afghanistan: Afghan Women’s Rights, written by PBS, have many similarities in how women were treated. They tell how before the Taliban arrived, they were a normal country, with equal rights for […]
Outline your understanding of the concept of discrimination, analyses the discrimination faced by Individuals and groups In Afghanistan society and then assess ways of reducing that discrimination. In your answer, refer to Gender discrimination in Afghanistan. Discrimination is the common occurrence of negativity towards a particular group or individual, based on their ethnically background, racial […]
The Ignited States, a capitalist democracy founded on Christian beliefs, but scenically secular, and Afghanistan, a tribal society that is majority Muslim are very dissimilar, as was also the case in the late 1 ass’s when each state found that despite their differences, each had something that the other needed. Afghanistan was invaded by the […]
Currently, Afghanistan is undergoing turmoil caused by a variety of problems originating from multiple factions within the nation as well as the United States. S. is unable to resolve all the issues, such as the abundant Taliban presence in specific regions of the country and the mishandling of US and NA resources. At first, the […]
The conflict in Afghanistan can be classified as a power struggle between the Taliban government and the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (UIFSA). These two groups consist of diverse ethnicities, languages, clans, and sects within Islam. The roots of this conflict go back to the late 1970s when the Soviet Union invaded […]
The geographical positioning of a state or area determines its significance, which is referred to as geostrategic. The term “geo-political” is used to describe how geographic factors affect a country’s power, international behavior, and benefits derived from its location. Stephen Cohn highlights the importance of this concept by noting that Pakistan has experienced difficult circumstances […]
Majority of Afghanistan ‘s nationalities profess Islam as their faith. Originally Islam faith respects work forces more superior than adult females in every facet of life. Due to civilisation across the universe, Islam reformed and some of its philosophies were alterations in favour of adult females. Equality among human existences was included in Islam, sing […]
Afghanistan has a long history of human rights misdemeanor. During the Soviet Invasion from 1979 to 1989, the state has suffered from barbarous mass violent deaths, refugee escape, anguishs, and landmines. When the Soviet fell in 1992, the state was taken over by warring cabals who caused about a entire devastation of the Kabul, Afghanistan […]
“It has been said that reasoning against globalisation is like reasoning against the Torahs of gravity” , one time said Kofi Annan who is the 7th secretary general of the United Nations. It is interesting to cognize that globalisation has become such a powerful force today that it is compared to gravitation. We hear about […]
Afghanistan is an Islamic country in the Middle East surrounded by neighboring countries such as Pakistan and Iran. It is home to various ethnic tribes as it was once a country that is part of the Silk Road connecting the east and the western world (Ali 23). One of such many ethnic groups is the […]
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, in the third world is one of the poor country of about 29,928,987 Population. It consist of Sunni Muslim 80%, Shi’a Muslim 19%, other 1%. There ar different tribes and ethinicity in Afghanistan in which major are Pashtun 42%, Tajik 27%, Hazara 9%, Uzbek 9%, minor ethnic groups (Chahar Aimaks, […]
Excessive production and abuse of drugs is ravaging to any country’s people as it leads to poor health, unstable behavior, increased crime and unemployment. Afghanistan is one such country. It is a major producer and consumer of opium and heroin which is detrimental for the country as it’s high, affordable narcotics production and years of […]
The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis is set in war-torn Kabul, Afghanistan during the reign of the Taliban. The quote “There had been a war going on in Afghanistan for more than twenty years” (13) indicates that this occurred between 1996 and 1998, during the early years of the Taliban’s rule. Parvana, an eleven-year-old girl who […]
The driver who takes Babi, Laila, and Tariq to the giant stone Buddhas above the Bamiyan Valley describes the crumbling fortress of Shahr-e-Zohak as “the story of our country, one invader after another… we’re like those walls up there. Battered, and nothing pretty to look at, but still standing. ” Discuss the metaphorical importance of […]
There are many customs around Nowroz but here are the most common ones that are experienced in Afghanistan are: Haft Mewa: A special drink called Haft Mewa (seven fruits). Haft Mewa which we are calling the Afghan New Year Fruit Medly on this blog is essentially compote made from seven different dried fruits and nuts […]
Due in part to the events on September 11, 2001, the United States has taken a vested interest in the government and the people of Afghanistan. Before 2001, only 8% of Americans were incapable of even finding the country of Afghanistan on a map. Now, those Americans who choose to follow the news, are all […]
Two main themes in the novel The Kite Runner are that of social class and gender roles. Everywhere that Amir, the main protagonist, turns, society is divided. From his earliest childhood memories to living in America, there always seems to be some sort of invisible line drawn between his people. There is separation between the […]
“That was a long time ago, but it’s wrong what they say about the past, I’ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years. ” At the outset of Chapter 1, […]
In the difficult times of Cold War, Hollywood produced a number of action films, all of which shared similar narrative patterns – American hero arises and defeats the evil empire of Soviet Union (whether literally or figuratively). The films like Rocky IV, Rambo III and Red Dawn are considered the striking examples. As Stephen Prince […]
Analyses how an idea is developed in a text you are studying. In the text, The Arguer of Mazda-e-Shari an autobiography by Ninja Mozart and Robert Hillman, the main character, Ninja Mozart, through the tests and trails he faces in his life, develops the idea of identity. The idea of identity is a major issue […]
Abdul Ala Mozart, an Afghan rug maker, came to Australia due to conflict in his country. After his brother Gorge Ala is killed, he becomes the head of the family. Nana, his wife, manages the household with Rosa Ala Mozart, who is the family’s leader. Another brother named Ninja Mozart is younger and irresponsible and […]