Emotional Intelligence Is the ability to Identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It Is generally said to Include 3 skills: 1 . Emotional awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others; 2. The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problems solving; 3. The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to regulate your own emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person. What is Intelligence?
Reading a road map upside-down and generating synonyms for the word "brilliant" are two very different skills. But each is a measurable indicator of general Intelligence, a construct that includes problem solving abilities, spatial manipulation and language acquisition. Scientists generally agree that Intelligence can be captured by psychometri
...c tests. But the study of intelligence is dogged by questions of just how much IQ contributes to an individual's success and well-being, owe genes and environment interact to generate smarts and why the average IQ score rose throughout the world during the twentieth century.
At some point, you'll use pattern spotting automatically. You'll see some new product or service and instantly your mind will try to search which of the five techniques applies. When you get to that point, you have what we affectionately call, the SIT virus. It means you are well on your way to mastering the method. Another way to master SIT is with mental simulation. Mental simulation is used by athletes and other professionals to improve their performance.
They mentally simulate performing an event or series of events as a way to groove It Into their mind.
You can also use mental simulation with the SIT techniques. When you're out and about in your daily routine, pick an object randomly and pick one of the five SIT techniques. See if you can mentally work through the steps of the method to invent some new clever product or service right on the spot. For example, Imagine you're at the airport standing In line at security.
Pick an object or the process itself and see if you can apply one of the techniques to create some beneficial service or a new product. By mentally stimulating the SIT techniques, you're going to perfect their use and you're going to build your confidence in your ability to apply the techniques on demand. While learning the SIT method, be sure to leverage social media. Find other people Join this growing community of SIT practitioners. Check out blobs, webzines, Linked, Backbone and Pinsetters.
If you visit my Pinsetters site, for example, you will find a board for each of the five techniques with examples of products that demonstrate that pattern. Check the Resources link for our website, you'll find recommendations for books, articles, and even an pad app that can help you facilitate each of the five techniques. You want to become a student of creativity, because ultimately that is what will help you master SIT as your dominant method of idea generation.
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